11 September 2022
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Which of the following is characteristic of the parasympathetic division? A. stimulates secretory activity B. dilated airways C. increased heart rate D. inhibited digestion and elimination
A. Secretory activity is controlled by the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system
What differentiates an autonomic reflex from a somatic reflex? A. a two-neuron motor pathway B. a single sensory neuron in the sensory pathway C. presence of a sensory receptor D. an integration center
A. Visceral reflex arcs have essentially the same components as somatic reflex arcs--receptor, sensory neuron, integration center, motor neuron, and effector. A key difference is that a visceral reflex arc has two neurons in its (autonomic) motor component, whereas the somatic reflex arc has a single (somatic) motor neuron.
Which set of details correctly identifies a series of events in a sympathetic pathway? A. craniosacral origin, long preganglionic fiber, ACh release at ganglion, short postganglionic fiber, ACh release at effector B. thoracolumbar origin, short preganglionic fiber, ACh release at ganglion, long postganglionic fiber, NE release at effector C. craniosacral origin, short preganglionic fiber, ACh release at ganglion, long postganglionic fiber, ACh release at effector D. thoracolumbar origin, long preganglionic fiber, NE release at ganglion, short postganglionic fiber, NE release at effector
B. This describes the pathway for a sympathetic response.
Which division of the nervous system has long preganglionic neurons? A. sympathetic B. somatic motor C. parasympathetic D. somatic sensory
C. The parasympathetic division has long preganglionic fibers and short postganglionic fibers.
Which target organ is NOT affected by the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)? A. liver B. lungs C. heart D. adrenal medulla
D. The adrenal medulla is not innervated (thus not affected) by the parasympathetic division of the ANS. Preganglionic sympathetic fibers stimulate the adrenal medulla to secrete epinephrine and norepinephrine (hormones that contribute to the overall fight-or-flight response mediated by the sympathetic division of the ANS) into the bloodstream.
Which of the following is NOT associated with the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)? A. resting B. energy conservation C. digesting D. emergency action
D. The activity of the sympathetic division, often called the "fight-or-flight" system, is evident when we are excited, exercising, or find ourselves in emergency situations.
Which of the following is NOT an autonomic nervous system (ANS) function? A. emptying the bladder B. gland secretion C. reflex of skeletal muscle D. increasing heart rate
C. The somatic nervous system stimulates skeletal muscle, whereas the ANS innervates cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands.
Match the following terms to their definitions. A. Norepinephrine (NE) B. Acetylcholine (ACh) 1. Secreted by preganglionic sympathetic fibers. 2. Secreted by preganglionic parasympathetic fibers. 3. Secreted by postganglionic sympathetic fibers to sweat glands. 4. Secreted by postganglionic parasympathetic fibers. 5. Secreted by most postganglionic sympathetic fibers.
1)B 2)B 3)B 4)B 5)A
The mushroom poison muscarine can bind to receptors on ________. A. cell bodies and dendrites of sympathetic postganglionic neurons B. cell bodies and dendrites of parasympathetic postganglionic neurons C. all effector cells stimulated by postganglionic cholinergic fibers D. the hormone producing cells of the adrenal medulla
The autonomic and somatic nervous systems are two separate systems that work totally independent of each other and lack any functional overlap. True False