Nationalism And Industrialism: The Industrial Age Quiz

24 August 2022
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The Agricultural Revolution helped spark the Industrial Revolution by increasing the amount of food produced and by increasing the cost of agricultural products. decreasing the cost of agricultural products. increasing the number of farmworkers. decreasing the number of farmworkers.
decreasing the number of farmworkers.
Which of these developments helped launch the Industrial Revolution? Check all that apply. Demand for goods increased. More families produced their own food. Populations grew rapidly. Many people moved back to rural areas. Landowners hired more workers.
Demand for goods increased. Populations grew rapidly.
Which of these statements describe life after the Agricultural Revolution? Check all that apply. Most farmland was controlled by the wealthy. People moved to cities to find work. Farms produced fewer crops. More people lived and worked in rural areas. Landowners put enclosures around land.
Most farmland was controlled by the wealthy. People moved to cities to find work. Landowners put enclosures around land.
The excerpt is from The History of Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain, by Edward Baines. A great number of streams . . . furnish water-power adequate to turn many hundred mills: they afford the element of water, indispensable for scouring, bleaching, printing, dyeing, and other processes of manufacture: and when collected in their larger channels, or employed to feed canals, they supply a superior inland navigation, so important for the transit of raw materials and merchandise. According to the excerpt, in what ways did water help England's industrial boom? Water supplied power and a means of transportation. Water helped people build hundreds of mills. Water helped people trade goods with nations overseas. Water enabled people to create raw materials.
Water supplied power and a means of transportation.
What most likely changed when cottage industries began to disappear? There was a greater market for cloth and home furnishings. People could not create goods as efficiently. There were fewer unusual textiles and other unique items. People abandoned cottages all over England.
There were fewer unusual textiles and other unique items.
The purpose of a spinning jenny was to increase the speed of textile production. streamline the production of cotton. produce more power to run machines. improve the quality of soil on farms.
increase the speed of textile production.
Which describes the connection between a mechanical loom and a cotton gin? The gin was invented first to increase textile production, and then the loom produced more cotton. The loom and the gin were invented at the same time to improve textile production. The loom and the gin were invented at the same time to improve cotton production. The loom was invented first to increase textile production, and then the gin produced more cotton.
The loom was invented first to increase textile production, and then the gin produced more cotton.
Eli Whitney invented the
cotton gin
During the Agricultural Revolution, what was the main advantage of tenant farming rather than moving to the city for work? Tenant farmers could use a skill they already had rather than starting over. The future lay in farming instead of in the types of jobs people could find in cities. Landowners gave tenant farmers large plots of land for their personal use. Tenant farmers managed other workers but did not have to do manual labor.
Tenant farmers could use a skill they already had rather than starting over.
James Watt played an important role in the Industrial Revolution by developing a process to make textiles efficiently. making steam engines a reliable power source. inventing the steamboat to carry goods and people. encouraging the growth of cottage industries.
making steam engines a reliable power source.