The Industrial Age

24 August 2022
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During the Agricultural Revolution, what was the main advantage of tenant farming rather than moving to the city for work? Tenant farmers could use a skill they already had rather than starting over. The future lay in farming instead of in the types of jobs people could find in cities. Landowners gave tenant farmers large plots of land for their personal use. Tenant farmers managed other workers but did not have to do manual labor.
Tenant farmers could use a skill they already had rather than starting over.

Explanation: They also had more stable incomes than people in cities, who were often paid by the day.
What role did crop rotation play in the Agricultural Revolution? It enabled farmers to plant many new types of crops. It allowed farmers to share crops with one another. It introduced new machines to plant and harvest crops. It helped restore nutrients to the soil so crops grew better.
It helped restore nutrients to the soil so crops grew better.
How would life have been different in the 1800s if the steam locomotive had not been invented? Products would have been more expensive. Locomotives would have used wood or coal. Most goods would have been transported by wagon. Most goods would have been transported by steamboat.
Products would have been more expensive.

Explanation: The Industrial Revolution would have been delayed.
Prices for products became more affordable as a result of new forms of _________, which got things to market faster and cheaper. Agriculture Machinery Textiles Transportation

Explanation: The industrial revolution brought new forms of agriculture, machinery, textiles, and transportation that made products more affordable.
Before the Agricultural Revolution, many people lived in rural areas because they could grow food on small areas of land. nearby farms produced plenty of food. they could grow crops quickly and efficiently. wealthy landowners gave them jobs on farms.
they could grow food on small areas of land.

Explanation: The Agricultural Revolution was a period of time when people began to transition from hunting and gathering to farming as their main source of food. This transition occurred slowly over a period of several thousand years, and there are a number of reasons why people may have made the switch. One reason is that as the human population began to grow, there was more pressure on the available resources. Hunting and gathering could no longer support the growing population, so people began to look for alternative ways to get food. Another reason is that the climate began to change, making it more difficult to find food. The last reason is that people simply began to develop better methods of farming, which made it more efficient and productive.
An effect of the Industrial Revolution was that wages around the world varied. increased. decreased. stayed static.

Explanation: The Industrial Revolution had a profound effect on the world economy. One of the most notable effects was the change in wages around the world. Before the Industrial Revolution, wages were relatively static. However, during and after the Industrial Revolution, wages increased significantly. This was due to the increased demand for labor and the increased productivity of labor.
The purpose of a spinning jenny was to increase the speed of textile production. streamline the production of cotton. produce more power to run machines. improve the quality of soil on farms.
increase the speed of textile production.

Explanation: A spinning jenny is a machine that was used to spin thread or yarn from fibers. It was invented in the 18th century and was one of the first machines to be used in the textile industry. The spinning jenny increased the speed of textile production by allowing one person to spin multiple threads at the same time.
What started the modern Agricultural Revolution? new types of crops improved farming methods greater demand for food more fertile soil
improved farming methods
How did steam locomotives lower the cost of transporting raw materials and finished goods? They cost nothing to run because they ran on steam. They could transport many materials or goods at once. They were uncomplicated and inexpensive to build. They were safe and cut the chance of costly accidents.
They could transport many materials or goods at once.

Explanation: They were easy to maintain and service.
Which describes the connection between a mechanical loom and a cotton gin? The gin was invented first to increase textile production, and then the loom produced more cotton. The loom and the gin were invented at the same time to improve textile production. The loom and the gin were invented at the same time to improve cotton production. The loom was invented first to increase textile production, and then the gin produced more cotton.
The loom was invented first to increase textile production, and then the gin produced more cotton.