Chapter 29: The Great War-WWI (World History)

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Triple Entente
WWI alliance that included Great-Britain, France, and Russia
Triple Alliance
Alliance that included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
Great-Britain, France, and Russia
Countries that composed the Allied Powers at the start of the war
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
Countries that compose the Central Powers at the start of the war
Western Front
The region of France that became a bloody stalemate
Schliefen Plan
German battle strategy that called for a quick defeat of France in the west and then attacking Russia in the east
Trench warfare
Battle strategy in which soldiers fought from deep pits dug into the earth
New warship introduced by the Germans that used underwater missiles
Estern Front
Stretch of battlefield along the German-Russian border
Poison Gas
New weapon that caused blindness, blisters, and choking
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism
What are the four MAIN causes of WWI?
Glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war. Having strong army made some people feel safe and patriotic and frightened others. European nations built large armies and had quick mobilization plans.
What is Militarism? Explain.
The Great Powers of Europe formed alliances to ensure peace, but instead pushed the continent into war. Otto Von Bismark, Prussia, unified Germany and wanted to isolate France. He thought if France had no allies then they would be no threat to Prussia. He formed an alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary and then later, Italy. This is called the Triple Alliance. Kaiser Wilhelm II, Germany, let Germany's treaty with Russia expire. Russia forms an alliance of France. Germany builds a strong navy to compete with GB. GB forms an alliance with France and Russia. This is called the Triple Entente. Now two major rival groups: the Triple Alliance: Germany and Austria-Hungary and Italy; and the Triple Entente: Russia, France, and GB. A dispute between two rival powers would pull all of these countries into a six-country war.
What are alliances? Explain.
Strong nations dominate and exploit other nations for resources- brought on because of the Industrial Rev. When European countries colonized Africa and Asia they fiercely competed for land. Which created rivalries, mistrust, and almost brought countries to war.
What is imperialism? Explain.
Deep devotion to one's nation Positive: unify people of a country Negative: creates competition among nations. Some nations want to overpower other nations. Europe's Great Powers who became rivals: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and France.
What is Nationalism? Explain.
Austria feared that efforts to create a Slavic state would stir rebellion among its Slavic population.
Why did Austria-Hungary annex Bosnia?
In 1908, Austria annexed, or took over, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbian leaders, who had sought to rule these provinces, were outraged. In the years that followed, tensions between Serbia and Austria steadily rose. The Serbs continually vowed to take Bosnia and Herzegovina away from Austria. In response, Austria-Hungary vowed to crush any Serbian effort to undermine its authority in the Balkans.
Why did Serbia want Bosnia?
Russia, itself a mostly Slavic nation, supported Serbian nationalism.
Why did Russia support Serbia?
o On June 28, 1914, Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the A-H throne, visited the capital city of Bosnia. He and his wife were assassinated by 19 year old, Gavrilo Princip. Who was a member of the The Black Hand, secret society committed to ridding Bosnia of Austrian rule. Because the assassin was a Serbian, Austria decided to use the murders as an excuse to punish Serbia. o On July 23, Austria presented Serbia with an ultimatum containing numerous demands. Serbian leaders agreed to most of Austria's demands, as they did not want a war against the more powerful Austria. They offered to have several others settled by an international conference. Austria, however, was in no mood to negotiate. The nation's leaders, it seemed, had already settled on war. On July 28, Austria rejected Serbia's offer and declared war. o That same day, Russia, an ally of Serbia with its largely Slavic population, took action. Russian leaders ordered the mobilization of troops toward the Austrian border. Leaders all over Europe suddenly took notice.
What was the action that started WWI?
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire
Which countries were in the Central Powers later in the war?
France, Russia, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, U.S.
Which countries were in the Allied Powers later in the war?
ā€¢ Deadlocked Region in northern France ā€¢ The Western Front became a stalemate
What was the Western Front? Explain.
ā€¢ German-Russian border ā€¢ Russians and Serbians fought Germans and Austrians ā€¢ This front was more mobile, but stalemates still occurred ā€¢ Germany and Austria easily defeated Russian forces
What was the Eastern Front? Explain.
ā€¢ Form of warfare in which opposing armies fight each other from trenches dug in the battlefield ā€¢ This created stalemates and huge casualties because soldiers would leave the trenches to fight and be gunned down by machine guns ā€¢ The area between the two lines was called "No Man's Land"
What was trench warfare? Explain.
ā€¢ Germany's plan to attack France in the west and rush into the east to defeat Russia ā€¢ The plan seemed successful until the Battle of the Marne: Germany had to retreat and proved the Schlieffen Plan would not work
What was the Schleiffen plan? Explain.
ā€¢ Germany announces that their submarines would sink, without warning, any ship in the waters around GB (1917) ā€¢ The Lusitania: Germany sunk the British ship and killed 1,189 passengers, 128 of those passengers were US citizens. The US was outraged and President Woodrow Wilson sent a warning to Germany. ā€¢ They sunk three US ships when they were preventing supply ships from entering England. ā€¢ US officials intercepted a telegram from German's foreign secretary to Mexico. It stated that if Mexico would ally itself with Germany then they would help them "re-conquer" the land lost to the US. ā€¢ The US entered the war in April 1917.
What was unrestricted submarine warfare? Explain.
People could by only small amounts of items that were needed for the war effort.
What was Rationing?
One-sided information designed to persuade, to keep morale and support the war
What was Propaganda?
Countries devoted all their resources to the war effort. Government took over the economies by telling factories what to produce.
What was Total War?
Poison Gas, Machine Gun, Tank, and Submarine
What were the new weapons of war?
Soldiers wore masks like those shown at left to protect themselves from poison gas. Gas was introduced by the Germans but used by both sides. Some gases caused blindness or severe blisters, others death by choking.
What was poison gas? Explain.
The machine gun, which fires ammunition automatically, was much improved by the time of World War I. The gun could wipe out waves of attackers and thus made it difficult for forces to advance.
What was the machine gun? Explain.
The tank was an armored combat vehicle that moved on chain tracks and thus could cross many types of terrain. The British introduced it in 1916 at the Battle of the Somme.
What was a tank? Explain.
In 1914, the Germans introduced the submarine as an effective warship. The submarine's primary weapon against ships was the torpedo, an underwater missile.
What was a submarine? Explain.
o Russia was not as advanced as other European nations. They were new to industrialization and their armies were lacking in food, ammunition, and artillery. o It was hard to get supplies to Russian troops because the Germans blockaded ships in the Baltic Sea, and the Ottoman Turks blockaded ships in the Mediterranean and Black Sea.
What factors contributed to Russia's war difficulties?
They had an endless population and could replace troops quickly.
How did Russia stay in the war and continue fighting?
The treaty didn't please everyone, and mostly created resentment between the countries.
What were the weaknesses of the Treaty of Versailles?
Germany had to retreat and proved the Schlieffen Plan would not work. The Western Front became a stalemate.
What was the significance of the Battle of the Marne?
British troops moved in to relieve French troops. They planned to bomb German troops to weaken then; then attack and defeat them quickly. After the bombings, British troops entered "No Man's Land" and were gunned down. 20,000 British troops died on the first day. This was supposed to be a one day battle and lasted from July to November. Each side lost 1/2 million lives.
What was the significance of the Battle of the Somme?
ā€¢ Germany sent all troops to the Western Front after the Russian withdrawal. They crushed everything in their path. ā€¢ The German army weakened by the time they reached the Marne river region. ā€¢ Allied forces formed a counter attack with the aid of 2 million US troops and over 350 tanks crash through the German lines and advance to Germany. ā€¢ Bulgarians and the Ottoman Turks surrender. ā€¢ Revolution sweeps through A-H and German soldiers mutinied. People turned against Kaiser Wilhelm II. ā€¢ Wilhelm II resigns and Germany becomes a republic. ā€¢ A representative of the new German government met with French Officials to sign an armistice- agreement to stop fighting. ā€¢ WWI ends on November 11, 1918 (Armistice Day)
What was the significance of the Second Battle of the Marne?
German colonies in Asia were attacked by Japan. Japan captured German territories in China and the South Pacific. English and French seized three of Germany's four territories in Africa.
What happened to German territories in Asia and Africa?
The British, and French recruit people from their colonies to fight for their side. (India, South Africa, Senegal, Egypt, Algeria, and Indochina) These recruits helped by fighting and keeping the front lines supplied. Some colonists did not want to participate, but many wanted to because they thought that it would help them gain their independence. Gandhi supported Indian participation because he thought that it would improve relations with GB and GB would give their independence to show appreciation.
How did Great Britain and France build up their troops?
i. The Lusitania: Germany sunk the British ship and killed 1,189 passengers, 128 of those passengers were US citizens. The US was outraged and President Woodrow Wilson sent a warning to Germany. They sunk three US ships when they were preventing supply ships from entering England. ii. US officials intercepted a telegram from German's foreign secretary to Mexico. It stated that if Mexico would ally itself with Germany then they would help them "re-conquer" the land lost to the US.
What were the two main reasons the United States entered WWI?
Civil unrest because of war-related shortages of food and fuel. Russian soldiers refuse to continue fighting. Czar Nicholas resigns and a new government takes over. A revolution (Chap. 30) happens and Vladimir Lenin, a communist takes over. Russia, under Lenin, signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. This treaty ends the war between Russia and Germany.
Why did Russia withdraw from WWI?
Women took over the jobs the men left behind. They worked factories, munitions plants, ran hospitals, and businesses. This changer the workforce of the world forever.
What role did women play in the war?
o Huge land losses and new countries were created out of Austro-Hungarian Empire (Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia) o Ottoman Empire forced to give up almost all of its former empire. They were allowed to keep what is now Turkey. GB got Palestine and Iraq. France got Syria and Lebanon.
What happened to lands in the Ottoman Empire and Austro-Hungarian Empires after WWI?
The Fourteen Points: End secret treaties, Freedom of the seas, Free trade, Reduced national armies and navies, Adjustment of colonial claims and fairness to the colonial people, Wanted an association of countries to insure peaceful negotiation to conflict.
What was Wilson's plan for peace?
o Punished Germany by taking colonies, placing restrictions on military operations, and made Germany officially take blame for the war. o Germany had to financially pay for the war. This bankrupted Germany and created resentment and hatred.
What were some of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles that created resentment for Germany?
They entered the war to gain territory and got less than they wanted when it ended.
Why was Japan and Italy angered by the Treaty of Versailles?