U.S History Mod. 3

27 August 2022
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Which explains the aim of U.S. foreign policy from 1900 until the outbreak of World War I? to expand U.S. trade in Asia and Africa to increase U.S. influence in Latin America to support revolutionary movements in Europe to prevent the spread of communism in Europe and Asia
to increase U.S. influence in Latin America
What was the role of the United States as envisioned by the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine? champion of nationalist movements law enforcer of the Western Hemisphere defender of newly democratized nations challenger against the spread of communism
law enforcer of the Western Hemisphere
What did the United States hope to gain from the purchase of Alaska? increased access to natural resources creation of a security buffer against Russia ability to refuel naval ships serving in the Pacific removal of a European power from the Western Hemisphere
increased access to natural resources
Why did the United States begin to seek foreign territory in the late 1800s after years of isolation? The population of the United States was growing rapidly, and the government needed to provide its citizens with more territory. Agricultural farmland was scarce on the mainland of the United States, and the country needed territory to produce enough food for its people. The government wanted to strengthen the economy and build naval bases to protect the country's interests. The government was in competition with other foreign nations to acquire territory on each of the world's continents.
The government wanted to strengthen the economy and build naval bases to protect the country's interests.
What was the justification for the U.S. acquisition of the Virgin Islands? to push Spain out of the Western Hemisphere to prevent Germany from gaining a submarine base to allow U.S. ships to refuel on their way across the Pacific to provide U.S. businesses with a stable political climate
to prevent Germany from gaining a submarine base
Which of the following territories did the United States acquire as a result of the Spanish-American War? Samoa Puerto Rico the Virgin Islands the Midway Islands
Puerto Rico
What policy did President Woodrow Wilson follow when World War I broke out in Europe? He promised to provide economic support to the Allies. He declared U.S. neutrality and the right to trade with both sides. He mobilized the U.S. military in preparation for joining the war. He convinced U.S. merchants to boycott arms sales to both sides.
He declared U.S. neutrality and the right to trade with both sides.
Which of these factors made it difficult for the United States to retain its neutrality between 1914 and 1916? alliances between the United States and the Allied nations political pressure on President Wilson by Republican leaders efforts by the warring nations to interfere with the United States' freedom of trade yellow journalists' efforts to create public support for U.S. entry into the war
efforts by the warring nations to interfere with the United States' freedom of trade
Which of the following was the most immediate cause of the United States' entry into World War I? German submarine attacks on U.S. merchant ships a request by the League of Nations for U.S. intervention threats of an attack on the Philippines by the Central Powers yellow journalists' efforts to rally public opinion behind the war
German submarine attacks on U.S. merchant ships
Which of these government agencies encouraged U.S. citizens to support the war effort during World War I by reducing usage of food and other basic commodities? Committee on Public Information Civilian Conservation Corps Department of Agriculture Federal Reserve Board
Committee on Public Information
Which of these techniques did merchant ships use to avoid being sunk during World War I? They navigated close to coastlines whenever possible. They sailed in convoys protected by battleships. They traveled only at night to avoid easy detection. They employed sailors from countries on both sides of the war.
They sailed in convoys protected by battleships.
Which statement is NOT true about the use of tanks during World War I? Tanks were a fast and reliable means of transporting soldiers. The use of tanks made cavalry almost obsolete. Tanks were able to cross difficult land with ease. The use of tanks was instrumental in ending trench warfare.
Tanks were a fast and reliable means of transporting soldiers.
How were conscientious objectors treated in the United States during World War I? They were deported to enemy nations. They were permitted to opt out of the draft. They were allowed to serve in noncombat military positions. They were kept in internment camps until the end of the war.
They were allowed to serve in noncombat military positions.
The Red Cross was the main way that members of which of these groups served in Europe during World War I? women in the United States African Americans German Americans immigrants to the United States
women in the United States
How did African American civil rights leaders respond to the United States' entry into World War I? They protested against racial segregation in the military. They encouraged their followers to join the anti-war movement. They cooperated with the government to promote African American enlistment. They attempted to keep African Americans from getting drafted for combat service.
They protested against racial segregation in the military.
Which of these resulted from the Treaty of Versailles? Russian withdrawal from the Allies dismantling of the Ottoman Empire transfer of German territory to other nations formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
transfer of German territory to other nations
Which of the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles helped fulfill President Wilson's vision of self-determination? France would gain control of Saar-Basin, one of Germany's major coal-producing regions, for 15 years. Germany would be forced to take sole responsibility for the war and pay out huge reparations to the Allied forces. The Austro-Hungarian and Russian Empires would be carved up to form several independent nations drawn on ethnic lines. Germany would lose its colonies in Cameroon, German West Africa, and German East Africa.
The Austro-Hungarian and Russian Empires would be carved up to form several independent nations drawn on ethnic lines.
What was the purpose of President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points? to punish Germany for starting World War I to redistribute colonial holdings in a fair and equal way to promote peaceful resolution of conflicts among nations to forge a permanent alliance among the world's democratic nations
to promote peaceful resolution of conflicts among nations
Congress granted which of these benefits to World War I veterans? federal jobs monetary payments subsidized mortgages guaranteed student loans
monetary payments
How was the U.S. military affected by the end of World War I? The size of combat units was drastically reduced. Military budgets remained high for over a decade. The number of naval ships was increased significantly. Military bases in overseas possession were shut down.
The size of combat units was drastically reduced.
Which statement explains why a German submarine sunk the Lusitania? Germany wanted to draw the U.S. into the war. The German commander mistook it for a warship. Germany practiced unrestricted submarine warfare. Germany had warned Americans not to travel on British ships.
Germany practiced unrestricted submarine warfare.
Which of the following explains why the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand led to the outbreak of war in Europe? Leaders across Europe were "spoiling for a fight." A system of alliances obliged nations to support one another. Germany wanted to take over Britain's colonies in Asia and Africa. Franz Ferdinand was a popular leader internationally.
A system of alliances obliged nations to support one another.
Which of the following describes American trade policy during the early years of the war? The United States refused to trade with any of the belligerent nations. The United States observed a policy of neutrality and traded equally with both sides. The United States was officially neutral but its trade policies mostly helped Britain and France. The United States offered loans to Germany to buy American goods but gave goods to Britain and France.
The United States was officially neutral but its trade policies mostly helped Britain and France.
What was Germany's greatest problem at the beginning of the war? It had begun a two-front war with Russia and France. A Communist revolution threatened to overthrow the Kaiser. The United States had entered the war on the side of the Allies. The British navy had blockaded its ports and began sinking its ships at sea.
It had begun a two-front war with Russia and France.
Which of these groups benefitted from American trade policy during the early years of the war in Europe? U.S. government American banks and businesses Allied soldiers fighting the Germans leading politicians and generals
American banks and businesses
After the sinking of the Lusitania, the United States responded to an attack on a French passenger ship by doing which of the following? signing a formal alliance with the Allied powers issuing the Zimmermann Note and declaring war on Mexico issuing Germany an ultimatum and accepting the Sussex Pledge declaring war on Germany and the Central Powers
issuing Germany an ultimatum and accepting the Sussex Pledge
Why did most Irish Americans favor neutrality? Ireland did not take sides in the war. They were afraid for their relatives in Ireland. They had a long-standing hostility toward Britain. They had a long-standing friendship with Germany.
They had a long-standing hostility toward Britain.
"They joined the war effort on the side of the Allies because they thought it would bring them independence after the war." What nation or people does this sentence describe? China and Japan Australia and New Zealand Communist supporters in Russia African colonies of France and Britain
African colonies of France and Britain
Which of the following was responsible for coordinating the economy during World War I? Selective Service Act War Industries Board Council of National Defense Committee of Public Information
War Industries Board
A factory worker who purposely assembled a machine gun the wrong way could be convicted of violating which of the following? Sedition Act Espionage Act Schenck decision Selective Service Act
Espionage Act
What was the result of the Schenck decision? It made striking against war industries illegal. It stated that First Amendment rights do not apply in wartime. It asserted the constitutionality of the draft. It declared that the government must raise money for the war.
It stated that First Amendment rights do not apply in wartime.
Which statement describes how the passage of the Selective Service Act affected World War I? It improved the chances for the Central Powers to be victorious. It allowed time for France to build up its defenses on the German front. It made it more difficult for the U.S. government to get public support for the war. It improved the ability of the United States to provide military support to the Allies.
It improved the ability of the United States to provide military support to the Allies.
As a result of World War I, what happened to the federal government in the United States? The scope of its power increased. The scope of its power decreased. It grew increasingly more isolationist. The people lost trust in its ability to keep America out of war.
The scope of its power increased.
What is the definition of Armistice?
an agreement to end an armed conflict
What did Article ten say? (Article X)
part of the Covenant of the League of Nations that required member nations to defend another member nation if it was attacked
What was the Big Four?
name given to British Prime Minister Lloyd George, Italian Premier Orlando, French Premier Clemenceau, and U.S. President Wilson during the peace conference after World War I
What was the Dawes Plan?
plan in which the United States loaned money to Germany, who used it to pay reparations to France and England; this payment allowed France and England to pay their debts to the United States
What was the League of Nations?
an association of nations formed after World War I designed to solve disputes between nations
What were the causes of the Exploration on the USS Maine ?
โ€ข Wanted to protect Americans in Cuba โ€ข Marine exploded in the Havana Harbor killing 266 sailors โ€ข Later on found that there was a malfunction in the Maine itself
What was the Hay- Bunau- Varilla Treaty?
treaty between Panama and the United States that gave the United States the right to construct the canal in Panama and control it forever; in return, the United States promised to pay for the usage and protect the new nation
What was the Platt Amendment?
amendment to a U.S. appropriations bill in 1901 that limited Cuba's rights as a sovereign nation; declared that Cuba would not give any of its land to a foreign government other than the United States; limited Cuba's right to negotiate treaties; gave the United States a permanent base at Guantรกnamo Bay and the right to intervene in Cuban affairs
What was the Teller Amendment?
amendment that stated that the Cuban people would take control of the island and the government at the end of the war to achieve Cuban independence; the amendment was part of the resolution passed by Congress on April 20, 1898, that authorized the use of force against Spain
What was the Treaty of Paris?
treaty signed on December 10, 1898, by the United States and Spain ending the Spanish-American War; the treaty gave control of Guam and Puerto Rico to the United States, relinquished Spanish claim to Cuba, and gave the United States control over the Philippines in exchange for $20 million
Who were the Central Powers in WW1?
Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Turkey
Who were the allied Powers in WW1?
nations joined together against Germany in World Wars I and II
What was the Sussex Pledge?
a promise by Germany in 1916 to end submarine warfare against neutral and nonmilitary ships
What was the Triple Alliance?
a secret agreement among Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy in 1882 for mutual military support if any of them was attacked by France
What was the Triple Entente?
from the French word for "goodwill," an alliance made among France, Britain, and Russia in 1907
What was the Committee on Public Information?
American propaganda agency led by George Creel designed to boost public support for World War I
What was the Espionage Act?
a 1917 law that made it a crime to help the enemy or relay false information that interfered with a military mission
What was the National War Labor Board?
federal agency created to ensure maximum industrial productivity and to arbitrate disputes between workers and business owners to prevent strikes
What was the Sedition Act?
federal law that forbade speech that subverted the war effort