Themes Of Humanities

25 July 2022
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A time when the ancient Greeks and Romans were leading the way in culture, art, and the philosophies:
A time when the ancient Greeks and Romans were leading the way in culture, art, and the philosophies:
Classical Period
The major themes that emerged from the Classical Period included
The major themes that emerged from the Classical Period included
balance, truth/reason, democracy/republic, polytheism, and humanism.
In art and architecture, the classical ideal of ______ is exemplified in proportion, each part of the work having an appropriate size relative to other parts and to the whole.
In art and architecture, the classical ideal of ______ is exemplified in proportion, each part of the work having an appropriate size relative to other parts and to the whole.
In the Western tradition, the ancient Greeks are credited with founding both science and philosophy, two disciplines that understand "truth" not as something revealed by the gods or handed down through tradition, but
as information humans can acquire for themselves through the use of reason.
Democracies and republics are closely-related forms of government in which the people rule themselves. However, a republic has
Democracies and republics are closely-related forms of government in which the people rule themselves. However, a republic has
institutions that secure the rights of the minority; unlike a democracy, it's not just "majority rules."
Both Greek and Roman cultures were polytheistic, meaning
Both Greek and Roman cultures were polytheistic, meaning
that they worshipped many gods;
Aristotle furthered this human-centered approach by investigating what qualities led to human excellence and made for a good life.
Aristotle furthered this human-centered approach by investigating what qualities led to human excellence and made for a good life.
humanism in the Classical Era
Rebirth of Classicism: During the Renaissance, there was a rebirth of classical ideals, mainly
Rebirth of Classicism: During the Renaissance, there was a rebirth of classical ideals, mainly
humanism, rationalism, and balance, based on the belief that classical literary, scientific, and philosophical works provided additional resources for learning and living.
Humanism during the Renaissance:
Humanism during the Renaissance:
Humanism is an optimistic attitude that praises human abilities to be successful in their endeavors, whether in science, religion, art, politics, or behavior. The focus on humanity, human culture, and the human form was the impetus for the classical revival.
Rationalism/Scientific Expansion: Many people in the Renaissance embodied a strong interest in rationalism and scientific inquiry, leading to deeper understanding of the world and technological developments in such areas as medicine, transportation, and warfare.
For them, the explanations provided by religious dogma and classical philosophy did not offer a deep enough understanding of the world. Instead, they applied reason and scientific thinking to various endeavors.
Expansion of the University System: The Renaissance approach to education produced the ideal of
Expansion of the University System: The Renaissance approach to education produced the ideal of
the well-rounded individual who was not bound to any one discipline. As the university system spread across Europe, it represented a significant change in epistemology.
Individualism/Self-Fashioning: The notion of individualism became important during the Renaissance as artists sought
Individualism/Self-Fashioning: The notion of individualism became important during the Renaissance as artists sought
public recognition and reputation. Artists and nobles represented their identity with choices in dress and behavior, a process known as self-fashioning.
Reformation: Reformation took place in the form of Protestantism, sparked by
Reformation: Reformation took place in the form of Protestantism, sparked by
Martin Luther's outspoken disagreement with many Church practices he believed were corrupt. Overall, reformation of the Roman Catholic Church was a very significant movement in the Renaissance that separated it from the Middle Ages.
The themes of the Renaissance Period are:
The themes of the Renaissance Period are:
Rebirth of Classicism, Humanism, Rationalism/ Scientific Expansion, Expansion of the University System, Individualism/ Self-Fashioning, and Reformation
Neoclassical/ Enlightenment Period themes:
Neoclassical/ Enlightenment Period themes:
Skepticism, Rationalism, Empiricism, Order, Deism, Classicism
Skepticism: The school of
Skepticism: The school of "rational skepticism" was prominent during the Enlightenment to ensure that philosophers reached conclusions based on reason, not prejudice.
This critical attitude helped to define the age. This theme comes from the Greek philosophical school of thought that maintained human knowledge is limited and uncertain.
Rationalism: The philosophy of rationalism during the Enlightenment also put an emphasis on the role of reason as
Rationalism: The philosophy of rationalism during the Enlightenment also put an emphasis on the role of reason as
the key to knowledge. Rationalists also believed that human reason was the key to social improvement and progress.
Empiricism during the Enlightenment: (learn by doing it, not reading it)
Empiricism during the Enlightenment: (learn by doing it, not reading it)
First developed in the Renaissance (but not a Renaissance theme) by scientists such as Francis Bacon, empiricism may be defined as basing ideas and theories on the direct experience of the senses, including experimentation, as opposed to knowledge gained from books.
Deism: A shift in religious thinking also took place with the growth of deism-
Deism: A shift in religious thinking also took place with the growth of deism-
a belief system that credits God as the original architect of the universe's natural laws but who does not currently oversee the events of the world. (No Judgement or interference from God)
Order: Enlightenment thinkers and leaders sought to design political and social order that reflected natural laws and God's will.
Order: Enlightenment thinkers and leaders sought to design political and social order that reflected natural laws and God's will.
This worldview of the Enlightenment thinkers was a belief in a comprehensible world under the direction of a Christian God who used natural laws to exert divine will.
Classicism: In the arts, a resurgence of classical ideals like harmony, realism, and reason inspired the Neoclassical movement-
Classicism: In the arts, a resurgence of classical ideals like harmony, realism, and reason inspired the Neoclassical movement-
This theme was most evident in art, where aesthetic principles and themes had roots in Greco-Roman styles. Neoclassicists hearkened back to ancient classical* themes of balance and reason to render visual arts, architecture, theater, and music in realistic ways.
Nationalism: Due to key events like European colonialism, the French Revolution, and the establishment of the United States, many Western countries sought to
Nationalism: Due to key events like European colonialism, the French Revolution, and the establishment of the United States, many Western countries sought to
distinguish their identities, leading Romantic artists to express their national identities with pride through their works.
Exoticism: As cross-continental transportation became easier and colonialism became more widespread, Europeans became more exposed to nonwestern cultures that fascinated them. Exoticism was
the artistic expression of that fascination, though often Europeans misrepresented the foreign and suppressed cultures they enjoyed.
Revolution: Romantics generally supported revolution against tradition-
Revolution: Romantics generally supported revolution against tradition-
political reform that would grant rights to oppressed groups and equality for all.
Heroism: The Byronic or Romantic hero was an embodiment of the revolutionary thought and introspective concerns that Romantics faced in this era-
Heroism: The Byronic or Romantic hero was an embodiment of the revolutionary thought and introspective concerns that Romantics faced in this era-
such heroes were gifted loners who challenged traditions and brooded on personal passions.
Passion: Romantic artists explored the full spectrum of uninhibited human emotion and
Passion: Romantic artists explored the full spectrum of uninhibited human emotion and
generally favored the strong sentiments of affection, sorrow, and romantic longing over the rational and logical.
Individualism: Romantics celebrated and promoted the righteousness of
Individualism: Romantics celebrated and promoted the righteousness of
human individuality and developed a newfound respect for the figure of the imaginative genius
Nature: Many Romantics found wisdom and solace in the natural world and sought to represent the strange emotions that occur when encountering the sublime.
Nature: Many Romantics found wisdom and solace in the natural world and sought to represent the strange emotions that occur when encountering the sublime.
For the Romantics, there was more of an emphasis on how emotionally evocative and sublime nature could be, rather than on understanding the complicated science behind it. Romantics were awestruck and inspired by the majesty of nature and sought to capture its effortless wisdom in their works.
The themes of the Romantic Period are:
The themes of the Romantic Period are:
Nationalism, Heroism, Nature, Passion, Revolution, Individualism, Exoctisism
Darwinism: Charles Darwin's theory of evolution- Realists valued Darwin's empirical proof over religious faith leading to the belief in:
Darwinism: Charles Darwin's theory of evolution- Realists valued Darwin's empirical proof over religious faith leading to the belief in:
scientific materialism, which is the philosophical view that nothing exists but the physical reality that can be seen through the natural sciences.
Industrialization: Realists wanted to portray the realistic consequences of the Industrial Revolution, which exposed the large differences between the wealthy and the working classes. Industrialism in England and the United States, especially, was a subject for Realist artists and writers, who were focused on
the difficult working conditions brought about by industrialization. Later in the period, Realists also tackled the issues of inequality and oppression caused by imperialism and colonialism.
Individualism: Realism sought to portray individuality with accurate, scientific detail. Realists attempted to
Individualism: Realism sought to portray individuality with accurate, scientific detail. Realists attempted to
recreate people and existence as realistically as possible, and their approach was more logical, more objective, and more fixated on minute detail.
Age of Doubt: The tension between the idealism of the past, the harsh new realities of the present, and the insecurity of the future helped shape a particular sensibility during the Realist Period that is characterized by
both optimism and anxiety. Underlying 19th-century ideologies of progress is a competing attitude of foreboding regarding the dramatic effects of modernization.
The themes of the Realist Period are:
The themes of the Realist Period are:
Idealism, Darwinism (Scientific Inquiry), Individualism, and Age of Doubt