Chapter 18 - The Endocrine System

25 July 2022
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Which of the following is NOT a function of a hormone? A.Regulates chemical composition and volume of the internal environment B.Regulates metabolism C.Regulates glandular secretions D.Produces electrolytes E.Controls growth and development
D. Produces electrolytes
When a hormone is present in excessive levels, the number of target-cell receptors may decrease. This is called A.receptor recognition. B.sensory adaptation. C.paracrine regulation. D.up-regulation. E.down-regulation.
E. down-regulation.
A type of hormone that acts on neighboring cells without entering the bloodstream. 1. Local hormone 2. Paracrine 3. Autocrine 4. Circulating hormone A.1 only B.2 only C.3 only D.4 only E.Both 1 and 2
E. Both 1 and 2
Which of the following are a group of lipid-soluble hormones derived from cholesterol? A.Steroids B.Thyroid hormones C.Nitric oxide D.Amine hormones E.Peptide hormones
A. Steroids
Which of the following is an eicosanoid? 1. Prostaglandin 2. Leukotriene 3. Glycoprotein A.1 only B.2 only C.3 only D.Both 1and 2 E.All of these choices
D. Both 1 and 2
Which of the following statements correctly compares water-soluble hormones with lipid-soluble hormones? A.Both types of hormone are carried in the blood attached to a carrier protein. B.Both types of hormone almost always stimulate increases in mRNA transcription. C.Only water-soluble hormones use second messengers. D.Only water-soluble hormones require a receptor. E.Lipid-soluble hormones are not found in the bloodstream.
C. Only water-soluble hormones use second messengers.
When one hormone opposes the action of another hormone, it is called a(n) A.synergistic effect. B.permissive effect. C.antagonistic effect. D.circulating effect. E.local effect.
C. Antagonistic effect.
Which of the following is NOT a common method of stimulating hormone secretion from an endocrine cell? A.Signals from the nervous system B.Chemical changes in the blood C.Mechanical stretching of the endocrine cell D.Releasing hormones. E.Both Signals from the nervous system and Chemical changes in the blood
C. Mechanical stretching of the endocrine cell
What controls hormone release from the anterior pituitary gland? A.Muscle contraction B.The peripheral nervous system C.Hormones released from the hypothalamus D.Action potentials from the thalamus E.Chemical changes in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
C. Hormones released from the hypothalamus
Which of the following anterior pituitary hormones stimulates general body growth? A.Growth hormone B.Prolactin C.Thyrotropin D.Luteinizing hormone E.Adrenocorticotropic hormone
A. Growth hormone
Which of the following anterior pituitary hormones stimulates milk production? A.Luteinizing hormone B.Prolactin C.Thyrotropin D.Melanocyte stimulating hormone E.Adrenocorticotropic hormone
B. Prolactin
Which of the following anterior pituitary hormones stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete cortisol? A.Leutinizing hormone B.Prolactin C.Insulin-like growth factors D.Melanocyte-stimulating hormone E.Adrenocorticotropic hormone
E. Adrenocorticotropic hormone
Which of the following anterior pituitary hormones stimulates the gonads to secrete progesterone and/or testosterone? A.Luteinizing hormone B.TSH C.Corticotropin D.Melanocyte-stimulating hormone E.Growth hormone
A. Luteinizing hormone
The pars distalis and the pars tuberalis comprise the A.anterior pituitary gland. B.hypothalamus. C.posterior pituitary gland. D.adrenal gland. E.thyroid gland.
A. anterior pituitary gland
How many hormones do the five types of anterior pituitary cells secrete? A.5 B.7 C.10 D.12 E.unlimited
B. 7
Which type of anterior pituitary cell secretes human growth hormone? A.Thyrotrophs B.Gonadotrophs C.Somatotrophs D.Lactotrophs E.Corticotrophs
C. Somatotrophs
Which of the following pairs of hormones are secreted by the posterior pituitary gland? A.Prolactin and growth hormone B.Melatonin-stimulating hormone and oxytocin C.Oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone D.Follicle-stimulating hormone and thyroid-stimulating hormone E.Prolactin and ACTH
C. Oxytocin and anti-diurectic hormone
The amount of ADH that is secreted by the posterior pituitary glands varies with A.blood osmotic pressure. B.blood calcium levels. C.blood oxygen levels. D.blood glucose levels. E.All of these choices.
A. blood osmotic pressure.
Which of the following hormones opposes the action of parathyroid hormone? A.Thyroid-stimulating hormone B.Testosterone C.Insulin D.Calcitonin E.Calcitriol
D. Calcitonin
Which of the following statements does NOT describe a step in the synthesis and secretion of T3 and T4? A.Iodide trapping B.Oxidation of iodide C.Coupling of T1 and T2 D.Synthesis of calcitonin E.Iodination of tyrosin
D. Synthesis of calcitonin
Parathyroid hormone is the major regulator of the plasma concentration of which of the following ions? A.Calcium B.Sodium C.Potassium D.Chloride E.Manganese
A. Calcium
Which of the following conditions would result from hyposecretion of aldosterone? A.Decreased heart rate B.Decreased airway dilation C.Dehydration D.Decreased oxygen delivery to the brain E.Metabolic acidosis
C. Dehydration
Which of the following is NOT a common effect of glucocorticoid stimulation? A.Protein and fat breakdown B.Glucose formation C.Depression of immune responses D.Reduction of inflammation E.Increased production of all types of blood cells
E. Increased production of all types of blood cells
Which blood glucose-lowering hormone is produced by the pancreatic islet cells? A.Insulin B.Glucagon C.Somatostatin D.Thyroid hormones E.Calcitonin
A. Insulin
Which of the following hormones promotes increases in the basal metabolic rate (BMR)? A.Insulin B.Adrenocorticotropic hormone C.Glucagon D.Thyroid hormone E.Calcitonin
D. Thyroid hormone
Which of the following hormones are released in response to decreases in blood glucose concentration? A.Insulin B.Luteinizing hormone C.Glucagon D.Parathyroid hormone E.Calcitonin
C. Glucagon
Which of the following hormones play key regulatory roles in the body's long-term response to stress? A.Insulin, Glucagon, Thyroid hormone B.hGH, Insulin, Aldosterone C.Cortisol, hGH, Thyroid hormone D.Parathyroid hormone, Cortisol, hGH E.Calcitonin, Thyroid hormone, Insulin
C. Cortisol, hGH, Thyroid hormone
Which of the following is NOT a common response of the body to long-term stress? A.Increased lipolysis B.Increased glycogenesis C.Increased gluconeogenesis D.Increased digestive activities E.Increased breakdown of proteins
D. Increased digestive activities
Compare and contrast the mechanisms of action of lipid-soluble versus water-soluble hormones.
Model Short Answer: Upon reaching their target cells, lipid-soluble hormones diffuse across the phospholipid bilayer of the target cell membrane and bind to receptors in the cytosol or nucleus. The activated receptor usually acts by turning transcription of genes either on or off, thus regulating synthesis of a protein. Water-soluble hormones bind to membrane receptors, which activate intracellular signaling pathways that lead to changes in the cell's metabolic activity.
Describe the role of the hypothalamus in the regulation of hormone release from the pituitary gland.
Model Short Answer: The hypothalamus is the integrating center for much sensory input. It secretes releasing and inhibiting hormones which diffuse into the hypophyseal portal system to regulate secretion of all hormones from the anterior pituitary gland. The hypothalamus also contains receptors that monitor blood osmotic pressure and neural input from reproductive structures. Integration of this input leads to production of ADH and OT by neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus. These hormones are then transported through the hypothalamohypophyseal tract to be secreted by exocytosis from the posterior pituitary gland in response to nerve impulses.
Enuresis, or bedwetting, may be caused by psychological, anatomical or physiological factors. In the latter case, vasopressin is often prescribed and is a very effective treatment. What is vasopressin? How can it prevent enuresis?
Model Short Answer: Vasopressin is also called antidiuretic hormone or ADH. In addition to its vasoconstrictive effects, ADH causes the kidneys to reabsorb more water. Someone who does not make enough ADH may not be able to contain all of the urine produced while they are sleeping. If they are not awakened by the pressure in their urinary bladder, they may wet the bed instead of getting up and going to the toilet. Since vasopressin helps the body reabsorb more water, a person's bladder should not get so full that they end up wetting the bed while sleeping.
What is a goiter? Explain how goiters can develop in both hyposecretion and hypersecretion disorders. In these hyposecretion and hypersecretion disorders, would you expect the levels of other regulatory hormones involved in control of thyroid hormone secretion to be high or low? Why?
Model Short Answer: A goiter is an enlarged thyroid gland. Hyposecretion goiters are usually due to insufficient iodide in the diet. Resulting low levels of thyroid hormones cause increased TRH and TSH until adequate thyroid activity is restored. Graves' disease causes hyperthyroidism by producing an antibody that mimics TSH. Thyroid enlargement occurs, and production of thyroid hormones increases. TRH and natural TSH remain low due to negative feedback, but TSH-mimicking antibody stimulates increased thyroid hormone production and secretion.
Compare the metabolic changes that occur during starvation with those that occur in diabetes mellitus.
Model Short Answer: A starving person is lacking energy-providing nutrient sources, and so, must use structural components of the body as energy sources. The diabetic consumes adequate nutrients, but due to the lack of insulin, is unable to move glucose into cells, and so, cannot use the glucose as an energy source. In both cases, energy generation becomes dependent on non-glucose sources, such as fatty acids and amino acids. Mobilization and metabolism of fats and proteins for energy production purposes leads to ketoacidosis, weight loss, and hunger.
Hypothyroidism during adulthood can produce which of the following disorders? A.Acromegaly B.Graves' Disease C.Hypoglycemia D.Cushing's syndrome E.Myxedema
E. Myxedema
The following is a possible progression of which of the following disorders: Inadequate dietary iodine intake β—Š low level of thyroid hormone in blood β—Š increased TSH secretion β—Š thyroid gland enlargement. A.Acromegaly B.Tetany C.Goiter D.Cushing's syndrome E.Addison's disease
C. Goiter
Which of the following is an abnormal condition of excess androgen secretion, observed primarily in women, that is characterized by the presence of excessive body and facial hair in a male pattern? A.Acromegaly B.Tetany C.Hirsutism D.Gynecomastia E.Myxedema
C. Hirsutism
A condition characterized by excessive development of mammary glands in a male is called A.acromegaly. B.pheochromocytoma. C.hirsutism. D.gynecomastia. E.myxedema.
A. gynecomastia.
All prostaglandins are derived from a 20-carbon precursor molecule called A.thromboxane. B.intrinsic factor. C.thymopoietin. D.arachidonic acid. E.cholesterol.
D. arachidonic acid.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is produced by the A.placenta. B.ovaries. C.testes. D.pituitary gland. E.hypothalamus.
A. placenta.
Leptin is a hormone produced by the A.placenta. B.ovaries. C.testes. D.pituitary gland. E.adipose tissue.
E. adipose tissue.
Which of the following germ layers does the anterior pituitary gland develop from during embryonic development? A.Mesoderm B.Endoderm C.Ectoderm D.A combination of two of the layers E.None of the answer selections are correct
C. Ectoderm
Which of the following germ layers does the thyroid gland develop from during embryonic development? A.Mesoderm B.Endoderm C.Ectoderm D.A combination of two of the layers E.None of the answer selections are correct
B. Endoderm
Which of the following germ layers does the adrenal medulla develop from during embryonic development? A.Mesoderm B.Endoderm C.Ectoderm D.A combination of two of the layers E.None of the answer selections are correct
C. Ectoderm
Endocrine tissues that secrete steroid hormones all are derived from A.mesoderm. B.endoderm. C.ectoderm. D.a combination of two or more layers. E.none of the layers that are listed.
A. mesoderm.
Which of the following glands is NOT an endocrine gland? A.pituitary gland B.thyroid gland C.adrenal gland D.sebaceous gland E.pineal gland
D. Sebaceous gland
Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic of an exocrine gland? A.Initially secretes its products into a duct. B.Secretes materials onto outer surface of the body. C.Secretes materials into the lumen of hollow organs. D.Its secretory products are carried in body fluids to distant target cells. E.All the answer selections describe characteristics of exocrine glands.
D. Its secretory products are carried in body fluids to distant target cells.
Since insulin released from the pancreas is carried in the bloodstream to distant target cells, like muscle cells, it is considered to be a(n) A.local hormone. B.circulating hormone. C.paracrine. D.autocrine. E.neurotransmitter.
B. circulating hormone.
Which of the following is an example of hormone that is secreted from an endocrine gland in response to a chemical change in the blood? A.Parathyroid hormone release from the parathyroid gland. B.Insulin release from the pancreas. C.Glucagon release from the pancreas. D.ADH release from the posterior pituitary gland. E.All the answer selections are correct.
E. All the answer selections are correct.
All the following hormones are produced and secreted by the ovaries EXCEPT A.estradiol. B.estrone. C.progesterone. D.inhibin. E.follicle-stimulating hormone.
E. follicle-stimulating hormone.
Which of the following is a protein hormone produced by the testes that inhibits secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone by the anterior pituitary gland? A.chorionic gonadotropin B.testosterone C.estradiol D.inhibin E.relaxin
D. inhibin
Which of the following hormones commonly increases in the plasma of older individuals due to an inadequate dietary intake of calcium? A.estrogen B.progesterone C.parathyroid hormone D.calcitonin E.insulin
C. parathyroid hormone
Which hormonal influence on the muscular system is correctly described? A.Thyroid hormone decreases muscle mass. B.Calcitonin is the primary regulator of Ca2+ needed for contraction. C.Epinephrine helps increase blood flow to exercising muscle. D.Erythropoietin blocks formation of erythrocytes. E.ADH promotes water loss.
C. Epinephrine helps increase blood flow to exercising muscle.
Richard Neis had symptoms of excessive secretion of PTH (high blood calcium levels), and his physicians were certain he had a parathyroid gland tumor. Yet when surgery was performed on his neck, the surgeon could not find the parathyroid glands at all. Where should the surgeon look next to find the tumorous parathyroid gland?
It is not unusual to find them in other regions of the neck or even the thorax. The adjacent neck regions should be checked first.
Mary Morgan has just been brought into the emergency room of City General Hospital. She is perspiring profusely and is breathing rapidly and irregularly. Her breath smells like acetone (sweet and fruity), and her blood glucose tests out at 650 mg/100 ml of blood. She is in acidosis. What hormone drug should be administered, and why?
Insulin should be administered because symptoms are indicative of diabetic shock.
Johnny, a 5-year-old boy, has been growing by leaps and bounds; his height is 100% above normal for his age. He has been complaining of headaches and vision problems. A CT scan reveals a large pituitary tumor.
(a) What hormone is being secreted in excess? The pituitary tumor is secreting out excessive amounts of the growth hormone. (b) What condition will Johnny exhibit if corrective measures are not taken? Johnny will exhibit structural abnormities, namely gigantism, if the proper corrective measures are not taken. (c) What is the probable cause of his headaches and visual problems? The probable cause of Johnny's headaches and visual problems is that the pituitary gland is protruding inferiorly and compressing the optic chiasma.
Sean, a 42-year-old single father, goes to his physician complaining of nausea and chronic fatigue. He reports having felt fatigued and listless for about half a year, but he had attributed this to stress. He has lost considerable weight and, strangely, his skin has a healthy tan, even though he spends long hours at work and rarely ventures outside. His doctor finds very low blood pressure and a rapid, weak pulse. Blood tests show that Sean does not have anemia, but his plasma glucose, cortisol, and Na+ are low, and his plasma K+ is high. His doctor orders an ACTH stimulation test, in which Sean's secretion of cortisol is measured after he is given a synthetic form of ACTH.
a. A likely possibility is that Sean has Addison's disease, which is a hyposecretory disorder of the adrenal cortex affecting secretion of both glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. The primary mineralocorticoid, aldosterone, is responsible for promoting Na+ absorption coupled to K+ secretion in the nephron. The resulting hyposecretion of aldosterone would be responsible for his elevated plasma K+. b. An ACTH stimulation test will allow the clinician to differentiate between a pituitary insufficiency of ACTH secretion, or an adrenal insensitivity or insufficiency. c. If ACTH does not cause a normal elevation of cortisol, then the problem originates from the adrenals, and is likely Addison's disease. d. If ACTH does cause an elevation of cortisol secretion, then likely a problem such as a tumor or malignancy exists within the anterior pituitary.
Roger Proulx has severe arthritis and has been taking prednisone (a glucocorticoid) for two months. He isn't feeling well, complains of repeated "colds," and is extremely "puffy" (edematous). Explain the reason for theses symptoms.
Mr. Proulx is suffering from Cushing's disease, brought on by high levels of his prednisone. His overall lousy feeling is due to muscle weakness and possible hyperglycemia, the swelling is due to water and salt retention, and the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug plays a role in suppression of immune-related defense mechanisms, increasing his susceptibility to colds.
Which blood glucose-lowering hormone is produced by the pancreatic islet cells? A.Insulin B.Glucagon C.Somatostatin D.Thyroid hormones E.Calcitonin
A. Insulin
Parathyroid hormone is the major regulator of the plasma concentration of which of the following ions? A.Calcium B.Sodium C.Potassium D.Chloride E.Manganese
A. Calcium