Muscular Strength And Endurance Quiz

9 September 2022
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Which of the following is an example of improved functioning as related to the benefits of muscular strength and endurance training? A. having stronger bones B. easier to do household chores C. lower blood pressure D. larger lung capacity
A. having stronger bones
If you wanted to increase your muscular endurance, it would be important to participate in activities that __________. A. increase the size of the muscle cells and the amount of blood that is delivered to the muscle B. decrease the amount of fuel that the muscle can store and increase the time it takes for the muscle to contract C. increase the number of muscles and decrease the size of the muscle cells D. decrease the length of the muscle and increase the thickness of the muscle
A. increase the size of the muscle cells and the amount of blood that is delivered to the muscle
In some sports, muscular strength can be more important than muscular endurance.
Two individuals start the same training program at the same time, but one is able to grow muscle faster and larger than the other. What is the least likely explanation for this? A. One individual was born with more muscle fibers. B. One individual has a more consistent training schedule. C. One individual is consuming a healthier diet. D. One individual has a more intense training schedule.
A. One individual was born with more muscle fibers.
Weight training has the biggest effect on __________. A. cardiac muscles B. smooth muscles C. involuntary muscles D. skeletal muscles
D. skeletal muscles
If you were running a marathon, which type of muscle fibers would be most useful to you? A. slow-twitch B. fast-twitch, type I A C. intermediate-twitch, type II B D. slow-intermediate twitch, type I B
A. slow-twitch
With age, muscles can become weaker. This is due to __________. A. connections between nerves, which cause more pain and therefore less use B. damage from everyday use and injuries that accumulate over time C. disconnections between motor nerves and muscle fibers D. difficulties that occur during muscle growth and repair
C. disconnections between motor nerves and muscle fibers
If an individual started running 10 miles three times a week, there would most likely be an __________. A. increase in flexibility B. increase in muscular strength C. increase in muscular endurance D. increase in weight
C. increase in muscular endurance
Jackie noticed an increase in appetite after she started weight training. Since she did not change her eating habits, her body fat began to drop. Why did this happen? A. Weight training slows the metabolism in order to allow muscles to grow and repair. This causes fat loss. B. Even though Jackie says she did not change her eating habits, she must have consumed fewer calories, causing her weight to drop. C. When Jackie is exercising she does not have time to eat. This, combined with the calories burned during exercise, must have been enough to cause her body fat to drop. D. As muscle mass increases, so does metabolism. A higher metabolism burns more fat.
D. As muscle mass increases, so does metabolism. A higher metabolism burns more fat.
improvements in muscular strength will not affect muscular endurance.