PSYCH100 Chapter 3 Consciousness

28 June 2023
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What is happening during REM sleep?
-The brain experiences alert activity that mimics consciousness. -The eyes dart around. -Most muscles are paralyzed. -The brain produces beta waves.
Place each type of brain wave activity in the correct stage of sleep on the figure.
alert awakefullness- beta waves just before sleep- alpha waves stage 1- Theta waves stage 2- k complex stage 3/4 -delta waves Rem- beta waves
Match each term about awareness with its definition.
Conscious task- activity that requires careful controlled processes subliminal perception- processing experiences without awareness Consciousness- subjective experience of the world unconscious task- activity that can be performed using automatic processes
Identify the examples that support the restorative theory that sleep is beneficial.
-When Phyllis fractured her ankle, she took extra naps during the day and slept through the night. -Nine-year old Xavier, in the middle of a growth spurt, sleeps a lot every night. -Tamika, upon becoming pregnant, sleeps more than she used to.
MDMA, sold in pill form as ecstasy or Molly, has been popular at nightclubs and raves since the 1990s. What are the effects of this drug?
-memory impairment from long-term use -boost of energy -slight hallucinations
Sheila and Gene went on a bird-watching hike. Match the areas of their brains that made them aware of each of the things they experienced, according to the global workspace model.
parietal lobe- Gene realized a bird was in a tree to his right. primary motor cortex- Sheila walked slower because the terrain had become uneven. prefrontal cortex- Sheila and Gene planned out which trails to take. temporal lobe- Gene heard a new bird call. occipital lobe- Sheila saw a bird she had never seen before.
Match each sleep disorder with its main symptom.
REM behavior disorder-While dreaming that he in a boxing match, Joseph found that he was actually punching his pillow. somnambulism- Anne was found swimming in the lake while she was in deep sleep. narcolepsy- Sundil was worried when his date seemed to suddenly fall asleep and went completely limp. sleep apnea- Bruce's wife complains that he snores loudly during sleep, repeatedly wakes up to breathe, and is sleepy during the day. insomnia- Janet lies awake for hours, unable to fall asleep.
Identify the true and false statements about marijuana.
-It increases the sensitivity of the sense of taste. -It produces perceptual and cognitive distortions. -It suppresses nausea in chemotherapy patients.
According to research, what are the benefits to practicing meditation?
-reduced stress levels -reduced blood pressure -improved attention -reduced blood lipids
Match each term about awareness with its corresponding example.
Conscious task- The pilot carefully checked all of his equipment before takeoff. subliminal perception- John hums a tune while he is driving, not realizing that he is humming it because it relates to a billboard he passed a minute earlier. Consciousness- On her country walk, Christine is aware of hearing the singing birds and the wind in the trees. unconscious task- A musician plays her guitar while talking with a friend about passersby in the park.
Which of the following actions of a hypnotized person support the dissociation theory of hypnosis?
-Bob was looking at a black-and-white picture. When asked to imagine it in color, parts of his visual cortex involved in color perception became active. -After being thoroughly trained in self-hypnosis, Luke was able to minimize the pain felt from his bad knee.
Which of the following factors make someone more likely to become addicted to drugs or alcohol?
-having biological parents who are or were substance abusers -having role models (such as parents or people they look up to) who abuse drugs or alcohol -attraction to novelty and risk taking -responsiveness to high dopamine activity in the limbic system
Identify the reasons why research on split-brain patients is valuable.
-Researchers can better understand the importance of relaying information between hemispheres in the brain. -It helps us improve our understanding of language function. -Researchers can better understand what brain functions occur in which specific hemisphere. -Researchers can better understand those brain areas that are located in one hemisphere, but serve both.
Match each brain hemisphere with its dominant function.
right hemisphere- good at spatial relationships left hemisphere - dominant for processing language -in a split-brain patient, makes up reasons to explain decisions of the opposite hemisphere -functions as an interpreter to construct a world that makes sense
Jorge has trouble sleeping. Which of the following behaviors may interfere with his sleep cycle?
-taking quick naps throughout the day to catch up on lost sleep -concentrating on trying to fall asleep -having a "nightcap" glass of scotch
In an experiment, a person with a split brain is shown a leaf in his left visual field and a rose in his right visual field. If he is asked to respond to what he sees, match each object with how he will behave.
rose- processed by left hemisphere -verbally report seeing it leaf- pick up with left hand -processed by right hemisphere
Which of the following could be effects of two to three days of sleep deprivation?
-Ben finds himself falling asleep for a couple seconds at a time throughout the day. -Ashleigh is irritable and moody for no apparent reason. -Joni got easy exam questions wrong even though she studied. -Jasper catches a virus that has been going around the office.
What are some of the biological structures and processes that regulate sleep?
circadian rhythm melatonin pineal gland hypothalamus
The use of hypnosis for pain reduction is called hypnotic analgesia. Brain studies indicate that after hypnosis, the sensory-processing part of the brain responds to pain stimuli just as strongly as before, but the emotion-processing part responds less strongly. This supports the dissociation theory of hypnosis.
analgesia. just as less dissociation
What is happening during stages 3 and 4 of sleep?
-The brain is in slow-wave sleep. -People are mostly disconnected from the external environment. -The brain produces delta waves. -The mind evaluates the environment for threats.
Identify the true and false statements about alcohol.
-Across the world, men are twice as likely to be heavy drinkers. -In many cultures, people believe that drinking will improve their social skills, sexual pleasure, confidence, power, and mood. -Children who watch their parents having fun while drinking are more likely to become heavy drinkers.
What are the adaptive functions of sleep?
facilitating learning repairing damage hiding during times of danger
Identify the true and false statements about how sleep facilitates learning, according to the consolidation theory of sleep.
-For consolidating information, dreaming about the information is helpful. -A person who has a lot of information to consolidate may feel the need for more sleep.
Identify the true and false statements about split brains.
-The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body. -The left hemisphere uses language to identify stimuli presented in the right visual field. -The right hemisphere uses touch to identify stimuli presented in the left visual field. -Split brains have a severed corpus callosum.
Identify the following ideas as relating to either activation-synthesis theory or Freudian theory.
-Dreams are caused by random neuron firings. -The limbic system is responsible for dreams' emotional content. -Deactivation of the frontal cortices is responsible for dreams' illogical character.
Which of the following areas of the brain are activated during REM sleep?
amygdala brain stem visual association areas motor cortex
Arnie is a counselor for at-risk youth and finds that many of the teens engage in petty crime or drug use in order to escape stressors and frustrations they are facing. Arnie's psychological training has taught him that in order to address the teens' tendency to avoid frustrations, it is best to generate alternative escapes that are healthy and positive. Which of the following activities could be used to achieve Arnie's goal of providing healthy escapes?
introducing meditation starting a cycling group starting a music appreciation group
Identify the true and false statements about hypnosis.
Someone who can be hypnotized may be highly suggestible. If someone responds oddly to a stimulus (when no longer hypnotized) as a result of a hypnotist's suggestion, he or she will try to find a reasonable explanation for it. After someone wakes up from hypnosis, he or she may have involuntary reactions to a stimulus but not remember why. If someone is afraid of being hypnotized, the hypnosis will probably not work.