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__________ motivation arises from external factors or rewards. A. Extrinsic B. Habit C. Instinct D. Intrinsic
A. Extrinsic
Explanation: Extrinsic motivation arises from external factors or rewards, as opposed to intrinsic motivation, which arises from within oneself. For example, a person may be extrinsically motivated to get a good grade on a test in order to receive a reward from their parents, whereas a person may be intrinsically motivated to study for the same test because they enjoy learning.
__________ motivation is based on internal feelings rather than external rewards. A. Drive B. Extrinsic C. Intrinsic D. Motive
C. Intrinsic
Explanation: Intrinsic motivation is based on internal feelings rather than external rewards. This means that people who are intrinsically motivated are driven by a personal interest or enjoyment in the task itself. They don't need external rewards, such as money or praise, to keep them motivated.
According to the Schachter-Singer two factor theory of emotion, emotions consist of two factors: __________. A. Physiological and arousal B. Physiological and cognitive C. Stimulus and appraisal D. Time and fear
B. Physiological and cognitive
Explanation: According to the Schachter-Singer two factor theory of emotion, emotions consist of two factors: physiological and cognitive.
Otto is so driven to become a school psychologist that he spends every night studying. This sentence describes the wants or needs that direct behavior toward a goal, also called __________. A. dysphoria B. habit C. instinct D. motivation
D. motivation
Explanation: D. motivation
An infant sucking is a good example of a(n) __________. A. emotion B. habit C. instinct D. mood
C. instinct
Explanation: An infant sucking is a good example of an instinct. Infants are born with the instinct to suck, and this helps them to feed and survive.
Which of the following exemplifies intrinsically motivated behavior? A. Attending a mosque because you believe it is the right thing to do. B. Behaving to avoid being punished. C. Misbehaving in order to get attention. D. Working at a job you hate in order to afford school.
A. Attending a mosque because you believe it is the right thing to do.
Explanation: Intrinsically motivated behavior is behavior that is driven by a personal interest or enjoyment in the task itself. This means that the person is not motivated by external factors such as money or rewards, but rather by the internal satisfaction of doing the task. Examples of intrinsically motivated behavior include things like volunteering, exercising, and creative pursuits.
Which of the following exemplifies extrinsically motivated behavior? A. Babysitting your younger brother in order to receive your parents' approval. B. Dating an abusive partner because you believe you don't deserve good treatment. C. Jerking your hand back from a hot burner. D. Mowing your elderly neighbor's lawn because you believe it is the right thing to do.
A. Babysitting your younger brother in order to receive your parents' approval.
Explanation: Option D is the best answer because it is an example of extrinsically motivated behavior. The other options are examples of intrinsically motivated behavior.
Which of the following is the best example of a habit? A. Chewing on your hair to relieve stress. B. Spontaneously stopping to get a milkshake on the way home from work. C. Surprising your grandmother with a visit on Saturday. D. Unexpectedly running into your friend at the supermarket.
A. Chewing on your hair to relieve stress.
Explanation: A habit is something that you do regularly, often without thinking about it. It can be something as simple as taking a specific route to work or putting your keys in the same place every day. In this case, the best example of a habit would be chewing on your hair to relieve stress. This is something that you may do without even realizing it, and it can become a way to help you cope with stressful situations.
Self-worth, accomplishment, and confidence represent the __________ level of needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. A. esteem B. physiological C. security D. self-actualization
A. esteem
Explanation: Esteem needs are those that relate to our need for a sense of accomplishment and self-worth. This includes our need for respect from others and our need for a sense of self-respect. These needs are important in motivating us to achieve our full potential.
According to research, the need for __________ encourages Mr. Blutarski to complete a second Phd., so he can add another accomplishment to his already long list. A. achievement B. ambition C. intimacy D. power
A. achievement
Explanation: According to research, the need for achievement encourages Mr. Blutarski to complete a second Phd., so he can add another accomplishment to his already long list.
Which of the following are good examples of the security level of needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs? A. Confidence and accomplishment. B. Food and shelter. C. Friends and family. D. Safety and employment.
D. Safety and employment.
Explanation:According to research, the need for achievement encourages Mr. Blutarski to complete a second Phd., so he can add another accomplishment to his already long list.
Research shows that receiving some sort of extrinsic reinforcement for engaging in behaviors that we enjoy leads to those behaviors __________. A. creating an attraction/repulsion complex B. motivating us to engage in different behaviors C. no longer providing that same enjoyment D. providing twice as much enjoyment
C. no longer providing that same enjoyment
Explanation: C. no longer providing that same enjoyment
Which of the following is a way that anorexia nervosa is different from bulimia nervosa? A. Anorexia is associated with binge eating, bulimia is associated with starvation. B. Anorexia is associated with starvation, and bulimia is associated with binge eating. C. More men than women suffer from anorexia. D. More men than women suffer from bulimia.
B. Anorexia is associated with starvation, and bulimia is associated with binge eating.
Explanation: B. Anorexia is associated with starvation, while bulimia is associated with binge eating. This means that people with anorexia nervosa restrict their food intake to the point of starvation, while people with bulimia nervosa eat large amounts of food in a short period of time and then purge.
What is the main idea of drive theory? A. Achieving homeostasis requires increasing the metabolic rate. B. Deviations from commonly accepted drives result in an inability to satisfy physiological needs. C. Deviations from homeostasis create physiological needs. D. Failure to achieve homeostasis results in poor cognition.
C. Deviations from homeostasis create physiological needs.
Explanation: The main idea of drive theory is that deviations from homeostasis create physiological needs. When an organism deviates from homeostasis, it experiences a drive, or a motivation to return to homeostasis. The drive theory posits that all behavior is motivated by the need to reduce drives.
Some studies show that __________ motivation may not be entirely vulnerable to the effects of extrinsic reinforcements; in fact, reinforcements such as verbal praise might actually increase __________ motivation. A. emotional B. extrinsic C. habitual D. intrinsic
D. intrinsic
Explanation: Some studies show that intrinsic motivation may not be entirely vulnerable to the effects of extrinsic reinforcements; in fact, reinforcements such as verbal praise might actually increase intrinsic motivation.