Understanding Motivation

25 July 2022
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Motivation is a force that influences your actions.

Explanation: Your motivation is what drives you to take action. It's what compels you to do things, even when you don't necessarily want to. It's what gives you the push to keep going when things get tough.Think about it this way: if you didn't have any motivation, you probably wouldn't get out of bed in the morning. You wouldn't brush your teeth, eat breakfast, or go to work. You would just stay in bed all day.So, motivation is clearly important. But where does it come from?There are two main types of motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic.Extrinsic motivation comes from external factors, such as rewards or punishments. For example, if you get a bonus at work for meeting your sales goals, that's extrinsic motivation.Intrinsic motivation, on the other hand, comes from within. It's driven by a personal interest or enjoyment in the task itself. For example, if you love your job and find it fulfilling, that's intrinsic motivation.Both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation are important. They can both help you achieve your goals.So, what's the best way to motivate yourself?It depends on the situation. If you're struggling to get started on a task, extrinsic motivation may be what you need. A deadline or a reward can give you the push you need to get going.But if you're struggling to maintain your motivation, intrinsic motivation is probably what you need. Focusing on why you're doing something, and how it benefits you, can help you stay motivated even when things get tough.
Sheri studies to get good grades because this is what her parents expect of her. This is an
Extrinsic motivational statement

Explanation: example of what type of motivationSheri's motivation is externally based. She is motivated to study and get good grades because this is what her parents expect of her. This type of motivation often comes from a desire to please others or avoid disapproval.
It is possible to turn extrinsic factors into intrinsic motivators.

Explanation: There are a few ways to do this, but one way is to make the extrinsic factor something that is directly related to the task at hand. For example, if someone is trying to learn a new skill, they may be extrinsically motivated by the desire to earn a promotion at work. However, they can turn this extrinsic motivator into an intrinsic motivator by focusing on the task itself and the satisfaction that comes with learning something new. Another way to do this is to make the extrinsic factor something that is directly related to the person's personal values. For example, someone may be extrinsically motivated to lose weight in order to fit into a smaller size of clothing. However, they can turn this extrinsic motivator into an intrinsic motivator by focusing on the health benefits of losing weight or the satisfaction that comes with being at a healthy weight.
Deciding you need to get a "good" job because that is what "smart" people do, reflects intrinsic motivation.

Explanation: Intrinsic motivation is driven by a desire to do something because it is personally rewarding, not because it leads to a external reward. In this case, the individual has decided that getting a "good" job is personally rewarding, and so they are motivated to do what is necessary to get that job. This type of motivation often leads to better outcomes than extrinsic motivation, because the individual is more likely to be engaged and committed to the task at hand.
The main difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is
Who is setting the goal

Explanation: that intrinsic motivation comes from within the individual, whereas extrinsic motivation comes from external factors.Intrinsic motivation is driven by a personal interest or enjoyment in the task itself. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, comes from external factors such as rewards or punishments.So, if you are intrinsically motivated to do something, it means you are doing it because you enjoy it or because you find it personally interesting. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, would be if you are doing something because you are being rewarded for it (such as with money or grades) or because you are avoiding punishment (such as being scolded or getting a bad grade).
Studying Spanish because you want to visit Spain one day is an example of extrinsic motivation.

Explanation: Extrinsic motivation is when someone is motivated to do something because of external factors, such as rewards or punishments. In this case, the person is motivated to study Spanish because they want to visit Spain one day.
Which is an intrinsic goal created from an external motivator?
I think going to college is important

Explanation: There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the individual and the specific situation. However, it is possible for an external motivator to create an intrinsic goal for someone. For example, if someone is motivated by a desire to earn money, they may eventually develop a goal of becoming financially independent. This goal would be intrinsic, as it would be driven by the individual's own internal motivation, rather than by the external motivator of money.
Use "athletes" as your topic to create one statement reflecting intrinsic motivation and one statement reflecting extrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic statements should reflect the wants and desires of the athlete. Extrinsic statements should reflect the wants and expectations of outside influences. Examples: Intrinsic - Sarah practices basketball everyday because she wants to make the basketball team. Extrinsic - Michael plays baseball because that is what every boy in his family has played.

Explanation: Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from within oneself, whereas extrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from external factors.Athletes who are intrinsically motivated may train hard and push themselves to improve because they enjoy the challenge and the feeling of accomplishment that comes with it. They may also be more likely to stick with their sport even when they're not winning because they derive satisfaction from the process of competing.Athletes who are extrinsically motivated may train hard and push themselves to improve because they want to win trophies or earn praise from others. They may also be more likely to stick with their sport because they fear the consequences of quitting, such as letting their team down or missing out on a chance to compete at a higher level.
Those who possess intrinsic motivation are more likely to
All of these

Explanation: be engaged in their workIntrinsic motivation is the desire to do something because it is personally rewarding, not because it results in an external reward. People who are intrinsically motivated are more likely to be engaged in their work because they are doing it for personal satisfaction, not for external rewards. Intrinsically motivated people are more likely to persist in their work when it is challenging and to be creative in their work. They are also more likely to be satisfied with their work and to feel a sense of autonomy and control over their work.
Motivation can be determined by what other people expect from you.

Explanation: When it comes to motivation, what other people expect from you can have a significant impact. If others believe that you are capable of achieving great things, then this can serve as a powerful motivator. On the other hand, if others have low expectations of you, then this can demotivate you. In either case, it is important to be aware of how others' expectations can affect your own motivation levels.