APUSH Chapter 34

31 August 2022
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1933 London Conference
Was arranged by 66 nations to develop a worldwide solution for the Great Depression. At first Roosevelt agreed to send secretary of state Cordell Hull, but then he changed his mind and scolded other nations for trying to stabilize currencies. This started a trend of nationalism which lead to dictatorships.The conference met but was unable to accomplish anything.
Tydinngs McDuffie Act
With the hard times, america was eager to get rid of its liabilities in the philipines which only created competition for sugar workers and laborers. The Philipines would get their independence after 12 long years of economic and political tootlage. The army left but the naval stayed back.
Seventh Pan American Conference
America wanted to be a good neighbor showing that it was content with being a regional power and not a world one. After this conference in Montevideo, Urugay US marines left from Haiti and Cuba was freed from the Platt Ammendment which allowed US intervention.
Panama canal
After leaving panama mexican forces seized Yankee oil properties. FDR found the desire to take action but he resisted and made a peaceful deal with them.
Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act
Aimed at low tariff policies while boosting american trade. Hull had part in the passing of this because he believed trade was a two way agreement. These reversed the traditional high tariff policy which had damaged america before and paved the way for americna led free trade economic system that was implemented after WW2.
Hawley Smoot Act
The Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act amended this act by cutting rates to as much as half, provided that the other country did the same.
Rome- Berlin Axis
In 1936, Benito Mussolini and Hitler allied themselves. They were two dictatorships that had emerged during this time period. The Soviet Union lead by Stalin was left out of this ally. HItler was the most dangerous of the three dictators because he was a great orator and lead germany into believing his great lie that everything would be better.
Washington Naval Treaty
Japan slowly started to regain strength and refused to cooperate with the rest of the world. Also, when the US left the philipines the Japanese started to start seeing oppurtunities for their conquest of the Pacific. Japan armed itself.
European Non-Aggression
The Europeans tried to follow a policy of appeasement. So when Mussolini attacked, and conquered Ethiopia none of the European powers said anything.
Johnson Debt Default Act
Forbade any countries that still owed the US money from borrowing anymore cash.
Veterans of Foreign Wars
a group of Princeton University Students began to agitate for a bonus pay to be paid to the Veterans of Foreign Wars while the prospective front liners were still alive.
Nye Comitee
Formed to investigate whether munitions manufacturers were pro-war existing for the sole purpose of making money and profits. The press blamed these manufacturers for leading us into the first war.
Neutrality Acts
To prevent the US from going into war again the Congress passed these acts. The president said that in the existence of a foreign war certain restrictions would automatically apply. No american could legally sail on a belligerent ship or sell or transport munitions allegedly, or make loans to a belligerent.
Francisco Franco
Leads rebels in the Spanish Civil War against the left list leaning republican government. To stay out of the war the US put an embargo on the USSR which supported the loyalists and Hitler and Musollini who supported the rebels. The US just stood by while Franco smothered the democratic government. It also failed to build up it's fleet. When it did start a billion dollar naval construction act it was too little too late.
Japanese invasion of China
FDR didn't call this combat a war thus allowing the Chinese to still get arms from the US. He merely just said his Quarantine Speech in Chiacago where he looked down on the Japanese but said we would just pass embargoes against the Japanese.
Quarantine Speech
This was FDR's speech against the Japanese when they invaded China. He asked Americans to morally side against fascist nations. This made isolationists mad so FDR didn;t talk much about later. When the US suddenly placed embargoes on the Japanese the Japanese had the choice to either back down from China or to attack the US. They choose to attack the US. The US could not attack but it was certain that Japan would declare war soon. Americans thought it would either be the British Malaya or the Philipines.
In 1937 the Japanese bombed and sank this American ship. However, the japanese apologized, preventing the Americans from entering war. However, to vent their frustration they humiliated white civilians in china. This supports americans determination to stay neutral.
Munich Conference
Hitler was rising in power after being allowed to introduce mandatory military service in Germany, persecuting lots of jews, and accupying austria. Each time the European powers hoped that would be the last. However he didn't. At this conference it was agreed that he could has Sudetenland. He took over all of Czechoslovokia though. This was the last straw for the European powers.
USSR and Hitler
The USSR signs a non agression treaty with Germany. Now Germany could engulf all of Europe without having to worry about a two front war. This pact opened up the Doors to Poland. HItler invaded Poland and France and Britain finally declared war against Germany, but America refused to join war.
New Neutrality Acts
The US was anti German and Nazi but it refused to give into war. This was created because the old Neutrality Acts didn;t allow the sale of arms to nations at war. This allowed European nations to buy on a cash and carry basis, in which they had to pay in cash and use their own ships. This effectively didn't allow Germans to buy arms from the americas because the French and British controlled the seas.
After the fall of Poland, Hitler aimed to take over France. To do this there was a lull in the war to move men. Then after taking over Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, and Belgium he started to mercilessely blizkerg the French who surrendered in June. This meant that Britain was the only thing in the way from the Germans controlling all of Europe. This is when the Roosevelt started to make a move.
Havannah conference
The US tells Germans they are not allowed to take orphan countries in the Americas.
Battle of Britain
HItler launched attacks on Britain in August 1940 and prepared an invasion schedule to start a month later. However, the British Royal Air Force tenaciously stopped him in the aerial Battle of Britain.
Comitee to Defend America
Included Charles A. Lindhberg. It was made up of the people who wanted to help Britain.
America First Comitee
This was created by american isolationists.
Britain was badly in need of Destroyers and FDR boldly moved and gave Britain 50 old Destroyers. In return, Brtain gave the US 8 valuable defensive base sites, stretching from Newfoundland to South America.
Wendell L. Willkie
was the Republican who ran against Roosevelt who decided to run in the last minute. It was odd because Dewey or Taft were expected to run and this new face appeared. FDR won and lead a third term because the US was in a critical situation and people felt in the case of war Roosevelt was the best candidate.
Lend Lease
Britain was running out of money, but Roosevelts didn;t wasnt to deal with debts. So, arms, ships, and etc would be lent to nations, and be returned when they were no longer needed. There was a lot of controvery over the Bill in congress but it was passed, and the US sent 50 billion dollars in aid. This was basically abandonment of the nuetrality policy and Hitler recognized this. Before germans had avoided attacking the US ships but now they started torpedoing the US ships as well.
HItler attacks Russia
Although the nonagression pact was signed by Germany and the Soviet Union neither of them trusted each other, and both kept plotting to double cross each other. HItler assumed his invincible troops would crush the soviets, but an early winter and the US aid to the USSR through lend lease lead to the Soviets winning and turning the tide of war.
Atlantic Charter
Suggestive of Wilson's fourteen points. The main points said There would be no territorial charges contrary to the wishes of the natives. The charter also allowed the people to choose their rulers. And it declared disarmament and a peace of security as well as a new League of Nations.
Annulment of Neutrality Act
The US finally agreed to escort arms sent to Britain till iceland to ensure the arms would reach Britain. This lead to clashes and US destroyers were attacked by Germans. Congress annulled the now useless Neutrality acts.
Pearl Harbor
The US thought the Japanses would attack British Malaya or the Philipines. But instead they attacked here, at several naval bases wiping out many ships and killing 3000 men. The next day the US declares war on Japan. The Day after that the Germans and Italy declare war on the US. The US decided this was the only way to keep the US safe from anarchy.