APUSH - 4-5

28 August 2022
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Following the Glorious Revolution of 1688, England
Tightened imperial controls over its American empire. Much of New England became royal colonies and trade laws were enforced more with vice admiralty courts. Colonies trade was effected, more limited than before.
As a result of the Molasses Act of 1733
Many of New England's largest merchants and distillers resorted to smuggling
The underlying cause of the Seven Years War in America was the
English colonial penetration of the Ohio Valley and competition between french and english for the fur trade in the Ohio River valley
The turning point of the French and Indian War in America occurred when
English Prime Minister William Pitt threw his nation's full military might into the American Campaign
The British Proclamation of 1763
Ordered colonial governors to reserve lands west of the appalachian mountains for the natives and required colonists not to penetrate beyond the line.
What provision was not a part of George Grenville's program to raise colonial revenue
increased taxes on french molasses
Perhaps the most immediately effective protest against the Stamp Act was the
Boycott of British goods by American Merchants
Passage of the Declaratory Act by Parliament
Asserted Parliament's power to enact laws for the colonies in " all cases whatsoever"
As a result of the Townshend Acts of 1767, Parliament -
raised customs duties on American imports of paper, lead , paint and tea
By early 1770 , Parliament decided to repeal the Townshend Duties except for one on tea because
colonial boycotts on British goods had severely hurt British merchants
The Boston Massacre , in which five townspeople were killed by redcoats-
Incited the colonies into further resistance to english policies
Americans objected to the Tea Act of 1773 because
it would make it difficult for American merchants to compete with British merchants
The Intolerable Acts provided for all except
individual punishments of participants in the Boston Tea Party
Board of Trade 1696
The Board of trade was established in 1696, replacing the lords of trade, and imposed vice admiralty courts which enforced trade laws and the Molasses Act 1733 which restricted trade with the french. They also enforced the Enumerated Articles , where they restricted the trading of specific articles.
Ohio valley - Ft.Dunquesne
in 1745 George Washington stormed Ft.Dunqesne in Ohio valley, when he was rebuffed the british sent Gen.Edward Braddock and he took it, at this point the Iroquois were cut off from the french goods and this made them join the english.
Albany plan of Union
Representatives met at Albany New York and tried to plan a union and regain the allegiance of the iroquois. Both failed but Benjamin franklin designed an intercolonial government and made his Join or Die woodcut
French and indian war
in 1756 Britain officially declared war on France and the french and indian war in north america turned into a world war. William pitt came in at this point and threw all of his military might into the war. The indians were needed to guide the troops through the forest though. The capture of Montreal landed the last blow of the war and then it was over in North America
Treaty of Paris 1763
The Treaty of Paris 1763 was when the french gave all their land to the british and the proclamation of 1763 that restricted settler settling, was in response to pontiac's rebellion of the white settlers encroaching on their land. The white settlers were not pleased
Stamp Act (1765)
The stamp act of 1765 was a tax on all paper goods and lead to the stamp act riots. Patrick Henry debated 7 resolutions to send to the king with the house of burgesses. Gov.Hutchinson was harassed by the rioters. The Stamp Act Congress in NY came up with 12 resolutions and that said that parliament can legislate but not tax directly
The call for the meeting of a Continental Congress in 1774 came in response to the
Intolerable Acts.
The ideology of revolutionary republicanism
borrowed ideas from English political thought and Enlightenment theories.
Americans viewed English policies after 1763 as
threats to their economic interests. evidence of English corruption. a systematic attack on their constitutional liberties.
The struggle with England over colonial rights between 1764 and 1776 revealed that
colonial society was not unified.
Actual fighting in the American Revolution began when the
British army, sent to seize colonial arms, was interrupted by colonists at Lexington.
Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress would NOT have the power to
impose taxes.
The ability of the Confederation Congress to function was limited by the stipulation that
every state delegation only had one vote
According to the Treaty of Paris (1783), ending the American Revolution
all British forces would evacuate American territory "with all convenient speed" once hostilities ceased.
All of the following factors contributed to American victory in the Revolution EXCEPT the
overwhelming support by Congress and the state governments for the continental army.
Sons of Liberty-Stamp Act Repeal-Declaratory Act-Sam Adams-Massachusetts circular letter-
The Sons of liberty were a group of violent protestors that terrorized stamp collectors, the stamp act was repealed soon after and the Declaratory Act was passed in response to the mobbing, The Circular Letter was written by Sam Adams and was sent throughout the colonies, telling people of king george's wrongness
Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine wrote the pamphlet, Common Sense. It was a pamphlet that denied the legitimacy of monarchy and was incredibly popular with the colonists for its simple writing style. American people also rejected the system of hierarchical authority, made a republican system, contracting together, created public authority for their mutual good. Thomas Jefferson was commissioned to write the declaration of independence and used ideas from the newspaper Common Sense to form it.
John Dickenson - Articles of Confed.- congressional powers- State sovereignty- land claims
John Dickenson led the committee to make the Articles of Confederation. Congress had the power to regulate foreign affairs, declare war, mediate inter-state boundary disputes, manage a post office, and administer Indian relations outside state boundaries. states retained sovereignty, freedom, and independence and every power not stated as given to Congress. Not all states approved because there was a land claim problem in Appalachian Mountains. they gave up their land and it passed
Republican Ideology - Faction- Public Virtue
The Republican belief was that governmental power threatened to expand at the expense of liberty. To limit governmental power order was not to be imposed from by traditional agencies of control such as monarchies and state churches. In a republic the belief they had was, "public virtue," in which each individual worked for the general good of everyone. While, political "faction,", organized self-interest
committees of correspondence
. Boston's town meetings led to the creation of a Committee of Correspondence Samuel Adams was the leader of the Boston radicals and used the Gaspee incident in 1772, where Rhode Islanders burned a ship to stir trouble. Parliament passed the Tea Act in 1773, by passed American Merchants. Bostonians wanted to send the tea away, Governor Hutchinson refused, so a group of Bostonians dumped the British tea into the harbor.
Coercive acts-
The Coersive acts for the tea the Bostonians dumped in the harbor that they refused to pay. colonies revolted against acts by British boycott of tea. Gov. Hutchinson replaced by General Gage. Revolutionary committees = royal authorities, but collapsed as a result to the new laws. First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, approved a Continental Association, a boycott on British goods.
republican motherhood
Republican motherhood was the idea of raising good citizens. joined in the politics through writing in newspapers like Mercy Warren or talking between each other and to their husband like Abigale Adams who held sway with John Adams.
Describe the theory and practice of mercantilism and explain why Americans resented it.
Mercantilism is the idea that the colonies exist for the benefit of the mother country and the Americans resented that because they still saw themselves as English men with English rights, the saw their economy as separate from england
Explain why Britain attempted tighter control and taxation of Americans after 1763 and the methods of American resistance that forced repeal of all taxes except on tea
The British attempted tighter control and taxation because the french and indian war put them in debt, the Americans boycotted all british goods when they taxed them though, so the british repealed all taxes except on tea
Why did the American colonies move from loyalty to protest to rebellion in the twelve years following the French and Indian War?
Because during the french indian war they were not treated well by the british and afterwards they were taxed extensively by the British. They felt like englishmen but weren't being treated with the equality they wanted.
What roles did Native Americans play in the imperial conflicts of the 18th century?
The native americans were the tipping point in the French indian wars. They were essential to navigating the forest and they only joined the British once they were cut off from trade.
What role did Republican Ideology play in the colonists' decision to break with the mother country?
Republican Ideology is the idea that - government when not closely watched would kill liberty. The Americans felt that the British government had too much power and were corrupt.
George Grenville-Sugar Act (1764)-British post-war debt-Revenue raising taxes-Trade taxes/tariffs
George Grenville imposed the sugar act to raise revenue for british troops over seas and New York objected to the Sugar Act because it it raised revenue which violated the colonies oversea rights because they were not represented in Parliament. This is significant because these taxes "opened a rift that in dozens of years would become a revolution". (trade taxes/ tariffs)
Second Continental Congress
After the incident at concord and lexington, a second continental congress was called and organized the continental army with george washington at its head. Then they sent the king the declaration of taking up arms and the olive branch petition that pleaded for peace and a compromise.
Lord Dunmore's proclamation 1775
Lord Dunmore's proclamation 1775 stated that any african slaves that quit from the american army and joined the british would be free, significant because first integrated army in USA
Britain lost the Revolutionary War because it
failed to capitalize sufficiently on its advantages.
The punishment of Loyalists during the Revolution
raised concerns over the protection of individual liberty
writs of assistance
Unrestricted search warrants to search for colonial smuggled goods to enforce the Navigation Acts.
Compare France's colonizing efforts in the New World with Spain's and England 's colonies (see especially chapters 1 and 2). What factors explain France's relatively weak impact on the New World compared with that of England's and Spain's? (Best to arrange in a graphic organizer)
france didn't strive as hard for solid colonies like the british did, or as many as the Spanish did. The French put more stock in the Native American fur trade than with colonies. The factors that explain their weak impact are the fact they didn't have as many colonies and the ones they had were sparsely populated, they didn't establish any major trade except in fur, and didn't fight with the indians for much land.
Explain why France and Britain engaged in a great contest for North America and why Britain won.
they engaged in a contest because the english were encroaching on french land in ohio and the english wanted it. Britian won because they got the support of the native Iroquois and could navigate the woods. Plus they had American Colonies and William pitt's strategy and military force.
In the conflict between the American Colonies and the British Parliament over "virtual representation," why did it take twelve years from the French and Indian War until Lexington and Concord for the colonies to split from the mother country?
Because the colonists still felt like englishmen and their loyalties were to the Mother country. They didn't want to split with the british , they just wanted representation and no taxes.
What was the result of the French Indian War?
the result of the french Indian war was that the British nows controlled the whole North American Continent, they got all of northamerica from the french and florida from the spanish, they were in a lot of debt, so now they imposed taxes and trade restrictions on the colonists to help pay, they start cracking down on the colonies and not neglecting them anymore
Why did the french built forts along the border
to block westward expansions of the british colonists and to keep a monopoly on the fur trade.
What brought about pontiacs rebellion?
The fact that the colonial settlers were encroacing on indian land in the Ohio Valley
Dominion of New England Edmund Andros
King James made the Dominion of New England, he appointed Edmund Andros, who overthrew the General Court of massachusetts, then James was overthrown in the glorious revolution in 1688 by William and mary, and they threw Andros out.
Great awakening produced?
Egalitarianism, more equality and free thinking, don't need a minister, this would contribute to a revolutionary republicanism.
Pontiac's rebellion lead to
A continued british military presence in the colonies in order to protect the colonies
although american colonies celebrated the British victory in the french and indian war, there was conflict between the two because
British officers treaded colonial soldiers with contempt since the british were professional soldiers
The british colonies accepted the navigation acts prior to the stamp act because
the navigation acts were external and the stamp act was internal
When the british argues in favor of virtual representation this meant that
each elected member of parliament represented all british subjects whether on the mainland or in the colonies
whig ideology
viewed concentration of power like monarchy as the biggest threat to liberty, leading to corruption and tyranny.