Tissues Under The Microscope

25 July 2022
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Epithelial, muscle, connective, nervous.
Epithelial, muscle, connective, nervous.
What are the four types of tissues?
Squamous, cuboidal, columnar. Simple (flat/one layer) or stratified (layered/complex).
Squamous, cuboidal, columnar. Simple (flat/one layer) or stratified (layered/complex).
What are the 3 types of epithelial tissue? What 2 forms do they come in?
Epithelial tissue - stratified (layered) squamous cells 

(Note: Stratified cells occur at abrasions and on the skin because layers protect body.)
Epithelial tissue - stratified (layered) squamous cells (Note: Stratified cells occur at abrasions and on the skin because layers protect body.)
What kind of cells does this epithelial tissue have? Where do the types of cells in this tissue occur? What are their function?
Epithelial tissue - columnar cells with pointer pointed at VILLUS

 (Note: Columnar cells absorb nutrients from food and give to blood.)
Epithelial tissue - columnar cells with pointer pointed at VILLUS (Note: Columnar cells absorb nutrients from food and give to blood.)
What kind of cells does this epithelial tissue have? What structure is the pointer pointed to? What is the function of the types of cells in this tissue?
Epithelial tissue - cuboidal cells

 (Note: Cuboidal cells reabsorb of nutrients to put back into blood.)
Epithelial tissue - cuboidal cells (Note: Cuboidal cells reabsorb of nutrients to put back into blood.)
What kind of cells does this epithelial tissue have? What is the function of the types of cells in this tissue?
Epithelial tissue - simple columnar cells with cilia (trachea) 

(Note: Cilia filters air when you breathe.)
Epithelial tissue - simple columnar cells with cilia (trachea) (Note: Cilia filters air when you breathe.)
What kind of cells does this epithelial tissue have? What is the function of the structures attached to these cells? (Hint: Found in trachea.)
Muscle tissue - smooth 
(Note: NOT striated; Found in esophagus, intestine, stomach and smooth because it allows food to push through.)
Muscle tissue - smooth (Note: NOT striated; Found in esophagus, intestine, stomach and smooth because it allows food to push through.)
What kind of muscle tissue is this? Is it striated? Where can this type of tissue be found and why?
Muscle tissue - smooth (teased - pulled apart)
Muscle tissue - smooth (teased - pulled apart)
What kind of muscle tissue is this?
Muscle tissue - cardiac 

(Note: Striated; Has intercalated discs that allow for communication between cardiac muscle cells.)
Muscle tissue - cardiac (Note: Striated; Has intercalated discs that allow for communication between cardiac muscle cells.)
What kind of muscle tissue is this? Is it striated? What structure does it have that allows for communication between cardiac muscle cells?
Muscle tissue - skeletal 

(Note: Striated.)
Muscle tissue - skeletal (Note: Striated.)
What kind of muscle tissue is this? Is it striated?
Connective tissue - Proper; Loose - ex. areolar

(Note: Surrounds organs. Has lots of ground (white) space.)
Connective tissue - Proper; Loose - ex. areolar (Note: Surrounds organs. Has lots of ground (white) space.)
What kind of connective tissue is this? Give an example of this kind of tissue, seen here. Where is it found in the body?
Connective tissue - Proper; Dense - ex. tendon (fibrous)

(Note: Very little ground (white) space.)
Connective tissue - Proper; Dense - ex. tendon (fibrous) (Note: Very little ground (white) space.)
What kind of connective tissue is this? Give an example of this kind of tissue, seen here.
Connective tissue - adipose (fat)

(Note: Cells/nuclei pushed to side.)
Connective tissue - adipose (fat) (Note: Cells/nuclei pushed to side.)
What kind of connective tissue is this?
Connective tissue - cartilage 

(Note: Has chondrocytes - cartilage cells.)
Connective tissue - cartilage (Note: Has chondrocytes - cartilage cells.)
What kind of connective tissue is this? What are its cells called?
Connective tissue - bone

(Note: This is osteon - dense bone.)
Connective tissue - bone (Note: This is osteon - dense bone.)
What kind of connective tissue is this? What is osteon, seen here?
Connective tissue - blood (Note: Erythrocytes - red blood cells; have hemoglobin; don't have nuclei because they lose it when made from bone marrow. Leukocytes - white blood cells; have nucleus; dyed purple to distinguish under microscope.)
What kind of connective tissue is this? What are its 2 types of cells called? How do you distinguish these cells?
Nervous tissue - neurons

(Note: Other kind of nervous tissue, glial cells, cannot be seen under microscope.)
Nervous tissue - neurons (Note: Other kind of nervous tissue, glial cells, cannot be seen under microscope.)
What kind of tissue is this and what are its cells called? What is the other kind of nervous tissue (not shown here)?