01.09 Module Exam

27 August 2022
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What is the significance of Christ's presence during the crowning of emperors in Byzantine art? It symbolizes the Christ's disapproval of the new Byzantine emperors. It symbolizes the connection between the church and the Byzantine emperors. It represents the lack of power the Byzantine emperors held over the church. It represents the pope's power over the Byzantine emperors as leader of the church. Points earned on this question: 5
It symbolizes the connection between the church and the Byzantine emperors.
Which statement describes a difference between the Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire? The Romans used columns in their architecture, but the Byzantines did not. The Romans codified laws, but the Byzantines chose not to adopt them. Latin was the official language of the Roman Empire, but many spoke Greek in the Byzantine Empire. Christianity was the official religion in the Roman Empire, but the Byzantines made it illegal. Points earned on this question: 5
Latin was the official language of the Roman Empire, but many spoke Greek in the Byzantine Empire.
What conclusions can be drawn about the spread of Islam from 632 through 1000 A.D. (CE)? Islamic armies faced major resistance from cities in the Persian Empire. Islam first developed in Europe and then spread inland through Africa. Islam had its origins in Constantinople before spreading to Arabia. Islamic armies conquered major cities to help spread Islam in three continents. Points earned on this question: 5
Islamic armies conquered major cities to help spread Islam in three continents.
What was the main purpose of the House of Wisdom, built by the Abbasid dynasty in Baghdad? Teaching non-Muslims about the life of Muhammad and the Islamic faith Printing copies of the Qur'an to be distributed throughout the empire Translating ancient great works of literature into the Arabic language Preparing young Muslims for military service Points earned on this question: 5
Translating ancient great works of literature into the Arabic language
Ibn Rushd is known for Creating romantic poems Writing an anatomy textbook Conducting scientific experiments Translating the works of Aristotle Points earned on this question: 5
Translating the works of Aristotle
Which external enemy proved to be the greatest continuing threat to the Byzantine Empire in the 15th century? The Abbasids The Goths The Romans The Turks Points earned on this question: 5
The Turks
How did monks contribute to the development of Western culture in the Byzantine Empire? Recording of secular laws Scientific experiments Architectural ideas and plans Preservation of Greek and Roman works Points earned on this question: 5
Preservation of Greek and Roman works
Which of the following is a major cultural contribution of the Byzantine Empire that means a picture made of many cubes of marble or glass? Hagia Mosaic Papyrus Textile Points earned on this question: 5
Use this excerpt from the Corpus Iuris Civilis (Justinian's Law Code) to answer the following question: With the aid of God governing Our Empire, which was delivered to Us by His Celestial Majesty, We carry on war successfully. We adorn peace and maintain the Constitution of the State, and have such confidence in the protection of Almighty God that We do not depend upon Our arms, or upon Our soldiers, or upon those who conduct Our Wars, or upon Our own genius, but We solely, place Our reliance upon the providence of the Holy Trinity, from which are derived the elements of the entire world and their disposition throughout the globe. โ€”Public Domain From this excerpt of the prologue of the Corpus Iuris Civilis, what departure from older Roman traditions is clear? The laws show that the empire has developed a bureaucracy that makes normal soldiering unnecessary. The law now honors Christianity as a central part of the empire's existence. The law explains that the Roman Empire is using war to spread Roman ideas. The law has replaced old social class divisions with an egalitarian church. Points earned on this question: 5
The law now honors Christianity as a central part of the empire's existence.
Who was John of Damascus? An early Christian bishop A monk who defended the use of icons A translator of the Bible into modern Russian A chief advisor to Emperor Constantine Points earned on this question: 5
A monk who defended the use of icons
Which of the following cities did the Byzantine Empire not control during its height? Rome Babylon Cordoba Milan Points earned on this question: 5
Which of the following was part of the Byzantine Empire at its height in 565 A.D. (CE)? Italy Southern shoreline of Red Sea Most of Spain Babylon Points earned on this question: 5
Which remained strongly organized and grew more powerful as the Western Roman Empire collapsed? The military command The Roman Catholic Church The office of the Western Roman emperor The trade networks Points earned on this question: 5
The Roman Catholic Church
What impact did the Frankish leader Charles Martel have on Christian Europe's relations with Muslim Spain in the eighth century? He negotiated a clear border between Spain and France. He stopped the Muslim advance from Spain into France. He welcomed Muslim ambassadors and scholars from Spain. He established a Christian kingdom in a corner of northern Spain. Points earned on this question: 5
He stopped the Muslim advance from Spain into France.
The following is an excerpt from Urban II's letter of instruction to the Crusaders, in 1095. Use the excerpt to answer the following question: Your brotherhood, we believe, has long since learned from many accounts that a barbaric fury has deplorably afflicted and laid waste the churches of God... More than this, blasphemous to say, it has even grasped in intolerable servitude its churches and the Holy City of Christ... -Public Domain What impression did Urban II hope to make on those reading this letter? Muslims were harassing Christians in the Holy Land. The Crusades have been a huge success. Christendom is weak and decadent. The western and eastern worlds should unite. Points earned on this question: 5
Muslims were harassing Christians in the Holy Land.
How did the Avars contribute to the weakening of the Byzantine Empire? The Avars teamed with the Powerful to overthrow Zoe and Theodora. The Avars formed a powerful kingdom along the Danube River and attacked from this position. The Avars turned against the Byzantines after initially helping them fight the Slavs. The Avars used advanced Greek technology to besiege the city of Constantinople. Points earned on this question: 5
The Avars turned against the Byzantines after initially helping them fight the Slavs.
Which of the following leaders was victorious in the fall of Constantinople? Mehmet II Osman I Sรผleyman I Constantine XI Points earned on this question: 5
Mehmet II
Which primary source about the Islamic Empire would be most likely to show bias? A book containing algebra equations The accounting records of an Italian merchant in Damascus A Crusader's speech to his troops before a battle An advisor's letter to the caliph on a threat to the realm Points earned on this question: 5
A Crusader's speech to his troops before a battle
The area around Palestine and Israel is referred to by Christians, Jews, and Muslims as which of the following? The state of Palestine The state of Israel The Holy Land The Crossroads Points earned on this question: 5
The Holy Land
Which of the following is true of the Roman Empire at the end of the fourth century CE? Constantinople was conquered shortly after the fall of Rome. Constantine the Great made Christianity legal, and Christians were no longer persecuted. Islam was the official religion, as established by Constantine the Great. The Western Roman Empire flourished, but the Eastern portion of the empire struggled. Points earned on this question: 5
Constantine the Great made Christianity legal, and Christians were no longer persecuted.
Which Byzantine emperor is famous for codifying Roman laws? Methodius Justinian Leo III Theodophilus Points earned on this question: 5
Which of the following is believed by Christians, but not by Muslims? Jesus was a true prophet of God. Jesus rose from the dead. Followers should visit holy sites. Followers should fast on certain days. Points earned on this question: 5
Jesus rose from the dead.
Which of the following best describes the Muslim view of Moses in the Old Testament? He is known as a false prophet. He is honored as a prophet. He is known as the father of Islam. He is believed to be a false messiah. Points earned on this question: 5
He is honored as a prophet.
Which of the following best describes the hajj for Muslims? The name for the Muslim weekly holy day of public prayer The title given to a spiritual leader in any sect of Muslims A duty of Muslims to journey to the sacred city of Mecca A method of food preparation in accordance with Muslim faith Points earned on this question: 5
A duty of Muslims to journey to the sacred city of Mecca
Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the existence of this type of art in Spain today? The Western Roman Empire was entirely Islamic. Spanish Christians rejected Islamic influence. At one point, Spain was part of the Islamic world. Christianity was outlawed in Spain. Points earned on this question: 5
At one point, Spain was part of the Islamic world.
What city did the Abbasid dynasty build in a strategic location to serve as the capital of the Islamic Empire? Baghdad Jerusalem Damascus Cairo Points earned on this question: 5
Which of the following best describes the architectural style of the Islamic Golden Age? Simple and practical Influenced by Christian symbols Open and lacking privacy Ornate and patterned Points earned on this question: 5
Ornate and patterned
How did the Iconoclast Controversy affect the Byzantine Empire? It weakened the Orthodox Church. It created a divide within the imperial court. It increased the power of the emperor over religious matters. It heightened public disagreement with the church. Points earned on this question: 5
It heightened public disagreement with the church.
Which of the following would have been a source for dispute between the Eastern and Western churches in the 11th century? Claiming the pope was the highest Christian authority Seeking to convert others to Christianity Determining the day of the week on which the Sabbath fell Continuing the practice of baptism Points earned on this question: 5
Claiming the pope was the highest Christian authority
Which religious group revolted against Islamic influence and power in India? Christians Muslims Jews Hindus Points earned on this question: 5