History Exam: 03.07 Module Exam

29 August 2022
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Which West African empire's decline was largely due to lack of a clear succession plan? Hutu Mali Ghana Ethiopia Points earned on this question: 5
The map below shows kingdoms, cities, and trade routes of Africa in the period 700-1600 CE. Use the map to answer the following question: Which of the following statements is supported by the map? There was a lower volume of trade in northern and western Africa, compared to the rest of the continent. At Songhai, gold was the major export, while at Mogadishu slaves and ivory were. Trade routes were concentrated in the northern and western kingdoms, but trading occurred throughout the continent. Trade from Mobasawa was conducted by land, while trade in Kongo was conducted solely by boat. Points earned on this question: 5
Trade routes were concentrated in the northern and western kingdoms, but trading occurred throughout the continent.
How did trade affect the development of African kingdoms? It contributed to the creation of an agricultural class. It led to the decline of city-states. It led to the rise of tribal communities. It contributed to the rise of powerful city-states and later kingdoms. Points earned on this question: 5
It contributed to the rise of powerful city-states and later kingdoms.
What led to a decline in Great Zimbabwe? A shift in the gold trade A religious conflict Spanish traders invaded Internal fighting over succession Points earned on this question: 5
A shift in the gold trade
How did Mansa Musa affect the Mali Empire? He discouraged formal education and scholarship. He introduced the practice of Christianity to the region. He closed trade routes to Asia and Europe. He made a pilgrimage to Mecca that boosted trade. Points earned on this question: 5
He made a pilgrimage to Mecca that boosted trade.
Who was at the bottom of the Aztec social order? Priests Farmers Slaves Warriors Points earned on this question: 5
Until recently, how did archaeologists think the Mayans spent most of their time? Stargazing Reading Fighting Weaving Points earned on this question: 5
What did conquered peoples have to do in Incan society? They had to leave after giving up their belongings. They had to stay in large stone prisons for their lifetime. They became servants for the social elite in their homes. They had to pay a tax through physical labor. Points earned on this question: 5
They had to pay a tax through physical labor.
Use the picture to answer the following question: What conclusion does the image above help to support? The Olmecs were a simple society with few achievements. The Nazca were highly organized and capable of carrying out complicated projects. The Olmecs were highly organized and capable of carrying out complicated projects. The Nazca worshipped a warrior god. Points earned on this question: 5
The Olmecs were highly organized and capable of carrying out complicated projects.
Use the photo below to answer the following question: Which of the following statements does the image above support? The Moche made their pottery in the shapes of animals. The Nazca decorated their pottery with bold colors and a mix of figures. The Moche used a jaguar theme in much of their pottery. The Nazca were focused on agriculture rather than art. Points earned on this question: 5
The Nazca decorated their pottery with bold colors and a mix of figures.
Which of the following represents a difference between the Mayans and the Incas? The Mayans worshipped one god, but the Incas worshipped many. The Mayans prayed only to the sun god, while the Incas prayed to hundreds of gods. The Mayans had a complex hieroglyphic writing system, while the Incas used quipu to send messages. The Mayans performed human sacrifices, but the Incas did not. Points earned on this question: 5
The Mayans had a complex hieroglyphic writing system, while the Incas used quipu to send messages.
Which of the following is true of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations? The territory was mostly rural and flat, with plenty of farmland and few cities. The territory was divided into independent city-states. Corn was the most important crop. Trade with other civilizations was uncommon. Points earned on this question: 5
Corn was the most important crop.
Which group of people broke free of Egyptian rule, establishing the city of Meroe along the Nile River? Arabs Hutu Kush Bantu Points earned on this question: 5
What tradition did the Bantu people bring with them throughout their migrations? Farming Hunting and gathering Trading Craftsmanship Points earned on this question: 5
Which of the following statements gives evidence to support the conclusion that the Olmecs were a "mother culture" of the Mayas? The Olmecs were a war-like people. The Olmecs did not participate in human sacrifice. The Olmecs built cities to align with the constellations. The Olmecs were known for the construction of large stone heads. Points earned on this question: 5
The Olmecs built cities to align with the constellations.
During Pacal the Great's reign, he rebuilt much of Palenque, placing his name and likeness on most of the buildings. What might have motivated him to do this? He believed this to be fulfilling the wishes of the gods. He felt the need to justify the legitimacy of his claim to the throne. It was a common custom among Mayan kings of that time. He was a popular ruler who had images made of him to show appreciation. Points earned on this question: 5
He felt the need to justify the legitimacy of his claim to the throne.
What motivated Moctezuma I to reorganize the Aztec government? Concern about civil war Fear over Mayan invasion Competition with the Incas The massive toll of the famine Points earned on this question: 5
The massive toll of the famine
How did the religious beliefs of Moctezuma I lead to the expansion of the Aztec empire? He took over neighboring lands because he believed the gods wanted larger temples. He conquered other lands because he believed an Aztec god wanted more human sacrifices. He converted other groups to his religion, and they surrendered their land to the Aztecs. He seized nearby lands to reclaim ancient Aztec burial grounds. Points earned on this question: 5
He conquered other lands because he believed an Aztec god wanted more human sacrifices.
What did the Aztec and Spanish calendars have in common? They had days designated for worship of Catholic saints. They were written in hieroglyphics. They had days designated for religious observances. They were based on Mayan arithmetic. Points earned on this question: 5
They had days designated for religious observances.
The timeline below shows several crucial dates in Zapotec history: What happened as a result of the Zapotecs agreeing to be ruled by the Spanish? The Aztecs conquered the Zapotecs. The Zapotec king became Aztec. The Zapotec king became Christian. The Zapotecs and Aztecs forged a peace treaty. Points earned on this question: 5
The Zapotec king became Christian.
In which of the following regions was the Aztec civilization located? Africa Mesoamerica The Andes South America Points earned on this question: 5
The timeline below shows events in both Mesoamerica and South America during the century before the Spanish arrival in the Americas. Use the timeline below to answer the following question:
Which of the following best describes the Songhai leaders Sunni Ali and Muhammad I Askia? Christians Savages Conquerors Scientists Points earned on this question: 5
Because Ghana was a matrilineal society, who was supposed to become king when the old one died? The king's mother The king's brother The king's first-born son The son of the king's sister Points earned on this question: 5
The son of the king's sister
What could an archeologist infer from the fact that fish bones have been found at mountain sites of the Inca Empire, while potatoes, a mountain crop, have been found at coastal Inca sites? The different environmental sections of the Inca Empire traded with each other. The distance from the coast to the mountains was less than the length of the coast. The Inca diet was essentially the same no matter what region people were in. The coastal Inca and the mountain Inca taught each other their food-providing skills. Points earned on this question: 5
The different environmental sections of the Inca Empire traded with each other.
The diagram below compares the styles of pyramids from several different Mesoamerican cultures. Use the diagram to answer the following question: If a historian knew the dates of all the pyramids, what could he or she tell by comparing the 10 different styles? Which culture was the most artistic Which cultures influenced each other Which cultures were conquered Which cultures had power over the others Points earned on this question: 5
Which cultures influenced each other
Which of the following was an important part of both Olmec and Maya culture? Monotheism Stone monuments Quipu Mosaics Points earned on this question: 5
Stone monuments
The image below shows the sign for one particular day in the Aztec calendar. Use the image to answer the following question: What inference about the Mesoamerican view of time can be made on the basis of the sign? For Mesoamericans, time was a frightening creation connected to death. Each Mesoamerican day was represented by a number. For Mesoamericans, each day in the calendar had a distinct identity. Each day in the Mesoamerican system was named after a god. Points earned on this question: 5
For Mesoamericans, each day in the calendar had a distinct identity.