World History Exam: 04.10 Segment One Exam Part A

26 August 2022
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Which of the following describes something monasteries and convents provided for their communities? Classes on new farming techniques Education Public land use Access to banks Points earned on this question: 5
What was one effect of the Iconoclast Controversy on the Byzantine Empire? A break in relations between the East and West The collapse of the Roman Catholic Church The establishment of "New Rome" The Pope's call for the Crusades Points earned on this question: 5
A break in relations between the East and West
Use this diagram to answer the following question: Which of the following belongs only in the Byzantine section of the chart? Emperor shared political authority with the general population Highest political authority was democratically elected Highest political and religious authorities were the same person Political authority was held by a triumvirate of consuls Points earned on this question: 5
Highest political and religious authorities were the same person
The following photograph shows an example of an important genre of architecture in the Middle Ages. Use the photograph to answer the following question: What style of architecture does the photograph show? Gothic Romanesque Neo-Classical Byzantine Points earned on this question: 5
Which of the following rulers, famous for his strong government and military, was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III? Henry III Charlemagne Clovis Otto I Points earned on this question: 5
Which of the following describes or is another name for "dhimmis" in early Muslim society? People of the Book Muslim non-Arabs Muslim Arabs Slaves Points earned on this question: 5
People of the Book
What shared belief of both Justinian and Charlemagne helped build cultural unity in Europe? The importance of Islamic scholarship The preservation of the Roman law code The superiority of Germanic traditions The need to preserve the Greek language Points earned on this question: 5
The preservation of the Roman law code
Why did the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella help unify Spain? They eliminated social classes in Spain. They came from humble backgrounds, so everyone could relate to them. They led the reconquest of Spain from centuries of Christian rule. They were from different geographic and cultural parts of Spain. Points earned on this question: 5
They were from different geographic and cultural parts of Spain.
Which of the following best describes Empress Theodora? A powerless figurehead Unconcerned with government An advisor of Justinian A typical Byzantine woman Points earned on this question: 5
An advisor of Justinian
What city did the Ottoman Empire choose for its capital? Damascus Constantinople Belgrade Rome Points earned on this question: 5
Use the map to answer the following question: Based on the map, which of the following countries was least likely to have cultural exchange with Japan? India China Korea Russia Points earned on this question: 5
What issue divided Shiite and Sunni Muslims? Whether the hajj is mandatory Whether Jesus was the Messiah How non-Muslims should be treated How leadership should be passed down Points earned on this question: 5
How leadership should be passed down
How did Western Europe maintain cultural unity after the fall of the Western Roman Empire? Confederations of Germanic tribes maintained the organization and structure of the empire. The Christian Church gave the various people and tribes in Western Europe a cultural center. Uninterrupted international trade preserved a sense of shared culture. The early kingdoms of Western Europe gave the populace a sense of a European community. Points earned on this question: 5
The Christian Church gave the various people and tribes in Western Europe a cultural center.
The text below from the Constitution of Medina established the government of Muhammad after his arrival in the city in 622 CE. Use this text to answer the following question:In the name of God the Compassionate, the Merciful.(1) This is a document from Muhammad the prophet (governing the relations) between the believers and Muslims of Quraysh and Yathrib, and those who followed them and joined them and labored with them...(16) To the Jew who follows us belong help and equality. He shall not be wronged nor shall his enemies be aided...(25) The Jews of the B. 'Auf are one community with the believers (the Jews have their religion and the Muslims have theirs), their freedmen and their persons except those who behave unjustly and sinfully, for they hurt but themselves and their families...(37) The Jews must bear their expenses and the Muslims their expenses. Each must help the other against anyone who attacks the people of this document. They must seek mutual advice and consultation, and loyalty is a protection against treachery. A man is not liable for his ally's misdeeds. The wronged must be helped. Source: Constitution SocietyThe excerpt above best supports what conclusion? Muhammad encouraged continued conflict with the Jewish people. The idea of freedom of religion did not exist during the early days of Muhammad's rule. Early Muslims acted from a position of political weakness. During Muhammad's early rule, Jewish people enjoyed a protected status. Points earned on this question: 5
During Muhammad's early rule, Jewish people enjoyed a protected status.
Who was the leader of the People's Crusade? Peter the Hermit Pope Urban II Saladin Richard the Lionheart Points earned on this question: 5
Peter the Hermit
Use the graphic below to answer the following question: What is the last effect in this cause-and-effect chain? Religious leaders lose a great deal of power. Trade increases with other countries. Kings immediately become very powerful. A peasant becomes entirely dependent on the land and his lord. Points earned on this question: 5
A peasant becomes entirely dependent on the land and his lord.
How did Japan's relations with China and Korea develop after the Mongol invasions? A wary truce developed between the three nations. War between the three nations became constant. Japan welcomed the influence of China and Korea. Japan became even more isolationist than it had been. Points earned on this question: 5
Japan became even more isolationist than it had been.
Use the map below that shows the extent of Islamic territory under different leaders to answer the following question: Each number on the map corresponds to the territory gained under a particular Islamic leader. Which of the following does region IV on the map represent? Expansion under Constantine I Lands inhabited by Christians during Muhammad's time Expansion during the Umayyad Caliphate Expansion under Charles Martel Points earned on this question: 5
Expansion during the Umayyad Caliphate
What caused the final fall of the Byzantine Empire? Slavic invasions Iconoclasts Justinian's Plague Attack from the Ottomans Points earned on this question: 5
Attack from the Ottomans
What were some of the benefits of the apprenticeship system? Education for peasants, and a way out of poverty Education for clergy, and a way out of poverty Schools and universities, and a higher status for women Education for peasants, and a higher status for women Points earned on this question: 5
Education for peasants, and a way out of poverty
Which of the following led to the development of Christianity in the Byzantine Empire? The apostle Paul spread Christianity throughout the empire. The power of the Christianized Roman Empire declined. The Romans abandoned a long history of Christian persecution. Christianity spread throughout the empire after Constantine's conversion. Points earned on this question: 5
Christianity spread throughout the empire after Constantine's conversion.
What religion was dominant in India when Islam expanded there? Hinduism Islam Judaism Christianity Points earned on this question: 5