01.05 The Byzantines

20 August 2022
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Cyril and Methodius were missionaries to the Slavs who translated the Bible into the new alphabet written for the Slavic language were excommunicated by Pope Gregory II for their Slavic writings supporting icons were iconoclasts who spoke out against the use of holy images or sculptures were scholars who established schools for the study of Greek and Roman history Points earned on this question: 5
translated the Bible into the new alphabet written for the Slavic language

Explanation: Cyril and Methodius were missionaries to the Slavs who translated the Bible into the new alphabet written for the Slavic language. They were excommunicated by Pope Gregory II for their Slavic writings supporting icons. They were iconoclasts who spoke out against the use of holy images or sculptures. They were scholars who established schools for the study of Greek and Roman history.
Who was John of Damascus? He was a bishop who supported church leaders in their ban of icons. He was a monk who believed the use of icons was a form of idolatry. He was a pope who excommunicated iconoclasts. He was a writer who strongly defended the use of icons. Points earned on this question: 5
He was a writer who strongly defended the use of icons.

Explanation: John of Damascus was a monk who believed that the use of icons was a form of idolatry. He was a strong defender of the use of icons and wrote many texts defending their use. He was excommunicated by the pope for his beliefs and later became a bishop.
What was an effect of the Iconoclastic Controversy? Council decisions ultimately brought the East and West together and strengthened their relationship, resulting in unity among the people. The East and West agreed to limit their use of icons to only fresco paintings or mosaic images for decorating only church interiors. Leo III finally agreed to allow the use of icons, which resulted in the church recognizing the Byzantine emperor as ruler of the entire Roman Empire. New revolts against Byzantine rulers broke out, illustrating worsening relations between East and West. Points earned on this question: 5
New revolts against Byzantine rulers broke out, illustrating worsening relations between East and West.

Explanation: The Iconoclastic Controversy was a conflict within the Christian Church over the use of religious images, or icons. The issue was first raised in the Eastern Roman Empire during the reign of Emperor Leo III, who ordered the destruction of all icons in 726. This sparked a revolt among the people of the empire, who were largely iconodules, or supporters of the use of icons. The conflict spread to the West, where it was taken up by the Pope and the Frankish King Charlemagne. Ultimately, the Council of Nicaea in 787 issued a decree that affirmed the use of icons in worship. However, the controversy continued to simmer for many years, and relations between the Eastern and Western churches were strained.
What were the two opposing opinions during the Iconoclastic Controversy? Some believed images of Christian figures should be allowed in paintings and sculptures, while others argued that sculptures should not be allowed because they took a human form. Some believed the use of icons and their veneration was fine, and others felt that icons should not exist because it could lead to idolatry. Some felt that only church members should be allowed to worship icons, but others felt that anyone should be allowed to worship icons. Some wanted icons to be used only in religious places of worship, while others thought icons should also be used in other public places, as well as the home. Points earned on this question: 5
Some believed the use of icons and their veneration was fine, and others felt that icons should not exist because it could lead to idolatry.

Explanation: The Iconoclastic Controversy was a debate that took place in the 8th and 9th centuries over the use of images in Christian worship. On one side were the iconoclasts, who believed that images should not be used in worship because they could lead to idolatry. On the other side were the iconodules, who believed that images could be used in worship as long as they were not venerated as idols. The debate was finally settled in 843 by the Council of Constantinople, which ruled in favor of the iconodules.
Which statement best describes what happened when Constantine tried to establish "New Rome"? He brought the Western Empire under his control and established an empire in Italy that prospered. He was not able to establish "New Rome" because Western Rome's armies were too strong and maintained control. He was overthrown by a foreign prince, and his new empire crumbled under the prince's poor leadership. He was successful in building a new political center in the East, unified by the Christian religion. Points earned on this question: 5
He was successful in building a new political center in the East, unified by the Christian religion.

Explanation: When Constantine tried to establish "New Rome," he was successful in building a new political center in the East, unified by the Christian religion. He brought the Western Empire under his control and established an empire in Italy that prospered.
When Constantine rebuilt Byzantium, it was called "New Rome" because Constantine became the new ruler of the Roman Church built it to resemble "Old Rome" combined the Western and Eastern Roman empires discarded old Roman traditions and began new ones Points earned on this question: 5
built it to resemble "Old Rome"

Explanation: When Constantine rebuilt Byzantium, he did so with the intention of making it the new capital of the Roman Empire. In order to do this, he needed to make it resemble the old capital, Rome. He also needed to combine the Western and Eastern Roman empires, which were previously divided. Lastly, he needed to start new traditions, as the old ones were no longer valid.
Which statement describes an impact of the collapse of the Western Roman Empire on Europe? Europe's economy improved significantly as new roads and infrastructure were developed. Former Roman lands were split up and claimed by Germanic kingdoms. There was a definite decline in Christianity, its followers, and its spread across lands. Trade increased in the West, resulting in an end to the recession taking place at that time. Points earned on this question: 5
Former Roman lands were split up and claimed by Germanic kingdoms.

Explanation: The collapse of the Western Roman Empire had a significant impact on Europe. One of the most notable changes was the development of new roads and infrastructure. This allowed for increased trade and commerce, which led to an overall improvement in the economy. Additionally, the former Roman lands were claimed by Germanic kingdoms, which led to a decline in Christianity. However, the trade increases that resulted from the collapse of the empire also led to an end to the recession that was taking place at that time.
(01.05 MC)Which of the following correctly describes Prince Odoacer's role in the fall of the Western Roman Empire? Prince Odoacer forced Augustulus to hand over his crown, and Germanic kingdoms claimed the land. Prince Odoacer is credited with overtaking Western Rome and creating a thriving economy and culture. Prince Odoacer served under Emperor Augustulus during the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. Prince Odoacer was executed for speaking out about Augustulus's poor leadership skills during the fall. Points earned on this question: 5
Prince Odoacer forced Augustulus to hand over his crown, and Germanic kingdoms claimed the land.

Explanation: Prince Odoacer was a Germanic warrior who served under Emperor Augustulus during the fall of the Western Roman Empire. In 476 AD, Odoacer led his troops to overthrow the last Roman emperor and claim the land for themselves. This act is credited with marking the end of the Western Roman Empire.
How did the political and religious ideas of the Byzantine Empire compare with the Western Empire? The Byzantine emperor was considered to be the highest political and religious figure. In the Western Empire, the highest political and religious figures were two different people. The Byzantine emperor was considered the political leader, but did not have authority over the church. In the Western Empire, the king had the highest political and religious authority. The emperor of the Byzantine Empire was in favor of the use of religious icons, but the pope and bishops in the West were opposed, and excommunicated those who supported this. The Patriarch, as the religious authority in the Byzantine Empire, passed a law criminalizing iconoclasts, while the religious leaders in Western Empire supported iconoclasts and their religious ideas. Points earned on this question: 0
The emperor of the Byzantine Empire was in favor of the use of religious icons, but the pope and bishops in the West were opposed, and excommunicated those who supported this.

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How did Constantinople's Church of Hagia Sophia demonstrate how the Byzantine Empire blended with the old Roman Empire? The church combined both Greek and Roman architecture, and became a melting pot where Eastern and Western cultures came together. The church housed a large library that included many books with information about traditions, customs, and laws from the Old Roman Empire. The church's leaders taught followers the laws and rules from both the Byzantine Empire and the old Roman Empire so that both cultures could survive. The church was built with many columns and arches, as well as a bell-shaped roof, which were signature elements of Old Roman architecture. Points earned on this question: 5
The church combined both Greek and Roman architecture, and became a melting pot where Eastern and Western cultures came together.

Explanation: The Church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople was a physical embodiment of the way in which the Byzantine Empire blended with the old Roman Empire. The church combined Greek and Roman architecture, and became a melting pot where Eastern and Western cultures came together. The church housed a large library that included many books with information about traditions, customs, and laws from the Old Roman Empire. The church's leaders taught followers the laws and rules from both the Byzantine Empire and the old Roman Empire so that both cultures could survive. The church was built with many columns and arches, as well as a bell-shaped roof, which were signature elements of Old Roman architecture.