Ch 14

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A strategy for staying ahead in the workplace of tomorrow is to focus on developing very specialized skills.
FALSE, "Being good at several things will be more advantageous in the long run than being excellent at one narrow specialty," says career coach Richard Knowdell. "A complex world will not only demand specialized knowledge but also general and flexible skills."
Leadership is the ability to require employees to pursue organizational goals.
FALSE Leadership is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals.
According to Kotter, leadership is about coping with change.
TRUE John Kotter suggests that management is about coping with complexity, and leadership is about coping with change.
Leadership functions include planning, budgeting, organizing, and staffing.
FALSE According to Kotter, companies manage complexity in several ways, including determining what needs to be done (planning and budgeting) and creating arrangements of people to accomplish an agenda (organizing and staffing). These are managerial, not leadership, functions.
Without good management, complex organizations tend to become chaotic.
TRUE Management is necessary because complex organizations, especially the large ones that so much dominate the economic landscape, tend to become chaotic unless there is good management.
One of the ways companies manage complexity is by aligning people.
FALSE Instead of organizing and staffing (management functions), leaders are concerned with aligning people, Kotter says. That is, they communicate the new direction to people in the company who can understand the vision and build coalitions that will realize it.
Leaders try to achieve their vision by motivating and inspiring others.
TRUE Instead of controlling and problem solving, leaders try to achieve their vision by motivating and inspiring. That is, they appeal to "basic but often untapped human needs, values, and emotions," says Kotter, to keep people moving in the right direction, despite obstacles to change.
Managers' legitimate power allows them to hire, fire, reward, and punish.
TRUE Managers have legitimate power (as we'll describe) that derives from the formal authority of the positions to which they have been appointed. This power allows managers to hire and fire, reward and punish.
One's authority comes as part of one's job.
TRUE Authority is the right to perform or command; it comes with the job. In contrast, power is the extent to which a person is able to influence others so they respond to orders.
Power that is directed at helping oneself is called self-serving power.
FALSE People who pursue personalized power—power directed at helping oneself—as a way of enhancing their own selfish ends may give the word "power" a bad name.
Many people at Duke Aficionados go to Ben rather than the IT department when they're having computer problems; he is just so efficient and friendly about helping out and is extremely knowledgeable. Here, Ben has referent power.
FALSE Here, Ben has expert power, which is power resulting from one's specialized information or expertise.
Christine has a charismatic personality, which gives her personalized power.
FALSE A charismatic personality is likely to yield referent power, which is power deriving from one's personal attraction.
) Manager's authority to punish their subordinates results in coercive power.
TRUE Coercive power, which all managers have, results from managers' authority to punish their subordinates.
Referent power is more likely to be associated with leaders than with managers.
TRUE Referent power is power deriving from one's personal attraction. Referent power may be associated with managers, but it is more likely to be characteristic of leaders.
Studies among employees reveal that pressure tactics are most commonly used to influence others in the workplace.
FALSE On a pair of studies, employees were asked how they got someone at work to do what they wanted. The two most used tactics were rational persuasion and inspirational appeals.
Reminding someone of past favors or offering to trade favors as a method to influence him is known as using coalition tactics.
FALSE The generic influence tactic called exchange tactics is reminding someone of past favors or offering to trade favors. Example: "Since I backed you at last month's meeting, maybe you could help me this time around."
Inspirational appeals are considered a soft tactic among generic influence tactics.
TRUE Inspirational appeals, which consist of trying to build enthusiasm or confidence by appealing to others' emotions, ideals, or values, are one of the "soft" tactics that are considered friendlier.
Gaining commitment as a response to an influence tactic is most likely to occur when pressure tactics are used.
FALSE Research shows that of the three possible responses to an influence tactic—enthusiastic commitment, grudging compliance, and outright resistance—commitment is most apt to result when the tactics used are consultation, strong rational persuasion, and inspirational appeals, which are all soft tactics.
Physical fitness, one of the biophysical traits, is considered to be a key leadership trait.
TRUE Physical fitness is a specific characteristic of the general biophysical trait that is a key positive leadership trait according to Table 14.2.
Kouzes and Posner's study found that honesty was a particularly important trait for a leader to be credible.
TRUE During the 1980s, James Kouzes and Barry Posner surveyed more than 7,500 managers throughout the United States as to what personal traits they looked for and admired in their superiors. The respondents suggested that a credible leader should have five traits. He or she should be (1) honest, (2) competent, (3) forward-looking, (4) inspiring, and (5) intelligent. The first trait, honesty, was considered particularly important, being selected by 87% of the respondents, suggesting that people want their leaders to be ethical.
According to a study, nearly twice as many men as women aspire to be CEO.
FALSE A study by a New York research firm found that 55% of women and 57% of men aspire to be CEO, challenging the notion that more women aren't at the top because they don't want to be there.
Studies show that female executives are better than male executives at motivating others.
TRUE According to Table 14.3, five studies show that female executives score higher than male executives on the ability to motivate others.
A recent study shows that male executives are better than female executives at producing high-quality work.
FALSE According to studies (see Table 14.3), women were found to be better at producing quality work, recognizing trends, and generating new ideas and acting on them.
Women executives believe that their exclusion from important informal networks is one of the biggest barriers to women's promotion to senior leadership positions.
TRUE Men believed that women are not in senior leadership positions because (1) they lack significant general management experience and (2) women have not been in the executive talent pool long enough to get selected. Women, by contrast, believed that (1) male stereotyping and (2) exclusion from important informal networks are the biggest barriers to promotability.
According to GLOBE research, a perfectionist leader is universally disliked.
FALSE According to Table 14.4, the universally negative leader attributes are loner, asocial, noncooperative, irritable, nonexplicit, egocentric, ruthless, and dictatorial.
The University of Michigan leadership model identified two leadership styles: job-centered and employee-centered.
TRUE The University of Michigan leadership model studied the effects of leader behavior on job performance, interviewing numerous managers and subordinates. The investigators identified two forms of leadership styles: job-centered and employee-centered.
According to the University of Michigan Leadership Model, a manager who pays more attention to making work groups cohesive than productivity numbers would be described as socially-centered
FALSE According to the University of Michigan leadership model, in employee-centered behavior managers paid more attention to employee satisfaction and making work groups cohesive. By concentrating on subordinates' needs they hoped to build effective work groups with high-performance goals.
In the Ohio State Leadership Model, consideration is leadership behavior that expresses concern for employees by establishing a warm, friendly, supportive climate.
TRUE According to the Ohio State leadership model, consideration is leadership behavior that expresses concern for employees by establishing a warm, friendly, supportive climate. This behavior, which resembles Likert's "employee-centered behavior," is sensitive to subordinates' ideas and feelings and establishes mutual trust.
Peter Drucker recommends using bold "I" language rather than "we" in the workplace to improve leadership effectiveness.
FALSE Peter Drucker recommends that you think and say "we" rather than "I" and consider the needs and opportunities of the organization before thinking of your own opportunities and needs.
The path-goal leadership model is a contingency approach to leadership.
TRUE Three contingency approaches are: (1) the contingency leadership model by Fiedler, (2) the path-goal leadership model by House, and (3) the situational leadership model by Hersey and Blanchard.
In the contingency leadership model, filling out the least preferred co-worker (LPC) questionnaire helps you to assess situational control.
FALSE To find out if you are task-oriented or relationship-oriented, you fill out a questionnaire (known as the least preferred co-worker, or LPC, scale). The three dimensions of situational control are leader-member relations, task structure, and position power.
In the contingency leadership model, the most important component of situational control is leader-member relations.
TRUE Leader-member relations, the most important component of situational control, reflects the extent to which a leader has or doesn't have the support, loyalty, and trust of the work group.
In the contingency leadership model, a person's leadership orientation is measured on a questionnaire called the most preferred leader scale.
FALSE To determine a person's leadership orientation, the contingency model has a questionnaire known as the least preferred co-worker (LPC) scale.
According to Fiedler's model, a task orientation will be more effective than a relationship one in a high- or low-control situation, but the relationship orientation is best in a moderate-control situation.
TRUE Neither leadership style is effective all the time, Fiedler's research concludes, although each is right in certain situations. The task-oriented style works best in either high-control or low-control situations. The relationship-oriented style works best in situations of moderate control (see Figure 14.1).
In the path-goal leadership model, the successful leader helps followers by tying meaningful rewards to goal accomplishment.
TRUE The path-goal leadership model holds that the effective leader makes available to followers desirable rewards in the workplace and increases their motivation by clarifying the paths, or behavior, that will help them achieve those goals.
Leader behaviors are one of the contingency factors in the path-goal leadership model.
FALSE As Figure 14.2 indicates, two contingency factors, or variables—employee characteristics and environmental factors—cause some leadership behaviors to be more effective than others according to path-goal theory.
According to path-goal theory, effective leaders possess and use more than one style of leadership.
TRUE Effective leaders possess and use more than one style of leadership. Thus, you are encouraged to study the eight styles offered in path-goal theory so that you can try new leader behaviors when a situation calls for them.
According to the Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership theory, a manager should be flexible in choosing a leadership behavior style and sensitive to the readiness level of employees.
TRUE In situational leadership theory, leadership behavior reflects how leaders should adjust their leadership style according to the readiness of the followers. The model suggests that managers should be flexible in choosing a leadership behavior style and be sensitive to the readiness level of their employees
According to situational leadership theory, readiness is the extent to which a manager possesses an ability to provide direction and support to followers
FALSE In situational leadership theory, readiness is defined as the extent to which a follower possesses the ability and willingness to complete a task.
According to situational leadership theory, managers should use the highest levels of supportive, relationship behaviors when the readiness of followers is very low.
FALSE According to Figure 14.3, the highest levels of relationship behaviors are best for followers with moderate levels of readiness (R2 and R3). The highest levels of task behaviors are best for followers with low readiness (R1).
The Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership model is not strongly supported by scientific research.
TRUE The situational leadership model is widely used as a training tool, but it is not strongly supported by scientific research. For instance, a study of 459 salespeople found that leadership effectiveness was not attributable to the predicted interaction between follower readiness and leadership style. Managers should exercise discretion when using prescriptions from this model.
A leader who focuses on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance is called a transformational leader.
FALSE Transactional leadership is focusing on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance
The best type of leader for a rapidly changing situation is a transactional one.
FALSE Transactional leaders are best in stable situations. What's needed in rapidly changing situations, as is often the case in many organizations today, is a transformational leader.
Adaptive, flexible organizational cultures are more likely to foster transformational leadership than bureaucratic ones.
TRUE Adaptive, flexible organizational cultures are more likely than are rigid, bureaucratic cultures to foster transformational leadership
Providing individualized consideration to subordinates is one of the key kinds of behaviors exhibited by transformational leaders.
TRUE Transformational leaders have four key kinds of behavior that affect followers, one of which is individualized consideration. Transformational leaders don't just express concern for subordinates' well-being. They actively encourage them to grow and to excel by giving them challenging work, more responsibility, empowerment, and one-on-one mentoring.
Charisma is a form of interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support.
TRUE Transformational leaders have charisma, a form of interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support.
Apple's Steve Jobs is a transactional leader
FALSE A transformational leader inspires motivation by offering an agenda, a grand design, an ultimate goal—in short, a vision. Apple Computer's Steve Jobs had a vision of developing an "insanely great" desktop computer.
Employees at any level can be trained to be more transactional, but transformational leadership is possible only among top managers.
FALSE Not just top managers but employees at any level can be trained to be more transactional and transformational.
Lack of honesty and trust can hurt transformational leaders because they lose credibility.
TRUE Without honesty and trust, even transformational leaders lose credibility—not only with employees but also with investors, customers, and the public.
The leader-member exchange model presupposes stable and uniform relationships between leaders and followers.
FALSE Unlike other models, which presuppose stable relationships between leaders and followers, the LMX model assumes each manager-subordinate relationship is unique (what behavioral scientists call a "vertical dyad").
In leader-member exchange, an out-group exchange is characterized by mutual trust, respect, and a sense of common fates.
FALSE In the in-group exchange, the relationship between leader and follower becomes a partnership characterized by mutual trust, respect and liking, and a sense of common fates.
Shared leadership is a simultaneous, ongoing, mutual influence process in which people share responsibility for leading.
TRUE Shared leadership is a simultaneous, ongoing, mutual influence process in which people share responsibility for leading.
A shared leader focuses on providing increased service to others rather than to him or herself.
FALSE Shared leadership is a simultaneous, ongoing, mutual influence process in which people share responsibility for leading.
An ability to foresee future outcomes is a noted characteristic of a servant leader.
TRUE The ability to foresee future outcomes is one of ten characteristics of a servant leader (see Table 14.8).
Use of positional authority to influence others is a key characteristic of a servant leader.
FALSE The use of persuasion rather than positional authority to influence others is one of ten characteristics of a servant leader (see Table 14.8).
Leadership which occurs through the use of information technology is known as e-leadership.
TRUE E-leadership can involve one-to-one, one-to-many, within-group, and between-group and collective interactions via information technology.
Harvard professor D. Quinn Mills predicts that management will move away from an emphasis on competition to a strategy based on knowledge sharing
TRUE Harvard Business School professor D. Quinn Mills, author of E-Leadership, suggests that individual companies will be replaced by much broader global networks that a single CEO will not be able to manage. Thus, while 20th-century management emphasized competition, he says, future organizations will run on knowledge sharing and open exchange.
For e-leadership, it is essential to use latest communication technology like blogs and, web and videoconferencing.
FALSE Among the tips on e-leadership offered by Dan McCarthy is to use technology but don't get too caught up in it. Even with web conferences, videoconferences, and blogs, the best technology for virtual teamwork may still be the telephone.
Which of the following is NOT advice from career coach Richard Knowdell for staying ahead in the workplace of tomorrow? A. Develop new and diverse capacities B. Anticipate, adapt to and embrace change C. Focus on workplace learning rather than the classroom D. When considering a job or industry, don't rely on reputation E. Develop your communication skills
c One tip is to keep learning. "You can take a one- or two-day course in a new subject," says Knowdell, "just to get an idea of whether you want to use those specific skills and to see if you would be good at it. Then, if there is a match, you could seek out an extended course."
Leadership is the ability to ______ employees to pursue organizational goals. A. force B. reward C. request D. influence E. compensate
d Leadership is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals.
_______ is about coping with complexity and ______ is about coping with change. A. Middle management; top management B. Management; leadership C. Attitude; perception D. Leadership; management E. Perception; attitude
b John Kotter suggests that management is about coping with complexity and leadership is about coping with change
According to Kotter, management and leadership are considered to be A. opposing forces. B. causal; here, management causes leadership. C. equivalent to one another. D. almost entirely unrelated. E. complementary to each other.
e Kotter suggests that one is not better than the other, that in fact they are complementary systems of action.
According to Kotter, companies manage complexity in which of the following ways? A. Organizing resources B. Motivating people C. Lobbying the government D. Innovating new products E. Setting a direction
a According to Kotter, companies manage complexity by planning and budgeting, organizing and staffing, and controlling and problem solving.
Of the following, which is the best way for leaders to cope with change? A. Problem-solving B. Lobbying the government C. Aligning people D. Virtual planning E. Watching current trends
c Leadership copes with change in three ways: setting a direction, aligning people, and motivating and inspiring.
According to Frederick Smith, chairman and CEO of FedEx, the primary task of leadership is to A. ensure progressive control and problem solving. B. align resources within the organization. C. inspire trust among all levels of employees. D. communicate the vision and values of an organization. E. oversee the success of an organization.
d "The primary task of leadership is to communicate the vision and the values of an organization," says Frederick Smith, chairman and CEO of FedEx.
The power that managers have resulting from their formal positions within organizations is called ______ power. A. referent B. legitimate C. reward D. coercive E. expert
b Legitimate power, which all managers have, is power that results from managers' formal positions within the organization
April congratulated her staff when the team received an industry award for their project, and also sent a company-wide email announcing it. Here, April is using her ______ power. A. personalized B. referent C. coercive D. expert E. reward
e Reward power, which all managers have, is power that results from managers' authority to reward their subordinates. Rewards can range from praise to pay raises, from recognition to promotions.
______ power results from one's specialized information. A. Legitimate B. Referent C. Expert D. Reward E. Coercive
c Expert power is power resulting from one's specialized information or expertise.
Trey was put on probation for a string of customer complaints about his service and professionalism. His supervisor was using ______ power. A. coercive B. personalized C. referent D. reward E. expert
a Coercive power, which all managers have, results from managers' authority to punish their subordinates. Punishment can range from verbal or written reprimands to demotions to terminations.
Power deriving from one's personal attraction is called ______ power. A. legitimate B. referent C. reward D. coercive E. personalized
b Referent power is power deriving from one's personal attraction. This kind of power characterizes strong, visionary leaders who are able to persuade their followers by dint of their personality, attitudes, or background.
Emily is outgoing, warm and truly inspirational when she talks about where she wants to lead her division. Her employees seem eager to do anything she asks. Emily has ______ power. A. legitimate B. referent C. reward D. coercive E. expert
b Referent power is power deriving from one's personal attraction. This kind of power characterizes strong, visionary leaders who are able to persuade their followers by dint of their personality, attitudes, or background.
In recent studies, the generic influence tactic that employees cite as most used in the workplace is A. legitimating. B. ingratiation. C. coalition. D. rational persuasion. E. pressure.
d There are nine tactics for trying to influence others. The most used is rational persuasion, which is trying to convince someone by using reason, logic, or facts.
The three least used influence tactics, according to a recent survey of employees, are A. legitimating, coalition tactics, and pressure tactics. B. inspirational appeals, rational persuasion, and consultation. C. rational persuasion, pressure tactics, and exchange. D. rational persuasion, coalition tactics, and upward appeals. E. inspirational appeals, coalition tactics, and pressure tactics.
a There are nine tactics for trying to influence others, the least used of which are legitimating, pressure tactics, and coalition tactics.
The influence tactic most likely to result in the enthusiastic commitment of employees is A. legitimating tactics. B. consultation. C. ingratiating tactics. D. coalition tactics. E. personal appeals.
b Research shows that of the three possible responses to an influence tactic—enthusiastic commitment, grudging compliance and outright resistance—commitment is most apt to result when the tactics used are consultation, strong rational persuasion, and inspirational appeals.
Acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or important before making a request are influence tactics known as A. coalition tactics. B. inspirational appeals. C. consultation. D. ingratiating tactics. E. personal appeals.
d Ingratiating tactics include acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or feel important before making a request.
Brent brought his proposal to Allison even before the meeting saying, "I'm sure you have some ideas on this and we could try to get them incorporated upfront." Brent is using which influence tactic? A. Legitimating tactics. B. Inspirational appeals. C. Ingratiating tactics. D. Personal appeals. E. Consultation.
e Consultation means trying to get others to participate in a decision or change. Example: "Wonder if I could get your thoughts about this matter."
Using threats or intimidation to persuade someone is which influence tactic? A. Legitimating B. Ingratiating C. Pressure D. Exchange E. Personal appeals
c Pressure tactics are the use of demands, threats, or intimidation to gain compliance. Example: "If this doesn't happen, you'd better think about cleaning out your desk."
When Melinda saw Carrie stuffing her purse with expensive printer cartridges, Carrie was quick to say, "We've been friends since first grade, so I'm sure you won't say anything about this." This is an example of using a(n) A. personal appeal. B. legitimating tactic. C. pressure tactic. D. coalition tactic. E. exchange tactic.
a Personal appeals occur when on refers to friendship and loyalty when making a request. Example: "We've known each other a long time, and I'm sure I can count on you."
The ______ approach to leadership attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders. A. attribute B. trait C. behavior D. quality E. contingency
b Trait approaches to leadership attempt to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders.
) Organizations may apply trait theory by A. considering the relationships among employees. B. using management development programs. C. hiring only from top-ranked business schools. D. doing a job audit. E. empowering the HR department.
b Organizations may apply trait theory by using personality & trait assessments and by using management development programs.
Which of the following is one of the traits of a credible leader identified by Kouzes and Posner? A. Honest B. Relationship-oriented C. Competitive D. Extroverted E. Driven
a James Kouzes and Barry Posner surveyed more than 7,500 managers throughout the United States as to what personal traits they looked for and admired in their superiors. The respondents suggested that a credible leader should have five traits. He or she should be (1) honest, (2) competent, (3) forward-looking, (4) inspiring, and (5) intelligent.
According to a BusinessWeek summary of management studies, men score better than women do on A. fostering communication. B. producing high-quality work. C. strategic planning. D. motivating others. E. listening to others.
c According to Table 14.3, the summary indicates that men score better than women on strategic planning and analyzing issues in several of the studies. On the other traits, women uniformly scored higher.
______ studies reveal that visionary and inspirational charismatic leaders who are good team builders generally are most effective worldwide. A. Servant leader B. E-leadership C. Contingency model D. GLOBE project E. Full-range approach
d Project GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness), surveyed 17,000 middle managers working for 951 organizations across 62 countries, and the researchers determined that certain attributes of leadership were universally liked or disliked. Visionary and inspirational charismatic leaders who are good team builders generally do the best.
) The ______ leadership approaches attempt to determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders. A. behavioral B. servant C. shared D. trait E. contingency
a Behavioral leadership approaches attempt to determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders.
Which of the following is a behavioral leadership approach? A. Servant leadership model B. University of Michigan leadership model C. Path-goal leadership model D. Transformational leadership E. Leader-member exchange model
b What all models of leadership behavior have in common is the consideration of task orientation versus people orientation. Two classic studies came out of the universities of Michigan and Ohio State.
In the University of Michigan studies, leadership style is identified as A. job-centered or employee-centered. B. transactional or transformational. C. initiating structure or consideration. D. task-oriented or relationship-oriented. E. telling, selling, participating, or delegating.
a Researchers at the University of Michigan identified two forms of leadership styles: job-centered and employee-centered.
Erdem manages his employees through a careful monitoring of their production, comparing what they do to predicted schedules and desired budgets. Erdem can best be described as a(n) ______ leader. A. production-oriented B. charismatic C. job-centered D. transformational E. employee-centered
c In job-centered behavior, managers pay more attention to the job and work procedures. Their principal concerns are with achieving production efficiency, keeping costs down, and meeting schedules.
The model that identifies leadership behavior as either "initiating structure" or "consideration" is the ______ model. A. leader-member exchange B. path-goal leadership C. University of Michigan leadership D. University of Ohio leadership E. situational leadership
d From surveys of leadership behavior for the Ohio State Leadership Model, two major dimensions of leader behavior were identified: initiating structure and consideration.
Bonita apologized to one of her subordinates for an email that upset him. She told him she may have chosen an unfortunate way of stating her idea, and that she'd be happy to talk it through with him. Bonita is A. using a personal appeal. B. initiating structure. C. practicing shared leadership. D. exercising personalized power. E. expressing consideration behavior.
e Consideration is leadership behavior that expresses concern for employees by establishing a warm, friendly, supportive climate. This behavior, which resembles Likert's "employee-centered behavior," is sensitive to subordinates' ideas and feelings and establishes mutual trust.
From the University of Michigan and Ohio State studies, one management expert concluded that effective leaders tend to do all of the following EXCEPT which? A. Change leadership styles according to the situation B. Have supportive relationships with employees C. Use group rather than individual methods of supervision D. Set high performance goals E. Have an employee-centered leadership style
One management expert concluded that effective leaders (1) tend to have supportive or employee-centered relationships with employees, (2) use group rather than individual methods of supervision, and (3) set high performance goals.
The approach to leadership that suggests that effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand is the ______ approach. A. trait B. transformational C. circumstantial D. behavioral E. contingency
e Proponents of the contingency approach to leadership believe that effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand.
Which of the following is a contingency approach to leadership? A. Michigan model B. Path-goal leadership model C. Servant leadership model D. Ohio State model E. Leader-member exchange model
b Three contingency approaches to leadership are: (1) the contingency leadership model by Fiedler, (2) the path-goal leadership model by House, and (3) the situational leadership model by Hersey and Blanchard.
Fiedler's contingency leadership model determines if a leader's style is A. transactional or transformational. B. directive, supportive, participative, or achievement-oriented. C. task-oriented or relationship-oriented. D. telling, selling, participating, or delegating. E. charismatic or non-charismatic.
c The contingency leadership model determines if a leader's style is (1) task-oriented or (2) relationship-oriented and if that style is effective for the situation at hand.
The amount of influence a leader has in his immediate work environment is called his A. coercive power. B. leadership style. C. readiness. D. situational control. E. task structure.
d Situational control is how much control and influence a leader has in the immediate work environment.
The model that requires a manager to assess her own style and her situational control is A. Fiedler's contingency model. B. shared leadership model. C. Hersey-Blanchard's situational leadership model. D. House's path-goal theory. E. charismatic leadership theory.
a The contingency leadership model determines if a leader's style is (1) task-oriented or (2) relationship-oriented and if that style is effective for the situation at hand.
The questionnaire used in Fiedler's model to determine leadership orientation is called the A. Myers-Briggs type inventory. B. least preferred coworker scale. C. tolerance of ambiguity questionnaire. D. Type A behavior scale. E. path-goal survey.
b To find out if you are task-oriented or relationship-oriented, you or your employees would fill out a questionnaire (known as the least preferred co-worker, or LPC, scale), in which you think of the co-worker you least enjoyed working with and rate him or her according to an eight-point scale.
) Jay's peers were surprised when he received a promotion and suddenly became their supervisor. They thought he was rather unreliable and weren't sure he was up to the task. According to the contingency model, Jay has A. poor leader-member relations. B. weak position power. C. poor worker facilitation. D. low task structure. E. unsuccessful leadership adaptation.
a The leader-member relations dimension of the contingency model, the most important component of situational control, reflects the extent to which a leader has or doesn't have the support, loyalty, and trust of the work group.
One of three dimensions of situational control in the contingency leadership model, ______ is the extent to which tasks are routine, unambiguous, and easily understood. A. job mastery B. task identity C. position power D. job design E. task structure
e Task structure is the dimension referring to the extent to which tasks are routine, unambiguous, and easily understood. The more structured the jobs, the more influence a leader has.
Liz is trying to lead a cross-functional team, but she is having some issues. Most members were other department managers at her level, and they saw no reason to do what she told them to. Here, Liz has A. low tolerance for ambiguity. B. high task structure. C. weak referent power. D. poor leader-member relations. E. weak position power.
e Position power is the dimension of the contingency model that refers to how much power a leader has to make work assignments and reward and punish. More power equals more control and influence.
According to the contingency model, a relationship-oriented leadership style works best in ______ situations. A. low control B. high control C. moderate control D. uncontrolled E. both high and low control
c In the contingency model, the relationship-oriented style works best in situations of moderate control.
Tim leads a task force developing specifications for a new customer database to be used by several departments. Tim is an IT supervisor, but most of the others are directors of other departments. At the first meeting, a few of them asked him questions he couldn't answer. According to the contingency model, Tim's situational control likely A. is low. B. is moderate. C. is high. D. is extremely high. E. cannot be determined from the information.
a Leader-member relations are likely poor because he can't always answer questions. The task is relatively unstructured because it is new and complex. Tim has little position power. These lead to a low-control situation.
Amanda leads a task force charged with restructuring the order-processing system in the organization. The task force is composed of her peers over whom she has little control, and some of whom do not seem to respect her. According to the contingency model, Amanda should adopt a(n) ___________ leadership style. A. employee-centered B. task-oriented C. relationship-oriented D. participatory E. initiating structure
b The situational control is very low, and Fiedler's model suggests a task-oriented style will be more effective.
In assessing how much situational control he has, a manager should consider which of the following? A. Amount of socialized power B. Subordinate readiness C. Level of transformation D. Amount of task structure E. Ability of staff
d There are three dimensions of situational control: leader-member relations, task structure, and position power.
Viviana supervises a group of customer service representatives. Viviana is respected and well-liked by her staff, and she has worked hard to make sure all of them know how to do the job very well. She is responsible for all staffing and reward decisions in her department. In the contingency model, Viviana has A. low task structure. B. high situational control. C. low leader-member relations. D. low position power. E. high expert power.
b Viviana's leader-member relations are high because she and her people get along well. The task structure is high because the job is routine and unambiguous. The position power is high because she holds a lot of legitimate power.
Lorenzo supervises the pool of word processors serving all the lawyers at the firm. He gets along well with his people, and has worked hard to create detailed procedures for every type of legal document the typists might encounter. Lorenzo hires and fires, and gives work assignments, performance appraisals, and promotions. According to the contingency model, the optimal leadership style is A. transformational. B. team management. C. task-oriented. D. relationship-oriented. E. consideration.
c The situational control is high, which, according to Fiedler, suggests that a task-oriented style would be more effective.
According to Fiedler's contingency model, ______ situation control favors a leader who is ______ oriented. A. low; relationship B. low; transformational C. moderate; task D. high; transformational E. moderate; relationship
e According to Fiedler's model, the relationship-oriented style works best in situations of moderate control.
In the contingency model, if your leadership orientation does not match the situation in your workplace, Fiedler recommends that you A. try to move to a more suitable situation. B. alter your leadership style. C. take management classes to improve your power. D. get an assistant with the preferred orientation. E. gradually change the makeup of your subordinates.
a What do you do if your leadership orientation does not match the situation? Then, says Fiedler, it's better to try to move leaders into suitable situations rather than try to alter their personalities to fit the situations.
The model in which an effective leader clarifies how subordinates can achieve personal and organizational objectives and provides them support in doing so is A. Greenleaf's servant leadership model. B. Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership model. C. Leader-member exchange model. D. Fiedler's contingency model. E. House's path-goal model.
e The path-goal leadership model holds that the effective leader makes available to followers desirable rewards in the workplace and increases their motivation by clarifying the paths, or behavior, that will help them achieve those goals and providing them with support.
According to House's revised path-goal theory, a leader's style should vary depending on which of the following? A. Positional power B. Environmental factors C. Situational control D. Organizational readiness E. Leader-member relations
b According to House's revised path-goal theory, a leader's style should vary depending on employee characteristics and environmental factors.
) Faruk is something of a cheerleader around his team. He describes the great things he knows the group can accomplish, is quick to complement the work of his staff, and is so enthusiastic about their successes. According to revised path-goal theory, Faruk is using a(n) ______ leadership style. A. value-based B. path-goal clarifying C. interaction facilitation D. achievement-oriented E. relationship-oriented
a According to House's revised path-goal theory, those with a value-based leadership style establish a vision, display passion for it, and support its accomplishment. They communicate high performance expectations and confidence in others' abilities to meet their goals. They give frequent positive feedback and demonstrate self-confidence.
Kojika supervises a customer service unit that receives stress-producing calls from unhappy customers, and turnover has been high lately. Kojika is kind and patient with the staff, and tells them she knows what they're going through since it wasn't so long ago that she took those calls. According to revised path-goal theory, Kojika is using a(n) ______ leadership style. A. work facilitation B. interaction facilitation C. supportive D. achievement-oriented E. value-based
c According to House's revised path-goal theory, those with a supportive leadership style treat others as equals, show concern for well-being and needs, and are friendly and approachable.
Michael runs a research and development department. He gets a lot out of his employees by setting lofty goals and expressing his belief that each of them is capable of doing his or her part. He expects their best work. According to revised path-goal theory, Michael is using a(n) ______ leadership style. A. representation & networking B. interaction facilitation C. supportive D. achievement-oriented E. work facilitation
d According to revised path-goal theory, those with an achievement-oriented leadership style set challenging goals, emphasize excellence, and demonstrate confidence in employee abilities.
House's revision of his theory puts more emphasis on the need for leaders to foster A. concrete rewards. B. stress management techniques. C. intrinsic motivation. D. an external locus of control. E. personal growth in management knowledge.
c Besides expanding the number of leader behavior styles, House's revision of his theory also puts more emphasis on the need for leaders to foster intrinsic motivation through empowerment.
The leadership model that suggests that leaders should adjust their leadership style according to the readiness of the followers is the A. Greenleaf's servant leadership model. B. Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership model. C. Leader-member exchange model. D. Fiedler's contingency model. E. House's path-goal model.
b In situational leadership theory, leadership behavior reflects how leaders should adjust their leadership style according to the readiness of the followers.
In the situational leadership model, ______ is defined as the extent to which a follower possesses the ability and willingness to complete a task. A. referent power B. charisma C. personalized power D. readiness E. task structure
d Readiness is defined as the extent to which a follower possesses the ability and willingness to complete a task. Subordinates with high readiness (with high ability, skills, and willingness to work) require a different leadership style than do those with low readiness (low ability, training, and willingness).
In the situational leadership model, which of the following leadership styles is recommended for employees with the highest levels of readiness? A. Supporting B. Telling C. Participating D. Delegating E. Selling
d The highest level of follower readiness, R4, corresponds with the delegating leadership style (see Figure 14.3).
In the situational leadership model, as follower readiness increases from low to high, which of the following represents the order in which leaders' styles should progress? A. Telling, participating, delegating, selling B. Telling, selling, delegating, participating C. Selling, telling, delegating, participating D. Selling, participating, delegating, telling E. Telling, selling, participating, delegating
e The leadership style of telling works best for followers with a low level of readiness, followed by selling, participating and delegating at progressively higher levels of readiness.
In Hersey-Blanchard's situational leadership model, when a manager encourages followers to solve problems on their own and uses shared decision making, she is using the ______ style. A. supporting B. telling C. participating D. delegating E. selling
c Participating involves encouraging followers to solve problems on their own. Because it shares decision making, this leadership style encourages subordinates in performing tasks. Thus, it is most appropriate for followers whose readiness is in the moderate to high range.
One of Kurt's subordinates, Rosie, has never learned to run customized reports and is insecure about learning. Nikko doesn't know how to do it either but is eager to try and has a lot of confidence that he can figure it out. In the situational model, Kurt should use a ______ style with Rosie, and a ______ style with Nikko. A. participating; selling B. selling; telling C. selling; participating D. telling; selling E. selling, delegating
d Rosie is R1, and would be best managed with telling; Nikko is R2, and would be best managed with selling (see Figure 14.3).
According to the concept of full-range leadership, leadership behaviors vary along a range from ______ leadership at one extreme to transformational leadership at the other. A. transactional B. shared C. laissez-faire D. servant E. charismatic
c Full-range leadership suggests that leadership behavior varies along a full range of leadership styles, from take-no-responsibility ( laissez-faire ) "leadership" at one extreme, through transactional leadership, to transformational leadership at the other extreme.
A transactional leader is most similar in focus to a A. charismatic leader. B. transformational leader. C. servant leader. D. situational leader. E. manager.
e Transactional leadership encompasses the fundamental managerial activities of setting goals and monitoring progress toward their achievement, and focuses on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance.
Which of the following is a characteristic of transformational leaders? A. They are better in stable situations. B. They clarify employees' roles. C. They set goals and monitor progress toward their achievement. D. They encourage people to do exceptional things. E. They provide rewards in exchange for subordinates doing the work.
d Whereas transactional leaders try to get people to do ordinary things, transformational leaders encourage their people to do exceptional things—significantly higher levels of intrinsic motivation, trust, commitment, and loyalty—that can produce significant organizational change and results.
Charismatic leadership is now considered part of ______ leadership. A. transactional B. shared C. laissez-faire D. servant E. transformational
e Charismatic leadership—which was assumed to be an individual inspirational and motivational characteristic of particular leaders, much like other trait-theory characteristics—was viewed as a category of its own, but now it is considered part of transformational leadership.
) Employees at Kearns Seafood were really impressed with the new CEO, Jane. She was the first person who had fully developed a vision for the company about where it could go, and had energized everyone to try to get there. Jane is a ______ leader. A. servant B. transformational C. transactional D. shared E. laissez-faire
b A transformational leader inspires motivation by offering an agenda, a grand design, an ultimate goal—in short, a vision.
Which of the following is NOT positively associated with transformational leadership, according to research? A. Employee job satisfaction B. More employee identification with their immediate work groups C. Lower levels of internal competition D. Higher levels of group cohesion E. More work engagement
c The research shows that transformational leadership yields several positive results. For example, it is positively associated with (1) measures of organizational effectiveness; (2) measures of leadership effectiveness and employee job satisfaction; (3) more employee identification with their leaders and with their immediate workgroups; and (4) higher levels of intrinsic motivation, group cohesion, work engagement, and setting of goals consistent with those of the leader.
The ______ model of leadership emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different subordinates. A. servant B. contingency C. Michigan D. LMX E. trait
d The leader-member exchange (LMX) model of leadership emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different subordinates.
) In the leadership-member exchange model, the relationship between leader and follower that is characterized by mutual trust, respect, and liking is known as A. preferred coworker exchange B. servant exchange C. in-group exchange D. special exchange E. socialized exchange
c In the in-group exchange, the relationship between leader and follower becomes a partnership characterized by mutual trust, respect and liking, and a sense of common fates.
______ leadership is most likely to be needed when people work in teams, are involved in complex projects, or are doing knowledge work. A. Transformational B. Shared C. Transactional D. Servant E. Charismatic
b Shared leadership is a simultaneous, ongoing, mutual influence process in which people share responsibility for leading. This kind of leadership is most likely to be needed when people work in teams, are involved in complex projects, or are doing knowledge work—work requiring voluntary contributions of intellectual capital by skilled professionals.
MySpace founders Anderson and DeWolfe could best be described as which type of leaders? A. Leader-member exchange B. Situational C. Servant D. Shared E. Transactional
d Shared leadership is a simultaneous, ongoing, mutual influence process in which people share responsibility for leading. Some famous technical companies are headed by leaders who share power, such as founders, Tom Anderson and Chris DeWolfe.
A leader who focuses on providing increased service to others is called a A. charismatic leader. B. transformational leader. C. transactional leader. D. servant leader. E. situational leader.
d Servant leaders focus on providing increased service to others—meeting the goals of both followers and the organization—rather than to themselves.
Javier, the CEO of a small travel company, treated company resources as if they were his own, and his employees even better. He cared about the staff deeply and even organized international volunteering activities to promote their growth. Javier could best be described as which type of leader? A. Situational B. Servant C. Laissez-faire D. Shared E. Transactional
b Servant leaders focus on providing increased service to others. Characteristics include belief they are stewards of their employees and resources and commitment to the growth of people.
______ have a global mind-set that recognizes that the Internet is opening new markets and recharging existing ones. A. Situational leaders B. E-leaders C. Shared leaders D. Transactional leaders E. Web-based leaders
b E-leaders, says one writer, "have a global mind-set that recognizes that the Internet is opening new markets and recharging existing ones. They don't bother fighting mere battles with competitors because they're too busy creating businesses that will surround and destroy them."
Which of the following is a tip to be a successful e-leader? A. Follow the strategy you set B. Be a transactional leader C. Minimize "off-line" time with team members D. Use global English E. Use videoconferencing as frequently as possible
d Tips on e-leadership offered by Dan McCarthy, Manager of Leadership and Management Development for a Fortune 500 company, include using global English.
Contrast management with leadership and explain their relationship to one another using John Kotter's criteria.
Management is the system of action that deals with complexity, and leadership is the system of action for dealing with change. Management copes with complexity through planning, budgeting, organizing, staff, controlling and problem solving. Leadership copes with change through setting direction, aligning people, and motivating and inspiring. Neither is more important than the other, but in fact they are complementary systems of action.
Identify and define the five sources of power. Provide an example of how each might be used, and by whom.
The five sources of power are: Legitimate: power from a person's formal position within an organization Reward: power from the ability to reward another person Coercive: power from the ability to punish another person Expert: power from one's specialized information or expertise Referent: power from one's personal attraction The student should then give an example of each type of power.
Identify at least five of the influence tactics used to get people to do what you want. Is each of these a hard or soft tactic? Which one is most frequently used? Provide examples of how each might be used.
The nine tactics described, in descending order of frequency of use, are: Rational persuasion (soft)-"You know, all the cutting-edge companies use this approach." Inspirational appeals (soft)-"If we do this as a goodwill gesture, customers will love us." Consultation (soft)-"Wonder if I could get your thoughts about this matter." Ingratiation (soft)-"I hate to impose on your time, knowing how busy you are, but you're the only one who can help me." Personal appeals (soft)-"We've known each other a long time, and I'm sure I can count on you." Exchange tactics (hard)-"Since I backed you at last month's meeting, maybe you could help me this time around." Coalition tactics (hard)-"Everyone in the department thinks this is a great idea." Pressure tactics (hard)-"If this doesn't happen, you'd better think about cleaning out your desk." Legitimating tactics (hard)-"This has been green-lighted at the highest levels."
What is a trait theory of leadership? According to Kouzes & Posner, what are the five traits that make a credible leader? Choose a leader that you find credible and assess if that person seems to possess these traits.
A trait theory of leadership is one that attempts to identify some distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders. Kouzes & Posner's studies found that the five traits of leaders are: honest, competent, forward-looking, inspiring, and intelligent. The student should then describe a leader in terms of the theory.
What is a behavioral theory of leadership? Choose one of the behavioral leadership theories and explain it. Then, choose a leader and characterize the leadership style you think that person exhibits according to your chosen theory.
A behavioral theory of leadership is one that attempts to determine distinctive styles used by effective leaders. The two classic studies discussed in the text are: The University of Michigan Model: This investigation identified two forms of leadership styles: job-centered and employee-centered. In job-centered behavior, managers paid more attention to the job and work procedures. In employee-centered behavior, managers paid more attention to employee satisfaction and making work groups cohesive. Ohio State Leadership Model: The two major dimensions of leader behavior are initiating structure—the leadership behavior that organizes and defines what group members should be doing; and the consideration dimension—leadership behavior that expresses concern for employees by establishing a warm, friendly, supportive climate. The student should then describe a leader in terms of the chosen theory.
Explain Fiedler's contingency theory by describing the factors that contribute to a low-control situation, and what style of leadership would be prescribed in this case. Illustrate the situation with realistic circumstances in which this would occur.
The contingency leadership model determines if a leader's style is (1) task-oriented or (2) relationship-oriented and if that style is effective for the situation at hand. Situational control is based on task structure (the extent to which tasks are routine, unambiguous, and easily understood), leader-member relations (the extent to which a leader has the support, loyalty, and trust of the work group), and position power (how much power a leader has to make work assignments and reward and punish). It determines what leadership style (task-oriented or relationship-oriented) works best. High- and low-control situations favor task-oriented leadership, while moderate-control situations call for relationship-oriented leadership. In low-control situations, leader decisions can't produce predictable results because he or she can't really influence outcomes.
What is a transactional leader? What is a transformational leader? How do these terms align with the earlier definitions of "manager" and "leader"? Explain
Transactional leadership focuses on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance. This is most like the earlier definition of "manager." A transformational leader is a visionary who challenges people to perform above and beyond what's expected of them; to pursue organizational goals over self-interest. These leaders transform others. This is most like the earlier definition of "leader."
What are the characteristics of a transformational leader? How do they transform their followers? Select someone that you believe to be a transformational leader, and illustrate your points.
A transformational leader has vision, idealized influence, individualized consideration, and intellectual stimulation. A charismatic leader transforms followers by sharing a vision, inspiring trust in their followers, actively encourage followers to grow and to excel by giving them challenging work, and intellectually stimulating the followers to see personal challenges to overcome. The student should then describe a transformational leader in terms of the attributes he or she explained.
What is servant leadership? What are the characteristics of a servant leader?
A servant leader is one who focuses on providing increased service to others rather than to him or herself. The characteristics include: focus on listening, ability to empathize, focus on healing suffering, self-awareness of strengths and weaknesses, use of persuasion over position power, broad-based conceptual thinking, ability to foresee future outcomes, belief that they are stewards (caretakers) of employees and resources, commitment to the growth of people, and drive to build community within and outside the organization.