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Why did the Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise involve so much debate and discussion at the Constitutional Convention?
Each state was most concerned for its own interests and needs.
Explanation: The Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise were both controversial because they involved a trade-off between the interests of different groups. The Great Compromise was a compromise between the large and small states, while the Three-Fifths Compromise was a compromise between the slave states and the free states.
The issue of slavery at the Constitutional Convention was actually an issue about
Explanation: how to count slaves in the population for purposes of representation in the House of Representatives.The issue of slavery at the Constitutional Convention was actually an issue about how to count slaves in the population for purposes of representation in the House of Representatives. The delegates from the southern states wanted slaves to be counted as part of the population, while the delegates from the northern states wanted slaves to be counted as three-fifths of a person. This debate led to the Three-Fifths Compromise, which stated that slaves would be counted as three-fifths of a person for purposes of representation in the House of Representatives.
The Constitution was a result of multiple
Explanation: compromisesThe Constitution was the result of multiple compromises between the delegates at the Constitutional Convention. The delegates were from different states with different interests, and they had to compromise on many issues in order to come to an agreement on the Constitution. Some of the issues that they had to compromise on were the number of representatives each state would have in Congress, how slaves would be counted for representation and taxation purposes, and whether or not there would be a Bill of Rights.
The men sent to the convention to represent their states were best known as
Explanation: ?The men sent to the convention to represent their states were best known as delegates.
How did the issue of slavery affect the debate on representation at the Constitutional Convention?
Both regions recognized that how enslaved people were counted would significantly affect representation.
Explanation: The issue of slavery affected the debate on representation at the Constitutional Convention in a number of ways. First, it led to the Three-Fifths Compromise, which counted each slave as three-fifths of a person for the purposes of representation and taxation. This compromise was necessary to get the support of southern states for the Constitution. Second, the issue of slavery also played a role in the debates over the Electoral College and the composition of the Senate. The Three-Fifths Compromise led to more southern states having more electoral votes than they would have otherwise, and the composition of the Senate gives more representation to less populous states, which also benefited the southern states.
Which statement about the Great Compromise is accurate?
It merged the ideas of multiple delegates' plans.
Which statement about the northern states in the 1780s is accurate?
They generally had less enslaved labor than the southern states.
What is the best definition of bicameral?
a government made up of two parts or houses
Explanation: There is no one best" definition of bicameralism, as the term can be used to describe a variety of different governmental structures. Broadly speaking, bicameralism is a system in which a legislature is divided into two separate chambers, each of which has different roles and functions. This can be seen in many national legislatures, such as the United States Congress, which is composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate. In some cases, the two chambers may have equal power, while in others one chamber may be subordinate to the other."
If a fair representation of the people be not secured, the injustice of the Government will shake it to its foundations What did Randolph mean when he wrote "shake it to its foundations"?
weaken or destroy government
Explanation: Randolph was emphasizing the importance of having a representative government in which the people have a say. Without this, the government will be unjust and will not be able to stand.
Which of the following summarizes the Great Compromise?
It combined key elements from the "small state" and "large state" plans.
How was the Three-Fifths Compromise like the Great Compromise?
It determined how states would be represented in Congress.