chapter 2 gov: constitution

27 November 2022
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The New Jersey Plan called for all of the following except:
A. Congress would elect several people to form an executive office. **B. the elimination of a Supreme Court. C. the ability of Congress to regulate trade and impose taxes. D. acts of Congress would be the supreme law of the land. E. the principle of one state, one vote.
The Three-Fifths Compromise did all of the following except:
A. illustrate the power of the southern states at the convention. B. partially apportion the House of Representatives and the electoral college on the basis of property. **C. give African Americans representation that was equal to what free whites received. D. give more voting power to southern slave owners. E. fail to address the slave trade directly.
A constitutional amendment can be ratified by:
A. positive vote in conventions in three-fourths of the states. B. a positive vote in the legislatures of three-fourths the states. C. a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress. D. the legislatures in two-thirds of the states. **E. Options A and B are true.
The New Jersey Plan called for the following:
A. a three-fifth compromise to deal with slavery B. a powerful federal government divided in three branches C. bicameral legislature with equal representation in both **D. unicameral legislature following the principle of one state, one vote.
The Constitutional Convention in 1787 was brought on by the:
A. publication of the Treaty of Paris. B. request of President Washington. **C. failure of the Articles of Confederation. D. publication of the Declaration of Independence. E. end of the Revolutionary War.
The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution to:
A. limit the rights of individuals. B. limit the powers of the state governments. **C. to protect the states and individuals from the federal government. D. to expand the powers of the federal government.
The term confederation or confederal refers to:
A. a system in which most power is with the central government. **B. a voluntary association in which states have most of the power. C. a system in which state and local governments have equal power with the central government. D. a national legislature. E. the southern states where slavery was legal.
The Constitution included all of the following except
A. a republican form of government. B. limited government with written laws. **C. a unicameral legislature. D. protections for states' rights. E. checks and balances.
The concept of checks and balances allows
A. Congress to declare presidential actions unconstitutional. B. the Supreme Court to break the tie on legislation. **C. the President to veto legislation he/she does not support. D. Congress to remove members of the Supreme Court. E. Options A and B are true.
The Federalists:
**A. supported the new Constitution and a strong federal government with a bicameral legislature. B. were against the Constitution and favored state power over federal power. C. did not attend the Constitutional Convention and did not participate directly in the process of writing the Constitution. D. supported a thorough revision of the Articles of Confederation to create a strong central government and maintain a unicameral legislature.
The framers of the Constitution set
**A. no time limit for the ratification process. B. a limit of twelve months for the ratification of an amendment. C. a limit of twenty-four months for ratification for the ratification of an amendment. D. a seven year limit for ratification of an amendment. E. a provision for extensions for ratification.
When the Constitution was approved in 1787, it included
A. a federal system. B. separation of powers. C. popular sovereignty, or control by the people. D. a representative government. **E. All of the above are true.
It was NOT a weakness of the government under the Articles of Confederation.
A. The national government could not raise an army. B. There was no national judicial system. **C. The national government was too powerful and violated state rights. D. The national government could not impose taxes on citizens.
According to John Locke, the social contract is
A. an implicit agreement between the monarch and the people. B. an implicit agreement between the state governments and the federal government. C. a contract between the three branches of government. **D. an implicit agreement between a people and their government.
The Bill of Rights
A. is sometimes called the Bill of Attainder. **B. protects individual freedoms and the States from the federal government. C. limited state powers. D. expanded the powers of the federal government. E. was demanded by the Federalists.
Ratification of the Constitution required the
A. approval of the thirteen state legislatures. **B. approval by nine out of thirteen state conventions. C. approval of the thirteen state legislatures and two-thirds of Congress. D. approval by popular vote in nine states. E. None of the above is true.
The First Continental Congress
A. declared independence from Britain. B. urged colonists to purchase British goods to win favor with the King. **C. developed a declaration of rights and grievances. D. established an army & appointed George Washington as Commander in Chief.
All of the following are true of the Great Compromise except
A. the Three-Fifths Compromise did not end slavery. B. it did not directly address the abolition of slavery. C. the representatives elected in the South did not represent slaves and their interests. **D. the Three-Fifths Compromise allowed the immediate ban on the importation of slaves. E. it established the Senate in which individual states were equally represented.
The Virginia Plan
**A. called for a bicameral legislature. B. worked to the advantage of small states. C. provided for the direct election of a president by the people. D. settled all controversy. E. Options B and C are true.
The Bill of Rights provided for
A. the protection of individual liberties from state governments. **B. the protection of individual liberties from the national government. C. equal protection under the law. D. protection against state infringements on the freedoms of conscience, the press, and jury trial. E. Options B and D are true.
The Great Compromise
A. was advanced by the delegates from Georgia. **B. proposed a bicameral legislature with equal representation in the Senate. C. was presented too late to be considered. D. was proposed by Texas. E. proposed a unicameral legislature in which each state would have one vote.
It is one of the main outcomes of the First Continental Congress.
**A. developed a declaration of rights and grievances B. declared independence from Great Britain C. established an army and appointed George Washington as Commander in Chief D. wrote the Articles of Confederation
The Mayflower Compact was written to
**A. govern themselves according to the laws created by the voters. B. start the first settlement in America. C. establish monarchy in North America. D. establish the colony of Massachusetts. E. Maintain peace with the Native Americans.
The colonists' fury over taxation led to
A. a boycott of British goods. B. the formation of the Stamp Act Congress. C. the closure of Boston Harbor. D. the Boston Tea Party. **E. All of the above are true.
Taxes that the British attempted to impose on the American colonies in the years leading up to the Revolutionary War included all of the following except
A. the Sugar Act, which imposed a tax on sugar. B. the Stamp Act, which taxed legal documents and newspapers. C. duties on glass, lead, and paint. D. a tax on tea. **E. an income tax.
A regime in which the people, not a monarch, hold power and elect representatives to govern according to the rule of law is called
A. monarchy **B. republic C. oligarchy D. totalitarianism
A constitutional amendment can be proposed by
A. a national convention called by Congress at the request of two-thirds of the state legislatures. B. a two-thirds vote in each chamber of Congress. C. the legislatures in two-thirds the states. D. a majority vote in both chambers of Congress provided the amendment is not vetoed by the president. **E. Options A and B are true.
One of the main actions of the Second Continental Congress was
**A. to establish an army and appoint a commander in chief. B. to sign a treaty with Britain prohibiting trade with France. C. to sign a treaty with France to declare war on Britain. D. the creation of a unitary government in America. E. to establish a document with ambitious designs to separate from Britain.
Following Article 5 to the Constitution, which groups are involved in proposing and ratifying amendments to the Constitution?
A. The states, the president, and Congress B. The Senate, the Supreme Court, and the House of Representatives C. Congress, the president, and the people **D. The Senate, the House of Representatives, and the states or state legislatures E. The House of Representatives, the president, and the Senate
The Bill of Rights
A. is sometimes called the Bill of Attainder. **B. was a result of the Federalists v. Anti-federalists C. debate outside of the Constitutional Convention C. limited state power and individual rights. D. was incorporated into the Constitution to protect the federal government.
Which of the following was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
A. Congress lacked the power to collect taxes directly from the people. B. Any amendments to the Articles required unanimous consent of the Congress and confirmation by every state legislature. C. Congress lacked the power to demand funds for the militia. D. Each state had one vote regardless of size. **E. All the above are true.
The group that actually elects the president of the United States is called
A. the Presidential Election Commission. B. the Congressional Election Forum. C. the Association of State Legislatures. **D. the electoral college. E. the electorate at large.
Which of the following is NOT correct under the concept of separation of powers?
A. The president executes and carries out the law. B. The Supreme Court uses judicial review. C. The legislative branch's job is lawmaking. **D. Congress has the right to interpret the law. E. None of the above is true.
The Articles of Confederation
A. provided for a bicameral legislature. B. established a strong executive branch. **C. allowed the states to retain most of the power. D. created a way to raise taxes to fund an army. E. ended slavery.
Taxes were imposed on the colonists to
A. pay for the coronation of King George III. B. pay for the establishment of more colonies. **C. pay the costs of Britain's defense of the colonies during the French and Indian War. D. to enrich wealthy British landowners. E. None of the above is true.
The supremacy doctrine asserts the superiority of
A. large states over small states. B. non-slave states over slave states. **C. national law over state law. D. natural law over man-made law. E. None of the above is true.
The judicial review power is
A. a method by which the president can check the judiciary. B. the process of confirmation of federal judges by Congress. **C. the ability of the courts to declare acts of the legislative and executive branches of government unconstitutional. D. not applicable to actions by state governments.