Chapter 10 History

2 September 2022
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The Land Act of 1820 did which of the following to encourage settlers to move west?
It gave settlers the chance to buy land very cheaply.
Explanation: The Land Act of 1820 did the following to encourage settlers to move west:1. It offered free land to settlers in the form of homesteads.2. It provided for the surveying and sale of public lands in a uniform manner.3. It allowed settlers to purchase land at a reduced price.4. It granted settlers the right to pre-empt land before it was offered for sale.5. It opened up new lands for settlement in the west.
What was the primary motivation for most settlers in the western territories in the 1800s?
the promise of free land
Explanation: The primary motivation for most settlers in the western territories in the 1800s was to find new land to farm or ranch. Many of these settlers were from the eastern United States, where land was becoming increasingly scarce and expensive. The west offered a new frontier to these settlers, where they could own their own land and start fresh.
How did westward expansion affect the slave trade in the United States?
It created a greater demand for slaves by expanding the plantation system.
Explanation: Westward expansion in the United States led to an increase in the demand for slaves, as new plantations and farms were established in the West. This increased demand led to a corresponding increase in the slave trade, as more slaves were brought to the United States from Africa. The expansion of the slave trade led to a number of negative consequences for both slaves and slaveholders. Slaves were often treated very harshly, and their lives were typically very difficult. Moreover, the slave trade contributed to the rift between the North and the South that eventually led to the Civil War.
What led many of Georgia's white residents to resent the Cherokee people in the early 1800s?
The Cherokee refused to sell their land to white residents for cotton farming.
Explanation: In the early 1800s, many of Georgia's white residents began to resent the Cherokee people. This was largely due to the fact that the Cherokee were one of the largest and most powerful Native American tribes in the region. The Cherokee had their own government, laws, and customs, and they often clashed with the settlers. In addition, the Cherokee were known for their skill in hunting and warfare, and many whites saw them as a threat.
The U.S. Supreme Court case Worcester v. Georgia established which of the following rulings?
only the federal government could negotiate with Native American nations
Explanation: The U.S. Supreme Court case Worcester v. Georgia established the following rulings:1. That the Cherokee Nation was a distinct political community with a right to self-government;2. That the Cherokee Nation was entitled to certain sovereign immunity protections from state interference;3. That the state of Georgia could not interfere with the Cherokee Nation's rights without violating the U.S. Constitution.
The Indian Removal Act of 1830 forced most members of the Cherokee nation to relocate to which current U.S. state?
Explanation: The Indian Removal Act of 1830 was a federal law that authorized the forced relocation of Native American tribes living in the eastern United States to lands west of the Mississippi River. This law was a key part of the government's policy of Indian removal, which sought to relocate Native Americans from their ancestral homelands in the eastern U.S. to make way for white settlement. The Cherokee nation was one of the largest and most prosperous of the Native American tribes affected by the Indian Removal Act. Most of the tribe was forced to relocate to present-day Oklahoma, where they established the Cherokee Nation.
Which Native American tribe most resisted forced relocation under the Indian Removal Act?
the Seminole tribe
Explanation: The Cherokee tribe was one of the five civilized" tribes that were targeted for removal under the Indian Removal Act. The Cherokee had a written language, a system of laws, and a thriving economy based on agriculture and trade. They were also one of the largest and most powerful tribes in the Southeast. The Cherokee resisted removal through peaceful means, such as petitions and lawsuits, but they were ultimately forced to relocate to Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma) in the 1830s."
In what way were the majority of the settlers known as "49ers" different from other settlers in the western territories?
They were mostly unmarried males.
Explanation: Most of the settlers who came to the western territories during the late 1840s were looking for gold. This was the time of the California Gold Rush, when gold was discovered in the Sierra Nevada foothills. These settlers were known as 49ers," because they arrived in 1849. Most of them were men, and they came from all over the world. They were different from other settlers in the west because they were mostly single men, and they were there to make their fortunes."
What was the main factor that led to racial derision between the white settlers in California Territory and the Hispanic-Americans who already lived there?
Hispanic-Americans did not like having to pay the new taxes levied on them.
Explanation: There are a few factors that led to racial derision between the white settlers in California Territory and the Hispanic-Americans who already lived there. One factor is that the white settlers were coming from a place of privilege and power, while the Hispanic-Americans were already living in California and were not as powerful. Another factor is that the white settlers were often Protestant, while the Hispanic-Americans were Catholic. This led to a lot of religious tension between the two groups. Finally, the white settlers often had a lot of money and resources, while the Hispanic-Americans were often poor. This led to economic tension between the two groups.
The Santa Fe Trail was established between Missouri and New Mexico for which primary purpose?
to serve as a route for trade with Mexicans and Native Americans
Explanation: The Santa Fe Trail was established between Missouri and New Mexico for the primary purpose of transporting goods between the two states. The trail was used by traders and settlers alike, and became an important part of the American West.
Which conflict resulted from resistance to the Indian Removal Act of 1830?
the Black Hawk War
Explanation:The Santa Fe Trail was established between Missouri and New Mexico for the primary purpose of transporting goods between the two states. The trail was used by traders and settlers alike, and became an important part of the American West.