SPAN 1010 Leccion 4.4 Describir

10 September 2022
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Modelo You see: A couple of friends listening to music. You hear: a. Ellas salen a bailar. / b. Ellas oyen música.
You select: b
Explanation: a. Ellas salen a bailar. - They go out to dance.b. Ellas oyen musica. - They listen to music.
1. a. El señor Rulfo trae una pizza. b. El señor Rulfo hace una pizza.
You select: B
Explanation: 1. a. Mr. Rulfo brings a pizza. b. Mr. Rulfo makes a pizza.The first sentence, Mr. Rulfo brings a pizza, implies that someone else made the pizza and Mr. Rulfo is simply delivering it. The second sentence, Mr. Rulfo makes a pizza, implies that Mr. Rulfo is the one who made the pizza from start to finish.
2. a. Enrique y Pilar salen del restaurante. b. Enrique y Pilar ven el restaurante.
You select: A
Explanation: In Spanish, the verb salir" can mean either "to leave" or "to go out." In this sentence, it is clear from the context that Enrique and Pilar are leaving the restaurant, because they are already inside of it.The verb "venir" can also mean either "to come" or "to go." In this sentence, it is clear from the context that Enrique and Pilar are going to the restaurant, because they are not already inside of it."
3. a. Maribel trae un mensaje. b. Maribel pone la revista en la mesa.
You select: B
Explanation: In Spanish, the verb traer" means "to bring" and the verb "poner" means "to put." In the sentence "Maribel trae un mensaje," the subject is "Maribel" and the verb is "traer." This means that "Maribel" is the one who is bringing the message. In the sentence "Maribel pone la revista en la mesa," the subject is "Maribel" and the verb is "poner." This means that "Maribel" is the one who is putting the magazine on the table."
4. a. Hacen una película de ciencia ficción. b. Ven una película de ciencia ficción.
You select: B
Explanation: 4. a. They are making a science fiction film. b. You are coming to a science fiction film.In the first sentence, the subject is they" and the verb is "are making." This means that the film is currently being made and is not yet finished. In the second sentence, the subject is "you" and the verb is "are coming." This means that you have plans to go see the film at some point in the future."