Social Learning 90%

25 July 2022
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What is the average amount of time an American spends consuming media in a week? A. 10 hours B. 18 hours C. 22 hours D. 28 hours
Explanation: The average American spends 10 hours consuming media in a week. This includes time spent watching TV, listening to the radio, using the internet, and reading newspapers and magazines.
A social learning theorist believes that cognition is __________. A. unimportant to explaining behavioral outcomes and processes B. one of the keys to understanding behavioral outcomes C. used only before conditioning takes place D. capable of being directly observed, tested, and verified
Explanation: A social learning theorist believes that cognition is one of the keys to understanding behavioral outcomes. This is because cognition allows individuals to process information and learn from their experiences. Without cognition, individuals would be unable to learn from their mistakes and would be more likely to repeat them.
When a model experiences a consequence, those watching the model experience __________. A. social consequences B. modeled behavior C. vicarious consequences D. nothing
Explanation: C. vicarious consequences. When a model experiences a consequence, those watching the model experience the same consequence.
Describe the processes necessary for social learning to occur.
Responses may vary but should include some or all of the following information: Social learning occurs when four processes are present: 1) Attention: The learning organism must be paying attention to the modeled behavior. If there is no attention, the behavior cannot be processed into memory. 2) Retention: The learning organism must remember the behavior which was modeled. If the behavior is not retained, it cannot be replicated. 3) Reproduction: The learning organism must be capable of producing the behavior. If the behavior is too skilled or impossible for the organism to replicate, the reproduction will be unskilled or halting. 4) Motivation: The learning organism must be motivated to perform the behavior, or motivated NOT to perform the behavior. If the organism is not motivated to perform the behavior, then even if the organism is able to performt he behavior and knows how, it may not. Social learning occurs when four processes are present: 1) Attention: The learning organism must be paying attention to the modeled behavior. If there is no attention, the behavior cannot be processed into memory. 2) Retention: The learning organism must remember the behavior that was modeled. If the behavior is not retained, it cannot be replicated. 3) Reproduction: The learning organism must be capable of producing the behavior. If the behavior is too skilled or impossible for the organism to replicate, then the reproduction will be unskilled or halting. 4) Motivation: The learning organism must be motivated to perform the behavior, or motivated not to perform the behavior. If the organism is not motivated to perform the behavior, and even if the organism is able to perform the behavior and knows how, it may not.
Explanation: Social learning is a process that occurs when an individual learns new information or behaviors from another individual. There are four steps necessary for social learning to occur:1. Attention: The individual must be aware of the other individual and the new information or behavior.2. Retention: The individual must be able to remember the new information or behavior.3. Reproduction: The individual must be able to reproduce the new behavior.4. Motivation: The individual must be motivated to learn the new information or behavior.
Dave watches his brother climb a tall but brittle tree. When a branch snaps, Dave's brother falls out of the tree and breaks his leg. Even though Dave is physically capable of climbing, he never climbs the tall, brittle tree. How would a social learning theorist describe Dave's behavior? A. Dave has learned that his brother is not to be trusted. B. Dave has learned vicariously through his brother's experience. C. Dave has experienced immediate personal reinforcement. D. Dave has experienced immediate personal punishment.
Explanation: B. Dave has learned vicariously through his brother's experience.
Some researchers claim that video games may be more influential on promoting violent behavior than television programs involving violence. t/f?
Explanation: The answer to this question is not as simple as a true or false statement. Some researchers do claim that video games may be more influential on promoting violent behavior than television programs involving violence. However, there is not enough evidence to support this claim. Additionally, there are many other factors that can contribute to promoting violent behavior, such as a person's upbringing, their environment, and their personal experiences.
Mirror neurons may assist in making observational learning possible. t/f?
Explanation: Mirror neurons are a type of neuron that fires both when an animal performs an action and when the animal observes the same action being performed by another. These neurons were first discovered in monkeys, but have since been found in humans as well.Mirror neurons have been suggested as a potential mechanism for a number of different cognitive processes, including imitation, empathy, and observational learning. For example, when you see someone else smiling, your mirror neurons will fire in a similar way to when you smile yourself. This may help to explain why we are often compelled to smile back at someone who is smiling at us.Similarly, when you see someone else in pain, your mirror neurons will fire in a way that is similar to how they would fire if you yourself were in pain. This may help to explain why we often feel empathy for others who are suffering.Finally, mirror neurons have also been suggested as a mechanism for observational learning. When you see someone else performing a task, your mirror neurons will fire in a way that is similar to how they would fire if you were performing the task yourself. This may help you to learn by observing others.Overall, mirror neurons may play a role in a number of different cognitive processes. However, further research is needed to fully understand the role that they play.
Young Kiki watches her father play baseball. This is the first time she has seen baseball being played. Her father swings his bat and hits the ball. Later, her father gives Kiki the bat. She swings at a baseball but misses. Using the basic processes in observational learning, explain whether or not observational learning occurred.
Observational learning did occur. Although Kiki was not able to hit the ball, she was able to successfully replicate the behavior of swinging the bat, which means that she retained how to perform the behavior in her mind. She was also able to imitate the goal of the behavior, demonstrated by swinging the bat at the baseball instead of another target and was motivated to do it by her attempts at trying to hit the ball.
Which of the following accurately represents one of the outcomes of Bandura's Bobo doll experiments? The children were more likely to show a decrease in aggressive behavior when aggressive behavior was rewarded. No children showed any change in level of aggressive behavior during the experiment. The children were more likely to show increases in aggressive behavior when aggressive behavior was rewarded. The children were more likely to show increases in aggressive behavior when aggressive behavior was punished.
The children were more likely to show increases in aggressive behavior when aggressive behavior was rewarded.
Explanation: In the Bobo doll experiment, children were rewarded for aggressive behavior towards the doll. The outcome of this was that the children were more likely to show a decrease in aggressive behavior. This is because the children were rewarded for their aggressive behavior, which led to a decrease in their overall aggression.
Explain how behaviors can be acquired through social learning
Social learning theory requires that the organism who is learning observes the behavior of another organism and the consequences that occur as a result of the demonstrated behavior. Vicarious reinforcement of the behavior can occur if the consequences following one's behavior is favorable, meaning that the observer may be more likely to mimic the behavior of another that has been reinforced.
Explanation: Behaviors can be acquired through social learning by observing and imitating the behavior of others. People can also learn new behaviors by being rewards or punished for certain actions.
Bandura found that children who witnessed aggressive behavior being punished were far more likely to be aggressive than children who did not. t/f?
Explanation:Behaviors can be acquired through social learning by observing and imitating the behavior of others. People can also learn new behaviors by being rewards or punished for certain actions.
The evidence is conclusive; aggression and violence in the media lead to aggression and violence in the general population. t/f?
Explanation: The evidence is conclusive; aggression and violence in the media lead to aggression and violence in the general population. t/f?The answer to this question is false. While there is evidence that aggression and violence in the media can lead to aggression and violence in the general population, the evidence is far from conclusive. There are a number of factors that contribute to aggression and violence, and the media is just one of many potential influences.
All behaviors are simple enough to replicate. t/f?
Explanation: False. Some behaviors are too complex to replicate, such as those that require split-second timing or precise coordination.
Dave watches his brother climb a tall but brittle tree. When a branch snaps, Dave's brother falls out of the tree and breaks his leg. Dave thinks about this event often. Even though he is physically capable of climbing, he never climbs the tall, brittle tree. Which process best explains why Dave does not climb the tall but brittle tree? A. lack of attention B. lack of retention C. lack of reproduction D. lack of motivation
Explanation: It is likely that Dave does not climb the tall but brittle tree because he does not want to experience the same outcome as his brother. This is an example of negative reinforcement, where Dave avoids a behavior (climbing the tree) because it leads to an unpleasant consequence (his brother's injury).
A symbolic model for learning is a model that is observed in person. t/f?
Explanation: A symbolic model for learning is a model that is observed in person. This means that the model is a person who is observed by the learner in order to learn from them. The model can be a teacher, a parent, a friend, or anyone else who the learner feels comfortable learning from.
Which of the following statements best describes the importance of attention in social learning? A. Without attention, a behavior cannot be forgotten. B. Without attention, a behavior cannot be remembered. C. Without attention, a behavior cannot be justified. D. Without attention, a behavior cannot be reinforced.
Explanation: The correct answer is B. Without attention, a behavior cannot be remembered. Attention is important in social learning because it allows individuals to focus on specific behaviors and encode them into memory. Without attention, individuals would be unable to remember the behaviors they observed and would be less likely to imitate them.
The theory stating that knowledge acquired through observation is influenced by behavior, personal factors, and environment is the __________. A. theory of classical conditioning B. social cognitive theory C. cognitive theory of operant learning D. latent learning theory
Explanation: The social cognitive theory states that knowledge acquired through observation is influenced by behavior, personal factors, and environment. This theory has its roots in the work of Behaviorists, who believed that all behavior is a result of conditioning. Social cognitive theory adds to this by including the idea that people can learn by observing others. This theory is also known as the theory of observational learning.
Modeling therapy involves mimicking productive ways to solve problems after observing another model a specific behavior. t/f?
Explanation: Modeling therapy is a type of behavioral therapy that involves observing and imitating the behavior of a successful model in order to learn new, productive ways of solving problems. This type of therapy can be used to treat a wide variety of psychological disorders, including phobias, anxiety disorders, and depression.
In order to learn behaviors through observation, the observers create a mental representation of __________. A. all the possible outcomes of the specific behavior B. the model performing the behavior repeatedly C. a completely novel behavior, which reinforces the old D. the specific behavior and its consequences
Explanation: In order to learn behaviors through observation, the observers create a mental representation of the specific behavior and its consequences.
Observation is an important part of learning and replicating many human behaviors. t/f?
Explanation: Observation is an important part of learning and replicating many human behaviors. This is because observing others is one of the best ways to learn new things and improve one's own skills. By watching others, we can see how they do things and then try to imitate their behavior. This can be especially helpful when trying to learn new skills or behaviors. Additionally, observation can help us to better understand the motivations and intentions behind other people's actions.