Behavior Modification QB#1

24 July 2022
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A behavioral deficit is: a. too little of a particular type of behavior b. too much of a particular type of behavior c. an appropriate behavior occurring to the wrong stimulus d. an appropriate behavior occurring at the wrong time or place
a. too little of a particular type of behavior
Behavior modification accepts changes in a behavior as the indicator of the extent to which a problem is being helped. a. True b. False
a. True
A behavioral excess is: a. too much of a particular type of behavior b. too little of a particular type of behavior c. an appropriate behavior occurring to the wrong stimulus d. an appropriate behavior occurring at the wrong time or place
a. too much of a particular type of behavior
A stimulus which is not originally reinforcing but which acquires reinforcing power through association with a stimulus that is reinforcing is called: a. a conditioned reinforcer b. a conditioned stimulus c. a natural reinforcer d. a back-up reinforce
a. a conditioned reinforcer
Which of the following is most likely to be a primary reinforcer? a. a toy b. money c. a candy bar d. poker chips
c. a candy bar
Which of the following is a conditioned reinforcer? a. a drink of water b. a candy bar c. warmth from a fireplace d. money
d. money
Praise is best referred to as a(n): a. natural reinforcer b. generalized reinforcer c. intrinsic reinforcer d. back-up reinforcer
b. generalized reinforcer
Conditioned reinforcers that can be accumulated and exchanged for other reinforcers are called: a. backup reinforcers b. tokens c. natural reinforcers d. intrinsic reinforcers
b. tokens
One of the defining characteristics of behavior modification is that it does not emphasize scientific demonstration that an intervention was responsible for a particular behavior change. a. True b. False
b. False
Which of the following is an example of behavior? a. hair color b. the color of someone's eyes c. the clothes someone is wearing d. dressing in the morning
d. dressing in the morning
Behavior is, essentially, anything a person does or says. a. True b. False
a. True
In behavior modification, motivation and intelligence refer to: a. inner mental processes b. ways of behaving c. causes of behavior d. major sources of abnormality
b. ways of behaving
Behavior modifiers deal only with observable behavior, and discount subjective events such as thoughts and feelings. a. True b. False
b. False
In behavior modification, the term "environment" refers to: a. the neighborhood in which a person is raised b. the natural habitat of an organism c. the specific physical variables in one's immediate surroundings d. the general situation where one happens to be
c. the specific physical variables in one's immediate surroundings
The color of a person's eyes is an example of behavior. a. True b. False
b. False
A child does not pronounce words clearly and does not interact with other children. These are examples of: a. behavioral excesses b. behavioral abnormalities c. behavioral deficits d. behavioral characteristics
c. behavioral deficits
Studying for a course is an example of a behavior. a. True b. False
a. True
Behavior modifiers stress the importance of defining problems in terms of specific behavioral deficits or behavioral excesses because: a. therapists can then focus on the individual's problem behaviors rather than on his or her strengths b. it is behavior that causes concern, and there are specific procedures now available to change behavior c. labeling an individual implies that a particular treatment program will be helpful d. labeling an individual is useful for quickly providing general information about how that individual might perform
b. it is behavior that causes concern, and there are specific procedures now available to change behavior
Remembering the feelings of your first kiss is an example of overt behavior. a. True b. False
b. False
Which of the following is not a characteristic of behavior modification? a. It defines problems in terms of behavior. b. Its treatment procedures and techniques are ways of rearranging an individual's environment. c. Its techniques draw extensively from the principles of operant and Pavlovian conditioning. d. It emphasizes the use of summary labels for classifying individuals.
d. It emphasizes the use of summary labels for classifying individuals.
Thinking "I hope I pass this course" while sitting in class, is an example of covert behavior. a. True b. False
A. True
Which of the following is an example of covert behavior? a. a skier thinking, "I hope I don't fall" b. a pitcher throwing a ball c. a student drinking coffee d. a child talking to her dog in the backyard
a. a skier thinking, "I hope I don't fall"
To a behavior modifier, intelligence is something that you were born with, a sort of "inherited capacity for learning." a. True b. False
b. False
Which of the following is an example of overt behavior? a. feelings of nervousness b. yelling at someone c. a boy on a date thinking, "I like this girl" d. imagining a beautiful sunset
b. yelling at someone
Hyperactivity is a label for certain behaviors. a. True b. False
a. True
Which of the following is an example of an outcome of behavior? a. throwing a baseball b. lifting a heavy weight c. scoring a goal in ice hockey d. standing at the free throw line in basketball
c. scoring a goal in ice hockey
According to the authors of the text, the term behavior modification has a broader meaning than the term behavior therapy. a. True b. False
a. True
Behavior therapy refers to: a. behavior modification in which there is typically an attempt to analyze or clearly demonstrate controlling variables b. the scientific study of laws that govern the behavior of human beings and other animals c. behavioral treatment carried out on dysfunctional behavior d. behavior modification that focuses on overt behaviors that are of social significance
c. behavioral treatment carried out on dysfunctional behavior
A teenager frequently interrupts conversations between his parents. That's an example of a behavioral deficit. a. True b. False
b. False
Behavior modifiers are cautious about using summary labels to refer to individuals or their actions because: a. the label for the behavior is often used as a pseudo-explanation for the behavior b. labels can negatively affect the way an individual might be treated c. labeling may influence us to focus on an individual's problem behaviors rather than on his or her strengths d. all of the above
d. all of the above
A golfer often thinks negatively just before important shots. That's an example of a behavioral excess. a. True b. False
a. True
The people, objects, and events that make up a person's environment are called: a. stimuli b. conditioned stimuli c. unconditioned stimuli d. reinforcing stimuli
a. stimuli
Behavior modification can only be applied by experts, and not by individuals in everyday life. a. True b. False
b. False
Which of the following is not a characteristic of behavior modification? a. Its treatment procedures are ways of altering an individual's environment. b. Its methods and rationales can be described precisely. c. Its techniques stem primarily from cognitive psychology. d. Its techniques are often applied by individuals in everyday life.
c. Its techniques stem primarily from cognitive psychology.
Environmental events that impinge on one's sense receptors and that can affect behavior are called stimuli. a. True b. False
a. True
Behavioral assessment seeks to: a. determine the underlying mental disturbance responsible for behavioral symptoms b. identify the type of mental disorder assumed to underlie particular patterns of abnormal behavior c. identify potential controlling variables of problem behaviors, and select behavioural treatment d. determine the necessary intelligence level of potential clients as a prerequisite to behavior modification programs
c. identify potential controlling variables of problem behaviors, and select behavioural treatment
Cognitive behavior is another term for overt behavior. a. True b. False
b. False
Which of the following is not a misconception about behavior modification? a. Behavior modifiers only deal with the observable and they don't deal with the thoughts and feelings of clients. b. Behavior modification involves the systematic application of learning principles to improve covert and overt behaviors. c. Behavior modification involves the use of drugs, psychosurgery, and electroconvulsive therapy. d. Behavior modification only changes symptoms; it doesn't get at the underlying problems.
b. Behavior modification involves the systematic application of learning principles to improve covert and overt behaviors.
Behavior analysis refers to the scientific study of laws that govern the behavior of human beings and other animals. a. True b. False
a. True
Which of the following is an example of cognitive behavior? a. a child reading out loud for a parent b. a baseball player talking to her coach c. a person on a hot day imagining that he is sitting at the ocean d. a student writing with a pen
c. a person on a hot day imagining that he is sitting at the ocean
PSI stands for: a. popular standards of instruction b. personalized systems of information c. personalized system of instruction d. personalized students' instruction
c. personalized system of instruction
A positive reinforcer is defined as: a. an event which, when presented immediately following a behavior, causes the behavior to decrease in frequency b. an event which is preferred by a subject c. an event which the subject finds rewarding d. an event which, when presented immediately following a behavior, causes the behavior to increase in frequency
d. an event which, when presented immediately following a behavior, causes the behavior to increase in frequency
The term behavior therapy is typically used to refer to behavior modification where there is an attempt to clearly demonstrate controlling variables of the behavior of concern. a. True b. False
b. False
Behaviors to be improved in a behavior modification program are frequently called: a. overt behaviors b. covert behaviors c. cognitive behaviors d. target behaviors
d. target behaviors
Characteristics of behavior that can be measured are called dimensions of behavior. a. True b. False
a. True
Behavior Analysis refers to: a. behavior modification in which there is typically an attempt to analyze or clearly demonstrate controlling variables b. the scientific study of laws that govern the behavior of human beings and other animals c. behavioral treatment carried out on dysfunctional behavior d. behavior modification that focuses on overt behaviors that are of social significance
b. the scientific study of laws that govern the behavior of human beings and other animals
John B. Watson advocated an extreme form of environmentalism that suggested that our behavior was due to our learning experiences. a. True b. False
a. True
____________ involves the systematic application of learning principles and techniques to assess and improve individuals' covert and overt behaviors in order to enhance their daily functioning. a. Behavioral assessment b. Behavior analysis c. Behavior modification d. Cognitive behavior therapy
c. Behavior modification
Behavior modifiers include genetics as a factor that determines our behavior patterns. a. True b. False
a. True
Which of the following is not true of behaviorists and behavior modifiers? a. their treatment procedures draw mainly on operant and Pavlovian conditioning b. they deny the importance of genetics in determining behavior c. they study thoughts and feelings of individuals as well as observable behavior of individuals d. they assume that private thoughts and feelings and observable behaviors are all influenced by techniques of behavior modification
b. they deny the importance of genetics in determining behavior
Behavior modifiers made little use of the first two DSMs because: a. they were based primarily on research rather than on Freud's theory b. individual disorders were based on categories of problem behaviors c. they used a multidimensional recording system d. they were based on Freud's theory of abnormal behavior
d. they were based on Freud's theory of abnormal behavior
Behavior modification has been successfully applied within each of the following areas: education, social work, rehabilitation medicine, industry, and sports. a. True b. False
a. True
Which of the following is not a characteristic of PSI? a. It identifies the learning requirements for a course in the form of study questions. b. It has frequent exams in which students are required to demonstrate their knowledge to the answers of study questions. c. It has mastery criteria so that students must demonstrate mastery at a particular level before going on to the next level. d. It emphasizes multiple-choice items and examinations as an objective scoring strategy ideally suited for large classes.
d. It emphasizes multiple-choice items and examinations as an objective scoring strategy ideally suited for large classes.
Personalized System of Instruction, or PSI, was developed by Fred Keller and his colleagues. a. True b. False
a. True
Studies with clinical populations have shown behavior therapy to be: a. significantly inferior to the alternative treatment to which it was compared, which was usually some form of verbal psychotherapy b. demonstrably superior to specific alternative psychotherapeutic procedures in certain problem areas (e.g., phobias) c. used as the main mode of therapy for treating adults by approximately 60% of practicing therapists d. used about as often as psychodynamic therapy in the treatment of children by pediatric psychologists
b. demonstrably superior to specific alternative psychotherapeutic procedures in certain problem areas (e.g., phobias)
Over 75% of practicing clinical psychologists now use a behavior therapy orientation. a. True b. False
b. False
The characteristics of language abnormalities, impaired social behavior, and repetitive self-stimulatory behaviors during the first few years after birth are shown by individuals diagnosed as: a. moderately developmentally disabled b. schizophrenic c. severely intellectually disabled d. autistic
d. autistic
The majority of studies comparing behavior therapy to alternative treatments have demonstrated that behavior therapy and the alternative treatments were about equally effective. a. True b. False
b. False
A broad interdisciplinary field concerned with the links between health, illness, and behavior is referred to as: a. health psychology b. stress management c. behavioral medicine d. behavioral health
c. behavioral medicine
One of the areas of health psychology involves the use of behavior modification procedures to directly treat certain diseases that were previously thought to require medical treatment. a. True b. False
a. True
Organizational behavior management refers to: a. the application of behavior modification techniques to individual or group performance within an organizational setting b. an emphasis on the use of non-professionals in human service programs c. use of behavior modification to help individuals adhere to a healthy lifestyle d. seeking out intervention strategies at the organizational level rather than at the individual level
a. the application of behavior modification techniques to individual or group performance within an organizational setting
The application of behavior modification techniques to individual or group performance within an organizational setting defines the area referred to as community behavioral psychology. a. True b. False
b. False
Behavior modifiers have begun to pay more attention to issues of race, gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation because: a. the Association of Behavior Analysis is now an international organization b. culturally diverse individuals now make up 30% of the American population c. these variables can influence the effectiveness of treatment d. there are no dangers of overgeneralizing about any particular cultural group
c. these variables can influence the effectiveness of treatment
Littering, recycling, energy conservation, and job skills training are all sub-areas that have been dealt with successfully by behavior modification in the area of behavioral community psychology. a. True b. False
a. True
Which of the following is not a general area in which behavior modification has been applied in sport psychology? a. improving skills of athletes b. selecting athletes for Olympic programs on the basis of those with the personality most suited to sacrifice and dedication to winning c. increasing the frequency of specific practice behaviors and components of practice behaviors of athletes d. developing strategies to help athletes prepare for serious competition in sport
b. selecting athletes for Olympic programs on the basis of those with the personality most suited to sacrifice and dedication to winning
Issues of race, gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation are variables that do not influence the effectiveness of behavioral treatment. a. True b. False
b. False
Which of the following is not one of the forces that materialized in the 1960s that revolutionized the education of developmentally disabled persons? a. Normalization advocates argued that developmentally disabled persons should be helped to lead the most normative lives possible. b. Civil right advocates secured the legal right of the severely developmentally disabled to receive an education. c. Testing advocates emphasized the need for accurately measuring the intelligence of developmentally disabled persons. d. Behavior modifiers developed a technology that made it possible to improve behaviour patterns of developmentally disabled persons.
c. Testing advocates emphasized the need for accurately measuring the intelligence of developmentally disabled persons.
CAPSI stands for Computer-Aided Personalized System of Instruction. a. True b. False
a. True
The American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities now prefers the term ________________ to refer to individuals characterized by significant limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior? a. intellectual disability b. mental retardation c. developmental disability d. mentally handicapped
a. intellectual disability
The person who initially developed behavioral treatments for children with autism is Ivar Lovaas. a. True b. False
a. True
Which of the following is not a sub-area of the application of behavioral principles in health psychology? a. establishing treatment compliance b. promotion of healthy living c. stress management d. psychological testing of personality disorders
d. psychological testing of personality disorders
"Applications to socially significant problems in unstructured community settings where the behavior of individuals is not considered deviant in the traditional sense" is the definition of: a. organizational behavior management b. health psychology c. behavior community psychology d. behavior therapy
c. behavior community psychology
PSI (Personalized System of Instruction) was developed by: a. Lovaas b. Bellack c. Keller d. Skinner
c. Keller
Helping the elderly to function independently during old age is part of the field referred to as: a. gerontology b. behavioral medicine c. behavioral community psychology d. behavior management
a. gerontology
The study of how psychological factors can influence or cause illness, and how people can be encouraged to practice healthy behavior so as to prevent health problems, is referred to as: a. Cognitive behavior therapy b. Stress therapy c. Treatment compliance d. Health Psychology
d. Health Psychology
PSI has produced a statistically significant learning advantage of _____ percentile points over traditional approaches to university education. a. 12 b. 40 c. 19 d. 32
c. 19
A common strategy for delivering early intensive behavioral intervention with children with autism is referred to as: a. behavior management b. developmental teaching c. discrete-trials teaching d. behavior analysis
c. discrete-trials teaching
Technically speaking, a stimulus is defined as a reinforcer only by its effects on behavior. a. True b. False
a. True
The principle of positive reinforcement states that: a. if, in a given situation, an individual is given a choice of two or more items, the item chosen will be the positive reinforcer b. if, in a given situation, somebody does something that is immediately followed by a positive reinforcer, then that person is more likely to do the same thing again c. if, in a given situation, an individual is positively reinforced, then that individual will select that situation in future opportunities d. a reinforcer can be used to strengthen behavior
b. if, in a given situation, somebody does something that is immediately followed by a positive reinforcer, then that person is more likely to do the same thing again
Explaining a reinforcement program to a client is necessary before a reinforcer can be used to increase the frequency of a particular behavior of that client. a. True b. False
b. False
The best way to determine if something is reinforcing is to: a. ask the individual what they prefer for a reinforcer b. watch others perform the same behavior and find out what reinforces them and then use that with the individual of concern c. conduct an experimental test in which you present an item following some behavior on several trials to see if the frequency of that behavior increases d. provide a choice situation in which the "something" is presented along with known reinforcers to see if it will be chosen by the subject instead of the known reinforcers
c. conduct an experimental test in which you present an item following some behavior on several trials to see if the frequency of that behavior increases
Natural reinforcers are those deliberately presented following a particular behavior in a training program. a. True b. False
b. False
In training programs in which reinforcers are dispensed frequently, it's best to use a small amount of the reinforcer on any one trial in order to: a. let the client know that there's more to come b. minimize satiation and maximize the number of trials in a training session c. ensure that the program is cost-effective d. prevent the client from becoming greedy
b. minimize satiation and maximize the number of trials in a training session
A behavior that is strengthened because it accidently precedes a reinforcer, even though it did not actually produce the reinforcer, is called: a. operant behavior b. superstitious behavior c. respondent behavior d. reflexive behavior
b. superstitious behavior
Persons with developmental disabilities learn certain discriminations better when the correct response reveals a reinforcer hidden inside a container, rather than when a reinforcer is simply handed to the individual for a correct response. Martin and Pear suggest that such a contingency should be described as: a. a direct-acting contingency b. an indirect-acting contingency c. a reinforcement discovery contingency d. a response equilibrium contingency
c. a reinforcement discovery contingency
Suppose that a single occurrence of a consequence produces a large change in the behavior that preceded that consequence. This is a clue that the results are due to: a. indirect-acting reinforcement b. direct-acting reinforcement c. the Premack principle d. response disequilibrium
a. indirect-acting reinforcement