Lesson 1: Change In Europe And Latin America, World History B Unit 4: Nationalism And The Spread Of Democracy

25 August 2022
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Why did Metternich urge conservative leaders to suppress revolutionary ideas? A-He believed conservative leaders would defend peace and stability. B-He believed conservative leaders would protect basic rights and freedoms. C-He wanted conservative leaders to bring change themselves. D-He wanted conservative leaders to replace European monarchs.
Answer: A-He believed conservative leaders would defend peace and stability.
Why did the majority of the European uprisings fail? A-The uprisings failed as a result of fighting between the classes. B-The uprisings failed as a result of military force and a lack of popular support. C-The uprisings failed because rebels from different countries did not work together. D- The uprisings failed because more people supported the monarchs.
Answer: B-The uprisings failed as a result of military force and a lack of popular support.
What was the main reason BolΓ­var and other educated creoles admired the American and French Revolutions? A-They hoped to avoid bloodshed in their own countries. B-They admired the revolutionary leaders' military strategies. C-They wanted to establish new, independent monarchies. D-They valued the Enlightenment ideals of freedom and individual rights.
Answer: D-They valued the Enlightenment ideals of freedom and individual rights.
How was France's Second Republic divided from the start? A-Some people supported Louis Philippe, and others wanted a liberal government. B-Liberals wanted moderate reform, whereas socialists wanted far-reaching social changes. C-Peasants and the upper-middle class did not believe in rights for workers. D-Nationalists wanted to throw off foreign rule.
Answer: B-Liberals wanted moderate reform, whereas socialists wanted far-reaching social changes.
Who led rebels in Haiti to win independence from France? A-Simon Bolivar B-Father Miguel Hidalgo C-Lawrence Perry D-Toussaint L'Overture
Answer: D-Toussaint L'Overture
Which group gained the most as a result of the Latin American revolutions? A-creoles B-peninsulares C-slaves D-mulattoes
Answer: A-creoles
Which of the following was an immediate effect of the revolutions of 1848 in Europe? A-economic recession B-the fall of Metternich C-a poor harvest D-a new Austrian empire
Answer: B-the fall of Metternich
Who led Hungarian nationalists in an 1848 revolt? A-Louis Philippe B-Louis Metternich C-Louis Kossuth D-Louis Napoleon
Answer: C-Louis Kossuth