Earth Science Exam 3

25 July 2022
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The surface area of Earth is composed of ____ percent ocean and _____ percent landmass. 29; 71 40; 60 60; 40 71; 29 50; 50
71; 29
Which of the following oceans is the largest and deepest on Earth? the Arctic Ocean the Indian Ocean the Atlantic Ocean the Pacific Ocean the Antarctic Ocean
The Pacific Ocean
The three main provinces of the ocean floor as we go from the shore towards the middle of the ocean are ___________________. continental shelf, continental rise, continental margin mid-ocean ridge, deep-ocean basin, continental margin continental margin, deep-ocean basin, mid-ocean ridge continental rise, continental margin, continental slope deep-ocean basin, continental margin, mid-ocean ridge
continental margin, deep-ocean basin, mid-ocean ridge
Which of the following statements regarding active and passive continental margins is true? Active continental margins are not associated with active volcanoes, whereas passive margins are associated with active volcanoes. Active continental margins are associated with plate boundaries, whereas passive margins are not associated with plate boundaries. Active continental margins are not associated with plate boundaries, whereas passive margins are associated with plate boundaries. Active continental margins are associated with continental rifts, whereas passive margins are associated with subduction zones. Active continental margins are not associated with deep-ocean trenches whereas passive margins are associated with deep-ocean trenches.
Active continental margins are not associated with plate boundaries, whereas passive margins are not associated with plate boundaries.
Which of the two following features compose a passive continental margin? abyssal plains and mid-ocean ridges accretionary wedge and oceanic crust shelf and slope accretionary wedge and trench trench and subduction zone
Shelf and slope
What type of plate boundary is associated with deep-ocean trenches? continental collision transform plate boundary submarine canyons divergent plate boundary subduction zone
Subduction Zone
Why are mid-ocean ridges elevated? Lithosphere created at the ridge is cold. Lithosphere created at the ridge is hot. due to thermal contraction at the ridge due to compressional forces pushing the lithospheric plates together Lithosphere created at the ridge is dense.
Lithosphere created at the ridge is hot
Ocean sediment composed of former diatoms is an example of _________ sediment calcareous terrigenous hydrogenous biogenous evaporites
Which sea floor resource-based industry is second in economic value only to the petroleum industry? gas hydrates evaporite salts oil and gas sand and gravel manganese nodules
Sand and gravel
Gas hydrates mostly contain ________ methane carbon dioxide nitrogen petroleum water vapor
What percent by weight of seawater consists of salts? 1 percent 5 percent 28 percent 3.5 percent 35 percent
3.5 percent
What two elements make up the most abundant seawater salt? sodium, chlorine calcium, bromine calcium, chlorine magnesium, chlorine potassium, bromine
Sodium; Chlorine
Which of the following processes increase ocean salinity? melting of icebergs melting of sea ice precipitation evaporation runoff
Which of the following statements is related to the recent increase in ocean acidity? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. Carbon dioxide dissolves in ocean water. Acidification is caused by nitric acid. Carbon dioxide is removed from ocean water. Acidification is caused by hydrochloric acid. Acidification is caused by carbonic acid.
Carbon Dioxide dissolves in ocean water Acidification is caused by carbonic acid
Which of the following statements regarding variation of seawater density is true? Seawater density increases with depth near the equator. Density decreases with depth near the equator. Seawater density increases with depth at higher latitudes. Seawater density decreases with depth at higher latitudes. Seawater density remains constant with depth near the equator.
Seawater density increases with depth near the equator
Why do all marine algae live near the ocean surface? Near the surface, marine algae are able to avoid ocean currents. Near the surface, marine algae are able to avoid predators. They feed on other organisms that live near the ocean surface. The sunlight at the ocean surface is needed for photosynthesis. The sunlight at the ocean surface is needed for transportation.
The sunlight at the ocean surface is needed for photosynthesis.
What factor can influence the maximum depth where photosynthesis can take place? density number of nektons clarity of seawater temperature amount of salts
Clarity of Seawater
How are marine organisms classified? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. Marine organisms are classified by how they move. Marine organisms are classified by how they reproduce. Marine organisms are classified by what they eat. Marine organisms are classified by their size. Marine organisms are classified by where they live.
Marine organisms are classified by how they move; Marine organisms are classified by where they live
Which of the following statements correctly describes productivity in temperate oceans? Productivity in temperate oceans is only high in the winter. Productivity in temperate oceans shows marked seasonal variation. Productivity in temperate oceans is only high in the summer. Productivity is high in temperate oceans. Productivity is low in temperate oceans.
Productivity in temperate oceans shows marked seasonal variation.
What is a food chain? a sequence through which energy is transferred from primary carnivore to top herbivore a sequence through which energy is transferred from carnivore to herbivore a sequence through which energy is transferred from primary herbivore to top carnivore a sequence through which energy is transferred from herbivore to carnivore a sequence through which energy is transferred from primary producer to top carnivore
A sequence through which energy is transferred from primary producer to top carnivore.
Which of the following statements is true for ocean gyres? Gyres are linear currents. Gyres are circular-moving currents. Gyres rotate clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. Gyres occur deep within the ocean. Gyres rotate counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere.
Gyres are circular-moving currents.
What is the location and flow of the Gulf Stream? The Gulf Stream flows southward along the east coast of North America. The Gulf Stream flows southward along the west coast of North America. The Gulf Stream flows northward past Great Britain, Norway, and Iceland. The Gulf Stream flows northward along the east coast of North America. The Gulf Stream flows southward past Great Britain, Norway, and Iceland.
The gulf stream moves northward along the east coast of North America
Which ocean current is the only one to completely circle Earth? the North Atlantic Drift the California Current the Gulf Stream the North Pacific Current the West Wind Drift
The West Wind Drift
Why is deep-ocean circulation referred to as thermohaline? Changes in wind velocity affect oceanic deep circulation. Differences in the size of the oceans cause oceanic deep circulation. Differences in pressure affect oceanic deep circulation. Differences in temperature and/or salinity cause oceanic deep circulation. Changes in wind direction cause oceanic deep circulation.
Difference in temperature and/or salinity cause oceanic deep circulation
How is the height of an ocean wave measured? Wave height is measured horizontally from crest to crest. Wave height is measured horizontally from trough to trough. Wave height is measured vertically from trough to still water level. Wave height is measured vertically from the still water level to the crest. Wave height is measured vertically from trough to crest.
Wave height is measured vertically from trough to crest
What happens to irregular coastlines over time? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. Wave refraction causes erosion in bays. Wave refraction causes rip currents. Wave refraction causes erosion of the headlands. Wave refraction causes deposition in the bays. Wave refraction causes deposition in the headlands.
Wave refraction causes erosion of the headlands Wave refraction causes deposition in the bays
Which of the following terms is an erosional feature on shorelines? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. cliff spit tombolo bar platform
Cliff Platform
Which of the following terms is a depositional feature on shorelines? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. spit arch cliff bar platform
Spit Bar
What is an emergent coast? a coastal area that contains drowned river mouths a coastal area that contains highly irregular shorelines a coastal area that experiences subsidence of land or rise in sea level a coastal area that contains narrow beaches a coastal area that experiences an uplift of land or drop in sea level
A coastal area that experiences an uplift of land or drop in sea level
How many tidal patterns exist worldwide? three five one ten two
Which of the following statements are true regarding weather and climate? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. Climate describes the state of the atmosphere at a given time and place. Climate data cannot predict weather. Climate data can predict weather. Weather describes aggregate climate conditions. Weather describes the state of the atmosphere at a given time and place.
Climate data cannot predict weather Weather describes the state of the atmosphere at a given time and place
What are the basic elements of weather and climate? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. wind speed, wind direction, and amount of clouds air temperature, air pressure, and precipitation number of rivers, river flow velocity, and direction land temperature, land elevation, and pressure amount of land, water, and vegetation cover
Wind speed, wind direction, and amount of clouds Air temperature, air pressure, and precipitation
Which two gases are the primary components of clean, dry air? CHOOSE TWO. argon oxygen sulfur dioxide nitrogen carbon dioxide
Oxygen Nitrogen
How do pressure and temperature change from Earth's surface to the top of the thermosphere? Pressure is lower at higher altitudes; temperature is lowest in the outer atmosphere. Pressure is lower at higher altitudes; temperature is highest in the innermost atmosphere. Pressure is greater at higher altitudes; temperature is lowest in the outer atmosphere. Pressure is lowest at higher altitudes; temperature is lowest in the innermost atmosphere. Pressure is greater at higher altitudes; temperature is highest in the innermost atmosphere.
Pressure is lower at higher altitudes; temperature is highest in the innermost atmosphere
Which of the following terms DOES NOT describe one of the vertical layers of the atmosphere? thermosphere stratosphere lithosphere mesophere troposphere
Why do seasons occur? Seasons occur because of Earth's proximity to the Sun. Seasons occur because of the inclination of Earth's axis. Seasons occur because of changes in the composition of Earth's atmosphere. Seasons occur because of Earth's revolution around the Sun. Seasons occur because of the rotations about Earth's axis.
Seasons occur because of the inclination of the Earth's axis
What is the length of daylight associated with the equinox at the equator and the poles? The length of daylight is 12 hours at the equator and 24 hours at the poles. The length of daylight is 0 hours at the equator and 12 hours at the poles. The length of daylight is 24 hours at the equator and 12 hours at the poles. The length of daylight is 12 hours at the equator and 0 hours at the poles. The length of daylight is 12 hours at both the equator and the poles.
The length of daylight is 12 hours at both the equator and the poles
How are heat and temperature related? Heat is the energy that flows because of temperature differences. Temperature is transferred through matter by molecular activity. Temperature is transferred through matter by conduction, convection, and radiation. Temperature is the energy that flows because of heat differences. Heat is the energy intensity and temperature is the energy quantity.
Heat is the energy that flows because of temperature differences.
What type of radiation heats the atmosphere? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. long-wave radiation short-wave radiation microwave radiation x-ray radiation terrestrial radiation
Long-wave radiation Terrestrial radiation
What factors control temperature variation around the globe? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. altitude vegetation cover river currents ocean currents population density
altitude ocean currents
The oceans cover approximately ________ percent of Earth's surface. 40 50 60 70
Which one of the following is not part of a passive continental margin? continental shelf continental slope continental rise continental trench
Continental Trench
All active continental margins terminate at deep ocean trenches. True False
Which of the following is a feature found on topographic maps that is not found on regular land maps? Location of water ways Vegitative Growth Roads Elevation
Most of the sediments deposited in deep sea fans are derived from ___________. Headwaters in fresh water drainage basins Beach front Erosion due to turbidity currents None of the above are correct Answer
Headwaters in fresh water drainage basins
The longest topographic feature that stretches around the globe for over 43,000 miles is _________. Mid-ocean trench Mid-ocean ridge Ring of Fire Himalayan mountains
Mid-ocean ridge
The average salinity of seawater is ________. 0.01% 35% 3.5% 19.8% 30.0%
The dissolved materials in seawater are thought to originate from chemical weathering of rocks on the continents and also from ________. organisms evaporation of fresh water erosion outgassing of elements from Earth's interior meteorites
Outgassing of elements from Earth's interior
Salinity in the ocean is highest in regions where ________ is high and ________ is low. evaporation; precipitation precipitation; evaporation temperature; evaporation precipitation; temperature
Evaporation; Precipitation
The thermocline or area of rapid temperature change in the ocean is important because ________. different chemical compositions form at different temperatures it forms a barrier to many types of marine life that can only exist within certain temperature ranges the ability for the ocean to dissolve CO2 from the atmosphere is dependent on temperature over a range of depths. it controls the climate and rate of evaporation and precipitation near the oceans. none of the above
It forms a barrier to many types of marine life that can only exist within certain temperature ranges
Thermoclines in the ocean are best developed at ________. lower latitudes higher latitudes both high and low latitudes regions close to continents
Lower Latitudes
The deep zone makes up about 80% of the ocean waters and it is characterized by ________. water that gradually decreases in temperature and density with depth water that gradually increases in temperature and density with depth water that gradually increases in temperature and decreases in density with depth water that gradually decreases in temperature and increases in density with depth water with relatively uniform temperature and density throughout
Water with relatively uniform temperature and density throughout
Organisms, such as algae and bacteria, that drift with ocean currents are known as ________. nekton phytoplankton benthos organisms biomass none of these
Most marine animals live near the surface of the ocean because of ________, which supports photosynthesis by marine algae that form the basis of the food chain. sunlight air warmer temperatures thermocline
A group of organisms that feed through a food web instead of a food chain are more likely to survive because ________. there is more biomass in a food web than in a food chain food webs may contain organisms from different trophic levels if a member of the food web diminishes in availability, there are still many other things to eat the variety of food in a web is healthier so the organisms are more likely to live a long time
If a member of the food web diminishes in availability, there are still many other things to eat.
90 % of all of the energy we consume is assimulated (utilized in body functions) while 10 % is lost as heat and waste. True False
The energy that drives surface ocean currents such as the Gulf Stream comes from ________. salinity variations Coriolis effect prevailing winds density differences
Prevailing winds
Because of the Coriolis effect, surface ocean currents are deflected to the ________ of their path of motion in the Northern Hemisphere. right left west east
Use the image on the projector to answer the following question: Why is it warmer in most of Europe than in northern California even though both are on the east side of an ocean and Europe is at higher latitude than California? California is affected by a cold offshore current, whereas Europe has the warm north Atlantic current, the continuation of the Gulf Stream. California weather is affected by the coastal mountains, which hold cold air along the west coast. Californians are just wimps; it really is warmer than Europe. The famous California surf stirs up the surface water, bringing deeper colder ocean water to the surface.
California is affected by a cold offshore current, whereas Europe has the warm north Atlantic current, the continuation of the Gulf Stream
The height, length, and period of a wave depend upon ________. the length of time the wind has blown the wind speed the fetch all of these
All of these
When waves reach shallow water, they are often bent and tend to become parallel to the shore. This process is termed ________. oscillation refraction translation reflection
Which of the following is correct regarding a wave in the open ocean? Water particles move in an almost circular path. Such waves are called waves of oscillation. Waves do not exist in the open ocean ā€” only near the coast. None of these
Water particles move in an almost circular path