Connect - Evolution And History Of Microbiology

25 July 2022
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The three domain system, comprising the bacteria, the _________, and the archaea, was devised in the 1970s by Carl Woese.
eukarya (The three domain system of classifying life was first proposed by Carl Woese. Refer to section 1.1 for further information.)
Differentiate between the types of microorganisms studied by microbiologists. -An organism characterized by having cells containing DNA in a membrane-bound organelle -An organism characterized by having a cell lacking a membrane-bound nucleus -An infectious agent consisting of only protein -An infectious agent consisting of only RNA -An infectious agent made up of protein, nucleic acids and sometimes a lipid membrane Word Bank: Viroid, Virus, Prokaryote, Prion, Eukaryote
-An organism characterized by having cells containing DNA in a membrane-bound organelle = EUKARYOTE -An organism characterized by having a cell lacking a membrane-bound nucleus = PROKARYOTE -An infectious agent consisting of only protein = PRION -An infectious agent consisting of only RNA = VIROID -An infectious agent made up of protein, nucleic acids and sometimes a lipid membrane = VIRUS (Many different types of microorganisms, each of which has distinct characteristics, are studied by microbiologists. Refer to section 1.1 for further information.)
Carl Woese distinguished between the members of the Archaea and the Bacteria using studies of their ________. A. ribosomal RNA B. messenger RNA C. DNA D. transfer RNA
A. ribosomal RNA (Woese analyzed differences in ribosomal RNA to distinguish between the Archaea and the Bacteria. Refer to section 1.1 for further information.)
A microbe is discovered living in an extreme environment near a deep sea vent. The microorganism lacks a nucleus and peptidoglycan in its cell wall, but it does have unusual membrane lipids. This species is most likely a member of the Domain ________. A. Eukarya B. Bacteria C. Archaea D. Animalia
C. Archaea (This activity allows the student to analyze a newly discovered microbe and identify the appropriate Domain in which it should be placed. Refer to section 1.1 for further information.)
To determine the relatedness of a new species of microbe to other species, genes that encode small subunit ____ molecules are compared to determine the number of differences in the sequence. A. DNA B. RNA C. proteins D. lipids
B. RNA (Newly discovered cellular microbes can be placed into a phylogenetic tree based on RNA sequences. Refer to section 1.2 for further information.)
Choose the correct scientific name for a microbial species. A. Staphylococcus aureus (both italicized) B. Streptococcus Pyogenes (both italicized) C. klebsiella (italicized) Pneumoniae (not italicized) D. Escherichia Coli (not italicized)
A. Staphylococcus aureus (both italicized) (Microbial species are named specifically using the Linnaeus binomial system. Refer to section 1.2 for further information.)
Complete each sentence about disproving the theory of spontaneous generation. -In ancient times, people believed in the theory of ___, which stated that ___ organisms could develop from ___ matter. -Testing this theory, a series of experiments carried out on rotting meat by ___ showed that maggots did not arise if flies did not contact the meat. -However, more evidence supporting the theory was then generated by___, who showed that some tightly stoppered flasks of boiled broth underwent microbial spoilage. -A few years after Needham, ___ improved on this experiment by sealing the broth flasks before boiling, and he found that no spoilage occurred. -Supporters of the theory then hypothesized that sealed flasks did not allow the vital force to enter, so ___ allowed superheated air to enter boiled flasks of broth, and still no spoilage occurred. -Final evidence against the theory came when ___ used open swan-neck flasks of boiled broth and found that although open to the air, microbial spoilage still did not occur. Word Bank: Theodore Schwann, Robert Koch, living, nonliving, germ theory, Lazzaro Spallanzani, spontaneous generation, John Needham, Francesco Redi, John Tyndall, Girolamo Fracastoro, Anthony van Leeuwenhoek, Louis Pasteur
-In ancient times, people believed in the theory of SPONTANEOUS GENERATION, which stated that LIVING organisms could develop from NONLIVING matter. -Testing this theory, a series of experiments carried out on rotting meat by FRANCESCO REDI showed that maggots did not arise if flies did not contact the meat. -However, more evidence supporting the theory was then generated by JOHN NEEDHAM, who showed that some tightly stoppered flasks of boiled broth underwent microbial spoilage. -A few years after Needham, LAZZARO SPALLANZANI improved on this experiment by sealing the broth flasks before boiling, and he found that no spoilage occurred. -Supporters of the theory then hypothesized that sealed flasks did not allow the vital force to enter, so THEODORE SCHWANN allowed superheated air to enter boiled flasks of broth, and still no spoilage occurred. -Final evidence against the theory came when LOUIS PASTEUR used open swan-neck flasks of boiled broth and found that although open to the air, microbial spoilage still did not occur. (The theory of spontaneous generation was disproved through the efforts of several different scientists. Refer to section 1.3 for further information.)
Label the diagram outlining the steps involved in following Koch's postulates.

(See image in Answer)
Label the diagram outlining the steps involved in following Koch's postulates. (See image in Answer)
Postulate: 1. The microorganism must be present in every case of the disease but absent from healthy organisms. 2. The suspected microorganisms must be isolated and grown in a pure culture. 3. The same disease must result when the isolated microorganism is inoculated into a healthy host. 4. The same microorganisms must be isolated again from the diseased host. (Koch's postulates are used for the determination of causes of infectious disease. Refer to section 1.3 for further information.)
The first of Koch's postulates is A. animals infected with the isolated microorganism must develop the same disease. B. the same microorganisms must be isolated from the diseased animal host. C. the suspected microorganisms must be isolated and grown in a pure culture. D. the microorganism must be present in every case of the disease but absent from healthy organisms.
D. the microorganism must be present in every case of the disease but absent from healthy organisms. (Koch's postulates are used to determine the causes of infectious diseases. Refer to section 1.3 for further information.)
Determining the DNA sequence of a microorganism's chromosome is the first step in the process of _________ analysis, a promising new field in microbiology.
genomic (The study of the genetic sequence and expression of genes is known as genomics. Refer to section 1.4 for further information.)
The scientific discipline known as _____________ involves using computers to analyze the genetic information obtained by molecular biologists in order to identify potential protein-coding genes, determine what they code for, and identify other regions of the genome that may have other important functions. A. bioremediation B. bioinformatics C. immunology D. molecularization
B. bioinformatics (The analysis of genetic sequences and expression of genes is known as bioinformatics. Refer to section 1.4 for further information.)
Which of the following experiments is used to identify new pathogens? A. Stanley Miller experiment B. Endosymbiotic theory C. Koch postulates D. Pasteur's swan-neck experiment
C. Koch postulates (Since Koch postulates, the medical community has relied on this seemingly simply process for identifying new pathogens. However, Koch postulates does have a few short comings in that not all pathogens can grow on modern media and some pathogens require a human host which isn't ethical.)
Check all of the following that showcases how microbes can be used by people. A. Production of breads B. Production of cheeses C. Production of antibiotics D. Production of vitamins E. Production of enzymes used for many different industrial applications
A. Production of breads B. Production of cheeses C. Production of antibiotics D. Production of vitamins E. Production of enzymes used for many different industrial applications (All societies on earth use microbes in some way or another. In fact, the microbes within the GI tract will produce vitamins absolutely necessary for our metabolisms. It is probably closer to the truth that people are reliant on microbes for survival.)
Which of the following advances best describes that today we may be experiencing a second golden age of microbiology? A. Light microscopy B. Koch postulates C. Genomic testing D. Biochemical testing
C. Genomic testing (The most recent advance in microbiology is genomic testing. Biochemical testing, light microscopy and Koch postulates have been around for more than 100 years.)