Chapter 9 Nail Structure And Growth

25 July 2022
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The Natural Nail
ALso known as Onyx, is the hard protective plate composed mainly of keratin, the same fibrous protein found in skin and hair. The keratin in natural nails is harder than the keratin in skin or hair. It is part of the integumentary system., which is made up of the skin and its various organs. Nail plates protect the tips of fingers and toes, and their appearance can reflect the general health of the body.
Explanation: There are many different types of nails, but the natural nail is the most common. The natural nail is made up of the nail plate, the nail bed, and the nail matrix. The nail plate is the hard, protective outer layer of the nail. The nail bed is the fleshy part of the nail that contains blood vessels and nerves. The nail matrix is the area where the nail grows from.
A Normal, Healthy Nail
is firm but flexible. The surface is shiny, smooth, and unspotted with no wavy ridges, pits or splits. A healthy nail is also whitish and translucent in appearance, with the pinkish color of the nail bed showing through. In some races, the nail bed may have more yellow tones.
Explanation: A healthy nail is one that is smooth, with no ridges or pitting. The color should be pink or light pink, and the nail should be clear or only slightly cloudy. The nails should be well-formed and the tips should be rounded.
The Water Content of the Nail
varies according to the relative humidity if the surrounding environment; in a humid environment, nails contain more water. A healthy nail may look dry and hard, but its water content is actually between 15% and 25%. The water content directly affects the nails flexibility. The lower the water content, the more rigid the nail becomes. Coating the plate with an oil based nail conditioner or nail polish improves flexibility by reducing water loss. These products also prevent excessive water absorption.
Explanation: The water content of the nail refers to the amount of water that is present in the nail. This can be affected by a number of factors, including the health of the nail, the type of polish that is being used, and the environment that the nail is in. When the nail is healthy, it will typically have a higher water content than when it is unhealthy. The type of polish that is being used can also affect the water content of the nail. If a polish is very thick or contains a lot of chemicals, it can actually dry out the nail and cause the water content to decrease. The environment that the nail is in can also affect its water content. If the nail is exposed to a lot of moisture, such as in a humid environment, the water content will be higher than if the nail is in a dry environment.
The Natural Nail Unit
is composed of the nail plate, nail bed, matrix, nail cuticle, eponychium, hyponychium, specialized ligaments and nail folds
Explanation: The natural nail unit is the combination of the nail plate, the nail bed, the cuticle, and the periungual skin. The nail plate is the hard, protective surface of the nail. The nail bed is the soft tissue beneath the nail plate. The cuticle is the thin layer of skin that covers the nail bed and protects the nail from infection. The periungual skin is the skin around the nail.
Nail Plate
is a hardened keratin plate that sits on and covers the nail bed. It is the most visible and functional part of the nail unit. The nail plate is relatively porous and will allow water to pass through it much more easily than through normal skin of an equal thickness. As it grows, the nail plate slowly slides across the nail bed. The nail plate is formed by the matrix cells. The sole job of the matrix cells is to create nail plate cells. The nail plate may appear to be one solid piece, but it is actually constructed of about 100 layers of nail cells. The free edge is the art of the nail plate that extends over the tip of the finger or toe
Explanation: A nail plate is a thin, hardened plate of keratin that covers the dorsal surface of the nail body. The nail plate is composed of several layers of flattened cells that are arranged in rows. The cells of the nail plate are held together by intercellular bridges. The nail plate is attached to the nail bed by a layer of epithelial cells called the nail matrix.The primary function of the nail plate is to protect the nail bed and the underlying tissues from trauma. The nail plate also helps to keep the nail body moisturized and prevents it from drying out. In addition, the nail plate helps to regulate the growth of the nail body.The nail plate is produced by the nail matrix. The cells of the nail matrix are constantly dividing and pushing the older cells towards the free edge of the nail plate. As the older cells reach the free edge, they are shed from the nail plate. The new cells that are produced by the nail matrix replace the shed cells.The thickness of the nail plate varies depending on the location on the nail body. The nail plate is thickest at the base of the nail body and thinnest at the free edge.
Nail Bed
is the portion of living skin that supports the nail plate as it grows toward the free edge. Because it is richly supplied with blood vessels, the nail bed has a pinkish appearance from the lunula to the area just before the free edge of the nail. The nail bed contain many nerves, and is attached to the nail plate by a thin layer of tissue called the bed epithelium.
Explanation: A nail bed is the skin beneath the fingernails or toenails. It is also called the matrix. The matrix is a living tissue that produces the fingernails or toenails. The matrix has blood vessels that supply it with nutrients. The matrix also has nerves that allow it to feel touch and pressure.
Bed Epithelium
helps guide the nail plate along the nail bed as it grows
Explanation: The bed epithelium is a layer of epithelial cells that covers the surface of the body. It is made up of two types of cells: the basal cells and the squamous cells. The basal cells are responsible for renewing the epithelium and the squamous cells are responsible for providing a barrier against infection and injury.
is the area where the nail plate cells are formed; this area is composed of matrix cells that produce the nail plate cells. The matrix contains nerves, lymph, and blood vessels to nourish the matrix cells. As long as it is nourished and healthy, the matrix will continue to create new nail plate cells. The matrix extends from under the nail fold at the base of the nail plate. The visible part of the matrix that extends from underneath the living skin is called the Lunula.
Explanation: A matrix is a two-dimensional array of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns. Matrixes are often used in mathematical and scientific calculations.
is the whitish half moon shape at the base of the nail. The whitish color is caused by the reflection of light off the surface of the matrix. The lighter color of the lunula shows the true color of the matrix. Every nail has a lunula, but some lunulas are short and remain hidden under the eponychium.
Explanation: The lunula is the crescent-shaped whitish area at the base of the fingernail. It is the area of the nail that is attached to the nail bed. The lunula is visible on the thumb and on the index, middle, and ring fingers.
Growth and Appearance of the Nails
can be affected if an individual is in poor health, if a nail disorder is present, or if there has been an injury to the matrix
Explanation: Nails are composed of hard keratin and grow from the nail matrix, which is the area beneath the cuticle. The rate of nail growth is determined by the activity of the nail matrix. The average rate of nail growth is 3 mm per month.As nails grow, they undergo a series of changes in shape, thickness, and color. The changes in appearance are due to the different stages of nail growth. The first stage, known as the germinal phase, is when the nails are first formed. The second stage, known as the growth phase, is when the nails begin to grow. The third stage, known as the maturation phase, is when the nails reach their full length.The nails also undergo changes in color as they grow. The nails may start out pink in color, but as they grow, they may become white or yellow in color. The nails may also become thicker or thinner as they grow.The nails also have a variety of shapes. The nails may be oval, round, or square in shape. The nails may also be curved or flat.
The nail cuticle is the dead, colorless tissue attached to the natural nail plate. The cuticle comes from the underside of the skin that lies above the natural nail plate. This tissue is incredibly sticky and difficult to remove from the nail plate. Its job is to seal the space between the natural nail plate and the living skin. This prevents entry of foreign material and microorganisms and helps avoid injury and infection.
Explanation:Nails are composed of hard keratin and grow from the nail matrix, which is the area beneath the cuticle. The rate of nail growth is determined by the activity of the nail matrix. The average rate of nail growth is 3 mm per month.As nails grow, they undergo a series of changes in shape, thickness, and color. The changes in appearance are due to the different stages of nail growth. The first stage, known as the germinal phase, is when the nails are first formed. The second stage, known as the growth phase, is when the nails begin to grow. The third stage, known as the maturation phase, is when the nails reach their full length.The nails also undergo changes in color as they grow. The nails may start out pink in color, but as they grow, they may become white or yellow in color. The nails may also become thicker or thinner as they grow.The nails also have a variety of shapes. The nails may be oval, round, or square in shape. The nails may also be curved or flat.
The Eponychium is the living skin at the base of the natural nail plate that covers the matrix area. The eponychium is often confused with the nail cuticle. They are NOT the same. The cuticle is DEAD tissue adhered to the nail plate; the eponychium is LIVING TISSUE that grows up to the nail plate. The cuticle comes from the underside of this area, where it completely detaches from the eponychium and strongly attaches to the new growth of nail plate. It pulls free to form a seal between the natural nail plate and the eponychium. Cosmetologists are prohibited from cutting the eponychium, even when a client requests it.
Explanation: The eponychium is a layer of skin that covers the nail bed and extends slightly beyond the edge of the nail. It helps to protect the nail from damage and infection. The eponychium is also known as the cuticle.
The Hyponychium is the slightly thickened layer of skin that lies between the fingertip and the free edge of the natural nail plate. It forms a protective barrier that prevents microorganisms from invading and infecting the nail bed.
Explanation: ?The hyponychium is the area of skin beneath the fingernail. It is also known as the nail bed." The hyponychium protects the nail from damage and helps to keep it moisturized. It also helps to keep dirt and other debris out from under the nail."
Specialized Ligaments
A ligament is a tough band of fibrous tissue that connects bones or holds an organ in place. Specialized ligaments attach the nail bed and matrix bed to the underlying bone. These ligaments are located at the base of the matrix and around the wedges of the nail bed.
Explanation: Ligaments are specialized tissues that connect bones to other bones. They are made up of collagen, a protein that gives them strength and flexibility. Ligaments help to stabilize joints and provide support for the body during movement.There are four main types of ligaments in the body:1. Collagenous ligaments are the strongest type of ligament. They are made up of densely packed collagen fibers that are arranged in a cross-linked pattern. This type of ligament is found in the joints of the body, such as the knee, hip, and shoulder.2. Elastic ligaments are more flexible than collagenous ligaments. They are made up of elastic fibers, which allow them to stretch and return to their original shape. Elastic ligaments are found in the joints of the fingers and toes.3. Fibrous ligaments are a mix of collagenous and elastic fibers. They are less flexible than elastic ligaments but more flexible than collagenous ligaments. Fibrous ligaments are found in the joints of the spine.4. Synovial ligaments are the least strong type of ligament. They are made up of synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints. Synovial ligaments are found in the joints of the wrists and ankles.
Nail Folds
The Nail Folds are folds of normal skin that surround the nail plate. These folds form the NAIL GROOVES, which are the slits or furrows on the SIDEWALL. The SIDEWALL, also known as LATERAL NAIL FOLD, is the fold of skin overlapping the side of the nail.
Explanation: Nail folds are the skin that surrounds the nail bed and helps to protect the nails. They are made up of two layers, the eponychium and the proximal nail fold. The eponychium is the outermost layer and is made up of tough, fibrous skin. The proximal nail fold is the inner layer and is made up of thin, delicate skin. The nail folds help to keep the nails clean and free from dirt and debris.
Average Rate of Nail Growth
in the normal adult is about 1/10 of an inch (2.5 mm) per month. But many factors affect this growth rate. Children's nails grow more rapidly. Elderly adults nails grow more slowly. Nails grow faster in the summer than they do in the winter. Pregnancy dramatically affects nail growth because of hormonal changes in the body. Nail growth increases dramatically during the last trimester of pregnancy and decrease quickly after delivery, returning to normal as hormone levels return to normal. Prenatal vitamins make no difference. Nail growth rate is fastest on the middle finger and slowest in the thumb. Toe nails grow more slowly than finger nails.
Explanation: Nails grow at an average rate of about 3 mm per month. The rate of growth may vary depending on age, health, season, and other factors.
Replacement of a Natural Nail
Replacement of a fingernail takes about four to six months. Toenails take about nine months to one year to be fully replaced.
Explanation: A natural nail can be replaced by a fake nail, also called an artificial nail. Fake nails are made of materials such as acrylic, gel, or fiberglass. They are attached to the natural nail with glue or adhesive.