World War II: Victory For The Allies Quiz

23 August 2022
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How did the Soviet's win at Stalingrad help advance the Allies' Europe First strategy? It prompted several Axis countries in Eastern Europe to switch their allegiance. It enabled the Soviets to push the eastern front toward Germany. It consolidated Soviet power in Russia. It removed the German threat on the war's eastern front.
It enabled the Soviets to push the eastern front toward Germany.
Which most contributed to the Battle of Stalingrad becoming a turning point in the war? The battle marked the beginning of Germany's victory. The German army exhausted all of their supplies. The battle marked the end of Germany's advancement. The German army gained hundreds of additional soldiers.
The battle marked the end of Germany's advancement.
When the United States dropped atomic bombs on Japan, it triggered the start of a _____________ race between the United States and the Soviet Union. This was a key issue during the Cold War.
nuclear arms
The most likely reason why President Truman ordered the atomic bomb dropped on Japan was to show US military strength. force Japan to surrender to the Allies. guarantee a US victory. prevent the Soviet invasion of Japan.
force Japan to surrender to the Allies.
Who was the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe during World War II? Dwight D. Eisenhower Franklin D. Roosevelt Winston Churchill Charles de Gaulle
Dwight D. Eisenhower
How did the Allied victory in WWII change the world? Check all that apply. It created new peacemaking groups. It started a nuclear arms race. It destroyed American-German relations. It ended the era of atomic weapons. It led to the Cold War.
It created new peacemaking groups. It started a nuclear arms race. It led to the Cold War.
Which best describes why the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan? The second bomb was aimed at Japan's largest munitions factory. Japan refused to surrender after the first bomb was dropped. The United States wanted to cause as much damage as possible. The bombs worked in conjunction with each other.
Japan refused to surrender after the first bomb was dropped.
Which best describes why Iwo Jima was significant in U.S. attempts to reach Japan? The island had airfields that the U.S. military needed. The island had long-range anti-aircraft missiles. The island was home to Japan's naval fleet. The island had natural resources that the Japanese military needed.
The island had airfields that the U.S. military needed.
Why was the Battle of Stalingrad a significant event in World War II? The battle forced the Germans to retreat from all of Eastern Europe. The battle stopped the Germans from advancing further east. The battle prompted the Soviets to revise their war strategy. The battle enabled the Soviets to immediately conquer Eastern Europe.
The battle stopped the Germans from advancing further east.
Which is true about the battle of Iwo Jima? Allies were able to capture almost all of the Japanese soldiers. There were over 30,000 American casualties. Allies killed almost all of the Japanese soldiers. There were more American lives lost than in any other WWII battle.
There were over 30,000 American casualties.
Why was the battle of El Alamein significant? The Allies defeated a major German commander. The German army defeated the Allies severely. It allowed Allied troops access to Egypt. It served as the turning point of World War II.
The Allies defeated a major German commander.
What does the movement of Allied troops reveal about their strategy? The Allies' objective was to reach Japan as soon as possible. The Allies kept getting diverted in their quest to reach Japan. The Allies overtook outlying islands to make access to Japan easier. The Allies retreated just before they reached the first set of islands.
The Allies overtook outlying islands to make access to Japan easier.