Us History Chapter One

2 September 2022
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How did French involvement in the fur trade change life for Native Americans? a) It didn't; Native Americans were already hunting beaver and buffalo for their skins. b) Native Americans benefited economically but were able to avoid getting caught in European conflicts and rivalries. Correct Response c) The French were willing to accept Native Americans into colonial society. d) The English and French quests for beaver pelts prompted a surge in the Native American population. e) It forced Native Americans to learn new trapping techniques that were far superior to their old ways.
c) The French were willing to accept Native Americans into colonial society.
John Cabot sailed to: Correct Response a) Newfoundland. b) New York. c) Jamestown. d) Hispaniola. e) Quebec.
a) Newfoundland.
Before the arrival of Columbus, Native North Americans: Correct Answer a) had elaborate trade networks. b) were entirely agricultural and rural. Incorrect Response c) across the continent were very similar in their political and religious beliefs. d) always lived in small family units. e) lived only in coastal areas.
a) had elaborate trade networks.
Before the transatlantic slave trade began, approximately 100,000 African slaves were transported between 1450 and 1500 to: a) England and Ireland. b) Spain and France. Correct Response c) Portugal and Spain. d) Portugal and the Netherlands. e) England and the Netherlands.
d) Portugal and the Netherlands.
In their relations with Native Americans, the Dutch: a) sought to imitate the Spanish. Correct Response b) concentrated more on economics than religious conversion. c) tried to drive Native Americans into the Puritan colony. d) avoided warfare at all costs. e) called them members of a deceitful race.
b) concentrated more on economics than religious conversion.
How did Native Americans conceive of property? a) Native Americans believed that land should never be claimed. Correct Response b) Families might use a specific plot of land for a season. c) Individuals could own land outright and pass it on to family members. d) A family could claim land forever, but an individual could not. e) Native Americans and Europeans conceived of property in the same way, though Europeans claimed otherwise as an excuse to take Indian land.
b) Families might use a specific plot of land for a season
In 1492, the Native American population: a) was at least 100 million. b) lived exclusively in villages of no more than 1,000 individuals. c) declined catastrophically due to exposure to the Black Plague. d) lived mostly in what is today the United States. Correct Response e) lived mostly in Central and South America.
e) lived mostly in Central and South America.
Under English law in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, women: a) enjoyed far greater rights than they did in Spain and Spanish America. b) who outlived their husbands were entitled to one-half of the husband's property. Correct Response c) surrendered their legal identities when they married. d) were expected to submit to their husbands in public, but not in private. e) gained a great deal of personal and political power during the reigns of Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth.
c) surrendered their legal identities when they married.
Which of the following is true of freedom in New Netherland? a) The colony's elected assembly enjoyed greater rights of self-government than any English colonial legislative body. b) The Dutch commitment to liberty prompted the colony to ban slavery there. c) Religious intolerance led the Dutch to ban all Jewish peoples from the colony. d) Of all of the colonies in the New World, New Netherland required the longest period of service from indentured servants. Correct Response e) Married women retained a legal identity separate from that of their husbands.
e) Married women retained a legal identity separate from that of their husbands.
How did the Dutch manifest their devotion to liberty? Correct Response a) They supported tolerance in religious matters in their colony. b) Their colony was the first in the Americas to have a bill of rights. c) They allowed freedom of speech. d) They issued the Edict of New Netherland, declaring the Puritans to be heathens because they refused to allow religious freedom. e) They gave men ownership of their wives, which gave married men the property ownership and independence they needed to participate in political activities.
a) They supported tolerance in religious matters in their colony.
Patroonship in New Netherland: a) was a great success, bringing thousands of new settlers to the colony. Correct Response b) meant that shareholders received large estates for transporting tenants for agricultural labor. c) was like a system of medieval lords. d) led to one democratic manor led by Kiliaen van Rensselaer. e) involved joint Dutch and Indian control of farmland.
b) meant that shareholders received large estates for transporting tenants for agricultural labor.
Which statement about gender relations is FALSE for most Native American societies? a) Men and women engaged in premarital sex. b) It was acceptable for a woman to seek a divorce. Correct Response c) Tribal leaders were almost always women. d) Women owned dwellings and tools. e) Societies were matrilineal.
c) Tribal leaders were almost always women.
The Columbian Exchange was: a) the agreement that documented what Christopher Columbus would give to Spanish leaders in return for their sponsorship of his travel to the New World. Correct Response b) the transatlantic flow of plants, animals, and germs that began after Christopher Columbus reached the New World. c) John Cabot's exploration of the New World, which brought more of the goods that Columbus had found back to the Old World. d) responsible for introducing corn, tomatoes, and potatoes to the Americas. e) the first store in the New World, named for the man who founded it.
b) the transatlantic flow of plants, animals, and germs that began after Christopher Columbus reached the New World.
Which one of the following statements is true of the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlán? Correct Response a) It had a complex system of canals, bridges, and dams, with the Great Temple at the center. b) It was located in the dense jungle of the Yucatan Peninsula. c) Its defeat was due to its leader surrendering too soon to Hernán Cortés, who was in fact outnumbered and outgunned. d) Technologically and architecturally, it was so far behind European capitals that its defeat was certain. e) It had the New World's first mass transit system.
a) It had a complex system of canals, bridges, and dams, with the Great Temple at the center.
Which one of the following statements about Spanish America is true? Correct Response a) Over time, Spanish America evolved into a hybrid culture—part Spanish, part Indian, and, in some areas, part African. b) Mestizos enjoyed much political freedom and held most of the high government positions. c) Spaniards outnumbered the Indian inhabitants after fifty years of settlement. d) The Catholic Church played only a minor role in Spanish America. e) Spanish America was very rural and had few urban centers.
a) Over time, Spanish America evolved into a hybrid culture—part Spanish, part Indian, and, in some areas, part African.
When Europeans arrived, many Native Americans: Correct Response a) tried to use them to enhance their standing with other Native Americans. b) immediately opened treaty negotiations. c) learned their languages. d) hid in nearby cave dwellings. e) simply attacked them.
a) tried to use them to enhance their standing with other Native Americans.
As early as 1615, the __________ people of present-day southern Ontario and upper New York State forged a trading alliance with the French, and many of them converted to Catholicism. a) Pequot b) Lenni Lenape c) Iroquois d) Cherokee Correct Response e) Huron
e) Huron
Alarmed by the destructiveness of the conquistadores, the Spanish crown replaced them with a more stable system of government headed by: Correct Response a) lawyers and bureaucrats. b) bishops of the Catholic Church. c) landed wealthy elite. d) elected local officials. e) entrepreneurs.
a) lawyers and bureaucrats.
The Black Legend described: a) the Aztecs' view of Cortés. b) English pirates along the African coast. c) Spain as a uniquely brutal colonizer. d) Portugal as a vast trading empire. e) Indians as savages.
c) Spain as a uniquely brutal colonizer.
In 1519, who became the first European explorer to encounter the Aztec empire? a) Vasco da Gama. b) Ferdinand Magellan. c) John Cabot. Correct Response d) Hernán Cortés. e) Francisco Pizzaro.
d) Hernán Cortés.
The Spanish set up outposts from Florida to South Carolina in part because: Correct Response a) Spanish missionaries hoped to convert local Native Americans to Christianity. b) English colonists from Virginia were attacking Spanish settlements. c) they sought to prevent the escape of African slaves to English colonies located north and east of the Savannah River. d) the discovery of gold mines in central Florida meant that other powers were likely to encroach on Spanish territories. e) they needed to protect St. Augustine, which became the capital of New Spain in 1542.
a) Spanish missionaries hoped to convert local Native Americans to Christianity.