Interpersonal Communication Test 2

29 August 2022
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Predictors of initial interaction:
1. physical attraction: we tent to communicate to who we find attractive 2. proximity: we tent to com with those who are physically close to us.
Schutz's 3 social needs:
To fulfill needs of -Inclusion -Affection -Control.
Devito's social needs:
-to lessen loneliness -to secure stimulation -to gain self knowledge/self-esteem -to maximize pleasure/minimize pain
Characteristics of relationships (e.g. duration, frequency, etc.):
Duration: how long you've known the person Frequency: of contact. How often do you contact the person? Variability: Different variables to each relationship; no two relationships are alike
Stages of Relational Development鈥擟oming together (Knapp & Vangelisti)
1. Initiating 2. Experimenting 3. Intensifying 4. Integrating 5. Bonding
1. Initiating
- first impression we trying to see if this person is attractive or not and whether or not we would like to communicate. -to be effective, communication should be positive with open ended questions - low self disclosure in this stage - all the process happening when we first come together with people - factors we consider: ? our own stereotypes ? prior knowledge of them ? situation expectation ? are they attractive? ? Should I talk to them? ? Opening line, try to come off likeable we are basically saying (book) " is see you. i am friendly, and i want to open channels for communication to take place.
-once the communication has been initiated, we begin to process of experimenting- trying to discover the unknown. -small talk -bridge to other topics -create safe environment to tell others who we are (UCT) name, rank, serial number usually talk about where they're from Relationships = pleasant, relaxed, overly uncritical and casual Limited commitment Most relationships don't go past here
why small talk?
-is the "sine qua non" of experimenting. is like exercising we hate it but we may engage in large quantities. -Useful to find integrating info - is our Future friend audition - it Reduces uncertainty - it Lets us maintain sense of community
-characterized by caution and awaiting confirmation from the other person -may request physical or psychological favors -increase in self-disclosure -Therefore increase in vulnerability -"close friend" relationship -active participation and greater awareness in the beginning ex: sitting close leads to hand holding which leads to sex -personal disclosure here makes speaker vulnerable *Characteristics* -forms of addressing become informal -private symbols develop ex: slang/jargon, places, events, vacays -verbal shortcuts -more direct expressions of commitment appear "idk who I'd talk to without you" -partner will help in daily process of understanding finishing sentences -extra characteristic: sophistication in nonverbal message blending of personality while unfolding individual uniqueness
-personalities seem to fuse/mesh -Davis calls concept coupling= the extent to which each tries to give his own self symbols or correct the other's to increase their communion. *verbal and nonverbal manifestations of integrating* -attitudes, opinions, interests and tasks that distinguish the 2 from others ex:"we have something special" -social circles merge, they become a package deal -intimacy trophies ex: rings, letterman jacket, pics -similar in manners, ex: dressing, and verbal - lots of Sex -claim common property ex:"our song" a conjoined bank account -highly empathetic -Bodies synchronize aka increases encroachment of physical space -3rd person love becomes the glue ex: love me, love my cat -maintenance of self and uniqueness= key but we agree to become another individual in integration
- Public ritual to world that shows commitment -"Institutionalization" of relationship -Going steady, engagement, marriage -It's own stage because it can change the nature of the relationship (for better or worse) -Makes it harder to break up -Contract becomes a frequent topic of conversation "we're married, how could you?"
Definitions in relational development
-Meshing: start to integrate behavior, values, etc Thinking and acting similarly -Support: emotional, physical, financial Affected by how intimate the relationship is -Proximity: how close we are How often you're together in physical proximity -Dynamic/Dialectical Tensions: Each person has needs that must be met
路 Note about stages of relationships
-We might or might not follow them sequentially -Length of time in each stage may vary -Might not go through all stages
Examples of relational expectancies:
-Short Term Expectancies: Interest, Peace, Rule Obedience, Amusement, Appearance, Presence, Affection. -Long Term Expectancies: Amusement, Affection, Faithfulness, Unspoken Rules, Twosome, Recognition, Frankness, Averaging(idea we expect an average of good and bad)
Social exchange theory
-Definition: SET is based on the notion that people think about their relationships in economic terms, adding up the costs involved and comparing those costs to the available rewards (txtbook) -Premise: We seek relationships which will maximize profits (rewards) and minimize costs (punishment). (pwrpt)
Comparison levels (CL) (SET):
-is a standard representing what rewards people feel they should receive and what costs they expect to pay in a specific relationship. -Shaped by past relationships, families advice and pop culture
Comparison levels of alternatives (Clat) (SET):
-this standard refers to how people evaluate a relationship compared to the realistic alternatives to that relationship. -CLalt provides a measure of stability rather than satisfaction. "This relationship may not but great but it's better than a relationship with that other person." -fear more being alone therefore stay in relationship
Rewards - Costs = Profits
Equity Theory
-Premise: We seek a balance of rewards and costs. - Dissatisfaction occurs if either party gets more out of or puts more into the relationship than we do - The more we contribute, the more we expect. - For U.S relationships, equity is highly coordinated with satisfaction and endurance. - Not so for European Couples
Relational Dialectics Theory (Baxter and Montgomery) (3 dimensions):
-Premise: there are opposing forces (dialectical tensions) within relationships -"Tug-of-War:" We each have our own needs and our own level for those needs. -those needs rarely are the same as the other person. - a relationship consists of two people trying to balance out each others needs to the point where the needs are balanced and the relationship are stable. *3 Dimensions:* -intimacy and Autonomy (Integration and Separation): "I want to be intimate with you sometimes but I also want to be alone sometimes." -Novelty and Predictability (Stability and Change): "I want our relationship to be stable but I don't want it to become boring either / I want good suprises not bad surprises." -Openness and Closedness (Self- Disclosure) (Expression and non-expression-privacy): "How much can I share with you, how much can I keep to myself?"
uncertainty reduction theory
- the more we know, and the more we like, the more intimacy we have towards the other -predicts that higher uncertainty deters intimacy and liking - low uncertainty creates intimacy and increases liking. *axioms* 1. the amount of com between strangers increases= uncertainty decreases 2. as non-verbal increases= uncertainty decreases 3. high levels of uncertainty= increase info-seeking behavior. 4.high levels of uncertainty in relationship= decrease in the intimacy level of com 5.high levels of uncertainty= high rates of reciprocity 6. similarities between persons= reduce uncertainty 7. increases in uncertainty= decreases in liking.
路 Social penetration theory
-Premise= a relationship's intimacy or penetration level depends on increased depth and breadth of communication, topics and self-disclosure -Depenetration= as a relationship moves away from intimacy, relationship breadth and depth of communication decrease. (This is known as Reversal hypothesis) Largely defined by self-disclosure (SD) / The KEY to social penetration is Self-disclosure.
路 Attraction Theories:
-focuses on our tendency to move toward another person due to: - Attraction: Magnetism, whatever it is that draws someone to another. -(Physical attraction is 1 of the 2 greatest predictors of initial attraction) -Proximity: How close we are physically to another person -(The 2nd of the 2 greatest predictor of initial attraction) -Similarity: how alike to us we perceive the person to be -Research supports that we are attracted to people with similar values and different needs -Matching hypothesis We date, marry, and befriend people of our same attractiveness
Which of the following terms were described as supporting the principle of economics which states "The rate of interest is the price of time" as it relates to friendship maintenance?
A. interest B. valuing C. competition D. investment *E. all of the choices listed here were described as supporting the principle of economics
Based on Uncertainty Reduction Theory, "high levels of uncertainty cause increases in _____.
information-seeking behavior
One of the assumptions of Symbolic Interaction Theory is that ___ provide an important motive for behavior.
The central variable in ____ theory is self-disclosure.
social penetration
According to Thibaut and Kelly's theory, if the relationship meets or exceeds our comparison level (CL), we will:
Be satisfied and stay in the relationship.
According to Knapp and Vangelisti, "verbal shortcuts" begin to appear more often in the ___ stage of relationship development
Intensifying stage
Based on Knapp and Vangelisti's relational development theory, "forms of address become informal during the ___stage.
A.Experimenting B. Integrating C. Bonding *D. None of the items listed here
According to your readings, small talk is the essence of the ___ stage of relationship development.
which of the following is true based on uncertainty reduction theory?
The more you and your partner do things like smile, the more certainty you will both feel.
Which of the following is NOT forwarded as an active listening response method?
*A. thought speed B. asking questions C. paraphrasing D. using nonverbal communication E. All of choices listed here ARE forwarded as an active listening response method
Put the following components of listening in sequential order based on your reading. sense interpret evaluate retain
1. sense 2. interpret 3. evaluate 4. retain
Based on assigned readings, all of the following are functions of theories EXCEPT:
A. To organize and explain our experiences B. To extend our knowledge C. To stimulate and guide future research *D.To help us to cope
Relational development is generally systematic and predictable.
On average, adults spend ___ percent of their time communicating engaging in listening.
__ is a component of listening for which our goal should be to understand the other person's meaning.
The reciprocal nature of self-disclosure (SD):
If someone Self-discloses, the other person will most likely also self-disclose.
SD (definition) and atypical communication: stranger on plane, bus, etc.
-Self disclosure = Communication about ourselves to others - is One of the main indicators/stages of relational development -Risk and Trust = 2 factors we take into consideration when deciding if we should SD information Except when it comes to "stranger" context Aka when it's with a stranger on a plane, nail lady, bar tender We don't take these into consideration with strangers because these people don't know anyone in our lives so this info can't get back to us Aka transient relationship
Main reasons men/women report for NOT disclosing:
Males: want to maintain control. (SD makes one seem vulnerable, thus whoever SDs more will have less control.) Females: fear being hurt and fear making problems in the relationship
路 SD and the Johari window:
Decreases the hidden self Enlarges the open self
路 Topics to avoid:
-Prior relationships -Norms/rules of relationships -Topics that damage one's own image
路 Positive/Negative outcomes of self disclosing
*Positive: acronym People Can Know Common Abilities* 1.physiological/psychological health 2.Increases cohesiveness 3.Increases knowledge 4.Increases communication effectiveness 5.Increases ability to cope *Negative* PRP 1.Personal risks a.Rejection & Damaged self-esteem. If the other person feels as if you have self-disclosed too much, then they may not want to continue the relationship. This rejection can affect our self-esteem. 2.Relational risks a.Deterioration, break up 3.Professional risk a.termination
路 Define shyness
-Characterized by avoidance of social interaction -Inhibition and inability to respond in an engaging way Reluctance to talk, make eye contact, gesture and smile **The behavior of not communicating = our definition
Causes of shyness
1.Childhood reinforcement ex:The "cute" children get attention from adults, thus they grow up practicing social behaviors. Meanwhile the other children do not get that practice and attention, thus they end up shy. Parents may also affect a child's future behavior. 2.Heredity: we behave a certain way because of our needs ex. twins 3.Skill Deficiencies example = speaking a different language (same for ethnic divergence) 4.Social Introversion 5.Ethnic/Cultural Divergence 6.Communication Apprehension :Fear of communication
Define Communication Apprehension (CA)
The fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons. Measured by using the Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA) 2 types: Trait- they are always gonna be nervous State-shy depending on situation
Perceptions of Quiet people:
-Occupation (position, promotion, salary) The more vocal, outgoing person will most likely get the position, get the promotion, get the salary raise, etc. Not necessarily because of higher intelligence though. -Leadership Roles (Similar to Occupation) -Academic Contexts: (intelligence v. grades) High apprehension / shy people tend to have lower grades yet apprehension has no correlation to intelligence. -Attractiveness There is a correlation with attractiveness and comprehension to SOME extent. An attractive child grows up with more attention and lower apprehension. These children grow up practicing social interactions. -Dating/Marriage There does seem to be a correlation. High apprehension types tend to date for only a short amount of time because they get married soon, and once they are married they become comfortable and stay together.
Side notes on apprehensiveness:
- Low apprehensive people get the jobs/promotions -Apprehensiveness and intelligence are NOT connected. -There seems to be an association between attractiveness and apprehension. I.e: Lower apprehension children are considered more attractive. -Higher apprehensive tend to have longer/more successful relationships -Most people want moderate apprehensive.
Treatments for CA
-Cognitive Restructuring Based on the assumption that we have irrational thoughts about ourselves and behavior that increase anxiety about communication. Thoughts are dealt with rationally in order to restructure the way we think. -Systematic Desensitization/Behavior Therapy The participant would list 10 things related to the fear that cause them anxiety Teach the subjects the procedures for deep muscular relaxation Have subjects visualize participating in a series of situations while in a state of deep relaxation. This technique has been found to substantially decrease various causes of anxiety -Skills training Work on skills that are deficient such as presentation style articulation, etc. Summary CA is a real phenomenon that can lead to negative outcomes but... CA is not a problem (no remedy needed) unless the person perceives it to be Even if CA is not alleviated, you can learn to deal with it in a more possible manner now that you know it's a common condition.
Causes of CA
-Skill Deficiencies -Conspicuousness -Unpredictable/unfamiliar situations -Prior success/failure -Learned helplessness -Subordinate position -Fear of evaluation
Effects of CA
CWCO -Communication avoidance -Withdrawal : selective attention -Communication disruptions -Over-communication
State vs. Trait CA
Trait: When a person experiences anxiety about communicating in all situations. State or Situational CA: When a person experiences anxiety only in a certain context or with a particular person or group.
8 barriers to effective active listening
1. Lack of interest ? too boring or too hard ? cause boredom, impatience with speaker, preoccupied 2. Distracting Delivery ? Judging the speaker's personal characteristics ? Fidgets, wandering gaze, stutter 3. External and internal noise 4. Arrogance and disrespect ? "you always" "you never" ? up for interpretation 5. Pre-programmed emotional responses ? The more important, the more emotional 6. Listening for facts ? aka deliverative listening ? must try to sense the point, not just the facts 7. Faking attention 8. Thought speed ? We think 3-4 times faster than anyone talks ? We try to fill in any free time ---- OTHER: lazy, tired, insincerity ------
Listening response method (reading)
PEAU 1) Paraphrasing ? rephrasing what we think the speaker is trying to say 2) Expressing understanding 3) Asking questions ? goal= to clarify speaker's perspective 4) Using nonverbal communication ? 50% of all meaning is nonverbal
路 % of time listening (adults and college students)
Average adult 45% College student 53%
Components of Listening (PP,EO,NC,SD)
-Participatory & Passive expressive/ does not interrupt engaged V&NV/non evaluative ex: debate/ heart-pouring situation -Empathetic & Objective To feel WITH the speaker/open-minded Emotionally involved/Emotionally detached -Nonjudgmental & Critical Unbiased/Evaluative (constructive criticism) Objective (open-minded)/Give feedback -Surface/Depth Verbal/Nonverbal Content: What's said/Relational: What's not said
Listening styles (ACT)
-People Listening Style = concerned with others feelings ex. How do you feel? 1.Action Listening Style = precise, well-organized presentations of info Task focused ex. Work-place/professional communication (What am I supposed to do?) 2.Content Listening Style = listen objectively, Listen for specific important/relevant info (What am I supposed to know/remember? What's important?) 3.Time Listening Style= brief and hurried interaction to get to the point Little time for elaboration (Get to the point, in a nutshell)
(Page 367-368)Conflict, intimacy, SD, and communicator style in cross-sex friendships When problems arise:
-Women = blame themselves for relationship failures and praise others for relationship success -women = more likely to end the relationship -Men will ignore problems by focusing on positives in relationship -Reasoning: women are more sensitive to relational deception If a woman see deception happened, she'll end relationship because it's unacceptable to her
Intimacy and SD
-Women disclose more than man when it's a same-sex dyad But disclose less than men when talking with a man -Men also disclose more with women than they do other men -No significant difference between men and women disclosure in cross-sex friendships -Differences emerge in the nature of the SD -Ex: men disclose weakness while highlighting their strengths Women disclose weakness while hiding their strengths -This is an example of common gender ideology -Men are suppose to be superior in SD so they highlight strengths and ignore weakness while women are suppose to be subordinate so they do the opposite Ex: office scenario page 368
Communicator style
the way one verbally and paraverbally interacts to signal how literal meaning should be taken, interpreted, filtered, or understood Characteristic examples: dominant, animated, relaxed, attentive, open, and friendly Men and women perceive themselves to have minimal differences in communicator style women = more animated men= more precise In reality, they are perceived differently Women are generally more open and attentive Men are more dominant, relaxes and dramatic
(Dyad Project) This project is designed to:
Provide a more in-depth understanding of at least one topic of interpersonal communication of interest to the student.
You and a partner (in a dyad) will investigate and report on some aspect of interpersonal communication by conducting a social science "mini" study You are expected to (1) Write a .5 page draft (2) Write a Full Sentence Outline/paper (3) Prepare an informative and engaging presentation for the class to relay your new found understanding of the topic(s) studied.
You may survey a number of individuals about a communication phenomenon to answer your research question/ hypothesis. You might examine content of a media artifact: television, radio, social media website and determine how its message affect individuals, dyads, and/or group communication and relationships
Paper: Full Sentence Outline
Each dyad will submit 3- 5 page full sentence outline including: -An introduction of the communication topic, -The role it plays in interpersonal relationship -At least one research question (i.e. what you want to know about this topic as it relates to interpersonal communication in relationships) -A description of the method you used in your own investigation including the who, what, when, where, and how), results/conclusion (i.e. tell what you found). - must include at least two (2) references with at least one being a communication, social science, education, or psychology research journal article published within the last 5 years. - keep in mind that although you may use a topic discussed in class, you may not use more than about 10% of the content directly from class. -Go beyond our textbook and class discussion to explore new resources - 12- point Times New Roman font. - at least two (2) references both being from a scholarly journal (see above). You may use your textbook or other sources beyond the three. For groups larger than two, you must use at least one source per group member). - full sentenced (not bulleted) outline, -must be 3-5 pages long (excluding abstract, tables, and references) -APA style edition 6. -Submit a copy of the paper to Turnitin on the course's website (one paper per dyad) -Submit a hard copy of the paper in class by the due date and time. -Submit a hard copy of your power point or prezi (if applicable) on the day of your presentation, prior to your presentation.
- Each dyad will have 10 minutes to present. -Presentations will be graded on topic appropriateness, style of presentation, and engagement of audience, content, and overall professionalism. (See evaluation form). -If you choose to use Power Point or Prezi as part of your presentation you must turn in a copy to the professor on the day of your presentation but prior to your presentation. -Each person must present some portion of the paper although there does not have to be "equal time" allocated within the presentation time. -Be familiar with your work so that you do not have to read your paper.
Additional Grading Information
-an individual draft worth 5%, -the dyad paper, worth 15%, -the dyad presentation, worth 5%.
Individual draft (5%)
-Each individual member of the dyad must submit a .5 ( half-page) summary of a research article related to their topic which they intend to use in the dyad paper. -This abstract must include the project title, research question/hypothesis, reference (in APA Style), and a summary of the article. -Research Question(s)/Hypothesis -Introduction, background, rationale (Tell about your inquiry, why is this important to study/know) Article I: Tell how the findings relate/support your question/hypo Article II: Tell how the findings relate/support your question/hypo Your Method (Who, What, When, Why, How) Results Discussion (Implications for communication in relationships, theory, etc.) References (Separate/Last page)