Metabolism Quizzes And Exams

Metabolism is the set of chemical processes that take place in an organism to maintain life. It involves the breakdown and synthesis of molecules, which are then used to provide energy, build and repair cells, and enable growth and development. Metabolism is a key element in all living organisms, from single-celled bacteria to complex animals like us.Metabolic processes are divided into two categories: catabolism and anabolism. Catabolism is the breaking down of large molecules into smaller ones for energy production or other cellular functions; it includes activities such as digestion and respiration. Anabolism is the building up of small molecules into larger ones for use in growth or repair; this includes activities such as protein synthesis, DNA replication, and cell division. Together these two processes form a cycle that maintains homeostasis within an organism’s body by continually breaking down old molecules while also creating new ones to replace them.The body requires energy sources from both catabolic and anabolic reactions in order to function properly; this energy comes from food sources such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals etc., which are broken down in our digestive system before entering the bloodstream for absorption by cells throughout our body. Our metabolism then takes over by turning nutrients into usable energy (ATP) through various biochemical pathways like glycolysis or Krebs cycle. Metabolic pathways also allow us to synthesize proteins needed for tissue growth or hormones necessary for regulation of our systems. In summary, metabolism plays a vital role in keeping our bodies functioning properly through its catabolic pathways which break down nutrients obtained from food sources so they can be used as fuel by cells throughout our bodies while its anabolic pathways build up important components like hormones or proteins needed for tissue growth or maintenance of homeostasis respectively. Without it we would not be able to sustain life.

We've found 13 Metabolism quizzes

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Urbana Diaz

Exercise PhysiologyMetabolism
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Patrick Jones

MetabolismPublic Health
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Wisdom White

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Yoel Rodriguez

Exercise PhysiologyMetabolism
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Braden Howard

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Ila Smith

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Guinevere Sanchez

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Juliette Cooper


30 answers

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Dahlia Lee

MetabolismPublic Health
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Zaira Sanchez

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Ulyses Phillips

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Heidi Sanchez

Cellular BiologyMetabolism
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Pembroke Jackson

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