27 August 2022
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Why did many South Koreans move to the United States in the 1960s? the chance of family reunions war in their homeland poverty in their homeland religious persecution
the chance of family reunions
In the 1950s and 1960s, the USSR controlled Eastern European nations via a number of methods, including establishing puppet governments and using force to crush any dissent or opposition to communist rule. establishing a blockade along the Iron Curtain and preventing anyone from entering or leaving those countries. preventing those countries from joining the United Nations and creating a policy of containment. encouraging opponents to leave those countries and establishing refugee organizations in Western Europe.
establishing puppet governments and using force to crush any dissent or opposition to communist rule.
The two early economic plans proposed by President Carter improved economic growth. did not improve economic growth. gained support from many politicians. reduced discrimination against banks.
did not improve economic growth.
To combat US troops in Vietnam, the Viet Cong relied on superior firepower. drafted infantry soldiers. used guerrilla warfare tactics. bombed US positions relentlessly.
used guerrilla warfare tactics.
A result of President Carter's meeting at Camp David with the leaders of Israel and Egypt in 1978 was that Egypt and Israel went to war with each other. signed a historic peace treaty. signed a historic trade agreement. fell into civil wars.
signed a historic peace treaty.
Jonas Salk became well known in the early 1950s because he starred in a popular movie called Rebel without a Cause. led a movement of people who refused to conform to social trends. introduced a way to mass-produce homes and reduce their costs. developed a vaccine that virtually eliminated polio from American society.
developed a vaccine that virtually eliminated polio from American society.
After the passage of the Civil Rights Act, civil rights activists wanted to overturn the Fifteenth Amendment. overturn the Twenty-Fourth Amendment. elect John F. Kennedy. improve voting rights in the South.
improve voting rights in the South.
In the 1960s, a form of protest known as a teach-in typically involved groups participating in speeches and debates. included students occupying university buildings. included a large group marching down public streets. involved draft dodgers burning draft cards.
involved groups participating in speeches and debates.
What was one major difference in the way NATO and the Warsaw Pact were created? NATO involved the participation of the countries of Eastern Europe, while the Warsaw Pact involved Western Europe. The Warsaw Pact was primarily a military agreement, while NATO was primarily an economic agreement. NATO was established to fight the spread of communism, while the Warsaw Pact was formed to protect communism. The Warsaw Pact is still in existence today, while NATO disbanded soon after the fall of communism in Europe.
NATO was established to fight the spread of communism, while the Warsaw Pact was formed to protect communism.
Which best describes Hubert Humphrey's candidacy in 1968? Humphrey was hurt by his association with the adminstration's Vietnam War policy. Humphrey announced that he would end the Vietnam War if elected and received strong support from the counterculture. Humphrey opposed many of Johnson's Great Society programs and declared he would end them if elected. Humphrey declared that the Great Society plan did not go far enough and proposed a radical social agenda for the Democratic platform.
Humphrey was hurt by his association with the adminstration's Vietnam War policy.
Following World War II, the United States opposed the economic system of the Soviet Union and its allies because this kind of economy focused too much on military production. was too close to a free market system. did not allow people to make free choices. stopped trade between the US and other nations.
did not allow people to make free choices.
President Truman opted not to run for reelection for a second time primarily because the national focus shifted from domestic affairs to foreign policy concerns. the national focus shifted from foreign affairs to domestic policy concerns. his Fair Deal program was a resounding success and his work was done. his Fair Deal program was a complete failure with no achievements.
the national focus shifted from domestic affairs to foreign policy concerns.
The Soviet blockade of West Berlin in 1948 was designed to prevent a democratic government from taking control of the city. information about communism from being published. Eastern European countries from trading in West Berlin. people and supplies from entering or leaving West Berlin.
people and supplies from entering or leaving West Berlin.
Although Brown v. Board of Education established that the segregation of schools was unconstitutional, many white Southerners strongly resisted integration. civil rights activists feared integration would lead to violence. African Americans did not want to attend all-white schools. many people in the North strongly resisted integration.
many white Southerners strongly resisted integration.
What economic lesson did the United States learn from the Vietnam War during the 1970s? The economy cannot fund both a large war and major social programs. Unemployment and rising prices will always lead to a recession. A massive war effort is too expensive for the country to undertake. It is necessary to raise taxes to support a major war.
The economy cannot fund both a large war and major social programs.
Which best describes how Brown v. Board of Education affected the United States? It prompted the creation of the Southern Manifesto. It forced Southern states to segregate their schools. It dealt a blow to segregation in public facilities. It allowed Linda Brown to attend a better public school.
It dealt a blow to segregation in public facilities.
By the time he was assassinated, Robert Kennedy had decided to run for the US Senate. was a Democratic candidate for president. was thinking of becoming the attorney general. had agreed to join President Johnson's cabinet.
was a Democratic candidate for president.
The stagflation of the US economy in the early 1970s was characterized by high unemployment and low inflation. low unemployment and high inflation. low unemployment and low inflation. high unemployment and high inflation.
high unemployment and high inflation.
Why did many Cubans resent the rule of Fulgencio Batista? Batista was a Soviet ally, and many Cubans did not want the USSR to influence their economy. Batista was a US ally, and many Cubans did not want the United States to influence their economy. Batista was a US ally, but he would not support the United States against the USSR. Batista was a Soviet ally who frequently threatened the nearby United States.
Batista was a US ally, and many Cubans did not want the United States to influence their economy.
How did the Tet Offensive affect the South Vietnamese people during the Vietnam War? It turned public opinion in South Vietnam against the war. It caused the South Vietnamese to lose more than 50,000 troops. It left many South Vietnamese towns and cities with extensive damage. It led people to believe that communism was the answer.
It left many South Vietnamese towns and cities with extensive damage.
Which event occurred in October 1962, sparking the Cuban Missile Crisis? Khrushchev and Kennedy had a disagreement at the Vienna Summit. The Berlin Wall was constructed as a division between East Berlin and West Berlin. A troop of trained exiles attempted a failed invasion into Cuba. A US spy plane photographed a Soviet missile base on Cuba.
A US spy plane photographed a Soviet missile base on Cuba.
Which most accurately describes the effect of President Nixon's policies on the civil rights movement? Nixon cut funding for civil rights agencies, and proclaimed the Philadelphia Plan "un-American." Nixon increased funding for civil rights agencies, and established the Philadelphia Plan. Nixon cut funding for civil rights agencies, and established the Philadelphia Plan. Nixon increased funding for civil rights agencies, but nullified the Philadelphia Plan.
Nixon increased funding for civil rights agencies, and established the Philadelphia Plan.
Both the Congress of Racial Equality and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee coordinated protest marches in the North. organized freedom rides in the South. organized freedom rides in the North. organized boycotts in the North and South.
organized freedom rides in the South.
The 1962 book Silent Spring documented the early history of the civil rights movement. the early history of the Vietnam War. the harmful effects of pesticides. the harmful effects of the Philadelphia Plan.
the harmful effects of pesticides.
As the idea of Black Power began to take hold, the SNCC welcomed the assistance of whites. became more dedicated to nonviolence. embraced the teachings of Islam. took a more militant approach.
took a more militant approach.