chapter 5 psych.

8 February 2023
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Research on sex hormones and human sexual behavior indicates that _____. a. sexual interests are aroused by decreasing testosterone levels in women and increased testosterone levels in men b. adult men who has been castrated show virtually no reduction in sex drive c. women's sexual interests are somewhat influenced by the phases of their menstrual cycles d. imprisoned male sex offenders typically experience lower than normal testosterone levels
c. women's sexual interests are somewhat influenced by the phases of their menstrual cycles.
When teased by his older sister, 9-year-old Vijay does not cry because he has learned that boys are not expected to. Vijay's behavior best illustrates the importance of _____. a. testosterone b. natural selection c. gender roles d. refractory periods
c. gender roles
Gender differences in erotic plasticity are best illustrated by the fact that women _____. a. have longer refractory periods than do men b. tend to be more changeable than men in sexual orientation c. become aware of their sexual orientation much ealier in life than do men d. are less likely than men to be equally aroused by male and female erotic stimuli
b. tend to be more changeable than men unisexual orientation
A picture of a letter apparently written by a 7-year-old girl recently went viral.? It shows the girl expressing frustration with the Lego corporation that all the Lego sets designed for girls are pink and show the girls staying at home or going shopping, while the Lego sets designed for boys are many different colors and show the boys going on adventures.? This girl is expressing frustration at Lego's expression of the ______ of females. a. normative behavior b. gender role c. independence d. hormones
b. gender role
Which of the following terms refers to the socially constructed roles and characteristics by which a culture defines male and female? a. sexual orientation b. gender c. schema d. Y chromosome
b. gender
Research on sex hormones and human sexual behavior indicates that _____. a. sexual interests are aroused by decreased testosterone levels in womena nd increased testosterone levels in men b. adult men who have been castrated show virtually no reduction in sex drive c. imprisoned male sex offenders typically experience lower-than-normal testosterone levels d. sexual desire rises slightly at ovulation among women with mates
d. sexual desire rises slightly at ovulation among women with mates.
Studies in both North American and China find that married fathers tend to have _____ than bachelors or married men without children. a. shorter refractory periods b. greater erotic plasticity c. more paraphilias d. lower testosterone levels
d. lower testosterone levels
Gender identity is best described as _____. a. the biochemical units of heredity b. a person's characteristic emotional reactivity c. a buffer zone we like to maintain between ourselves and others d. our sense of being male and female
d. our sense of being male and female
One of the most prominent gender differences in behavior is that men tend to display more _____ than women. a. independence b. normative behavior c. interdependence d. physical aggression
d. physical aggression
Which of the following does NOT predict increased teen pregnancy rates? a. Alcohol use b. Guilt related to sexual activity c. Minimal communication about birth control d. High intelligence
d. high intelligence