Chapter 12 Lesson 1 Review

30 August 2022
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How did cost-plus contracts help the United States prepare for war?
Cos-plus contracts helped the US get ready for war by motivating companies to produce war materiel quickly and in quantity due to the guaranteed profit stipulated in these contracts.
Use the notes that you completed during the lesson to evaluate which groups benefited from the war, and how they did so.
During the war, women and African Americans especially benefited due to the new economic opportunities made available to them as a result of war production and due to new political developments, that lessened some of the discrimination that African Americans faced.
What roles did minorities and women play in the armed forces during World War II?
Minorities and women served in the army, navy, and air force as nurses, pilots, sailors, and combat troops.
How did the U.S. government mobilize the economy for war?
The US government mobilized the economy for war by making loans available to factories that wished to convert to wartime production, creating cost-plus contracts, coming to no-strike agreements with labor organizations, and calling for public support in the forms of rationing, scrap collection, and bond purchasing.
How did World War II change life for women and minorities in the United States?
WW2 gave women and minorities more opportunities to work and progress in society and the military, while also subjecting certain minority groups, such as the Japanese, Germans, and Italians, to government-sponsored discrimination, displacement, and mistreatment.
How did the wartime relocation of many Americans affect U.S. government and society?
The wartime displacement of many Americans served as a massive stain on the history of the US government, a legitimation of discriminatory practices, and a way through which the rights, property, and wealth of many individuals was taken.
What steps did the government take to stabilize wages and prices?
The government set into place wage and price regulations, along with rationing, in order to stabilize wages and prices.