Chapter 10: Quiz Questions

25 July 2022
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The mitral valve, located between the left atrium and left ventricle, is also called the:
bicuspid valve The mitral valve is also called the bicuspid valve. The bicuspid valve is located between the left atrium and the left ventricle. The tricuspid valve is located between the right atrium and right ventricle. Together these two make up the atrioventricular valves.
The smallest arteries are called:
arterioles The smallest arteries are called arterioles. The suffix -ole means little, small. Arterioles carry blood to the tiniest of the blood vessels, the capillaries.
The ___ valve is located between the right atrium and right ventricle.
tricuspid valve The tricuspid valve is located between the right atrium and right ventricle. The mitral or bicuspid valve is located between the left atrium and the left ventricle. Together these two make up the atrioventricular valves.
The venae cavae are:
the largest veins in the body The venae cavae (sing., vena cava) are the largest veins in the body. Ven/o means vein.
The atrioventricular valves are made up of the mitral and ___ valves.
tricuspid The bicuspid valve (also called the mitral valve) is located between the left atrium and the left ventricle. The tricuspid valve is located between the right atrium and right ventricle. Together these two make up the atrioventricular valves.
A transparent, usually colorless, tissue fluid is called:
lymph Lymph is a transparent, colorless tissue fluid that contains lymphocytes and monocytes and flows in one direction: to the heart. It is similar to plasma, which is the clear, straw-colored liquid portion of blood in which cells are suspended.
The medical term referring to the white blood cells that fight infection is:
leukocytes White (leuk/o) blood cells (cyt/o) that fight infection are leukocytes. Erythrocytes are red blood cells that carry oxygen. Thrombocytes are formed elements in the blood that aid in the clotting process.
One of the primary lymphatic organs located anterior to the ascending aorta and posterior to the sternum between the lungs is called the:
thymus gland The thymus gland is one of the primary lymphatic organs. It lies in the mediastinum, between the lungs, and extends into the lower neck. In adulthood, the spleen is the largest lymphatic organ in the body
The combining form meaning valve is:
valvul/o Valvul/o and valv/o are combining forms that mean valve. Ventricul/o means ventricle. Angi/o means blood vessel. Phleb/o means vein.
The medical term referring to the liquid portion of the blood in which elements of cells are suspended and some of the clotting factors are contained is:
plasma Plasma is the liquid portion of blood in which elements of cells are suspended and some of the clotting factors are contained. Serum is the clear, watery fluid portion of blood that remains after a clot has formed.
The _____ filter(s) lymph to keep substances such as bacteria and other foreign agents from entering the blood.
lymph nodes The lymph nodes act as a filter by removing invading microorganisms and other noxious agents. Lymph vessels transport lymph from body tissues to the chest. Blood is cleansed of microorganisms in the spleen. The thymus gland plays an important role in the development of the body's immune system, especially from birth through puberty.
The function of the cardiovascular system is to:
maintain constant blood pressure in all the vessels and arteries The cardiovascular system pumps and transports blood throughout the body. The heart pumps blood containing oxygen and nutrients to the body tissues. Blood carrying carbon dioxide and waste is carried from the tissues to organs of excretion like the lungs and kidneys.
All of the following are in blood EXCEPT:
lymph The composition of blood includes plasma and formed elements—namely, erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes, and serum.
The muscular, cone-shaped organ that serves as a pump for the cardiovascular system is the:
heart The heart is a muscular cone-shaped organ the size of a fist, located behind the sternum and between the lungs. The pumping action of the heart circulates blood throughout the body.
All of the following are layers of the heart EXCEPT
monocardium The three layers of the heart are the epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium.
_____ are blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart.
Veins Veins carry blood back to the heart. Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. Arterioles are the smallest arteries. Capillaries connect arterioles with venules. Materials are passed between the blood and tissue through the capillary walls.
The three functions of the lymphatic system are to provide defense against infection, absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the small intestine, and _____.
transport excess tissue fluid to the blood The lymphatic system functions to provide defenses against infection, absorb and transport fat from the small intestine into general circulation, and transport excess tissue fluid that leaks from the capillaries and return it to the venous
This separates the atria:
atrial septum The atrial septum divides the atria, the two upper chambers of the heart.
Together the pulmonary and the aortic valves are called the _____.
semilunar valves The semilunar valves are the pulmonary and aortic valves, located between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery and between the left ventricle and the aorta. The pulmonary and aortic valves both have cusps that are shaped like half (semi-) moons (lunar).
The pulmonary artery is unique from other arteries because it
carries carbon dioxide and other waste products from the heart to the lungs Most arteries carry oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood away from the heart. The exception is the pulmonary artery, which carries carbon dioxide and other waste products from the heart to the lungs (pulmon/o = lung).
A measurement of the number of RBCs in a blood sample would be a(n) ___ count.
erythrocyte Erythrocytes are red (erythr/o) blood cells (-cyte), or RBCs, which carry oxygen. White (leuk/o) blood cells, which fight infection, are leukocytes. Thrombocytes are formed elements in the blood that aid in the clotting process. Lymph is a different body fluid than blood.
A patient is admitted to the Emergency Department with sepsis, which is the:
overwhelming, infectious presence of pathogenic organisms in the bloodstream, causing a systemic inflammatory response Sepsis is a condition in which pathogenic microorganisms invade the blood or tissues causing infection (seps/o) accompanied by a systemic inflammatory response. Sepsis is sometimes referred to as septicemia.
The word part that completes the medical term meaning hardening of the arteries, arteri/o/_________, is:
-sclerosis The question gives you the combining form for arteries (arteri/o) so you are looking for the suffix that means hardening, which is -sclerosis. Arteriosclerosis involves thickening, loss of elasticity and calcification of the walls of smaller arteries.
In the medical term cardiomegaly, the word root means:
heart To define the word root in the term cardiomegaly, first break down the word to find the word root: cardi + o + -megaly. Cardi/ is the word root meaning heart. Cardiomegaly means enlargement of the heart.
In the medical term thrombosis, the word root means:
clot The word root in the medical term thrombosis is thromb/, which means clot. Thrombosis is the development of a blood clot that blocks an artery. Ather/o means yellowish, fatty plaque. Isch/o means deficiency, blockage. Therm/o means heat.
In the medical term bradycardia, the prefix means:
slow The prefix in the medical term bradycardia is brady-, which means slow. Bradycardia is the condition (-ia) of a slow (brady-) heart (cardi/o) rate (less than 60 beats per minute). Note that the letter i in cardi/o has been dropped.
The medical term that means inflammation of the large blood vessels and heart is:
angiocarditis The medical term that means inflammation (-itis) of the blood vessels (angi/o) and heart (cardi/o) is angiocarditis. Cardiovalvulitis means inflammation of the valves of the heart.
A patient is brought to the Emergency Department experiencing an abnormally rapid heart beat, called ___.
tachycardia Tachy- means fast, rapid. Tachycardia refers to the abnormal condition of a rapid heartbeat—more than 100 beats per minute.
The meaning of the medical term endocarditis is inflammation of:
the inner lining of the heart Endocarditis refers to the inflammation of the inner (endo-) lining of the heart (cardi/o).
The medical term that means inflammation of the valves (in this case, of the heart) is:
valvulitis The medical term for the inflammation (-itis) of the valves (valvul/o) of the heart is valvulitis.
The meaning of the medical term hematocytopenia is:
abnormal reduction in the number of blood cells If you've mastered your word parts, you can quickly analyze this term to find its meaning: Hematocytopenia is any abnormal reduction (-penia) in the number of blood (hemat/o) cells (cyt/o). Similarly, an abnormal reduction of all (pan-) blood cells is called pancytopenia.
The meaning of the medical term lymphadenopathy is:
disease of lymph glands The medical term lymphadenopathy means disease (-pathy) of the lymph glands (lymphaden/o). The term is used to refer to any disease of the lymph nodes or vessels.
The medical term meaning tumor composed of blood vessels is:
angioma A tumor (-oma) composed of blood vessels (angi/o) is an angioma.
The medical term anemia refers to a(n):
reduction in the number of red blood cells Anemia is a reduction in the number of red blood cells and, consequently, in the amount of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying component of the cell. Diminished red blood cell production, increased destruction of red blood cells (hemolysis), and loss of blood can all cause anemia.
Patient Q's condition has led to obstruction of a large artery of the arm or leg. His condition is known as:
PAD Peripheral arterial disease (PAD), also called peripheral vascular disease (PVD), is a disease of the larger arteries in the arms and legs that results in the narrowing or complete obstruction of the artery. PAD/PVD is most frequently caused by atherosclerosis.
The medical term meaning congenital cardiac condition characterized by a narrowing of the aorta is:
coarctation of the aorta Coarctation of the aorta is a congenital cardiac condition characterized by a localized narrowing of the aorta. Coarctation refers to a compression or stricture of the walls of a vessel, such as the aorta
The meaning of the medical term fibrillation is:
rapid, quivering, non-coordinated contractions of the atria or ventricles Fibrillation is a type of dysrhythmia characterized by rapid, disorganized, and ineffectual contractions of the atria or ventricles. Defibrillation is the termination of ventricular or atrial fibrillation by delivery of electroshock to restore cardiac rhythm.
The medical term intermittent claudication refers to:
pain and discomfort in the calf muscles while walking Intermittent claudication refers to the pain and discomfort in the calf muscles while walking. Intermittent claudication is significant because it is a classic early symptom of peripheral arterial disease, which involves the progressive narrowing and eventual obstruction of the blood vessels in the lower extremities.
A patient is diagnosed with ___, which is a hypersensitivity to a substance, resulting in an inflammatory response.
anaphylaxis An allergy is a hypersensitivity to a substance, resulting in an inflammatory response. Anaphylaxis is the name given to a life-threatening hypersensitivity reaction that occurs throughout the body and is characterized by hypotension, shock, respiratory distress, and edema of the larynx leading to airway obstruction.
The medical term that refers to an inflammatory disease that usually occurs in children and often follows an upper respiratory tract streptococcal infection is:
rheumatic fever Rheumatic heart disease refers to the damage caused to the heart muscle or heart valves by one or more episodes of rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease that potentially involves all the layers of the heart. It often follows streptococcal infection of the respiratory tract.
The medical term sickle cell anemia refers to:
a reduction in the amount of hemoglobin in the red blood cells Sickle cell anemia is a kind of hemolytic anemia. This genetic disorder is characterized by the production of abnormal hemoglobin; the red blood cells develop a distorted crescent, or sickle, shape. Because of the distortion, these cells become fragile. They are recognized by the body as defective and are destroyed.
The medical term that refers to a heart abnormality present at birth is:
congenital heart disease A heart abnormality that is present at birth is called congenital heart disease.
The medical term meaning sudden cessation of cardiac output and effective circulation is
Severe alterations in the heart's rhythm, such as fibrillation, can result in cardiac arrest, the sudden cessation of the heart's activity. (Arrest means stop.)
Ischemia is a(n):
arterial blockage Ischemia is a blood condition (-emia) characterized by deficient flow of oxygenated blood. It is caused by arterial blockage.
Mitral valve _____ is a narrowing of the mitral valve from scarring.
stenosis Stenosis means narrowing. Necrosis means death. Arrest and cessation mean stop.
CHF abbreviates the medical term meaning:
inability of the heart to pump enough blood through the body to supply tissues and organs Congestive heart failure (CHF) is the inability of the heart to pump enough blood through the body to supply tissues and organs. The sudden cessation of cardiac output and effective circulation is cardiac arrest. Cardiac tamponade is the acute compression of the heart caused by fluid accumulation in the pericardial cavity. Congenital heart disease is an abnormality that is present at birth.
The medical term for the ballooning of a weakened portion of an arterial wall is:
aneurysm An aneurysm is the dilation, or ballooning, of a weakened portion of an arterial wall. Although aneurysms of the peripheral vessels may occur, these outpouchings most commonly affect the aorta.
The medical term meaning excision within the artery (excision of plaque from the arterial wall) is:
endarterectomy Endarterectomy is literally the excision (-ectomy) within (endo-) the artery (arter/o). Endarterectomy involves removal of the thickened intimal lining of the artery. Note that the o of endo- is dropped for easier pronunciation.
The meaning of the medical term bone marrow transplant is:
infusion of normal bone marrow cells from a donor A bone marrow transplant is the infusion of normal bone marrow cells from a donor.
The medical term for a battery-powered or nuclear-powered apparatus that is implanted under the skin to regulate heart rate is:
cardiac pacemaker To restore normal rhythm in instances of interference with the heart's electrical impulses, a cardiac pacemaker, a battery-powered device that initiates the heartbeat, may be implanted. An implantable cardiac defibrillator can continuously monitor heart rhythm, delivering an electric shock to convert the dysrhythmia back to a normal rhythm.
The medical term meaning process of radiographic imaging of a blood vessel (after injection of contrast medium) is:
angiography The process of radiographic imaging (-graphy) of a blood vessel (angi/o) after the injection of a contrast medium is called angiography.
The meaning of the medical term venogram is:
radiographic imaging of a vein (after injection of a contrast medium) To answer this question correctly, you must remember that the combining form ven/o means vein and that the suffix -gram refers to a radiographic image. A venogram is a radiographic image of the veins obtained after the injection of contrast media. The radiographic imaging of a vein after the injection of a contrast medium is called venography.
The medical term referring to an examination that uses a flexible tube that is passed into the heart and blood vessel to determine the condition of the heart and surrounding blood vessels is:
cardiac catheterization To evaluate the condition of the heart and surrounding blood vessels, a catheter is passed into the heart through a blood vessel and is used to record pressures and inject a contrast medium, enabling the visualization of the coronary arteries, the great vessels, and the heart chambers. Impedance plethysmography is used to detect deep vein thrombosis. Transesophageal echocardiogram is used to assess cardiac structure and function. Digital subtraction angiography is a process of radiographic imaging used on blood vessels.
The medical term referring to a basic blood screening that includes several tests is called:
complete blood count A complete blood count (CBC) is a basic blood screening that includes a number of tests that provide information about the red and white blood cells in a sample.
Bone marrow biopsy is:
a needle puncture to obtain a sample of bone marrow for study A bone marrow biopsy is a needle puncture to obtain a sample of bone marrow for study. Remember that a biopsy is the removal of living tissue—not liquid—from the body for microscopic examination.
The meaning of the medical term digital subtraction angiography is:
a process of radiographic imaging of blood vessels that removes structures not being studied Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is a process of radiographic imaging of blood vessels that removes structures not being studied. An initial radiographic image is taken and stored in the computer. Then a second image, made with contrast material, is taken. The computer subtracts the first image from the second, leaving an image of those vessels in fine contrast.
In the medical term angioplasty, the word root means:
vessel In the term angioplasty, the word root is angi/, which means vessel. Angioplasty is the surgical repair (-plasty) of a blood vessel (angi/o).
A patient undergoes a phlebectomy; from the word parts we know that this procedure involves surgical removal of a(n):
vein In the term phlebectomy, the word root is phleb/, which means vein. Phlebectomy is the surgical removal (-ectomy) of a damaged vein (phleb/o).
The abbreviation of the name of the surgical procedure that brings new blood supply to heart muscles by detouring around blocked arteries is:
CABG For coronary artery obstruction that is too extensive or is unresponsive to medical therapy, a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) may be performed. In this surgical procedure, a blood vessel is grafted onto one of the coronary arteries to bypass the area of occlusion.
A patient undergoes the puncture and aspiration of the outer layer of the heart, a procedure called:
pericardiocentesis In the term pericardiocentesis, the suffix -centesis means surgical puncture to remove fluid. Pericardiocentesis is the surgical puncture and aspiration of fluid from the pericardium, usually to diagnose and relieve cardiac tamponade.
The abbreviation of the medical term referring to the record of the electrical activity of the heart is:
ECG An electrocardiogram (ECG, EKG) is the record (-gram) of the electrical activity of the heart (cardi/o). An echocardiogram (ECHO) is a record of the heart's structure and motion; echocardiography is an ultrasound procedure.
Diagnostic term for a study that uses sound for detection of blood flow within the vessels:
Doppler ultrasound The biggest clue in the question is "uses sound." Doppler ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves to measure the velocity of blood through a vessel. Single-photon emission computed tomography is a nuclear medicine test. Venography is a radiographic examination. The exercise stress test evaluates cardiac function during physical stress
The word part that completes the medical term meaning process of recording the electrical activity of the heart, _______/o/cardi/o/graphy, is:
electr The process of recording (-graphy) the electrical (electr/o) activity of the heart is electrocardiography. The question supplied all the word parts for this term except the word root electr/.
The coronary _____ is designed to dilate a plaque-clogged vessel to prevent closure of the vessel during and after angioplasty
stent A stent is a device implanted in the coronary artery to prevent closure of the vessel.
The infusion of normal bone marrow cells from a donor with matching tissues and cells into a recipient with leukemia is called:
bone marrow transplant A bone marrow transplant is the introduction of healthy bone marrow cells (obtained from a donor with matching cells and tissue) into a recipient with a blood disease, such as leukemia or anemia. Myelopoiesis is the formation (-poiesis) of bone marrow (myel/o). Leukapheresis is a process in which blood is withdrawn from a vein, white blood cells are selectively removed, and the remaining blood is reinfused in the donor. Leuk/o means white; -apheresis means separation, removal. Plasmapheresis is the removal of plasma from withdrawn blood.
Patient V's coronary artery blood clots are treated with an injection of medication to dissolve the clots, a treatment referred to as:
intracoronary thrombolytic therapy In the case of blood clots in the coronary arteries, an injection of a medication either intravenously or intraarterially can be used to dissolve the clots. This procedure is called intracoronary thrombolytic therapy.
A(n) ___ diverts blood past a blocked artery in the heart.
femoropopliteal bypass A coronary artery bypass graft diverts blood past a blocked artery in the heart; the graft helps the blood bypass the blockage. A femoropopliteal bypass establishes an alternate route from the femoral artery to the popliteal artery to bypass an obstruction.
An apparatus implanted under the skin to regulate the heartbeat is a(n):
cardiac pacemaker A cardiac pacemaker is an apparatus implanted under the skin to regulate the heartbeat; the apparatus "makes the pace" of the heart regular. A coronary stent is a supportive scaffold device implanted in an artery. An implantable cardiac defibrillator continuously monitors the heart rhythm. If life-threatening arrhythmias occur, the device delivers an electric shock to get the arrhythmia back to a normal rhythm.
A patient undergoes a nuclear medicine scan that visualizes the heart from several different angles after the injection of a radioactive tracer. In his medical report, this procedure is identified as:
single-photon emission computed tomography Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is a nuclear medicine scan that visualizes the heart from several different angles after the injection of a radioactive tracer. It is used to identify areas of ischemia and infarction.
drug used to slow the blood clotting process is called a(n):
Patient E underwent visualization of a blood vessel's lumen, a procedure called:
angioscopy Angioscopy is the visual examination (-scopy) of the lumen (interior cavity) of blood vessels using an instrument called an angioscope. An angioscope is a type of microscope in a fiberoptic catheter that permits observation of the interior of a blood vessel.