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Embargo Act (1807)
A law passed by Jefferson that forbade the export of all goods from the United States, whether in American or in foreign ships. Significance: The act increased capital and labor in the New England textile and other manufacturing industries, lessening America's reliance on England.
War Hawks
The War Hawks were a community of about twenty Democratic Republicans who persuaded Congress into supporting a declaration of war against Britain. Significance: War Hawks held significant power in congress and were able to convince the nation to enter a second struggle for liberty against Great Britain.
War 1812
A war that resulted from British interference with American trade, impressment of American seamen, and "War Hawks" drive for western expansion lead to war. Significance: The War of 1812 was the Second War for Independence, in that if the U.S. lost to Britain, then Britain could take over the country and colonize it again. But by defeating the strongest nation in the world for the second time, the U.S. proved that it had a right to exist, a right to be its own country, and a right to be a power in the international stage.
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States. He is known for founding the Democratic Party and for his contribution to the War of 1812 (led his soldiers to victory in the Battle of New Orleans). Significance: Jackson was an important historical figure because he kept the Union together and paid off the National Debt.
Treaty of Ghent (1814)
A treaty that officially ended the War of 1812. Significance: It helped to restore relations between the UK (England/Ireland) and the United States. Through the treaty, America gained influence as a foreign power.
Devotion and loyalty to one's country. Significance: After the War of 1812, America was given new sources of pride, namely: far superior naval warships, superior naval tactics, great land victories (Fort McHenry and New Orleans), and emergent leaders (Madison and Andrew Jackson). These sources led to the increase of nationalism in America and brought the country together as a whole.
Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine is a U.S. doctrine which, on December 2, 1823, stated that European powers were no longer to colonize or interfere with the affairs of the newly independent states of the Americas. Significance:The Monroe Doctrine is important because it set the precedent for foreign policies for the United States.
Macon's Bill No. 2 (1810)
Forbade trade with Britain and France, but offered to resume trade with whichever nation lifted its neutral trading restrictions first. France quickly changed its policies against neutral vessels, so the U.S. resumed trade with France, but not Britain. Significance: Restored America's trade with the rest of the world and led to the War of 1812.
Battle of Tippecanoe
Battle in which Native Americans united by Tecumseh and Prophet fought against General William Henry Harrison's forces and lost. Americans on the frontier blamed Britain for initiating the rebellion (1811) Significance: The Battle of Tippecanoe destroyed the hopes of a large Indian Confederacy. When the American soldiers saw that the Indians had British weapons, they knew the British were helping them resist the Americans. This caused even more hatred towards the British than there had been before. This would ultimately serve as a catalyst for the War of 1812, which would take place less than a year after.
Tecumseh and Prophet
Two Native American brothers who attempted to unite all of the tribes east of the Mississippi River to defend their lands from American settlers Significance: Two brothers that were known for their opposition to surrender the Native American land to whites settlers. They tried to form a broad alliance of Native American tribes with help from Canada.
William Henry Harrison
Governor of the Indiana territory who took aggressive action against the Native Americans united by Tecumseh and Prophet, destroying the Shawnee headquarters in the Battle of Tippecanoe 1811 Significance: The first president to die in office and was best known for being a war hero (Battle of Tippecanoe).
Hartford Convention
Convention held in Connecticut, December 1814, to discuss the issue of New England's one time threat of secession. One proposal adopted called for a 2/3 vote to declare war. Significance: Marked the end of the Federalists as a national party
Battle of New Orleans
Battle fought on January 8, 1815, two weeks after the signing of the Treaty of Ghent; General Andrew Jackson led Americans who were trying to thwart the British effort to control the Mississippi River. Significance: It is widely regarded as the greatest American land victory of the War of 1812 and was a battle that was fought on January 8, 1815, fifteen days after the Treaty of Ghent had been signed, which ended the war. The soldiers fought and died not knowing that the war was over and that the U.S. had already won.