A New Kind Of War

22 August 2022
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German submarines made unrestricted attacks on ships.
Which statement best describes Germany's submarine campaign during World War I? Germany made no use of submarines. Germany used submarines in land and sea attacks. German submarines made unrestricted attacks on ships. German submarines prevented all transatlantic shipping.
Airplanes enabled soldiers to observe troop movements and locations.
What was the main use for airplanes in World War I? Airplanes enabled soldiers to observe troop movements and locations. Airplanes allowed for the quick movement of resources. Airplanes eliminated the need for soldiers in the trenches. Airplanes decreased the significance of naval warfare.
Women replaced men as workers in factories.
How did women's roles in the workforce change during World War I? Women entered the industrial workforce for the first time. Women replaced men as workers in factories. Women fought in the war alongside men. Women became the primary earners at home.
gathering information
Throughout World War I, for which activity were airplanes most often used? bombing targets on land transporting soldiers and weapons fighting gathering information
Women should get jobs in the war industries.
This poster appeared during World War I. (no pic, sorry) What is the message of this poster? Women should get jobs in the war industries. Women should participate in sports to support the war effort. Women should join the armed forces. Women should not help with the war effort.
The French stopped the German advance in the west.
When World War I began in August 1914, many people anticipated that the war would end by Christmas of that year. Which event extended the war into 1915 and beyond? The Americans entered the war. The French stopped the German advance in the west. The Russian Revolution expanded the war in the east. The Russians stopped the German advance in the east.
preventing the resupply of Allied Forces
What was the most significant use of German submarines during World War I? deterring the expansion of the war Submarines were supposed to prevent a ground war in Germany. preventing the resupply of Allied Forces reducing overall casualties
What is the term commonly used for someone who is severely injured or killed during a war?
Warfare was far deadlier than in the past and resulted in enormous casualties.
What effect did the use of trenches and new technologies during World War I have? Warfare was far deadlier than in the past and resulted in enormous casualties. There were fewer battlefield casualties than in the past. The war concluded much earlier than earlier wars. Most deaths were related to injuries suffered after the war than during it.
Governments converted factories to produce military supplies.
During World War I, how did war-focused economies change the way industry operated? Governments converted factories to produce military supplies. All economic activity was intended to help the war effort. Most industries were nationalized to ensure production of sufficient supplies. Governments took complete control of all industrial production.
Poisonous gases blistered soldiers' skin, eyes, and lungs.
Which statement describes an effect of poisonous gases used in combat during World War I? Poisonous gases blistered soldiers' skin, eyes, and lungs. Poisonous gases brought an end to trench warfare. Poisonous gases melted weapons and other armaments. Poisonous gases caused explosions in the presence of gunpowder.
The land was mined territory and was subject to artillery, shelling, and gunfire.
Which factor made it most difficult for soldiers to cross the area between the trenches? The land was too wide to be crossed. The land was not claimed by either side, so access to it was impossible. The land was defended by civilians who prohibited fighting. The land was mined territory and was subject to artillery, shelling, and gunfire.
A contest in which neither side can win or gain advantage is a casualty. stalemate. prediction. reconnaissance.
The construction of trenches made it hard for either side to advance.
Which statement best explains why the western front turned into a stalemate during World War I? The construction of trenches made it hard for either side to advance. Neither side was eager to attack the other along the western front. Much of Europe's wealth and most of its industry were based far from the region. The western front was the border between the Allied and Central territories.