Chapter 4 Homework

25 July 2022
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B) lines most of the respiratory tract
A ciliated version of pseudostratified columnar epithelium containing mucus-secreting goblet cells ________. A) aids in digestion B) lines most of the respiratory tract C) is more durable than all other epithelia D) is found in some of the larger glands
A) collagen fibers
The reason that intervertebral discs exhibit a large amount of tensile strength, which allows them to absorb shock, is because they possess ________. A) collagen fibers B) elastic fibers C) reticular fibers D) hydroxyapatite crystals
A) stratified squamous
A many-layered epithelium with cuboidal basal cells and flat cells at its surface would be classified as ________. A) stratified squamous B) transitional C) simple cuboidal D) simple squamous
B) extracellular matrix
B) extracellular matrix
Which of these terms applies best to all material in this tissue that is not cellular? A) ground substance B) extracellular matrix C) interstitial fluid D) mesenchyme
A) fibers and ground substance
Connective tissue extracellular matrix is composed of ________. A) fibers and ground substance B) all organic compounds C) ground substance and cells D) cells and fibers
D) Endothelium provides a slick surface lining all hollow cardiovascular organs.
Which of the following is true about epithelia? A) Pseudostratified epithelia are commonly keratinized. B) Simple epithelia are commonly found in areas of high abrasion. C) Stratified epithelia are associated with filtration. D) Endothelium provides a slick surface lining all hollow cardiovascular organs.
C) Stratified squamous epithelia are present where protection from abrasion is important.
Select the correct statement regarding epithelia. A) Pseudostratified epithelia consist of at least two layers of cells stacked on top of one another. B) Simple epithelia form impermeable barriers to viruses. C) Stratified squamous epithelia are present where protection from abrasion is important. D)Simple squamous epithelia consist of tall, narrow cells.
D) Collagen fibers provides high tensile strength.
Which of the following statements is true of connective tissue? A) When connective tissue is stretched, collagen gives it the ability to snap back. B) Elastin fibers are sometimes called white fibers. C) Reticular fibers form thick, ropelike structures. D) Collagen fibers provides high tensile strength.
B) blood Blood, the fluid connective tissue (CT) within blood vessels, is the most atypical CT. It does not act as a binding or packing material; it does not provide structural support. It is classified as a CT only because it develops from mesenchyme and consists of cells (blood cells) surrounded by an extracellular fluid matrix (blood plasma).
Which is the most atypical connective tissue since it does NOT act as a binding or packaging material under normal conditions or provide structural support? A) cartilage B) blood C) osseous D) areolar connective tissue
C) elastic cartilage
The shape of the external ear is maintained by ________. A) fibrocartilage B) hyaline cartilage C) elastic cartilage D) adipose tissue
B) ciliated simple columnar epithelium
Choose which tissue would line the uterine (fallopian) tubes and function as a "conveyer belt" to help move a fertilized egg towards the uterus. A) stratified squamous epithelium B) ciliated simple columnar epithelium C) simple cuboidal epithelium D) smooth muscle
A) stratified squamous epithelium; absorption Stratified squamous epithelium (like you would find in the skin) is adapted for protection, not absorption from the external environment.
Which of the following epithelial tissue types is NOT correctly matched to its function? A) stratified squamous epithelium; absorption B) simple cuboidal epithelium; secretion C) simple squamous epithelium; filtration D) simple columnar epithelium with microvilli; absorption
C) phagocytosis of foreign materials 

Cell 1 is a macrophage, which phagocytizes foreign materials such as bacteria and debris. It can be identified by its large size.
C) phagocytosis of foreign materials Cell 1 is a macrophage, which phagocytizes foreign materials such as bacteria and debris. It can be identified by its large size.
What activity does cell 1 undertake to contribute to the body's defense against injury and infection? A) differentiation to form red blood cells B) synthesis of protein fibers used to rebuild damaged tissue C) phagocytosis of foreign materials D) secretion of chemicals that trigger inflammation
D) Simple cuboidal epithelia are found in areas that stretch. Transitional (not simple cuboidal) epithelia are found in areas that stretch, in particular the ureters and urinary bladder. Simple cuboidal epithelia are adapted for absorption and secretion. We find that most glands consist of cuboidal epithelia.
Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A) Simple columnar epithelia are associated with absorption and secretion. B) Simple squamous epithelia are associated with filtration and exchange. C) Stratified squamous epithelia are found in areas subjected to wear and tear. D) Simple cuboidal epithelia are found in areas that stretch.
B) hyaline cartilage
Choose which tissue type likely functions to add support to an organ. A) cardiac muscle B) hyaline cartilage C) transitional D) stratified squamous epithelium
B) collagen
The fiber type that gives connective tissue great tensile strength is ________. A) elastic B) collagen C) muscle D) reticular
D) Its primary function is nutrient storage.
Select the correct statement regarding adipose tissue. A) It is composed mostly of extracellular matrix. B) Mature adipose cells are highly mitotic. C) Most of the cell volume is occupied by the nucleus. D) Its primary function is nutrient storage.
D) stretching Transitional epithelium is found in the urinary system. It lines the ureters, bladder, and proximal part of the urethra--organs that are subjected to distention or stretching as urine passes through or fills them.
What function do transitional epithelia have? A) absorption B) filtration C) resistance to friction D) stretching
A) endothelium
Arteries, veins, and lymphatics keep clots from sticking as long as their ________ is intact and healthy. A) endothelium B) simple cuboidal epithelium C) mesothelium D) transitional epithelium
C) endocrine
Glands, such as the thyroid, that secrete their products directly into the blood rather than through ducts are classified as ________. A) exocrine B) sebaceous C) endocrine D) ceruminous
From left to right: Connective tissue proper: adipose Connective tissue proper: dense connective tissue Cartilage: fibrocartilage Connective Tissue: bone Connective Tissue: blood
C) ground substance, fibers, and cells
What are the three main components of connective tissue? A) collagen, elastin, and reticular fibers B) alveoli, fibrous capsule, and secretory cells C) ground substance, fibers, and cells D) fibroblasts, chondroblasts, and osteoblasts
A) bone; osteoblast Osteoblasts/cytes are the primary cell type for bone.
Which tissue is correctly paired with its primary cell type? A) bone; osteoblast B) connective tissue proper; chondroblast C) cartilage; fibroblast D) bone ; fibrocyte
B) Epithelial tissue: it is exposed to the environment and is constantly dividing, both factors allowing more opportunity for damage and overcoming growth control mechanisms.
Connective tissue: cancerous cells can move more freely and spread to other tissues more easily due to the high level of vascularization in connective tissue. A) Connective tissue: cancerous cells require high levels of nutrients, and connective tissue is well vascularized. B) Epithelial tissue: it is exposed to the environment and is constantly dividing, both factors allowing more opportunity for damage and overcoming growth control mechanisms. C) Epithelial tissue: it is avascular and composed entirely of cells, both of which inhibit surveillance by the immune system. D) Connective tissue: it is found everywhere in the body, and is the only tissue common to the skin, lungs, colon, breasts, and prostate.
A) Endocrine glands have no ducts. Endocrine glands secrete substances (hormones) into blood without the use of ducts, whereas exocrine glands use ducts to secrete substances into the external environment.
How are endocrine and exocrine glands different from each other? A) Endocrine glands have no ducts. B) Exocrine glands secrete hormones. C) Exocrine glands have specific target organs for their secretions. D) Exocrine glands are only unicellular in structure.
B) usually contains a large amount of matrix
Which statement best describes connective tissue? A) typically arranged in a single layer of cells B) usually contains a large amount of matrix C) primarily concerned with secretion D) usually lines a body cavity
C) Mucins Like mucous cells, goblet cells are unicellular exocrine glands that secrete mucin, a protein that combines with water to form mucus. In goblet cells, the cuplike accumulation of mucin distends the top of the cell, making these cells look like a glass with a stem, thus "goblet" cell. This distortion does not occur in mucous cells.
__________ are water-soluble, complex glycoproteins that are secreted by goblet cells. A) Amino acids B) Salts C) Mucins D) Hormones E) Enzymes
D) elastic fibers
Skin, lung, and blood vessel walls have which tissue characteristic in common? A) reticular fibers B) simple squamous epithelium C) simple columnar epithelium D) elastic fibers