Unit Test Unit Test Review

21 August 2022
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What is a coalition? an agreement to increase the price of goods a partnership between two equal powers a group formed for a common purpose a trade relationship between nations
a group formed for a common purpose
During the early 1900s, the term "soviet" was initially the name for the provisional government of Russia. the local council in each Russian city. a member of the Bolsheviks in Russia. a worker during communist rule in Russia.
the local council in each Russian city.
How did the posting of the "twelve theses" by students reflect Nazi policy? by demanding education rights for German students by supporting only German professors by condemning communist activities by limiting the rights of women
by supporting only German professors
Which were significant events that helped the Allies win the war in Europe? Check all that apply. the Nazi defeat at Stalingrad the London Blitz the bombing of Hiroshima the North African campaign the Battle of the Somme
the Nazi defeat at Stalingrad the London Blitz the North African campaign
Which explains why freeing Italy and North Africa was part of the Allied strategy for winning the war? It would enable the Allies to recruit local military forces. It would stop North African forces from invading Europe. It would help prevent Soviet expansion in the West. It would ultimately ensure victory over German forces.
It would ultimately ensure victory over German forces.
In what way was the Third Reich most successful? Strikes only occasionally affected production of goods. Factories and the infrastructure were expanded. The media enthusiastically supported the work of the ruling party. The workplace was open to many individuals.
Factories and the infrastructure were expanded.
Which of the following organized Kristallnacht? German Jews the Nazi government Great Britain German pacifists
the Nazi government
How does a communist system of government differ from a democracy? In a communist system, power is inherited and passed down. In a democracy, power is in the hands of the people. In a communist system, elections are never held. In a democracy, the people vote in elections to choose their leaders. In a communist system, voters choose from a wide variety of candidates. In a democracy, choice is somewhat limited. In a communist system, a single political party controls the government. In a democracy, the people can elect officials from different parties.
In a communist system, a single political party controls the government. In a democracy, the people can elect officials from different parties.
What provisions of the Treaty of Versailles did Hitler violate in 1935? Check all that apply. taking responsibility for the war giving up captured territories surrendering most military resources borrowing money from other countries taking financial responsibility for damages
giving up captured territories surrendering most military resources
One result of the policies of appeasement and isolationism was that to expand the Third Reich, Hitler felt he could be even more .
How was Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union similar to his invasion of France? He relied heavily on the size and power of German troops. He used air power to subdue the enemy quickly. He bombed cities to demoralize the population. He invaded nearby countries first to prove German power.
He relied heavily on the size and power of German troops.
One reason the Third Reich was effective was because it encouraged couples to have fewer children. trained both men and women for military service. came to power at a time when employment was high. used propaganda to encourage nationalism and obedience.
used propaganda to encourage nationalism and obedience.
Why was Benito Mussolini able to seize control in Italy? Italians had a long history of supporting authoritarian leaders. The country was weak and frustrated with democratic rule. No government was in place after the Great Depression. Other nations were threatening to take over Italy.
The country was weak and frustrated with democratic rule.
In a speech to the British people, Churchill said the following: Let us brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their finest hour." β€”Winston Churchill Churchill was encouraging the people to be patient and wise. prepared and hopeful. brave and determined. steady and resourceful.
brave and determined.
How did Hitler's military strategy change when he attacked Great Britain? He used more tanks. He used more troops. He used heavily armed planes. He used more decoding machines.
He used heavily armed planes