Selected Myths And Their Influence PRACTICE

2 September 2022
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Discuss the archetypes you found in the story of Echo and Narcissus.
The character Echo is an example of an Ingénue: young and beautiful, but without much depth. Her situation is one of Unrequited Love because she loves Narcissus but he rejects her.
Which element does mythology have in common with fiction?
D. All of these
Which character archetype does this story illustrate?
C. Ingénue
How does the selection of medium (written version vs. visual image) affect your understanding of theme?
The painting is open for wider interpretation. A viewer who doesn't know the story of Pandora may interpret the winged creatures flying out of the box as demons and construct their own version of the meaning of the image. A reader is given more specific details and pointed in the direction of the interpretation desired by the author. Both share the idea that something bad has been set free.
What purpose(s) of mythology does this myth illustrate?
This myth illustrates an explanation of natural phenomena, religion, and literature. We are given the origin of the laurel tree; we are also shown the power of the god Cupid along with that of Daphne's father, a river god who shows that the gods can be merciful as well as mischievous. It is also an example of myth as literature because it is an entertaining story.
What is not one of the purposes of mythology?
B. athletic competition
Name and explain the archetypes illustrated in the myth of Cupid and Psyche.
The myth of Cupid and Psyche illustrates several archetypes. First, it uses the situational archetype of the Tasks or Tests that Psyche must perform. Psyche herself is an example of the Ingénue and/or Maiden character. She is young and beautiful and grows into a clever young woman. Venus is portrayed as the Wicked Witch or Stepmother with her unreasonable demands. The story calls to mind several situational archetypes: Beauty and the Beast, True Love's Kiss, and the Power of Love are all seen in this story. Like the story of Beauty and the Beast, Psyche believes she is being sent to be the bride of a horrific serpent who hides himself from her by day. And like that story, she is also led to betray him by her sisters who convince her to spy on him. Cupid awakening her from her deep slumber is like the traditional True Love's Kiss delivered by countless princes to awaken their princesses. And the Power of Love conquers all when Psyche is made immortal so the two lovers can be united forever.
Which of the following is the best statement of message or theme for this story?
C. Even a god should not be overly proud of his accomplishments.
How does Herbert's use of Echo in his poem "Heaven" differ from that of the myth?
In his poem "Heaven," Herbert uses the fact that Echo can only repeat what she hears. But he uses that to change the original meaning and create a conversation. He is not really using the archetype as much as he is using it as a device to deliver his message about heaven.
Painters often take their inspiration from mythology. What aspect of the story of Narcissus does this painting represent?
A. Narcissus in love with the image in the pond