RBT: Transfer Of Stimulus Control - Fading Prompts

25 July 2022
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ABA (applied behavior analysis)
ABA: - There is much research on the success of ABA methodologies to teach a variety of skills to learners of all types - A critical piece to the success of ABA training is the systematic use of prompts
Explanation: Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is a scientific discipline concerned with applying techniques based on the principles of learning to change behavior of social significance. It is the use of these techniques to bring about meaningful and positive change in behavior. ABA takes a systematic approach to understanding behavior and uses this knowledge to change behavior in a positive way. The ultimate goal of ABA is to improve the quality of life for individuals.ABA is based on the principles of behaviorism, which state that behavior is a function of its consequences. In other words, behavior is determined by what happens after the behavior is displayed. If a behavior is followed by a positive consequence (reinforcement), the behavior is likely to be repeated. On the other hand, if a behavior is followed by a negative consequence (punishment), the behavior is less likely to be repeated.ABA has been shown to be an effective treatment for a variety of disorders, including autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and Tourette syndrome. ABA is also effective in treating problem behaviors such as aggression, self-injury, and property destruction.
What is a prompt? ==
Prompt: - Supplemental stimuli that control the target response but are not a part of the natural SD that will eventually control the behavior - additional cues that are given either before, during, or after the SD to assist the learner in giving an appropriate response - Prompts help the learner understand how to respond, and allow for immediate success and reinforcement - Prompts are critical for successful teaching during the initial stages of acquisition + fewer errors + learning is more efficient
Explanation: A prompt is a question or topic that is used to generate discussion or writing. It can be used as a tool to generate ideas, stimulate thinking, or promote creativity.
Prompts - A variety of prompts can be used to facilitate student success - Prompts are divided into two main categories + stimulus prompts + response prompts
Explanation: Question prompts are questions that are used to encourage critical thinking and to help guide students to a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Question prompts can be used in a variety of ways, but they are most commonly used as a pre-reading or pre-writing activity. By asking students questions about the text before they begin reading, teachers can help them to focus on key concepts and to make predictions about what they will read. Similarly, by asking questions after students have completed a writing assignment, teachers can help them to reflect on their learning and to identify areas that need further exploration.
Prompts: Stimulus == == ==
Stimulus Prompts: A cue used in conjunction w/ the SD or instructional materials - Prompt is paired w/ the instruction or task - 3 main types of stimulus prompts 1. Movement Cues (gestures - pointing, tapping), glancing toward desired response 2. Position Cues Proximity to the target response is increased, distracter items or stimuli are placed further away from the learner 3. Redundancy Physical altering or exaggerating part of the stimuli to emphasize it to the learner - make item larger, highlighting the wording, color coding, background templates
Explanation: Stimulus refers to anything that can elicit a response from an individual. In the context of psychology, a stimulus can be anything from a sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste that can affect a person's behavior.
Response Prompts: ==
Response prompts: stimuli or assistance added to learner's response to facilitate success Verbal Directions + Telling the learner what to say or do in order to respond appropriately + Can be vocal or written Modeling + Physically demonstrating the desired response to the learner to allow for imitation Physical Guidance + Manually guiding the learner through part or all of the desired response
Explanation: >What does it mean when a person is in the zone?"The phrase "in the zone" is often used to describe a state of flow, or complete absorption in an activity. When a person is in the zone, they are completely focused and engaged in what they are doing, to the exclusion of all else. Time seems to slow down or even stop, and the person is able to perform at their peak level."
Stimulus Control
Prompts are added to either the stimulus or the response in order to assist the learner to respond correctly to the stimulus instruction or task Initially, the prompt is what controls the behavior of the learner = teacher asks a question. The learner raises his hand when he sees the instructor raise his hand and receives reinforcement When we pair the prompt w/ the stimulus instruction, we are attempting to transfer the control of the behavior over the instruction = Teacher asks a question, and the learner raises his hand to answer --- no prompt is needed
Explanation: Stimulus control is the process by which an individual learns to respond to particular environmental cues and to ignore others. It is a basic form of learning that underlies many more complex forms of learning and behavior.Stimulus control is thought to involve three basic processes: discrimination, generalization, and habituation. Discrimination is the ability to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant environmental cues. Generalization is the ability to respond to new situations in a way that is similar to the way we respond to familiar situations. Habituation is the tendency for our responses to become weaker or less frequent over time in the absence of reinforcement.These processes work together to allow us to focus our attention on the cues that are most relevant to our goals and to ignore the others. Stimulus control is thought to be important in many everyday activities, such as driving a car or using a computer. It is also thought to be important in more complex activities, such as problem solving or decision making.Stimulus control is a basic form of learning that is thought to underlie many more complex forms of learning and behavior. It is thought to involve three basic processes: discrimination, generalization, and habituation. Discrimination is the ability to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant environmental cues. Generalization is the ability to respond to new situations in a way that is similar to the way we respond to familiar situations. Habituation is the tendency for our responses to become weaker or less frequent over time in the absence of reinforcement.These processes work together to allow us to focus our attention on the cues that are most relevant to our goals and to ignore the others. Stimulus control is thought to be important in many everyday activities, such as driving a car or using a computer. It is also thought to be important in more complex activities, such as problem solving or decision making.
Transfer of Stimulus Control:
When the prompt that was first required for the learner to respond to the SD is longer needed, and the SD itself elicits the behavior - Bx first controlled by prompt, now controlled by stimulus Transfer of stimulus control is the GOAL of all new learning tasks
Explanation: Transfer of stimulus control is the process of teaching an animal to respond to a new stimulus. This can be done by gradually introducing the new stimulus and pairing it with a cue that the animal is already familiar with. For example, if you want to teach your dog to respond to the sound of a bell, you would start by ringing the bell and then giving your dog a cue to do something that it already knows, such as sit or come. As your dog becomes more familiar with the sound of the bell, you can begin to fade the cue, so that the dog will respond to the bell without being cued to do anything.
Transfer of Stimulus Control: Methods ==
1. Prompt fading 2. Prompt delay 3. Stimulus fading
Explanation: There are a few different ways to transfer stimulus control. One common method is to gradually move the desired behavior closer to the trigger stimulus. For example, if you want your dog to sit when you say 'sit', you would first get them to sit when you are close to them, then gradually move further away until they are sitting when you are at a distance. Another method is to change the order of the behaviors. For example, if you usually say 'sit' before you give your dog a treat, you would start giving the treat first, and then say 'sit'. The dog will eventually learn that the 'sit' command comes after the treat.
Transfer of Stimulus Control: Prompt fading method
- Used for fading response prompts (modeling, verbal, physical guidance) - Gradual removal of prompts over several teaching trials until the SD alone evokes the response 2 main procedures for prompt fading: 1. Most - to - least 2. Least - to - most
Explanation: The prompt fading method is a behavior modification technique used to transfer the control of a behavior from one stimulus to another. The technique is often used to help people with phobias or other anxiety disorders by gradually exposing them to the thing they are afraid of. The goal is to help the person learn to feel comfortable in the presence of the feared stimulus.
Prompt fading: Most - to- least
Prompt intrusiveness gradually decreases as correct responses occur Typically used when teaching a new response (errorless learning) - Therapist starts by using stronger prompt, which is then reduced over time until prompting is faded Can be done by reducing the intensity of one prompt, or switching to less intrusive prompts (Clap hands: full physical -> partial physical -> no prompt physical -> modeling -> verbal instruction) Can be used to fade prompting when a combination of prompts are required to teach a skill
Explanation: , is an instructional procedure in which the teacher provides a model or prompt and then fades the level of support. The teacher begins by providing a high level of support, such as explicit verbal instructions, and then gradually removes the support while increasing the expectation for the student to perform the task independently.Most-to-least is an instructional procedure in which the teacher provides a model or prompt and then fades the level of support. The teacher begins by providing a high level of support, such as explicit verbal instructions, and then gradually removes the support while increasing the expectation for the student to perform the task independently.This procedure is often used when teaching new skills or behaviors. It is based on the principle of positive reinforcement, which states that behaviors that are followed by a positive consequence are more likely to be repeated.The most-to-least approach is an effective way to teach new skills because it allows the student to gradually increase their level of independence. This can be particularly helpful for students who may be struggling with the task or who have a history of struggling with new tasks.It is important to note that most-to-least is just one instructional approach and it is not appropriate for all situations. When deciding whether or not to use this approach, it is important to consider the individual needs of the student and the specific task that is being taught.
Prompt fading: Least - to - most
Amount of assistance gradually increases until the learner gives an appropriate response Typically, used when prompting a previous learned skill, however can be used when teaching a new response as well When the learner makes an error, the therapist starts by using a weaker prompt, and continues to increase the strength of the prompt until learner is successful Used to promote the highest level of independence that the learner is capable of - helps avoid prompt dependency verbal instruction prompt -> modeling -> partial physical (reach a prompt student is successful with)
Explanation:, is an instructional procedure in which the teacher provides a model or prompt and then fades the level of support. The teacher begins by providing a high level of support, such as explicit verbal instructions, and then gradually removes the support while increasing the expectation for the student to perform the task independently.Most-to-least is an instructional procedure in which the teacher provides a model or prompt and then fades the level of support. The teacher begins by providing a high level of support, such as explicit verbal instructions, and then gradually removes the support while increasing the expectation for the student to perform the task independently.This procedure is often used when teaching new skills or behaviors. It is based on the principle of positive reinforcement, which states that behaviors that are followed by a positive consequence are more likely to be repeated.The most-to-least approach is an effective way to teach new skills because it allows the student to gradually increase their level of independence. This can be particularly helpful for students who may be struggling with the task or who have a history of struggling with new tasks.It is important to note that most-to-least is just one instructional approach and it is not appropriate for all situations. When deciding whether or not to use this approach, it is important to consider the individual needs of the student and the specific task that is being taught.
Prompt Hierarchy:
In order to determine what type of prompt to use first, or order in which prompts should be used. 1. A ranking or order of prompts from strongest to weakest that will successfully assist the learner (depends on learner and skill being taught) 2. When selecting a prompt for either fading procedure, it is important to try to use the least intrusive prompt possible that will will result in success (leads to greater independence and avoids prompt dependency)
Explanation: The prompt hierarchy is the order in which the prompts are displayed to the user. The most important prompt should be at the top of the hierarchy, followed by the next most important, and so on. This ensures that the user sees the most important information first and can make informed decisions based on that information.
Transfer of Stimulus Control: Prompt delay ==
Increases the time between the SD and the prompt Therapist presents SD, waits a specific amount of time, then presents the prompt if response is not made 2 main types of prompt delay 1. Constant time delay 2. Progressive
Explanation: The prompt delay refers to the amount of time that elapses between the presentation of a cue and the start of the target behavior. This interval is important because it allows the individual time to process the cue and prepare to respond. A prompt delay that is too short may result in an inaccurate or incomplete response, while a prompt delay that is too long may allow the individual to become distracted or disengaged.
Prompt delay: Constant time delay
- Begin w/ no delay - Then, move to fixed delay duration (e.g., alway wait 3 sec)
Explanation: between the start of the response and the start of the stimulusWhen a person is given a prompt, there is a constant time delay between the start of the response and the start of the stimulus. This delay is known as the prompt delay. The prompt delay can be caused by a variety of factors, including the time it takes for the person to process the prompt, the time it takes for the person to formulate a response, and the time it takes for the person to initiate the response. The prompt delay can have a significant impact on the person's ability to respond to the prompt.
Prompt delay: Progressive time prompt delay
- Begin w/ no delay - then gradually increase delay duration by 1 sec (e.g., 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds) 1 sec: "whats your name" (1 sec) -> "say, Max" -> "Max" reinf 2 sec: "whats your name" (2 sec) -> "say Max" -> "Max" reinf 3 sec; "whats your name" (3 sec) -> "Max" reinforcement
Prompt delay: Stimulus fading ==
Prompts that have been paired w/ the stimulus are gradually reduced and then removed - Prompts are made smaller, lighter, less salient Initially, a textual word prompt is paired w/ the vocal instruction. Over time the text is made smaller and lighter until it is no longer there.
Explanation: The prompt delay is the amount of time that elapses between when a stimulus is presented and when it disappears. This interval is important because it allows the brain to process the stimulus and respond accordingly. If the stimulus is fading too quickly, the brain may not have enough time to process it and an accurate response may not be possible. Conversely, if the prompt delay is too long, the stimulus may become boring or irrelevant, and again, an accurate response may not be possible. The optimal prompt delay is therefore one that allows the brain to process the stimulus and respond accurately, without being too short or too long.
Transfer of Stimulus Control: fade assistance
The type of procedure used to fade assistance will depend on the type of prompt used, as well as the needs of the learner and specific skill being taught - Response prompts: prompt fading, prompt delay - Stimulus prompts: stimulus fading The supervisor/BCBA will instruct the therapist to use of specific procedure to fade prompts In order to help the learner become as independent as possible, it is important for the therapist to consistently apply and fade prompts according to supervisor's instruction - inconsistent prompting & fading can lead learner confusion and frustration ** Goal of ABA therapy is to help learners to become as successful and independent as possible Transfer stimulus control by fading prompts and other supports is a critical part of this process
Explanation: When fading assistance, the goal is to gradually reduce the level of assistance given to the learner while maintaining the level of performance. This can be done by gradually increasing the level of difficulty of the task, providing less physical assistance, or giving prompts instead of providing the answer. The key is to provide just enough support to help the learner succeed without doing the task for them.