Psychology: Human Growth And Development Ch. 11

15 October 2022
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. Which of the following terms describes the period in which the sexual organs mature? a) maturation b) puberty c) latency d) growth spurt
b) puberty
The part of the brain that allows people to think, evaluate, and make complex judgments in a uniquely human way, and that goes through considerable development during the adolescent years, is called the a) corpus callosum. b) occipital lobe. c) prefrontal cortex. d) temporal lobe.
c) prefrontal cortex.
Which of the following is the most likely reason for adolescent impulsivity and risky behavior(s)? a) ADD/ADHD b) developing myelination of nerve cells, which makes the transmission of neural messages more efficient c) the adolescent prefrontal cortex is biologically immature d) alterations of dopamine sensitivity
c) the adolescent prefrontal cortex is biologically immature
According to Piaget, the stage at which people develop the ability to think abstractly is called the a) concrete operational stage. b) preoperational stage. c) formal operational stage. d) theory of mind.
c) formal operational stage.
Piaget proposed that children reach the formal operational stage of development around age a) 8. b) 12. c) 10. d) 16.
b) 12.
The state of self-absorption in which the world is viewed as focused on oneself is referred to as a) formal operational thought disorder. b) schizophrenia. c) adolescent egocentrism. d) fantasy.
c) adolescent egocentrism
Fifteen-year-old Lawrence thought he had prepared for his final exams; however, when he got his scores he was disappointed. Rather than reviewing the areas of the test where he did not fare so well, Lawrence confronted his teacher with a verbal lashing and accused the teacher of being "out to get" him. Lawrence's behavior could be considered an example of a) self-centeredness. b) a psychological disorder. c) adolescent egocentrism. d) formal operational thought disorder.
c) adolescent egocentrism.
Sally, age 16, primps in front of every mirror she comes across, and believes that she is the focus of everyone's attentionโ€”even fictitious observers. Sally is demonstrating a) adolescent egocentrism. b) imaginary audience. c) formal operation thought disorder. d) personal fable.
b) imaginary audience.
Egocentrism leads to a distortion in thinking: the notion that one's experiences are unique. This may lead the adolescent to develop a) mental illness. b) imaginary audience. c) formal operation thought disorder. d) personal fable.
d) personal fable.
The view held by some adolescents that what happens to them is unique, exceptional, and shared by no one else is called a) imaginary audience. b) personal fable. c) adolescent egocentrism. d) formal operation thought disorder.
b) personal fable.