Management Ch. 15

25 August 2022
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Effective communication begins with A) speaking. B) listening. C) the message. D) two people. E) breaking through noise.
B) listening.
Communication is A) the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another. B) a process involving only the sender, message, and receiver C) a process involving only encoding and decoding D) completed with listening. E) interpreting the message.
A) the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another.
When your intended message is sent accurately in the least amount of time, you are a(n) A) formal communicator. B) external communicator. C) collaborative communicator. D) effective communicator. E) efficient communicator.
E) efficient communicator.
The process of interpreting and trying to make sense of what someone has said is called A) mediating. B) encoding. C) decoding. D) feeding back. E) enriching.
C) decoding.
Denise and Florence are talking on their cell phones. After Denise reads her a phone number, Florence repeats the number back to Denise. This is an example of A) feedback. B) encoding. C) decoding. D) medium selection. E) noise.
A) feedback.
Which of the following is an example of noise in the communication process? A) groundskeepers mowing the lawn outside the classroom window B) during a professor's lecture, student in the back of the classroom is working on a homework assignment for a different class C) uncomfortable classroom desks D) an attractive person walking by the open classroom door E) All of the above are potentially noise
E) All of the above are potentially noise
Which of the following is a step in the communication process? A) sender decodes the message B) possible receivers are considered C) message is transmitted through a medium D) receiver selects medium E) noise is excluded from the process
D) receiver selects medium
Which of the following is an appropriate media for a manager to praise an employee? A) e-mail B) telephone C) posting an announcement near the office coffee machine D) voicing a compliment E) All of the above would be appropriate media for a manager to praise an employee.
E) All of the above would be appropriate media for a manager to praise an employee.
How well a particular medium conveys information and promotes learning is called its A) encoding. B) richness. C) density. D) complexity. E) formality.
B) richness.
Of the following, which medium is the richest? A) bulletin board B) telephone C) e-mail D) letters E) video conferencing
E) video conferencing
Of the following, which medium is the least rich? A) newsletters B) instant messaging on the Internet C) e-mail D) handwritten notes E) conference telephone calls
A) newsletters
A manager needs to communicate about a routine situation with someone she knows whose physical location is not far from her office. Generally, which of the following should the manager use? A) video conferencing B) telephone C) e-mail D) face-to-face meeting E) newsletter
C) e-mail
Top executives at XYZ Company want to let lower level managers know that XYZ is going to be acquired by ABC, Inc. How should they communicate this? (Assume that all of the choices are possible.) A) send a memo to all managers B) send an e-mail to all managers C) call a meeting of managers D) post a notice on all bulletin boards E) schedule a conference phone call
C) call a meeting of managers
Which of the following is a barrier to communication? A) physical barriers B) work barriers C) expressing the message correctly D) good cell phone reception E) All of the above are barriers to communication.
A) physical barriers
Mina is a cashier at a gambling casino. Her job involves working at one of several windows where patrons bring coins they have won, and the cashiers dump the coins into noisy coin-counting machines. Sometimes, it is very difficult for her to hear what the patrons are saying to her. This is an example of a(n) __________ barrier to communication. A) semantic B) personal C) physical D) visual E) encoding
C) physical
Marty, located in California, needs to communicate with Cathy, who works in New Jersey, about a project they are working on. They are facing a(n) ___________ barrier. A) semantic B) personal C) encoding D) verbal E) physical
E) physical
Salvador speaks English as a second language, and sometimes has difficulty coming up with the exact word to express an idea. Salvador is facing a(n) __________ barrier. A) encoding B) decoding C) medium D) feedback E) receiver
A) encoding
Jason tells Giorgio his cell phone number, and Giorgio nods. Jason then asks Giorgio to repeat back to him the phone number he just gave him. Jason is trying to avoid a(n) __________ barrier. A) encoding B) decoding C) medium D) feedback E) receiver
A) encoding
Greg was thinking about how he just did on his economics test when his management professor talked about tomorrow's management quiz. This is an example of a(n) __________ barrier. A) encoding B) decoding C) medium D) feedback E) receiver
E) receiver
Professor Woops requires papers from his management class to be submitted by email. Over the weekend, his computer crashes and his emails are lost. This has created a(n) __________ barrier. A) encoding B) decoding C) medium D) feedback E) receiver
C) medium
The study of the meaning of words is called A) lexicography. B) rhetoric. C) semantics. D) morphology. E) cartology.
C) semantics.
Terminology that is specific to a particular profession or group is called A) semantics. B) jargon. C) gossip. D) the grapevine. E) rhetoric.
B) jargon.
Which of the following is a personal barrier to communication? A) poor speaking skills B) lack of trustworthiness C) differing frames of reference D) judging others' messages E) All of the above are personal barriers to communication.
E) All of the above are personal barriers to communication.
Do you actually listen when they're talking? This is most likely a test of which personal barrier that contributes to communication? A) tendency to judge others' messages B) variable skills in communicating effectively C) inability to listen with understanding D) faulty listening skills E) stereotypes and prejudices
D) faulty listening skills
According to psychologist __________, we have a natural tendency to judge others' statements from our own point of view. A) Carl Rogers B) Daniel Tucker C) Timothy McCabe D) Bruce Wayne E) Scott Czapski
A) Carl Rogers
The statement, "Young men are reckless," reflects a A) piece of jargon. B) stereotype. C) truth. D) cluster pattern. E) piece of gossip.
B) stereotype.
Which of the following is a way in which nonverbal communication is expressed? A) interpersonal space B) eye contact C) facial expressions D) touch E) All of the above are ways in which nonverbal communication is expressed.
E) All of the above are ways in which nonverbal communication is expressed.
Which of these actions should a speaker take as a sign that her message is being understood by her listeners in the United States? A) frowning B) crossing arms C) scratching heads D) eye contact E) yawning
D) eye contact
Which of the following is a "don't" toward better nonverbal communication skills? A) maintain eye contact B) look away from the speaker C) lean toward the speaker D) speak in a quiet, reassuring tone E) smile and show animation
B) look away from the speaker
Which of the following is a "do" toward better nonverbal communication skills? A) close your eyes B) yawn excessively C) speak in an unpleasant voice D) speak at a moderate rate E) turn away from the speaker
D) speak at a moderate rate
Compared to women, men tend to A) give more tactful feedback. B) praise more. C) be indirect when they don't know something. D) indicate a lack of certainty about something. E) make apologies.
C) be indirect when they don't know something.
Compared to women, men tend to A) pay more compliments. B) temper criticism with praise. C) ask more questions. D) use more "we" statements. E) be more blunt.
E) be more blunt.
A female professor uses sports analogies in illustrating her lectures to a group of male students. She is said to be A) a feminist. B) genderflexing. C) copping out. D) miscommunicating. E) ingratiating.
B) genderflexing.
Communications that follow the chain of command and are considered as official are known as A) vertical. B) horizontal. C) external. D) formal. E) informal.
D) formal.
The device that indicates how official communications should be routed is called the A) organization chart. B) organizational culture. C) organizational profile. D) grapevine. E) lateral hierarchy.
A) organization chart.
A subordinate communicating with his boss is communicating A) vertically. B) horizontally. C) externally. D) internally. E) informally.
A) vertically.
The more management levels through which a message passes A) the quicker the message gets to the top. B) the fewer people are involved. C) the more distorted the message may become. D) the more informal the organization. E) the more disorganized the organization.
C) the more distorted the message may become.
XYZ Corporation communicates its revised mission statement to all employees. This is an example of A) external communication. B) downward communication. C) upward communication. D) horizontal communication. E) informal communication.
B) downward communication.
Jeremy shares information with his fellow task-force members about their project. Jeremy is communicating A) externally. B) downward. C) upward. D) horizontally. E) through the grapevine.
D) horizontally.
An announcement of the company-sponsored picnic travels from the employees' social committee to the other employees through email. This communication is __________ and __________. A) external; informal B) horizontal; informal C) vertical; informal D) vertical; formal E) external; formal
B) horizontal; informal
The type of communication channel that develops outside the organizational structure and does not follow the chain of command is called a(n) __________ communication channel. A) vertical B) horizontal C) external D) formal E) informal
E) informal
Gossip and rumor are part of the __________, the organization's __________ communication channel. A) culture; informal B) organization chart; informal C) grapevine; informal D) grapevine; formal E) organization chart; formal
B) organization chart; informal
The grapevine is A) faster than formal channels. B) about 30% accurate. C) relied upon more when organizations are stable. D) used by few employees. E) a vertical channel of communication.
A) faster than formal channels.
According to the textbook, MBWA stands for A) management by wondering around. B) management by walking about. C) management by wishing a lot. D) management by wandering afar. E) management by working afield.
A) management by wondering around.
A manager who literally wanders around her organization and talks with people across all lines of authority is doing A) MBWA. B) MBO. C) TQM. D) Kaizen. E) JIT.
An organization's private Internet is called its A) private net. B) intranet. C) extranet. D) website. E) webnet.
B) intranet.
An organization expands its private Internet to connect with customers, suppliers, and other partners. This expansion is called its A) intranet B) extranet C) private net D) website E) domain
B) extranet
The effects of e-mail include A) increased teamwork. B) increased paper costs. C) decreased flexibility. D) increased cost of distributing information. E) decreased time wasted.
A) increased teamwork.
The drawbacks of using e-mail include which of the following? A) employees can communicate when they are not at company sites B) reduces use of paper C) information overload D) reduced costs of distributing information to employees E) increased teamwork
C) information overload
Using video and audio links to enable people at different locations to see, hear, and talk with each other is called A) telecommuting. B) teleconferencing. C) televideoing. D) collaborative computing. E) using the extranet.
B) teleconferencing.
Which of the following is true of telecommuting? A) attractive to people with high social needs B) makes recruiting some hard-to-get employees more difficult C) reduced job satisfaction D) increased turnover E) increased ability to hire nontraditional workers, such as prisoners
E) increased ability to hire nontraditional workers, such as prisoners
High-definition videoconference systems that simulate face-to-face meetings between users are called __________ technology. A) telepresence B) telecommuting C) televideo D) intranet E) netconference
A) telepresence
Which of the following statements about blogs is true? A) Blogs are expensive to use. B) Blogs are used to obtain feedback by organizational leaders. C) There are organizational guidelines about what can be posted online. D) Legal guidelines have been developed for organizational blogs. E) All of the above statements are true.
B) Blogs are used to obtain feedback by organizational leaders.
When the amount of information received exceeds a person's ability to handle or process it, ________ has been said to occur. A) information complexity B) information overload C) information confusion D) information validity E) information denial
B) information overload
Which of the following is a piece of advice to help reduce the amount of information coming your way? A) learn to read all messages faster B) find a way to filter out unwanted messages C) use your e-mail inbox for general storage D) use different sites for e-mails and voicemails E) have both work and personal e-mails delivered to the same account
B) find a way to filter out unwanted messages
Generally, people comprehend about __________ of a typical verbal message. A) 10% B) 35% C) 50% D) 75% E) 90%
B) 35%
The average speaker communicates __________ words per minute. A) 80 B) 125 C) 175 D) 225 E) 300
B) 125
People can mentally process about __________ words per minute. A) 200 B) 350 C) 500 D) 650 E) 800
C) 500
What do good listeners do during the information gap between what someone says and how fast we process? A) daydream B) think about other things C) mentally summarize what's been said D) decide what they will say next E) make a convincing argument against what is being said
C) mentally summarize what's been said
Speed reading works well for material that is A) unfamiliar. B) easy. C) dense. D) complicated. E) All of the
B) easy.
The strategy that establishes a common ground with the reader and in which the order of arguments makes the overall position stronger is A) most important to least important. B) least controversial to most controversial. C) negative to positive. D) least important to most important. E) positive to negative.
C) negative to positive.
When you want your reader to take a logical action, you should lay out your ideas in writing by A) most important to least important. B) least controversial to most controversial. C) negative to positive. D) positive to negative. E) least important to most important.
A) most important to least important.
Jim wants to convince Rita to change her mind about a proposal she has been supporting. The strategy that Jim should adopt for laying out his ideas is A) most important to least important. B) least controversial to most controversial. C) negative to positive. D) positive to negative. E) least important to most important.
B) least controversial to most controversial.
A study conducted by AT&T and Stanford University found that the top predictor of success and professional upward mobility was A) writing ability. B) interpersonal skills. C) public speaking ability. D) intelligence. E) integrity.
C) public speaking ability.
The introduction to a business speech should A) always contain at least one joke. B) consist of 20-30% of the total speaking time. C) get right to the point. D) contain significant details of the presentation. E) always contain an unrelated story to catch the interest of the audience.
C) get right to the point.
The conclusion of a speech should A) take up 30-40% of the time. B) contain a call to action, a thought for the day, a little story, or a quotation. C) avoid raising expectations. D) contain a joke. E) consist mainly of details.
B) contain a call to action, a thought for the day, a little story, or a quotation.