Informed Policy Practice -- CA-United States History And Geography B

29 August 2022
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How can using a combination of environmental policy tools be beneficial?
Using a variety of environmental policy tools is beneficial because it allows for greater flexibility in dealing with a variety of issues and organizations. Some programs are more effective if they have economic incentives attached to them. Other programs cannot be economically motivated, so they must rely on other tactics.
Scientific knowledge has, in some cases, led to _______.
a better quality of life
Economic incentives are used in environmental policy to _______.
encourage compliance
Explain how considerations for human health help drive environmental policy decisions.
Humans impact the environment, which can, in turn, have an effect on human health. Pollution is caused by human activity, and it also affects human health. Air pollution can cause respiratory problems and water pollution can lead to digestive problems. As human health is affected by these issues, concern increases and policies are enacted that address the causes of the issues. These policies do benefit the environment, but are, in part, brought about by concerns over human health.
Explain the importance of an environmental contingency plan.
Environmental contingency plans are important because it is not possible to accurately predict possible environmental changes brought about by environmental policies and practices. Changes that occur can be disastrous, so having a contingency plan that can be effected to quickly deal with the changes in an attempt to mitigate the damage can be crucial.
Which of the following environmental protection issues is a direct result of human involvement?
all of the above
Explain how advances in scientific knowledge have influenced society.
Advances in scientific knowledge have led to changes in society. As scientific understanding increases, changes in technology occur. These changes have led to increased life expectancy, cures for diseases, use of new energy sources, changes in warfare, increased pollution, and a larger gap between developed and developing countries. Some advances in scientific knowledge have led to negative consequences, such as an increase in pollution, but further advances in scientific knowledge can help remedy those situations.
Explain why it is important to monitor environmental parameters when making policies involving resource use.
Human activity has an impact on the environment. In order to minimize the impact of human activity it is important to understand factors that affect the environment. It is also important to know how different human activities affect those environmental factors. This knowledge can be obtained by monitoring specific environmental parameters. For resource use, specifically, it is important to monitor changes in the environment to decide the level and frequency of resource use in certain areas.
Organizations and agencies are a result of _______ in environmental protection issues.
government involvement
Which of the following is a negative consequence of the application of scientific knowledge?
industrial pollution