HUM2210 - Golden Agent Athens And The Hellenic World - Ch 5

1 September 2022
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Aristotle considered catharsis to be important to a tragedy because it
instigated change in the audience.

Explanation: Aristotle considered catharsis to be important to a tragedy because it is through the experience of catharsis that the audience can come to a greater understanding of the human condition. In catharsis, the audience is able to empathize with the characters on stage and to understand their motivations and actions. This understanding can lead to a greater appreciation for the human experience and for the tragedy itself.
Socrates differed from the Sophists, most notably, in his emphasis on
philosophical wisdom.

Explanation: the use of reason and knowledge as a means to understanding the world and discovering truth, as opposed to the Sophists' use of rhetoric and persuasionSocrates believed that knowledge was a path to understanding the world, while the Sophists believed that persuasion was a more effective means to that end. Socrates felt that reason was the best tool for discovering truth, while the Sophists believed that rhetoric was more likely to lead to success.
Hellenistic sculpture can be equated with Aristotle's idea of catharsis because both
aim to elicit the viewer's emotional response.

Explanation: areHellenistic sculpture can be equated with Aristotle's idea of catharsis because both are concerned with the purification of emotions. Catharsis is the process of releasing emotions, such as anger or fear, through art. Hellenistic sculpture, with its highly emotional and sometimes violent subjects, can be seen as a way of purging these emotions from the viewer.
Why were the Athenian citizens endowed with so much leisure time?
Slaves outnumbered Athenian citizens more than two to one.

Explanation: The Athenian citizens were endowed with so much leisure time because of the city's prosperity. Athens was a very wealthy city and had a lot of money to spare. This allowed the citizens to have a lot of free time to enjoy their hobbies and pursuits.
According to Aristotle, one might attain the "good life" by
balancing action between extremes of behavior.

Explanation: Aristotle believed that the good life was attainable by living in accordance with reason. He believed that reason was the highest faculty of the soul and that by using it, one could achieve a life of fulfillment and happiness.
The Parthenon's 40-foot ivory-and-gold statue of Athena was intended to represent
Athens's political power.

Explanation: The Parthenon's 40-foot ivory-and-gold statue of Athena was intended to represent the goddess of wisdom and warfare. The statue was created by the Greek sculptor Phidias and is one of the most famous works of ancient Greek art.
Athens's Golden Age began and ended, respectively, with
victory over the Persians and defeat by Sparta

Explanation: the Persian Wars and the Peloponnesian Wars.The Persian Wars were a series of conflicts fought between the Persian Empire and various Greek city-states. These wars lasted from 499 BC to 449 BC, and were fought to determine the supremacy of the two cultures in the region. The Persian Wars ended with a Greek victory, and ushered in an era of Greek prosperity and power known as the Golden Age. The Peloponnesian Wars were a series of conflicts fought between Athens and Sparta, two of the most powerful city-states in Greece. These wars lasted from 431 BC to 404 BC, and were fought over a number of issues, including the control of the Delian League, a Greek alliance formed to protect against Persian aggression. The Peloponnesian Wars ended with a Spartan victory, and ushered in an era of Spartan dominance in Greece.
Which of the following statements is true about Plato's idealistic Republic?
The arts would be banned.

Explanation: There are a few different ways to interpret Plato's Republic, but one common understanding is that Plato believed in an ideal society in which people were divided into classes based on their abilities and interests. This society would be governed by a philosopher-king who would rule in the best interest of all the people.
During Alexander's time there was a growing taste for representations of men and women
in dreamy, contemplative moods.

Explanation: in the nudeDuring Alexander's time, there was a growing taste for representations of men and women in the nude. This was due to the influence of the Greek culture, which had a strong tradition of nude art. The Romans, who were influenced by the Greeks, also began to produce nude art. This trend continued throughout the centuries, and by the time of the Renaissance, nude art was very popular.
Drama was originally associated with the cult of

Explanation: Dionysus and was written to be presented during the festival of the godDrama was originally written as a part of the cult of Dionysus, and it was meant to be performed during the festival of the god. Dionysus was the god of wine and fertility, and his cult was based around these things. The festival of Dionysus was a time when people would come together to celebrate the god and his gifts. The plays that were written for the festival were meant to be a part of this celebration, and they were usually about the god or his myths.