Healthy Friendships Practice

3 September 2022
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Offering guidance, using good judgment, and knowing when to get help are all aspects of __________. A. a bossy friend B. an insecure person C. a leader D. a shy person
A relationship __________. A. consists of a connection between individuals or groups that rarely causes personal stress B. consists of a connection between individuals or groups that interact C. consists of a connection among strangers D. consists of a connection that does not exist within families
How does working together strengthen a friendship?
It helps to develop and strengthen common goals. Working together strengthens the bonds among friends and provides a sense of support. When people share the same interests, it also promotes a sense of belonging.
Supporting one another in friendship means that you __________. A. do whatever the other person wants to do and put your wishes aside B. share trust with your friend and stand by one another in good and challenging times C. give up some of the interests you have to be able to spend time with him or her D. spend time only with that person and nurture the relationship
All of the following are steps to resolving a conflict EXCEPT: A. listening to how the other person feels B. taking a few minutes to cool off C. figuring out what is really bothering you D. keeping the issue to yourself
A peer is someone that is considered your superior and knows more than you.
Your friend gets chosen to play on the school soccer team, but you do not. As a result, you begin to feel jealous. What might a jealous reaction be toward your friend if it is not controlled? What is a healthier way of reacting?
The healthy way of reacting would be to attempt to feel pride for your friend, congratulate your friend, and ask your friend to work with you on your skills so that next time you can make the team. The jealous reaction would be to get angry at your friend and not talk to him or her, start rumors about him or her having cheated, etc.
Why is confronting a friend in anger not always a good way to react?
Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Although it is normal to have conflicts with friends, it is not healthy to get angry over a simple disagreement. Anger can cause damage to a friendship, can have counterproductive results, can break up the relationship, can hurt feelings, etc.
Why is a gang considered an unlikely place to develop healthy friendships?
Individuals often join gangs in order to feel supported or included by peers, often believing it may be a good place to find friends. However, a healthy friendship is one in which a friend would not ask you to do something that you do not want to do. Gangs are often involved in severe forms of bullying and illegal behavior and often attempt to solve conflicts through violent methods. Those involved in gangs often feel pressured to take part in the violence. A healthy friendship is unlikely to form within this atmosphere.
Compare and contrast a casual friendship with a close friendship.
A casual friendship is one that may come and go. They benefit each individual because they explore different points of view, learn to respect differences, and determine whether or not to be a leader or follower. A close friendship may have started as a casual friendship but transitioned when a deeper bond was formed. A friend is a person that you go to when expressing your emotions. Friends help reduce stressors, increase happiness, and provide support when it's needed.