Cumulative Exam US History

27 August 2022
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Which group did Wilson most want to help during the second half of his term? big business women everyday workers entrepreneurs
everyday workers
Which of the following was the first public movement in which American women took leadership roles? the temperance movement the abolition movement the suffrage movement the property rights movement
the abolition movement
The Plessy v. Ferguson ruling stated that segregation was unconstitutional. the Fourteenth Amendment was unconstitutional. segregation was necessary to preserve public peace. the Separate Car Act was unconstitutional.
segregation was necessary to preserve public peace
The main reason alcohol abuse caught the attention of the public in the early 1900s was an increase in the number of men expressing concern about alcohol. concern for improving cleanliness and hygiene in cities. concern by young families for improving their lives. the negative social effects of excessive drinking.
the negative social effects of excessive drinking.
Which was a direct result of bank failures in the 1920s and 1930s? Unemployment rose. Companies slowed production. Depositors lost their savings. People could not pay back their loans.
Depositors lost their savings.
An important environmental debate in the United States in 1900 was whether to use wilderness resources. whether to ban factories in cities. whether to drill for oil offshore. whether to use coal.
whether to use wilderness resources.
Which of the following is a legacy of Roosevelt's environmental policies? clean air and water national parks and forests bans on deforestation bans on hunting
national parks and forests
Which US group was one of the first to go on strike because of wage cuts? the American Federation of Labor the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen the American Railway Union the Lowell Mill girls
the Lowell Mill girls
Which of the following did Emma Hart Willard accomplish in 1826? She persuaded Oberlin College to admit women. She persuaded the courts to legalize contraception. She organized the Seneca Falls Convention. She founded the first all-girls high school in the US.
She founded the first all-girls high school in the US.
Read the quotation from William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech."You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." Which of the following best describes Bryan's opinion about currency? Working people do not make as much gold as the wealthy. Free silver would ruin the economy of the United States. The gold standard hurts every worker in the United States. Workers would prefer to earn gold coins instead of silver.
The gold standard hurts every worker in the United States
A major reason Irish immigrants came to the United States in the 1840s was to find jobs as skilled laborers. to escape a potato famine. to live in less crowded conditions. to escape oppression.
to escape a potato famine
What was one reason for anti-immigrant sentiment in the early 1900s? tolerance for other cultures a decline in patriotism competition for jobs an increase in war protests
competition for jobs
Read the quote from President Wilson's letter to the National Child Labor Committee."As the labor situation created by the war develops I am more interested than ever, if that were possible, in throwing all the safeguards possible around the labor of women and children." The "labor situation" Wilson refers to most likely concerned him because: going to war meant US industry had to begin manufacturing military supplies. women and children had to do the jobs of male workers who became soldiers. no one was left to support families when men enlisted and went to war. women and children had to replace striking factory workers.
women and children had to do the jobs of male workers who became soldiers
Which of the following best describes why settlement houses offered to help immigrants learn to cook specific kinds of food? to encourage them to assimilate into American culture to help them provide for their families to follow the social gospel to help them retain their native culture
to encourage them to assimilate into American culture
In the system of mass production, unskilled workers were hired to tend to machines and were paid more than skilled workers. were hired to help skilled workers and were paid more than skilled workers. were hired to tend to machines and were paid less than skilled workers. were hired to assist skilled workers and were paid the same as skilled workers.
were hired to tend to machines and were paid less than skilled workers.
Which of the following groups protected the livelihood of craftspeople in the 1800s? scabs guilds trade unions labor unions
Under the system of sharecropping, contracts usually favored landowners. laborers. freedmen. the government.
What was used to prevent African American men from voting in the late 1800s? tenant contracts subsistence farms poll taxes minstrel shows
poll taxes
A likely reason the majority of immigrants who passed through Ellis Island were European, while the majority who passed through Angel Island were Asian is that New York and San Francisco have different climates. more European than Asian immigrants wanted to go to New York. more Asian than European immigrants wanted to go to San Francisco. New York is closer to Europe, and San Francisco is closer to Asia.
New York is closer to Europe, and San Francisco is closer to Asia.
Which best describes Carrie Chapman Catt's "Winning Plan" to achieve national women's suffrage? to demand a constitutional amendment instead of campaigning for suffrage in individual states to campaign strongly for women's suffrage on the state level instead of lobbying Congress to pass a constitutional amendment to win women's suffrage in as many states as possible while campaigning Congress to pass a constitutional amendment to amend the US Constitution to grant women suffrage and then establish it in individual states
to win women's suffrage in as many states as possible while campaigning Congress to pass a constitutional amendment
President Wilson based the idea for the League of Nations on his strong belief in promoting economic growth and development. protecting the rights of all nations. facilitating free-trade agreements. encouraging nations to use war to solve disputes.
protecting the rights of all nations.
Which type of American would be the least likely to support Marxism? a socialist a factory worker a factory owner a poor person
a factory owner
The Supreme Court's ruling in the civil rights cases of 1883 led to the beginnings of the sharecropping system. the passage of the 1875 Civil Rights Act. the start of the Democratic Party. the rise of Jim Crow laws in the South.
the rise of Jim Crow laws in the South.
In what year was the Women's Christian Temperance Union formed? 1859 1870 1874 1910
During the early 1900s, which of the following movements created tension in Europe? isolationism nationalism spiritualism internationalism
In the consumer culture of the 1920s, people purchased nonessential goods on a regular basis. people purchased only essential goods on a regular basis. people reduced their purchasing of essential goods. people reduced their purchasing of nonessential goods.
people purchased nonessential goods on a regular basis
A lasting effect of the New Deal can be seen when great numbers of young people are out of work. taxes are lowered to assist business owners. the government intervenes in a time of national crisis. certain social programs are declared unconstitutional.
the government intervenes in a time of national crisis.
Which was a direct result of bank failures in the 1920s and 1930s? Unemployment rose. Companies slowed production. Depositors lost their savings. People could not pay back their loans.
Depositors lost their savings
Under New Deal reforms, the biggest change to the traditional role of the federal government was a higher degree of government regulation of business and the economy. a lower degree of government regulation of business and the economy. decreased government support for private/public partnerships. increased government support of laissez-faire capitalism.
a higher degree of government regulation of business and the economy.
Liberal leaders wanted to change New Deal programs by making them smaller and less expensive. making the states responsible for them. lowering the taxes that funded them. building onto and expanding them.
building onto and expanding them.
In 1929, ongoing economic issues led to an increase in consumer demand. a stock market crash. a stock market boom. an increase in the production of goods.
a stock market crash
To buy goods on credit means to pay cash for goods. promise to pay for goods later. promise to pay only a sale price. pay only a discount price.
promise to pay for goods later
The New Deal could best be summarized as a program that left no lasting impression on the country. was highly successful for a short period of time. still has an impact on American life and government today. provided worthwhile programs in the 1930s that stopped after WWII.
still has an impact on American life and government today.
New Deal regulation of the banking industry resulted in the creation of the National Recovery Administration. the Civilian Conservation Corps. the Public Works Administration. the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
What did the Social Security Act of 1935 do? paid employers for letting people retire set up a fund for retired Americans required retirees to continue to work encouraged the organization of labor unions
set up a fund for retired Americans
How did Herbert Hoover respond to the demands of the Bonus Army? by using military force against its members by offering its members jobs in the military by ignoring it to focus on economic issues by offering its members government jobs
by using military force against its members
During the 1930s, the large area of farmland experiencing droughts was known as the Depression. the Dust Bowl. the Appalachians. the Rockies.
the Dust Bowl
Why did Franklin Roosevelt's Federal Emergency Relief Administration give grants to states, even though it cost more than giving money to individuals? It was easier for the federal government to let individual states distribute the grants to individuals. It was easier to identify impoverished states than it was to identify impoverished individuals. States used the money to create jobs, which was better for morale than simply receiving money. States could use part of the money to pay state officials and pass the rest to individuals.
States used the money to create jobs, which was better for morale than simply receiving money.
By instituting government oversight on banks and investments, Franklin Roosevelt reinforced the policies of Herbert Hoover. hoped to create jobs and get reelected. prompted Americans to take their money out of banks. hoped to avoid another stock market crash.
hoped to avoid another stock market crash.
How did the events surrounding the Bonus Army in 1932 affect people's attitudes? More Americans wanted MacArthur to be president. More Americans began to dislike Hoover. More Americans joined the Bonus Army. More Americans wanted helped from the RFC.
More Americans began to dislike Hoover.
What precedents set by the New Deal have been put into play during periods of recession? Financial aid has been supplied to the jobless. Taxes on wealthy business owners have been lowered. More power has been given to the states to solve the problems. Social programs have been cut to save money.
Financial aid has been supplied to the jobless.
Why did many conservatives disagree with New Deal economic policies? Conservatives believed in balanced budgets, low taxes, and less regulation by the federal government. Conservatives believed that wealth should be equally distributed so no one would live in poverty. Conservatives believed that the federal government should have the power to regulate social programs. Conservatives believed that it was the job of the government to ensure economic opportunity for all.
Conservatives believed in balanced budgets, low taxes, and less regulation by the federal government.
Which of the following oversaw the Federal One project in the 1930s? the Social Security Administration the National Labor Relations Board the National Youth Administration the Works Progress Administration
the Works Progress Administration
Which of the following would have most likely occurred if Franklin Roosevelt's judicial reform bill had become law? It would have concentrated power in the executive branch of the government. It would have restored balance among the three branches of government. It would have set a precedent for government intervention in the economy. It would have signaled an end to all the programs of Roosevelt's New Deal.
It would have concentrated power in the executive branch of the government.
What was the purpose of the Wagner Act in 1935? to give workers the right to form unions to provide work training to youths to supply funding for Social Security to investigate violations of labor laws
to give workers the right to form unions
A current federal program from the New Deal that is directly related to the banking industry is the FHA. WPA. SSA FDIC.
Which of the following pieces of legislation was also known as the Wagner Act? the National Recovery Act the Social Security Act the National Labor Relations Act the Work Progress Act
the National Labor Relations Act
Which statement best describes the relationship between the programs of the New Deal and the end of the Great Depression? The Great Depression came to an end solely because of Roosevelt's New Deal. The New Deal had no effect on the ending of the Great Depression. The Great Depression continued to worsen partly because of the New Deal. The New Deal had some impact on bringing about an end to the Great Depression.
The New Deal had some impact on bringing about an end to the Great Depression.
The Social Security Administration faces new challenges in the twenty-first century because there are more workers paying into the system. its services are no longer needed by American workers. there are a greater number of retirees in the system. its revenues are needed in other government programs.
there are a greater number of retirees in the system.
As governor of Louisiana, Huey Long dismissed New Deal programs and promoted his own. increased taxes on the wealthiest residents of his state. disagreed with expansion of government social programs. fought to reduce taxes for business owners in his state.
increased taxes on the wealthiest residents of his state.
Why did Roosevelt propose a second New Deal? Check all of the boxes that apply. Unemployment was still high. The first New Deal failed to regulate the banking industry. Many were still living in poverty.
Unemployment was still high. The first New Deal failed to regulate the banking industry. Many were still living in poverty.
In which three areas did the New Deal focus improvements?โœ” reform, recovery, and relief relief, recovery, and resolution recovery, resolution, and reform
reform, recovery, and relief
The Social Security Act was primarily created to provide financial help to โœ” retirees underpaid workers veterans.
Prior to social security, most Americans received their pensions from the companies and businesses that had employed them. the government. no one.
no one.
How was social security funded?workers onlycompanies onlyโœ” both workers and companies
both workers and companies
Retirees benefitted from the program. Who else was the program designed to assist? Check all of the boxes that apply. disabled Americans unemployed workers dependent mothers and children
disabled americans unemployed workers dependent mothers and children
According to Roosevelt, what do many young people fear? finding employment retiring industrial change
In which three areas did the WPA create jobs? arts and culture medicine and health care infrastructure part time employment for young people
arts and culture infrastructure part time emplouyment for young people
The NLRA was created in order to give workers the right to organize and form unions bargain collectively. extend union membership to children. go on strike.
organize and form unions extend union membership to children go on strike
Why did conservative leaders oppose the New Deal? Check all of the boxes that apply. It did not go far enough in helping struggling Americans. It raised taxes too much. It kept states from regulating their own affairs. It interfered with business and labor practices. It gave Roosevelt too much power and influence.
It raised taxes too much. It kept states from regulating their own affairs. It interfered with business and labor practices. It gave Roosevelt too much power and influence.
Why did liberal Democratic leaders oppose the New Deal? Check all of the boxes that apply. It did not do enough to help struggling Americans. It raised taxes too much. It interfered with business and labor practices. It led to too much government spending.
It did not do enough to help struggling Americans.
Liberals believed that the government had a duty to keep taxes as low as possible. balance the budget. ensure that no one lived in poverty.
ensure that no one lived in poverty.
Which state governor proposed a more radical idea, the "Share the Wealth" plan?Franklin Rooseveltโœ” Huey LongFrancis Townsend
Huey Long
What is the role of the Supreme Court in government? to interpret the law to write and pass new laws to enforce the law
to interpret the law
Which two laws did the Supreme Court declare to be unconstitutional? the National Recovery Administration the Wagner Act the Agricultural Adjustment Administration the Tennessee Valley Authority the Social Security Act
the National Recovery Administration the Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Carefully study this cartoon, then answer the question.What message is this cartoon's creator trying to send? It is Congress's job to serve Roosevelt's wishes with regard to the New Deal. Roosevelt's reorganization in government benefits both the public and Congress. Roosevelt is trying to get around the checks and balances provided by the Constitution.
Roosevelt is trying to get around the checks and balances provided by the Constitution.
Which of the following statements is best supported by the data on the chart? Check all of the boxes that apply. The passage of the New Deal ended the Great Depression. The Great Depression ended after the nation shifted to a wartime economy. This chart supports the arguments of those who opposed the New Deal.
The Great Depression ended after the nation shifted to a wartime economy. This chart supports the arguments of those who opposed the New Deal.
Which groups did Franklin Roosevelt specifically help during his first Hundred Days in office? farmers and the "brain trust" farmers and the unemployed businesses and farmers businesses and military veterans
farmers and the unemployed
Before running for president in 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt had no previous experience in government. had been vice president under Herbert Hoover. had been governor of the state of New York. had helped Hoover balance the federal budget.
had been governor of the state of New York.
Which best describes the public/private partnerships created under Roosevelt's New Deal reforms? The government took ownership of large private businesses. The government put management of large companies up for a public vote. The government hired individuals to provide private goods and services. The government hired companies to provide public goods and services.
The government hired companies to provide public goods and services.
During Franklin Roosevelt's 1932 presidential campaign, Roosevelt proposed a set of reforms called the Brain Trust. the Positive Outlook. the New Deal. the Balanced Budget.
the New Deal.
How did the New Deal policy of loaning money to farmers help create higher prices for farm goods? It permitted farmers to buy land, thus raising prices on crops grown there. It permitted farmers to invest money, thus relieving them of the need to work. It permitted farmers to produce fewer farm goods, thus raising prices. It permitted farmers to produce more farm goods, thus raising prices.
It permitted farmers to produce fewer farm goods, thus raising prices.
When Franklin D. Roosevelt ran for president in 1932, the country was supportive of Herbert Hoover. mired in the Great Depression. preoccupied with World War II. enjoying economic prosperity.
mired in the Great Depression.
Which was a New Deal program instituted by Franklin Roosevelt? the deregulation of banks and businesses the collection of "hardship payments" federal relief for the unemployed federal relief for speculators
federal relief for the unemployed
Which issue that arose under Hoover helped Roosevelt into the White House in 1932? a high unemployment rate high unemployment benefits a low corporate tax rate low tariffs on imports
a high unemployment rate
President Franklin Roosevelt declared a five-day "bank holiday" to give bank employees some much needed time off. give the government time to verify that banks were strong. remind Americans he was holding "fireside chats" on the radio. remind Americans the government was starting new construction projects.
give the government time to verify that banks were strong.