Cultural Anthropology Exam 3 Ch 9,10,14

9 June 2024
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According to anthropologist Ann Stoler, the economic determinants of gender status include A) free will and overcoming ideas that split the mind and body. B) freedom or autonomy and social power. C) the level of interest rates and the price of oil. D) controlling one's own and others' tendency toward overconsumption. E) free will and overcoming ideas that associate sin with the desires of the flesh.
B) freedom or autonomy and social power
Intersex, a group of conditions involving discrepancy between external genitals and internal genitals, can have a variety of chromosomal causes that create a sex-gender difference. Which of the following chromosomal anomalies identifies a person with the chromosomes of a woman and female internal anatomy, but with male external genitals? A) XY intersex person B) Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY configuration) C) true gonadal intersex person D) Turner syndrome E) XX intersex person
E) XX intersex person
Of the following factors, which is historically correlated with the shrinking of the female factory workforce in the United States? A) voting rights for women B) European immigration around 1900 C) inflation D) the women's rights movement E) World War II
B) European immigration around 1900
The domestic-public dichotomy refers to the separation of A) secular and sacred domains. B) the elite and commoners. C) spheres of exchange. D) cooking and sleeping spaces in residential units. E) home and the outside world.
E) home and the outside world
Regarding sexual orientation, all of the following are true EXCEPT that A) within a society, individuals will differ in the nature, range, and intensity of sexual interests and urges. B) there is conclusive scientific evidence that sexual orientation is genetically determined. C) different types of sexual desires and experiences hold different meanings for individuals and groups. D) flexibility in sexual expression seems to be an aspect of our primate heritage, since both masturbation and same-sex sexual activity exist among chimpanzees and other primates. E) culture always plays a role in molding individual sexual urges toward a collective norm, and these norms vary from culture to culture
B) there is conclusive scientific evidence that sexual orientation is genetically determined
What is meant by the term feminization of poverty? A) the popularity of feminist ideals among poor people B) the increasing number of women among the poorest people C) the view that conditions of poverty are emasculating D) the view that only women care about issues of poverty E) the recent campaign by feminists to work with the poor
B) the increasing number of women among the poorest people
Among societies exhibiting the patrilineal-patrilocal complex in highland Papua New Guinea, A) household productivity is decreased by polygyny, because a man must provide for more than one wife. B) women govern the extra-domestic distribution of prestige items. C) women remain the primary producers of subsistence crops. D) women fear contacts, including sexual intercourse, with men. E) the population pressure on strategic resources is relaxed.
C) women remain the primary producers of subsistence crops
The tasks and activities that a culture assigns to each sex are known as A) gender roles. B) sex roles. C) the prestige coefficient. D) gender stereotypes. E) sexual ascribed status.
A) gender roles
In which type of society would you expect women's status to be highest? A) pastoralists B) hunters and gatherers C) agriculturalists D) societies where there is a great deal of population pressure E) industrial states with high unemployment
B) Hunters and gatherers
Recent cross-cultural studies of gender roles demonstrate that A) women are subservient in nearly all societies, because their subsistence activities contribute much less to the total diet than do those of men. B) the gender roles of men and women are largely determined by their biological capabilities—relative strength, endurance, intelligence, and so on. C) foraging, horticultural, pastoral, and industrial societies all have similar attitudes toward sex but different attitudes toward gender. D) changes in the gender roles of men and women are usually associated with social decay and anarchy. E) the relative status of women is variable, depending on such factors as the type of subsistence strategy employed, the importance of warfare, and the prevalence of a domestic-public dichotomy.
E) the relative status of women is variable, depending on such factors as the type of subsistence strategy employed, the importance of warfare, and the prevalence of a domestic-public dichotomy
Among horticulturalists with matrilineal descent and matrilocality, A) women rarely inherit any property and are therefore at a disadvantage in comparison to their brothers. B) female status tends to be high. C) women leaders are only symbolic, because men tend to have the true decision-making power. D) women tend to have high status, but only within the domestic sphere. E) gender and sex become indistinguishable.
B) Female status tends to be high
More than half the poor children living in the United States live in families that are A) blended. B) patrifocal. C) headed by men. D) dichotomized. E) headed by women.
E) headed by women
Based on research in the 1960s, which of the following statements about Etoro conceptions of heterosexual intercourse is NOT true? A) It was permitted to take place only in the couple's residence. B) Women who wanted too much heterosexual intercourse were viewed as witches. C) It was thought to sap a man's vitality. D) Such sex was permitted only a hundred days a year. E) It was seen as a necessary sacrifice that would eventually lead to a man's death.
A) it was permitted to take place only in the couple's residence
Transgender is a social category that A) consists of only intersex people. B) always contrasts biologically with "ordinary" males and females. C) has no validity within the social sciences. D) is entirely biologically constructed. E) includes people whose gender identity has no apparent biological roots.
E) includes people whose gender identity has no apparent biological roots
Which of the following is NOT among the four sexual orientations found throughout the world? A) heterosexuality B) bisexuality C) homosexuality D) asexuality E) transsexuality
E) transsexualtity
If a patriarchy is a political system ruled by men, what would a matriarchy be—a political system ruled by women? Anthropologist Peggy Reeves Sanday, who investigated these questions among the Minangkabau of West Sumatra, found that A) women of newer generations are experimenting with new ideas of gender roles. B) the Minangkabau matriarchy is not the equivalent of female rule because of their belief that decision making should be by consensus. C) although Minangkabau women play a central role in their culture's social, economic, and ceremonial life, they are still regarded as having lower status than men. D) women in matriarchies see their male counterparts as being inferior. E) true matriarchies do not exist.
B) the Minangkabau matriarchy is not the equivalent of female rule because of their belief that decision making should be by consensus
Why should the numbers from Kinsey's research be considered merely illustrative, rather than statistically accurate? A) sample sizes that were too small B) a reliance on nonrandom samples C) flaws in the statistical models used D) incorrect assignment of causation E) failure to account for variance in the target population
B) a reliance on nonrandom samples
Which of the following statements about groups with the patrilineal-patrilocal complex is NOT true? A) They often practice polygyny and have patterns of intervillage raiding. B) They have their prestige goods under male control. C) Their land and prestige are passed through the females. D) They have strongly developed private-public dichotomies. E) They are sometimes characterized by a view that females are dangerous and polluting.
C) their land and prestige are passed through the females
When compared to other kinds of societies, all the following are true about foragers EXCEPT that A) sexual promiscuity is most common and routinely punished. B) hierarchy is least marked. C) the rights, activities, and spheres of influence of men and women overlap the most. D) when gathering is prominent, gender status tends to be more equal. E) the public and private spheres are least separate.
A) sexual promiscuity is most common and routinely punished
This chapter's discussion on recurrent gender patterns stresses that A) these generalities are based on bad data, because the studies did not use randomized sampling. B) these patterns are universals rather than generalities. C) it is the role of industrialized nations to correct patterns that are immoral. D) the United Nations should become more involved in reversing these patterns. E) exceptions to cross-cultural generalizations may involve societies or individuals.
E) exceptions to cross-cultural generalizations may involve societies or individuals
Which of the following statements is NOT true? A) The feminization of poverty is unique to the United States. B) Married couples are much more secure economically than single mothers. C) Households headed by women tend to be poorer than those headed by men. D) The feminization of poverty has serious consequences with regard to living standards. E) Among developed nations, the U.S. has the largest percentage of single-parent households.
A) the feminization of poverty is unique to the United States
This chapter's "Focus on Globalization" section discusses the strides different countries have made to close the gender gap. Which region has done the least to reduce gender stratification? A) Nordic countries B) Latin America C) North America D) Africa E) Middle East/North Africa
E) middle east/ north africa
With the term sex, anthropologists are referring to biological differences. In contrast, they define gender as A) the marked differences in male and female biology, which vary across cultures. B) the tasks and activities that a culture assigns to each sex. C) a political system ruled by men that defines the identity of women. D) the cultural construction of whether one is female, male, or something else. E) one's biological identity.
D) the cultural construction of whether one is female, males, or something else
Which of the following statements about the label "transgender" is accurate? A) Transgender individuals may or may not contrast biologically with ordinary males and females. B) Transgender and intersex are both biologically based. C) Just like the labels "masculine" and "feminine," "transgender" is an absolute and binary category. D) Feeling their previous gender assignment was incorrect, transgender individuals become female. E) Transgender only includes those whose gender identity has biological roots.
A) transgender individuals may or may not contrast biologically with ordinary males and females
According to studies in the 1960s, why did young Etoro men and boys engage in homosexual relationships? A) Genetic drift created a population dominated by a homosexual gene. B) They believed it is necessary for boys to ingest semen in order to mature in a healthy way. C) The status of Etoro women was the highest in the world, in a status above and beyond males. D) A warrior cult of older adult men vigorously enforced a monopoly on access to women. E) They did not understand biological reproduction, which is why they no longer exist.
B) they believed it is necessary for boys to ingest semen in order to mature in a healthy way
What postmarital residence rule is most often found in societies with lineal kinship terminologies? A) patrilocal B) matrilocal C) bilocal D) neolocal E) ambilocal
D) neolocal
Which of the following kin types is NOT ego's lineal relative? A) MM B) M C) FF D) F E) B
E) B
Kinship terminology is a classification system, a taxonomy or typology. More generally, a taxonomic system A) is based on categories given by nature. B) is accurate only when based on Western science. C) usually changes with every generation. D) is based on how people perceive similarities and differences in the things being classified. E) applies best to nonliving things.
D) is based on how people perceive similarities and differences in the things being classified
Contemporary North American adults usually define their families as consisting of their husbands or wives and their children. In contrast, when middle-class Brazilians talk about their families, they mean their parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and on, down to their children. They rarely mention the spouse. Which of the following is among the reasons for this stark cultural contrast? A) Brazilians live in a less mobile society and so stay in closer contact with their relatives, including members of their extended family, than do North Americans. B) North Americans have more choices about where they can live, and they have chosen to live away from their relatives. C) Brazilians have purely economic relationships with their spouses. D) Brazilians readily incorporate strangers into their social worlds. E) North Americans value independence over their family.
A) Brazilians live in a less mobile society and so stay in closer contact with their relatives, including members of their extended family, than do North Americans
In a lineal system of kinship terminology, which of the following pairs would be referred to by the same term? A) M and FZ B) M and MZ C) FB and MB D) FB and FZ E) F and FB
C) FB and MB
Although the nuclear family remains a cultural ideal for many Americans, nuclear families accounted for barely 20 percent of American households in 2015. In fact, other domestic arrangements outnumber the traditional U.S. household five to one. All of the following are among the reasons for this trend EXCEPT that A) divorce rates have risen. B) women are increasingly joining men in the workforce C) job demands compete with romantic attachments. D) contrary to expectations, the importance of kinship is growing in contemporary nations. E) it is increasingly economically feasible for women to delay marriage and yet live away from their family of orientation.
D) contrary to expectations, the importance of kinship is growing in contemporary nations
What term refers to the kind of descent in which people choose the descent group that they join? A) ambilineal B) neolineal C) bilineal D) matrilineal E) patrilineal
A) Ambilineal
Understanding kinship systems is an important part of anthropology because A) kinship ties are important to the people anthropologists study; they are a key component of people's everyday social relations. B) the study of kinship is part of the anthropological tradition established by the field's pioneers. C) kinship ties are what triggered the split between the hominin line and the rest of the primates and is thus the defining aspect of our humanity. D) it provides an objective, universal perspective on how people are related to one another. E) it is the only aspect of anthropological study that the general public cares about.
A) kinship ties are important to the people anthropologists study; they are a key component of people's everyday social relations
Anthropologists distinguish between kin terms and genealogical kin types. What is the difference? A) The difference is only a methodological one—in practice, they are the same thing. B) Kin terms are the words used for different relatives in a particular language, but genealogical kin types refers to the actual genealogical relationship. C) Kin terms are the terms used for different relatives from the ego's perspective, whereas genealogical kin types refers to objective relatives from no perspective in particular. D) Kin terms are the words used for socially constructed relationships, whereas genealogical kin types refers to relatives. E) Kin terms refers to the actual genealogical relationship; genealogical kin types are the words used for different relatives in a particular culture.
B) Kin terms are the words used for different relatives in a particular language, but genealogical kin types refers to the actual genealogical relationship.
Which term refers to the family in which a child is raised? A) family of kin B) genealogical family C) family of nucleation D) family of procreation E) family of orientation
E) family of orientation
According to genealogical kin types used by anthropologists to study kinship relations, what kind of relative is ego's mother's brother? A) lineal relative B) nuclear family member C) member of the P2 generation D) affinal relative E) collateral relative
E) collateral relative
In what kind of kinship calculation are kin ties traced equally through males and females? A) bifurcate merging B) bifurcate collateral C) bilateral D) biluminous E) bilineal
C) bilateral
Which of the following statements about bifurcate merging kinship terminologies is NOT true? A) They use the same term to describe MB and FB. B) They generally are found in societies with unilocal residence patterns. C) They are often found in societies with descent groups. D) They use the same term to describe F and FB and the same term for M and MZ. E) They generally are found in societies with unilineal descent.
A) they use the same term to describe MB and FB
What does it mean that kinship, like race, is culturally constructed? A) Like race, kinship is a social fiction, with no real social consequence. B) The educational system is failing to educate people about real, biologically-based human relatedness. C) Studies of kinship tell us little about people's actual experiences, only about what they think those experiences are like. D) Some genealogical kin are considered to be relatives whereas others are not, and the rules underlying such considerations vary across cultures. E) It is a phenomenon separated from other real aspects of society, such as economics and politics.
D) Some genealogical kin are considered to be relative whereas others are not, and the rules underlying such considerations vary across cultures
Like bifurcate merging kinship terminology, generational kinship terminology A) uses the same term for parents and grandparents, so there is less lumping than in the bifurcate merging kinship system. B) is common in North America. C) makes sense only from the perspective of ego. D) illustrates the complicated ways in which adults confuse their children about the realities of biology. E) uses the same term for parents and their siblings, but lumping is more complete (there are only two terms for the parental generation).
E) uses the same term for parents and their siblings, but lumping is more complete (there are only two terms for the parental generation)
Which of the following does NOT belong to ego's matrilineage? A) MB B) M C) ZS D) B E) FM
A unilineal descent group whose members demonstrate their common descent from an apical ancestor is a(n) A) family of orientation. B) clan. C) lineage. D) extended family. E) family of procreation.
C) lineage
In Arembepe, Brazil, a degree of community solidarity was promoted by the myth that everyone was kin. However, social solidarity was actually much less developed in Arembepe than in societies with clans and lineages. Why? A) Intense social solidarity requires not a myth but a biologically grounded genealogy that shows people's actual relatedness. B) Intense social solidarity demands that some people be excluded. By asserting they were all related—that is, by excluding no one—Arembepeiros were actually weakening kinship's potential strength in creating and maintaining group solidarity. C) Intense social solidarity is possible only in societies having homogeneous ancestry. In Arembepe, high ethnic diversity weakens kinship ties. D) Arembepeiros who became successful were bound by social obligation to share their wealth. This powerful leveling mechanism worked against social solidarity. E) In societies with clans and lineages, social solidarity is much more developed, because they have more elaborate kinship rituals than Arembepeiros do.
B) Intense social solidarity demands that some people be excluded. By asserting they were all related—that is, by excluding no one—Arembepeiros were actually weakening kinship's potential strength in creating and maintaining group solidarity.
What are the two basic social units of foraging societies? A) the nuclear family and the band B) the band and the clan C) the extended family and the clan D) the lineage and the nuclear family E) the band and the extended family
A) the nuclear family and the band
What makes up ego's nuclear family of orientation? A) parents and siblings B) lineal kin C) collateral kin D) spouse and offspring E) extended family
A) parents and siblings
Anthropologists are interested in kinship calculation, which is A) people's emic perspective on family values. B) the position from which one views an egocentric genealogy. C) the system by which people in a society reckon their kin relationships. D) the process by which people choose their postmarital residence. E) the rules people use to determine their ethnic affiliation to a group.
C)the system by which people in a society reckon their kin relationships
In a bifurcate merging kinship system, which of the following would be referred to by the same term? A) F and MB B) FZ and MZ C) JR and BJ D) MB and FB E) M and MZ
E) M and MZ
A lineal kinship terminology A) is often found in association with the distinction between parallel and cross cousins. B) uses the same term to refer to M and MZ. C) uses two terms to identify ego's parents' siblings: one term for both FZ and MZ and another term for both FB and MB. D) is generally found in societies with patrilineal descent rules. E) stresses relationships with collaterals.
C) uses two terms to identify ego's parents' siblings: one term for both FZ and MZ and another term for both FB and MB
What is the most common system of kinship classification used in the United States? A) generational B) bifurcate collateral C) bifurcate merging D) patrilineal E) lineal
E) Lineal
The BarĂ­ of Venezuela recognize multiple fathers, even though biologically there can be only one actual genitor. This example shows A) cultures' explanations for biological processes vary because the access and quality of educational systems vary as well. B) that women have a better understanding of biological processes than do men. C) that multiple (partible) paternity is a common and beneficial biological fact. D) how, as in the United States, having more than one father is detrimental to a child's development and adjustment in society. E) that like race and gender, kinship is culturally constructed.
E) that like race and gender, kinship is culturally constructed
According to Wallerstein (1982, 2004), what are the three structural positions of the modern world system? A) state, nation-state, and nation B) metropole, satellite, and semi-satellite C) core, periphery, and semiperiphery D) wealth, power, and prestige E) preliterate, nonliterate, and literate
C) core, periphery, and semiperiphery
In anthropology, history, and literature, the field of postcolonial studies has gained prominence since the 1970s. Postcolonial refers to A) an up-and-coming subfield in sociology. B) a moral stance toward oppressed peoples. C) the study of the interactions between European nations and the societies they colonized. D) the study of social movements that, instead of rejecting colonialism, actually embraced it and transformed it for their own benefit. E) the period succeeding the slave trade.
C) the study of the interactions between European nations and the societies they colonized
Which of the following statements about Karl Marx is NOT true? A) He emphasized class consciousness. B) He analyzed 19th-century industrial production capitalism. C) He viewed socioeconomic stratification in terms of several classes with different but complementary interests. D) He called the owners of the means of production the bourgeoisie. E) He called the people who sold their own labor the proletariat.
C) he viewed socioeconomic stratification in terms of several classes with different but complimentary interests
How does the modern world system affect ethnographers A) They need to be aware of the fact that any culture they study is influenced by and has influence on other cultures. B) There are almost no truly isolated cultures left, making it difficult to do real ethnographic research. C) It has brought about a blending of the races, which makes it harder to identify specific cultures. D) They must be careful when comparing their findings to those who did work in the first half of the 20th century, when there were many isolated cultures. E) There are no more indigenous peoples.
A)They need to be aware of the fact that any culture they study is influenced by and had influence on other cultures
According to Gerhard Lenski (1966), in advanced industrial societies what reduces the polarization between the owning and working classes? A) the growth of the middle class B) less social mobility C) a less complex stratification system D) a socialist government E) off-shoring of low-wage jobs
A) the growth of the middle class
Which of the following statements about environmental hazards in American communities is NOT accurate? A) Economic resources and political clout have little to do with where polluting facilities are constructed. B) Polluting industries are more likely to target communities with fewer resources to organize a resistance. C) Poorer communities are more likely to be victims of toxic waste exposure than are more affluent or even average (middle class) communities. D) Environmental hazards are located disproportionately in minority and poor neighborhoods. E) Polluting facilities are often built in neighborhoods undergoing demographic and social transition.
A) Economic resources and political clout have little to do with where polluting facilities are constructed
As this chapter's "Appreciating Anthropology" segment notes, around the world many contemporary nations are repeating—at an accelerated rate—the process of resource depletion that started in Europe and the United States during the Industrial Revolution. Fortunately, however, A) the money made from this resource depletion always benefits the host communities and countries. B) anthropologists are increasingly being consulted prior to the start of new resource extraction projects. C) resource depletion now is more than 80 percent sustainable. D) today's world has some environmental watchdogs—many of them anthropologists—who did not exist during the first centuries of the Industrial Revolution. E) this resource depletion is very localized, since extractive enterprises have been using new technologies that completely eliminate negative externalities.
D) today's world has some environmental watchdogs-many of them anthropologist- who did not exist during the first centuries of the Industrial Revolution
Communism has two meanings, distinguished by how they are written. Small-c communism describes a social system in which property is owned by the community and in which people work for the common good. Large-C Communism A) is Lenin's political theory of small-c communism. B) is just another version of neoliberalism but in disguise. C) was a political movement and doctrine seeking to overthrow capitalism and establish a form of communism such as that which prevailed in the Soviet Union (the USSR) from 1917 to 1991. D) refers to the social aspects of small-c communism. E) is an imperial doctrine to appropriate private capital for the sake of the survival of the state.
C) was a political movement and doctrine seeking to overthrow capitalism and establish a form of communism such as that which prevailed in the Soviet Union (the USSR) from 1917 to 1991.
________ is the term for the physical destruction of ethnic groups by murder, warfare, and introduced diseases. A) Sociocide B) Genocide C) Biocide D) Patricide E) Ethnocide
B) Genocide
Which of the following statements about British colonialism is NOT true? A) It can be divided into two stages. B) It was partly driven by business interests. C) It began to disintegrate after World War II. D) It was legitimized by the racist notion of the "white man's burden." E) It lacked an intervention philosophy.
E) it lacked an intervention philosophy
Which of the following is NOT true of core nations? A) They represent the dominant structural position in the world system. B) They have advanced systems of production. C) They consist of the strongest and most powerful states. D) They have complex economies. E) They export their raw materials to other countries.
E) they export their raw materials to other countries
What does the term Columbian exchange refer to? A) the spread of European notions and technologies of warfare to Native Americans, who never engaged in massive violent campaigns prior to the 1500s B) the spread of people, resources, products, ideas, and diseases between the Eastern and Western hemispheres after contact C) the exchange of culture that occurred among Native Americans and Europeans that eventually led to the first great civilizations in the Americas and, in Europe, the first classless societies D) the general reciprocity that characterized the relationship between Europeans and Native Americans during the first 15 years after initial contact E) the peaceful exchange among Europeans and Native Americans of native edible plant species
B) the spread of people, resources, products, ideas, and diseases between the eastern and Western hemispheres after contact
The labels First World, Second World, and Third World represent a common, if ethnocentric, way of categorizing nations. First World refers to the democratic West, which is traditionally conceived of as being in opposition to a Second World ruled by A) primitive neoliberalism. B) imperialism. C) dictators. D) Communism. E) folk economic and political models.
D) communism
All of the following are true about neoliberalism EXCEPT that it A) refers to a recent revival of economic liberalism. B) has been spreading globally. C) is characterized by the policy that environmental protection and job safety are too important to be left unregulated. D) seeks to control costs by lowering wage expenses. E) characterizes the type of policies designed by powerful international financial institutions.
C) is characterized by the policy that environmental protection and job safety are too important to be left unregulated
In postsocialist Russia's initial changeover to capitalism, all of the following declined EXCEPT A) the birth rate. B) the gross domestic product. C) farm and industry subsidies. D) the poverty rate. E) life expectancy.
D) the poverty rate
According to Karl Marx, classes are A) not important to his vision of social change in Western society. B) powerful collective forces that could mobilize human energies to influence the course of history. C) complementary, in that they each do different tasks necessary for the survival of the society. D) based more on notions of prestige and morality than on actual economic differences. E) part of the original, preindustrial social system of humans.
B) powerful collective forces that could mobilize human energies to influence the course of history
What best characterizes the intervention philosophy of the British empire? A) this land is our land B) in his majesty's domain C) manifest destiny D) fifty-four forty or fight E) white man's burden
E) white man's burden
According to Weber, what are the three dimensions of social stratification? A) status, exchange, and religion B) age, gender, and ethnicity C) gender, ethnicity, and race D) wealth, power, and prestige E) the means of production, mode of production, and measure of production
D) wealth, power, and prestige
Periphery nations A) lack industrialization. B) have economies that disproportionately benefit capitalists in the core. C) export to the core but not to the semiperiphery. D) are isolated from the world economy. E) have little incentive to interact with nations of the core.
B) have economies that disproportionately benefit capitalists in the core
What is the name of the political, social, economic, and cultural domination of a territory and its people by a foreign power for an extended time? A) petty capitalism B) industrialization C) colonialism D) apartheid E) alienation
C) colonialism
Neoliberalism is a new form of the old economic liberalism laid out in Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations (1776). To Smith, economic liberalism encouraged free enterprise and competition, with the goal of generating profits. However, this meaning of liberal A) varies depending on whether it refers to politics in a Western or non-Western context. B) has no implications for the relationship between economics and the state. C) is different from the one typically used in current U.S. politics, in which liberal is the opposite of conservative. D) is a more accurate use of the term than the one Americans typically hear in current talk radio. E) is a Protestant ideology.
C) Is different from the one typically used in current U.S. politics, in which liberal is the opposite of conservative
By promoting rural-to-urban migration, industrialization hastened the process of proletarianization, which is A) a form of communism. B) the separation of workers from the means of production. C) elite domination of the means of communication, schools, and other key institutions. D) personal identification with one's own economic group. E) the shift from mills and factories to cottages and farms.
B) the separation of workers from the means of production
What changes did workers instigate in response to industrialization in England? A) Workers demanded the 8-hour work day and the Sabbath off. B) Workers won the right to control production. C) Workers launched a proletarian revolution. D) Workers barred women and children from working in factories. E) Workers developed organizations to protect their interests.
E) workers developed organizations to protect their interests
What term refers to wealth or resources invested in business with the intent of producing a profit? A) capital B) socioeconomic stratification C) the modern world system D) industrialization E) an open class system
A) Capital
The growth of a market for sugar in Europe spurred A) the movement of capitalism, once a cultural trait specific to New Guinea (where sugar was first domesticated), to the rest of the world. B) the movement of sugar-producing nations from the periphery to the core of the world system. C) a tremendous expansion in the strength of independent indigenous nations of Mexico and South America. D) the development of a transatlantic slave trade. E) a long-term improvement in the distribution of wealth among the rural peasantry of England.
D) the development of transatlantic slave trade